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David Bell
David Bell
3 years ago

The “canary in the mine” for Labour are two photographs. One is Emily Thornberry’s photograph of a house displaying a flag and her obvious distaste and the second is Keir Starmer taking a knee for BLM. Both show not just a disconnect to the voters outside the core areas but also an inability to understand that being patriotic also means being proud of British achievements, from the ending of slavery to defeating Hitler.

Labour appear incapable of accepting that Britain contributed anything to the world!

Geoff Cox
Geoff Cox
3 years ago

An analysis that is all possibly true, of course, but I think the chances of Keir Starmer dropping the wokery is very slim. He may up the patriotic message, but most likely he will keep his head down and wait for the Conservatives to self-destruct. In short the last paragraph is the most likely – what a depressing thought.

However, one thing not taken into consideration is the possibility of a new right of centre, patriotic party starting up. I think a new party here could win up to 30% of votes cast. It would have a Faragist message, but this time I hope Nigel Farage will be just a part of it, not all of it. A start was made with the Brexit Party and that needs to be resurrected with a new name.