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Andrew Best
Andrew Best
3 years ago

More rubbish from Tanya again
Trump is not a white supremacist but don’t let facts get in the way of your leftie rubbish.
Maybe people watch superhero films because their escapism?
Otherwise everything you watch or listen to has been infected by the left wing agenda, listen to the radio for music sorry we much push BLM are lovely, you are not.
Watch TV sorry we must educate you about how evil you are
Can we not have any simple pleasures any more or must every aspect of our lives be taken over your left wing politics?
P.s. 2000ad a British comic since 1977 is far better than marvel of DC but how would you know, too low brow I am sure?

Mark Corby
Mark Corby
3 years ago
Reply to  Andrew Best

Well said, spot on!
Your mention of 2000 AD, reminds me of its progenitor, The Eagle, with its super hero Dan Dare (the Biggles of Outer Space!).
The enemy then was the super evil, Mekon, leader of the dastardly Treens. Now that was an enemy you could respect, unlike the contemporary ‘woke worms’.

Mark Corby
Mark Corby
3 years ago

You are deluding yourself, but not us. Red Neck and Blue Collar America adore Mr Trump. Why? He does what he says, it’s that simple.
Virtually all previous Presidents since Nixon, have been utter charlatans, as have most British Prime Ministers.
As to this repetitive charge of narcissism, come off it, by comparative analysis with the morons who vegetate in Hollywood, Trump is an angel. Open your eyes, while there is still time.

Stephanie Surface
Stephanie Surface
3 years ago

Sorry UnHerd, every article by Tanya is rubbish. Same when she writes for the DT. Sadly DT blocks now-a-days the comment section under her opinion pieces

David George
David George
3 years ago

Hardly surprising that DT blocks comments.
They should be deeply embarrassed but why even have her essays up in the first place.

Clive Mitchell
Clive Mitchell
3 years ago

Look I’m no Trump fan, but Surely you could come up with better criticism of him than this? This piece is incoherent and loses any sense of direction after the first sentence. What really was this about? I’ve learnt you don’t like super hero movies, but you appear to have watched a lot of them. Why!

I’m not over fond of them either, but your use of them as an attack on Trump could charitably called contrived.

I’ll probably show greater discrimination in the articles I read going forward, why don’t you do the same for the movies you watch?

Mike SampleName
Mike SampleName
3 years ago

I get a lot of exposure to superheroes, having a 9yo son. Your portrayal of them is wildly out, to put it mildly.
Anti-intellectualism is possibly the most out there. Batman, an example you use, is lauded most for his intelligence and deductive powers – he’s not called “The World’s Greatest Detective” for nothing… And your reference to Prof X is ridiculous. His wheelchair is a symbol of showing that physical prowess is not everything, he can do more with his mind than most others can with world-shattering biceps.
For representation, Marvel and DC are stuffed full of female, non-white and non-hetero characters. Two minutes on the relevant Wikis would tell you that.
To say you’re misrepresenting to try and prove your point is an understatement. Poison Ivy an environmentalist? Well, yeh, technically she is… She also would like to remove humanity altogether.
I don’t deny that the attraction of superheroes is something which can be debated, but it seems an essential part of human psychology – we used to have stories of Heracles, Gilgamesh, Bran the Blessed or Loki to immerse ourselves in, this is simply the modern equivalent.

Stan Lenartowicz
Stan Lenartowicz
3 years ago

Still doing the self loathing thing I see….

Bill Gaffney
Bill Gaffney
3 years ago

Another pathetic diatribe by a pathetic, little Child who would have difficulty finding her okole with both hands, a 1:50 and a Sherpa guide. Life, Child, isn’t Horrywood. One of these days misguided, ignorant Child you might become aware of how insignificant and utterly ignorant are your rants. However…it is doubtful.

Pete Kreff
Pete Kreff
3 years ago

If the superhero culture twinned perfectly with the early age of Trump

Er, it didn’t. The first Batman films were in the 90s, Captain America was in the cinemas before anyone dreamt that Trump would be president, Ironman ditto, the first X-men was from the year 2000, Spiderman films early 2000s.

The whole article is based on at least one false premise. And it reads like a haphazard collection of notes rather than an essay.

Arnold Fishman
Arnold Fishman
3 years ago

clearly this author is not a libertarian but leftist. fortunately its not whether Trump is a zero or less than perfect or less than a superhero, but whether God chose this man to lead America in this hour. for those with faith in the promises of the bible, we believe that God alone raises up leaders and delivers. Hopefully with God’s help, he is the man for the hour and also for the next hour too.