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Andrew D
Andrew D
3 years ago

Would that be the Sidney and Beatrice Webb who were prominent members of the Josef Stalin fan club? Or the George Bernard Shaw who considered that those who betrayed the revolution ‘should be pushed off the ladder with a rope around their necks’? Stalin killed far more than Hitler. How can it be that apologists for the greater mass murderer can be described (as here) as ‘respectable, rationalist and progressive’, while anyone describing Hitler’s supporters in similar terms would (quite rightly) be condemned?

Chris Mochan
Chris Mochan
3 years ago

“If you study anthropology in Xinjiang, at the top of your reading list you’ll find an American name: 19th-century anthropologist Lewis Henry Morgan.”

I’m not sure what this means, what is the connection? Do the Chinese in Xinjiang use this work as a blueprint? Is it widely read by the Chinese? Why would i find this at the top of my reading list?

Alan Girling
Alan Girling
3 years ago

Reading this, one would likely get the impression that only women are the victims of eugenics policies and forced sterilization. All the data and examples given are for women. While it is undoubtedly true that many of these efforts target women specifically, and the physical impact is likely much more traumatic for women, I know at least in Canada, which has its own shameful history in the 20th century, especially in the provinces of Alberta and British Columbia, men made up a significant proportion of victims. In Alberta at one time, it was at 42% men. So I wonder whether the Chinese are including men in their affront to the dignity and rights of the Uighur people. We don’t know because the article doesn’t mention it.

David George
David George
3 years ago
Reply to  Alan Girling

From what I have seen of Sarah’s writing I think she sees men as barely worth a thought, much less wasting time writing about.

Lee Johnson
Lee Johnson
3 years ago


Tony Taylor
Tony Taylor
3 years ago

You mean the respectable and broad-based dictator fanclub?

Douglas Redmayne
Douglas Redmayne
3 years ago

If eugenics had been practiced in Britain with sterilisation of the unfit who couldnt or wouldnt work ascearly Labour party members proposed we would be wealthier and would not have had Brexit. The Fabians were not long sighted enough.

Peter Kriens
Peter Kriens
3 years ago

Interestingly we are also doing a massive eugenic experiment in our society to improve the IQ of the Uber class and lower it of the working class.

Instead of sterilization, we select young girls and boys by intelligence and then put the most intelligent in breeding campuses so they will mate together. Since IQ is highly heritable (don’t believe it can be influenced with education, gains taper off quickly with age) we are well on our way creating an Uber race and a leader less working class.

So let’s be careful not to think eugenic projects don’t happen in the west.

3 years ago
Reply to  Peter Kriens

Many of whom, decided there are enough people in the world or, do not like the way the world and society is travelling, so chose not to have children, leaving those who,for a variety of reasons, did not complete their education to the required level soon enough or chose another route into employment.

Now drugs and alcohol contribute much to problem….

mike otter
mike otter
3 years ago
Reply to  Peter Kriens

That’s the plan but i expect it won’t work out like that. Anyone working with todays graduates will know that the % of highly intelligent ones is similar to the % of people who went to Unis and the few good Polys in the 60s and 70s. (ie about 6%) The rest are not going to make any real mark beyond holding positions gifted to their class – particularly in the 3rd and public sectors. So very similar to the Chinese party apparatchik system. IQ measures are notoriously hard to validate and do not seem to be reflected in life outcomes, financially or emotionally. These little princelings will wheedle along in the 40-60k jobs, some will get lucky financially, eg become MPs or head teachers. Most will never out earn a good plumber let alone an entrepreneur. This is why they favour a Chinese type command economy. I doubt they have the drive or intelligence to bring this about.

conall boyle
conall boyle
3 years ago

Something odd going on here. China is Evil and yet.
Is this country democratic? Here in the UK just over half — 56% agree (according to a 2020 NATO-organised survey). Meanwhile nearly three-quarters — 73% of the Chinese people who live under the Communist Party regime said yes, ‘My country is democratic’.
In another survey, this time organised in 2019 by Edelman (a US PR firm, the largest in the world) the question was “Do you trust our government?” Here the scores were UK ““ 36%, China ““ 90% . The Chinese Communist Government is the most trusted in the world.
These are not Chinese propaganda, these are the result from western agencies. Please try to explain why our values are so feeble before condemning others.

Alan Girling
Alan Girling
3 years ago
Reply to  conall boyle

I have been teaching mainland Chinese students in Canada for the past 20 years, and I have learned that they know perfectly well how oppressive and corrupt their government is. They know what democracy is, and that ain’t it. They know they are under surveillance through technology 24/7. They know they are not allowed to say a word against the government without consequences. They know they have no access to free and open communications media that presents alternative points of view. And for most of them, this is just life, a matter of course, and not something to fight against. They play along, say or do what is necessary, and get on with the business of surviving. They are outwardly very compliant, but they are not stupid. That 90% is hardly surprising.

Mark Corby
Mark Corby
3 years ago
Reply to  conall boyle

“Our values are so feeble”, really, is that the considered view from the Emerald Isle?
Centuries of success and global conquest have certainly produced a touch of apathy,
which is hardly surprising. It’s a case of ‘Dives in Omnia’.
However you don’t seriously believe a word the wretched Chinese say do you? A nation that has slaughtered in excess of one hundred million of its own people since 1949, is hardly a beacon of Democracy.
Either way we have no need for alarm, the US Navy and its fleet of Nuclear Ballistic Submarines will make short work of the ‘Middle Kingdom’. The subsequent eco bonus will be enormous. So cheer up! Salvation is at hand.