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John Zachary
John Zachary
4 years ago

I read the first few lines and that was enough. The data clearly shows Covid-19 is no more lethal than seasonal flu. This ‘pandemic’ has killed 0.003 of the world’s population while simultaneously putting millions at risk of starvation because of the ill-conceived, ill-advised and incompetent actions of sheepish governments around the world. Sweden took a more measured approach and this is to their credit. If the concern really is about “saving lives” then open all economies and send healthy, immune functioning people back to work. Enough of the nonsense about this virus. People die everyday. That is part of life. If you are immune impaired, very old, or just like to stay at home then do so, but others are having their rights trampled on for a spurious reason. More importantly, millions will die because of these action. The opposite of what we are being told.
25,000 deaths attributed to seasonal flu in the UK 2017-2018 flu season. Nothing closed. No media hysteria.

Michael Dawson
Michael Dawson
4 years ago
Reply to  John Zachary

This is a dishonest argument. The virus is no more deadly than seasonal flu? Well, maybe if you take extreme preventive measures like the current lockdowns for coronavirus, but for flu then life goes on normally, apart from a vaccination programme for the elderly. But that is not a like for like comparison. Without the lockdowns or similar measures, the death rate from coronavirus would be much higher. I don’t know how much higher, but if health systems are overwhelmed then a lot of people who now survive because they can get hospital treatment will die without such help. There’s an argument for saying we should just bite that bullet and hope herd immunity kicks in at some point without the death toll being prohibitive. But please don’t say the whole thing is a big con and no bigger deal than the flu.

John Zachary
John Zachary
4 years ago
Reply to  Michael Dawson

NOT TRUE. WATCH SWEDEN! It will all end up the same.

Peter Mott
Peter Mott
4 years ago
Reply to  John Zachary

“The coronavirus pandemic has driven deaths in Britain to their highest weekly total since records began, official figures have shown.”
Therefore this disease is more lethal than seasonal flu.

Dave Weeden
Dave Weeden
4 years ago
Reply to  Peter Mott

Not if the excess deaths aren’t all from the Coronavirus, it isn’t. Anecdotally, just from news reports, there have been murders (allegedly by people in despair, like the guy in Ilford who appears to have killed his family), suicides. People have lost jobs. Many people are much more stressed; all these could be factors.
Also, there are more people in the country since records began, births are probably near the highest weekly total since records began, and, if that’s the case, that wouldn’t be down to the virus.

4 years ago
Reply to  Peter Mott

Unless you know how and where the testing was done, the data is meaningless. Taiwan did not do lockdown and neither did Japan. They should be worse but they are not, they have had better outcomes.

Belgium has mortality rates off the page because it counts all nursing home deaths regardless of cause and without testing.

The US has massive mortality rates for similar reasons. Hospitals there receive extra money for Covid patients so guess what? Everyone is a Covid patient.

The virus is not understood, the testing is deeply flawed, the testing is not universally established or even coherent and in short what we know is that Covid is a risk to the very old who are very sick, not surprising; little risk to most and virtually no risk to children.

Let’s hope the vaccine does not injure and kill at worse rates than the disease itself.

Joe Smith
Joe Smith
4 years ago
Reply to  Peter Mott

The panic caused by reaction to Coronavirus (saturation media coverage and govt action to stop some NHS activity) is also resulting in more deaths. There’s a fair chance that this and the long term economic effects could lead to at least as many early deaths as the virus itself.

John Zachary
John Zachary
4 years ago
Reply to  Peter Mott

Over 90% of COVID-19 deaths involve comorbidities. There is no data to support the lockdown or vaccination of healthy, immune functioning people who are at no more risk from covid-19 than seasonal flu. Many sheep are happy to blithely give away their freedoms and hide…oops sorry…shelter in place. The death and misery caused by these WEAK actions of government are both an affront to freedom and logic.
Millions will starve, but as long as we do what we are told by our great leaders it must be the right thing.

4 years ago
Reply to  John Zachary

I used to think as you still do, then I saw the facts.

Michael Baldwin
Michael Baldwin
4 years ago

To be willing to have a vaccine, I would need convincing that:

a) I was under a very great risk by not having it

b) I was at no risk by having it

and the (b) part might take a lot of convincing, so I would as in the case of Ebola or whatever, have to be very convinced about the (a) part.

