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Chis Marley
Chis Marley
4 years ago

`the dashing, gentlemanly and high-status liberal Barack Obama`

`Donald Trump, a man with the seemingly unique gift of having no redeeming features whatsoever`

That the latter is not the former is a redeeming feature in itself.

Dashing, gentlemanly and high-status liberals who cause the destruction of entire countries and the death of vast swathes of innocent civilians are unique in having no redeeming features whatsoever because their hypocrisy trumps all.

Donald Trump is not the worst thing in the world.

That is two redeeming features that Donald Trump possesses.

Cathy Carron
Cathy Carron
3 years ago
Reply to  Chis Marley

No matter what you think of The Donald, he has a HUGE ‘skill set’ which is hard to outflank

3 years ago

The writer is too concerned with the control of the public narrative and calls himself conservative but does not understand our psychology. Being conservative with is about self control….not control of others! Everything today seems to be going the way of the progressives but ultimate failure is writtten into their psychology….hatred of reason and virtue is its own reward….destruction and despair

Frederick B
Frederick B
4 years ago

Interesting article and very concerning for a non-Tory “small c” conservative. I do, though, have some hopes for continental Europe where, for example, Marine Le Pen’s National Assembly enjoys the support of 40% of 18 to 24 year olds. Similarly we have a predominance of youthful support for the ultra-conservative governments of eastern Europe and rising right wing movements – predominantly youthful – even in ultra liberal Sweden.

The real problem lies in the Anglosphere, as Mr. West makes clear. Even here though there are some indications that the young may not be quite as uniformly “woke” as appears from this article – for example, a recent opinion poll on immigration suggested that a majority of 18 to 24s want it reduced. An outlier maybe, but suggestive, and as the article indicates, hope for a conservative revival has to be placed in the identity politics which the Right should never have abandoned.

Fraser Bailey
Fraser Bailey
4 years ago

This article is somewhat behind the curve. As Frederick points out below, the young are increasingly distrusting of progressivism/socialism because they see the consequences all around them. AfD in Germany are growing, and three of the four most popular parties in the Netherlands are right-wing. The Sweden Democrats are now the most popular party in Sweden, not least because on the attacks of Swedish teenagers by you-know-how.

Meanwhile, podcasts in the US by youngish people like Steven Crowder are incredibly popular, attracting millions of viewers. Even natural leftists like the podcaster Tim Pool detest both wings of the Democrats. Also in the US, viewing figures for CNN (or BBC-NN as I call it) and MSNDC (sic) are falling, while viewing figures for Fox are rising. Even in the UK, TalkRadio (which at least allows conservative voices to be heard) claims to be the ‘fastest growing radio station in the world’ while millions of us desert the BBC.

And one barely knows where to start with the writer’s statement that Trump ‘has no redeeming features whatsoever’. It is just so lazy and crass. Trump is no worse than the vast majority of politicians, and the popularity of his policies such as strong borders and the pursuit of national interests in economic terms at least partly disprove the thesis the conservatism is dead. Surely the December election result in the UK demonstrates the same thing.

The writer has written a book, the thesis of which is probably out of date. Oh dear.

Jonny Chinchen
Jonny Chinchen
3 years ago

I think the writer attaches too much importance to the MSM. I agree with him that the institutions of the UK and the US are saturated and infested with progressives – but that is proving only to shift the conservatives and right of centre onto other platforms and into new areas. It’s very exciting to see that right wing comedians are now the edgy ones, they can say what the lefties can’t (without a quick check of the Guardian PC update).

What the left has in their favour is fear. Celebs and big companies are scared of being unwoke, so they make these cringeworthy attempts to bend the knee. However, they often fail – “go woke and go broke” as the saying goes, and look what has happened to JK Rowling in recent weeks!

Fortunately for us unwilling residents of ClownWorld, the left as it currently appears in Western countries is too unstable to last for much longer in its current form. It can’t keep mutating and becoming more and more radical without consuming itself. Today’s progressive hero is next week’s statue tipped into the bay. The Left is a hungry beast that must find new grievances to fuel its confected outrage, so all we have to do is refuse to bend the knee – tell the truth – use statistics to combat feelings – and most importantly, never apologise for speaking an opinion.

Jeff Andrews
Jeff Andrews
3 years ago

With so called Conservatives like this writer that political party will be no great loss. However what is a loss is the one of our entire country. It can no longer be hidden that the Police are unable to control the huge ethnic, sorry, BAME population and areas so they don’t try. By there own oath, they don’t even have to try if it offends there human rights. The lockdown only achieved destroying the economy and what was left of our society. Yes, the progressives are winning, but what, a bankrupt country and who will the BAME folk blame then?

LCarey Rowland
LCarey Rowland
3 years ago

Ed, your fascinating, informative analysis has compelled this radical centrist yank to hitch a ride on your wonkish transport. Thanks for sharing.
My only present comment is this. Next year, after we American moderates have aided progressives in overthrowing trump, then a “conservative” half of the socio-spectrum will resume an appropriate parry to neutralize excessively outlandish identity politics. See Jordan Peterson for more info.