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Pieter Schoombee
Pieter Schoombee
3 years ago

Trump evidently does not understand the G7 or why it exists, what with his ignorant “outdated” remark and his innovative list of guest countries to the upcoming meeting. So many countries; no hiding of the elephant in the room. If membership of the G7 is to be extended, as it should, the first country on the list is China, not (his trying hard to befriend) Putin’s Russia.

3 years ago

These powerful countries groupings should:
1) be geared towards solving specific global challenges (and there’s no lack of those, but we could start with pandemic readiness, nuclear war, climate change, bio/genetic warfare, superintelligence, and out of earth colonization),
2) include the top 10 countries in terms of last 12 months GDP, population size and military power (metric tbd), weighted equally, and
3) exclude ideology of any type. In order to solve these huge problems, it’s irrelevant if the country is communist, capitalist, catholic, muslim, or whatever label they or others like to place on them.
In these terms, for example, Australia is just, well, irrelevant.