There is also apparently an awful lot of research now, and it appears mainstream, as it is based on known biochemical mechanisms, such as cortisone overproduction, that prolonged anxiety or fear can cause all sorts of health problems including reducing the power of the immune system.

It might be pointed out in passing by the way, that HIV has now been around since 1981, and no vaccine yet exists, so that’s nearly 40 years, with the result according to the WHO about 37 million worldwide are currently HIV positive, and up to 1 million are still dying as a result every year as compared to the roughly 213,000 allegedly dying of covid-19 so far, given that the death rate seems to be on the decline, so may not get beyond the 300,000 mark.

Which latter covid-19 figure doesn’t however much appear to distinguish between dying “of” and “with” covid-19, which may be a massively misleading statistical failure, if it turns out as many suspect that a huge proportion of the population has already been infected, so a large and currently unknown therefore proportion of the deaths attributed to covid-19 may be of some other cause.

It is rarely pointed out that “cause of death” always has been a potentially very controversial matter, because basically the only definite signs are stoppage of heart and breathing, and brain activity also it appears.

The point is, most of us are not normally that bothered about it, as firstly, it is by nature a pronouncement that always happens to somebody else (by the time it’s our turn, we are no longer around to debate it), and quite often we are, unless it’s very suspicious, relieved the person died, and not too fussed what goes on the certificate.

For nobody technically speaking “dies of cancer”, they die of organ failure, in particular (again we come back to it) heart and lungs, or we might even call it “systemic failure”, which could then apply to practically any death.

But the issue that in my view is making this a very hard matter to assess statistically – i.e. just how dangerous is covid-19, how many “additional deaths” it has caused – is being very muddied by the fact that due to the lockdown, and the relentless fear producing propaganda (whether it’s true or not is not the issue, merely that it has been issued forth), it has placed millions of people, almost entirely the old and vulnerable into unprecedented states of fear.

Not just temporary passing fear, like say when a terrorist attack happens, but then it’s forgotten usually within 2 weeks or a month (unless the media keeps going on about it).

But an ongoing fear resulting from an ingrained belief caused by incessant media scare stories, which have convinced older people that not only is their a “murderous invisible devil” out there, ravaging even the young and healthy, but they in particular, are most at risk.

So that if you are a certain age, you have been persuaded to believe that it is more or less a death sentence now to get this thing, and so quite likely hardly dare to leave your home or risk contact with anybody you know – family or friends – for fear they will be “the touch of death.”

The fact it might only be killing 1% of all people is no comfort, as offhand it is thought to be something like 15%-20% of people over 80, so it’s a lot more likely you are going to “win” at that, that the national lottery.

So the unknown and quite likely unknowable question is how many people are dying directly due to covid-19, or just due to the fear of it, even if they don’t actually have it (though may believe they do).

Or if they are found to have it, and they get hauled off to a hospital and attached to a ventilator, and (presumably) are either told or believe they have “the killer virus”, and this very fear itself (which by this point is probably extreme) causes them to believe they are about to die, that they are never going to emerge from that ICU alive.

I’d really, really like to see a very deep study into whether anybody could avoid exposure sooner or later to this thing with certainty, as I have my doubts.

I don’t mean that some people won’t ever be exposed, I believe that is possible, but just question that there is any definite series of actions anybody can take to assure that they, personally won’t be exposed.

For example, even if you somehow had your own private island (certain rich people seem to be following this strategy), as things like birds and insects cannot be quarantined, and can migrate round the world, or arrive in food or boats or planes that land on your island, would even that be a certainty that covid-19 wouldn’t somehow find a way to “come and get you”?

I almost hope it could.

Because I think we need to break this illusion that any of us can “social distance” in any safe and lasting way.

Especially if we find out many millions are carrying this thing already, as I suspect (as do many others in high places like former Israeli medical professor and adviser to government, Yoram Lass) is already the case.

Especially in crowded Western countries where millions of people have been travelling nationally and internationally, long before the virus was taken much notice of.

e.g. I conducted “a thought experiment” some time ago, if it would be possible not to get infected when using a public toilet, or one in a bar or restaurant or workplace.

