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3 years ago

I ditched Zoom and keeping WhatsApp for connecting with friends and family abroad. Feeling very strongly about this and, unfortunately, it will cost me a few friendships because I refuse to acknowledge “distancing” as the norm for the foreseeable future. It’s not like I would jump at people to kiss and embrace them – but refusal to meet up on a loan over a cup of take away coffee with social distancing in place because “it is not safe” is not acceptable. I am not Zooming with people who live a few blocks away!

Jean Redpath
Jean Redpath
3 years ago

The “new normal” will not last. There will be a backlash. The AIDS pandemic – when AIDS was 100% fatal – did not result in people having safe sex. Raising the proportion of people wearing a condom for casual sex took years of public education. One of my favourite headlines of this pandemic has been: “Breathing and talking may spread the virus.” Quite.

Malcolm Ripley
Malcolm Ripley
3 years ago

The security guy at my work jokingly calls me the “super spreader” because I have the audacity to purchase a roll and sausage for breakfast at a snack bar round the corner from my work and I use cash. Quick call the police! The other day another customer started to moan about this covid carry on and the fact it affects the old and sick way way way more than anyone else. He wasn’t being bad just realistic, the sort of realism we avoid every Autumn as flu starts to wipe out 20-44,000 people and nobody blinks. With that in mind I had thought : I wondered whether if I introduced myself to this customer in the normal handshake manner it would start an underground handshake movement…..mask wearers beware!

I think I will call it HANSAD , HANdShakes Against Distancing