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Warren Alexander
Warren Alexander
4 years ago

Of all the empty-headed nonsense written and uttered by pompous, opinionated but essentially ignorant media commentators, this just about takes the biscuit for utter pointlessness.

4 years ago

It does indeed – it echoes the drivel written by leftie trolls. No-one – no-one – in politics really wants to hurt voters in any way. A very foolish article.

mike otter
mike otter
4 years ago

True that. They seem to think the virus panic is a licence for drivel and that somehow we’ll all feel too guilty about being well to call out these pompous clowns. This website started with so much promise but after a year or two is now very much like the Times etc.

Fraser Bailey
Fraser Bailey
4 years ago

Yes, it’s appalling, but the writer is something to do with the BBC so what else do you expect?

4 years ago

Long before 1890, Benjamin Disraeli, the founder of the modern Conservative party, was concerned about the workers. Read Sybil first published in 1845. Then there was Randolph Churchill.

4 years ago

A depressing read!
I am not sure such cynicism will get us very far.

Terry Davis
Terry Davis
4 years ago

Boris does need watching, but I don’t think just bashing him is real journalism, rather it appears to be a political activist, posing as a journalist, serving up opinoion as if it has the same weight as fact.

Gerry Fruin
Gerry Fruin
4 years ago

I wonder if the author has ever thought about getting a job that requires some effort, mental or/and physical? Who does is called a worker. Those who sneer and pontificate from the safety of a keyboard are called w*****rs. Question! who if anyone pays for this mindless uninformed drivel?
Come on Unheard I’m all for variety and freedom to express all views, but we your readers would appreciate a modicum of quality

JR Stoker
JR Stoker
4 years ago

This really does not make a lot of sense. Politics in a national emergency is different to long term strategies. (War being the very obvious one.) That is why Conservatism is not just about freemarkets and the promotion of enterprise and low taxation and minimising the role of government, it also has a deeper concept of a state which is there to protect its citizens from external and internal threat. But when the threat has been seen off, then the fundamentals come back as to how best to set people free and provide what it is they need.

The Tory Party has never been against workers, it has always thought the long term interests of all people are best represented by what it promotes as its principles.

And I presume the author by “worker contract” means what is generally known as zero hours contracts? Not many NHS workers are on those, and people who take them on in the NHS generally do it because they want the flexibility, which does carry a risk of not going many or any hours of work. In the BBC they are known as freelancers and we know why they prefer that status!

4 years ago

Why not wait for the facts to emerge, Confirmation bias is a tricky thing.

Howard Medwell
Howard Medwell
4 years ago

This aspect of British politics cannot be explained by reference to “Tory vs. Labour” electoral results.
The so-called “1945 consensus”, traditionally attributed, especially in Labour Party circles, to the result of the 1945 General Election, continued to be maintained by the Conservative governments of 1951-64.
Under Churchill, Eden, Macmillan and Home, vast numbers of council houses were built, the NHS was not abolished, and full employment was maintained, even though this led to increased trade union militancy.
After 1979, the Conservative policy of council-house sales could also be seen as a concession to at least some workers, as it offered working-class families an alternative road to economic security which had not been available totgemachte as tenants.
And the New Labour governments of 1997-2010 continued this “1979 consensus”, with support for home-ownership and disregard for trade union rights.
Both major parties did what the workers seemed to want. They both tried to. capture the centre ground… but the centre ground itself shifted, now to the left, now to the right.
My guess is that the Johnson government will reposition the centre ground once again, towards the workers, if you like, and the newly re-Blairized Labour Party will find it very difficult to recapture it.

Robyn Lagrange
Robyn Lagrange
4 years ago

The Conservative Party has always relied on working class support. It really couldn’t be elected without it. I’ll be happy to see it return to a reasonable settlement with the general public after a period of deviation. In recent times it had become what it had previously been unjustly accused of. It used to be a patriotic party of common sense that workers could support. If it is returning to that, it is a welcome development.

Edward Hulse
Edward Hulse
4 years ago

Dont kid yourself with this article, just like after the first world war these current “hero’s” will be forgotten. Sure they wont be selling matches in the street like the solidiers hero’s after 1919, but politicians and business (and the general public) will revert to, at best apathy, or at worst the normal cost cutting exercises. However, if the Tories really mean it then they have a chance of keeping those northern seats they took from Labour at the next election, i doubt it though. Big business will revert to pre virus days, fact!

4 years ago

” lives had been cut short by cancer and scoliosis.” hmm… silicosis?

Andrew Best
Andrew Best
4 years ago

Since when did labour care about the workers?
BBC bias again, if websites like this are going to promote BBC bias what is your point of existing?
I turned my backs on the BBC to get away from these middle class social warriors and yet there they are always tutting and wagging a finger in our faces.

Fuck off Fuck off
Fuck off Fuck off
4 years ago

Great article.