My conclusion was it is nearly impossible, bearing in mind potentially infected taps, flush handles, door pushes or handles and so on, both on the way in and way out.

The point is, even if there is a very clever procedural way of not getting infected or risking passing it to someone else – which my guess is would require hospital operating theatre standards of hygiene – do we really think even most of the population would carry these measures out reliably?

Imagine bars and nightclubs full of hundreds of semi-drunken people, all in an alcoholic haze, trying to adopt the hygiene standards of sober operating theatre staff.

Or schools full of young children, who forget rules the teach tells them within minutes or even seconds after they are told them, and schools of teenagers who deliberately ignore or flout such rules.

Or gangs of men on construction sites who would consider it unmanly to “social distance” (I’ve already seen such gangs in the last week when travelling, and they weren’t social distancing at all, and not a face mask in sight).

In short, by going into a mass panic about covid-19, we have created an endless series of insoluble problems.

We have handed each other Gordian knots we are incapable of unravelling, from the government downwards.

We know what Alexander did with the Gordian knot – he took a big sword and sliced it to pieces.

In our case the answer is we simply go back to how we were before and live with it.

Those afraid, can wear face masks or try vaccines, or isolate themselves by choice, but we can’t have a functioning society and economy if we expect everybody to do that.

Especially if we find out that as research seems to suggest that the biggest killer is fear.

And then we need to get perspective, because part of the problem is another insoluble problem has been raised by the suggestion that

a) the government can control viruses

b) the government can stop us dying

So now we have a crazed fearful population who demands the government stops it dying or blames it for that.

When for example according to the ONS, of the roughly 607,000 deaths in the UK in 2017, 23% were avoidable – that’s 141,000 deaths which were effectively self-inflicted – about 7 times as many as currently have died from (or with) covid-19.

And in 2015, 115,000 of those deaths were smoking related.

And this incidentally is a truth known by doctors all the time – the public on the whole does not want to take responsibility for its own health, it refuses to (or is unable to) change its lifestyle, and instead wants doctors and the government to keep saving its life regardless of what it does.

So the government already had enough of a problem with the public demanding the government save its life, and taking little responsibility for that itself.

My advice to the government therefore is as follows:

a) stop all so called “social distancing” measures as their effect on social and economic life is utterly destructive.

Just picture when we reopen city centres, people in queues everywhere in sight, trying to stay 2 metres apart outside hundreds of different shops or banks or whatever.

How are children in schools supposed to stay 2 metres apart all the time?

How are people in bars, clubs, restaurants even supposed to talk to each other from 2 metres apart or with faces masks on?

Even if possible in publicly monitored areas, millions of people are going to continue to have intimate contact with total strangers as soon as they get into a private place (including their cars), or at private parties.

So it is a totally unworkable measure, that is only going to inconvenience the obedient citizens and the rest will flout at will.

b) stop telling the public about health problems you can’t solve, or at least not in such a way as induces mass panic, as in this case

c) now you’ve blundered into a situation where the public demands rescue from a problem if would not have likely noticed if you hadn’t told them (just as it hardly notices the annual 17,000 average flu deaths) you will have to increase hospital capacity dramatically for respiratory infections, as opposed to locking everyone up and destroying the economy, and taking away people’s human rights

d) as vaccines are such a tricky and potentially wasteful investment, and have failed dramatically in the case of HIV for nearly 40 years, instead conduct research into ways of strengthening the immune system, which may well be more about healthy lifestyle recommendations and an emphasis on better food and a cleaner and less stressful way of life and environment.

Scaring millions to death with lockdowns, and not definitely justified statistics exaggerating their likely chances of death, is probably not a good way to achieve that.

4 years ago

Before allowing anyone to inject you with anything it would be wise to read up on the harm done to many by the Swine Flu vaccine which was also rushed through.

The Flu vaccine is so minimally ‘effective’ it is useless. There is also research showing that it predisposes people to Acute Respiratory disease. One UK medical expert said recently that those who had the Flu vaccine should self-isolate for three months because of increased risk.

Whatever vaccine they invent will be a guestimate. Given the high infection rates, supposedly, taking into account the test is inadequate and the virus not purified and not even properly understood, and the low mortality rates, it is pretty clear no vaccine is required.

