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Andrew Best
Andrew Best
4 years ago

They lost in 2016 to a man they consider evil.
This sent them collectively crazy and they have suffered from orange man bad, trump derangement syndrome ever since.
At no point did they look at themselves in the mirror ask the question how bad are we that they voted for him?
If like labour over here the democrats over there do not face the truth that the voters will vote for a man or a party they consider evil rather than them, they should be asking themselves what are we doing wrong?

David Barnett
David Barnett
4 years ago
Reply to  Andrew Best

I do hope you are not holding your breath waiting for TDS sufferers to ask “what are we doing wrong?”.

Seriously, the synoptic monoculture of the deep establishment is a worry of civilisation imperilling proportions. We are in an era of novel challenges where the old levers of power no longer move things as they used to. In nature, monocultures, and big creatures are peculiarly prone to extinction in challenging times. The last thing we need is the establishment continuing to persecute heresy.

4 years ago
Reply to  Andrew Best

An empty review. Are you actually wondering about whether professional political operatives & players look in mirrors and ask questions about themselves such that they might become weepy and change their ways? This is naive piffle, these people know exactly what was up; a TV celeb just won the Presidency, and goddamn if none of them were TV celebrities. Therefore a fix must be manufactured in order to reset the train back on it’s tracks.
Neoliberals don’t consider Trump “evil” that is nonsense. They are not naive, they know damn well they are every bit as evil as any other office holder on the opposing side. In fact they are probably quite proud of that skill.

Fraser Bailey
Fraser Bailey
4 years ago

Finally, an article in the British media which outlines the truth about the Russia collusion scam. I still speak to people who believe Trump was elected because ‘Russia’. Personally I think Trump has every right to try and turn the tables with ‘Obamagate’. This was a far bigger scandal than Watergate and both Obama and Biden seem to have been aware of what was going on, even it they didn’t explicitly authorise it. The Democrats and the CIA, the Military Industrial Complex and the media are addicted to war and the money it brings. Trump threatened to upset their lucrative apple cart and they did all they could to stop him.

Either way, this is another issue that starkly defines the giant divide that is currently playing out across the west. Namely, the divide between a demonstrably evil elite and most normal people. It is a divide that China is currently exploiting to devastating effect.

David Barnett
David Barnett
4 years ago
Reply to  Fraser Bailey

You are right. None of the “Russia elected Trump” camp seems to understand that Russia does not care who is in the White House as long as there is political paralysis in the USA. Russian troll farms, for example, are equal-opportunity trollers. The sole motivation seems to be the stoking of controversy and polarisation. If Americans cannot talk to each other civilly, there is no hope meeting today’s challenges.

Andrew Hall
Andrew Hall
4 years ago

Obama is emerging from this as a mere character actor, a tool of the continuity state. His intention was probably not to sabotage Trump but protect his own tattered legacy. The sadly misguided Obama appointees conspired together to settle scores and protect his ‘legacy’ but inevitably trashed his reputation along with their own. The sad fact is there never was an Obama legacy worth mentioning and history may judge him a far bigger fool than Trump.

Jim Bowen
Jim Bowen
4 years ago
Reply to  Andrew Hall

There was the precious Iran deal to protect.

4 years ago

‘With his re-election prospects precarious…’

Are they?

It is worth remembering in 2016 his election prospects were none existant.

W. P.
W. P.
4 years ago

Comey, Brennan, McCabe, Rosenstein, et al, are partisans in the sense they will support any & all parties that will keep them ensconced in their fiefdoms. That they were able to gain the (tacit, at the least) support of then-president Obama in their endeavours was a grace note.

Who they were appointed by has little bearing on who or what they give their allegiance to.

Bill Gaffney
Bill Gaffney
4 years ago

Wow! The most convoluted telling of something that is a disgrace by DemocratSlaveryParty POLS and many of their slimy, little operatives to end up blaming (that’s President) Trump. By the way, Old Boy, the only poll that counts is the final one in November. LunchBox Groper Joe will be so brain dead by then (if not under indictment) he will be incapable of cognizant thought..much less coherent speech. He demonstrates the lack of the latter every time he flaps his lips. As a prior Never Trumper I will vote for him this time, if only to see the DemocratSlaveryParty POLS, their Stooges, Tools and the Deep State Apparatchiks eyes bleed when he is re-elected. Or it is to be hoped their heads implode. As an at-birth DemocratSlaveryParty Tool who became aware of the evil of the DemocratSlaveryParty in 1978 I despise it.

Mark Gilbert
Mark Gilbert
4 years ago

What’s an attempted coup between friends?

Has the writer lost his mind?

Obama attempted to overthrow a duly elected President.

Trump feels aggrieved? Wow, you bet.

Heads need to roll ( no, no, not literally!) and Trump win again by default.