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4 years ago

Rising 92 it is a relief to know that whatever happens I’m going to sooner die rather than later. No point in heavy and intrusive medical care, goinng to die anyway so let it happen.
Being killed unaturally young by Covid19 is another matter. Like it or not we decrepit , hoary, grizzled, in a word OLD people do owe it to them to minimise the risk of contamination, despite the barren existence it requires.

p b
p b
4 years ago

Agreed. I wish the politicians would listen.

Adrian Maxwell
Adrian Maxwell
4 years ago

Today’s most stupid contribution to the CV problem (so far). Its all about me and my wistful memories of a bucolic life somewhere or other. Not one direct or indirect mention of the risk of passing the virus on to other groups. With a self indulgent blinding glimpse of the obvious, MK tells us that it ‘goes against (her) grain’ to be told what to do. Well, it doesnt mine, when committed to effectively dealing with a global pandemic.