But, as long as it remains optional then those who want it can have it and those who do not can reject it.

4 years ago
Reply to  roslynross3

Good day Roslyn, well said. BUT, new legislation as of 27 April will FORCE any and everyone to have an injection. Refusal will result in draconian enforcement including incarceration, confiscation of property inc your house, huge fines and so imposed without court authority or right of individual appeal.
Mandatory vaccinations have been allowed for many years under certain circumstances but on 27 April 2020 this all changed.
Check out on government website the Public Health Control of Disease Act 1984. The year of the Act is unfortunate and the update now I’m law, appalling. Room 101 beckons if you object. THIS IS NOT A SPOOF BUT A REAL THREAT TO US ALL – except the Royals and I guess other select individuals.
Tell everyone you know; this needs to be dealt with asp.

Steve Dean
Steve Dean
4 years ago
Reply to  danny.zbrusi

This may not be the correct interpretation of the facts.

Michael Weis
Michael Weis
4 years ago

Sweeping the world are those who are paranoid, certain or both. In this case, anti-vaxxers, armed with their “evidence” swoop down on one of the most balanced and valuable articles I’ve found. Freedom of speech can be as dangerous as amyloid plaques as they clog the people’s ability to understand all sides.

Excellent article! Terrible comments.

David Uzzaman
David Uzzaman
4 years ago
Reply to  Michael Weis

I’m not an anti-vaxxer and indeed trot down to my GP every year for my annual flu jab but there is cause for concern about a novel vaccine developed and produced in haste with enormous political and economic pressures. Every developed country wants to be the first to get to the market and inevitably the safeguards and regulations which govern any new treatment may be compromised. Corners may be cut.

4 years ago

Great Content, Superhigh-quality and keep it up 🙂

Michael Dawson
Michael Dawson
4 years ago

Given the seriousness of the virus, I’d have thought plenty of people would be willing to volunteer to have the vaccine and then be deliberately exposed to the virus. If they can’t get enough younger people, I’d volunteer myself, although I don’t think any of the researchers are yet asking. As Tom says, under the current testing model, there is a risk that the numbers in the control group who get the virus may be so small that it is hard to be sure if the vaccine is effective or not. As I understand it, the control groups for the two UK studies are only about 500 people each. Hopefully, that should be enough, but it does seem an experimental design that follows the old protocols, rather than looking at the urgency of the current situation.

4 years ago
Reply to  Michael Dawson

Volunteers are good. Any mandatory vaccines are not good. Do yourself a favour though and read up on the harm done with the H1N1 vaccine which was also rushed through. Your choice to risk it.

Fraser Bailey
Fraser Bailey
4 years ago

Dr Fauci and many others have a massive financial interest in a compulsory vaccine – or so it is said (I don’t really know). Either way, I suspect any vaccine will indeed be unnecessary by the time it arrives, and highly likely to do more harm than good, as others below are suggesting.

4 years ago
Reply to  Fraser Bailey

“…many others have a massive financial interest in a compulsory vaccine – or so it is said (I don’t really know)” Are you channeling Donald Trump?

4 years ago

A challenging and provoking article to say the least. The notion that the pharmaceutical companies would try to produce an iLi vaccine to combat Covid-19 for philanthropic reasons is risible!! However, leaving aside cynicism and the simplistic labels of pro or anti vaccine believers, there are some critical questions needing answers. Whether or not honest answers will be given is prejudicial so the veracity of the answer will require factual backing! This is a list of important questions:

1. Who are the parties funding the Oxford Research and what are the quantum of those funds from each of the parties?
2. What is the list of tissue types (animal and vegetable) used in researching, developing and the manufacturing of the vaccine?
3. Is it intended that the vaccine be mono- or multi – valent?
4. In the case of a multi-valent injection, what testing has been carried out to establish the potential reaction of each of vaccine types against the others?
5. In respect of the answers for 3, what comparative placebo testing has been carried out in the volunteer group(s)?
6. What preservatives are used in the vaccine(s)?
7. What is the estimated percentage of vaccinated persons who will have resistance to the target iLi?
8. Who is going to accept culpability in the case that ‘something’ goes wrong? (The Thalidomide ‘perfectly safe’ regime springs to mind)

An answer to the above will be a good start; will or can it be elicited?