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David Waring
David Waring
4 years ago

C. S. Forester Hornblower books

Robert Heinlein start with Starman Jones

W.E. Johns Tiger Clinton books

David Waring
David Waring
4 years ago

C. S. Forester:- Midshipman Hornblower

Robert Heinlein:- Starman Jones,Farmer in the Sky

W.E.Johns :-Tiger Clinton Space Adventure Books.
Rudyard Kipling :- The Jungle Book
AA Milne:- Winnie the Pooh

Jonny Chinchen
Jonny Chinchen
3 years ago

The writer makes the mistake of believing that the prejudices or beliefs of the writers of the books her son reads will be transferred directly to him, like a virus!

She seems hypersensitive to the subtext of stories, and so assumes they will have some enormously damaging effect on her son’s mind.

This is a fallacy usually observed amongst metro-lefties, who believe that every story / movie / play should be a perfect utopian representation of the way “things should be”, or if not, at least carry the message of “what’s right and wrong” very clearly. Another word for such art is “propaganda”.

Luckily for all of us, children are harder than this to brainwash, and will fall for a good story, regardless of the messages or ethics behind it. I view this in much the same way that a kid who eats a spoonful of soil will have a stronger immune system than one cosseted away from all dirt.

The best thing to do is let them choose their own books and throw in a few that you like or liked. Children have their own personalities and preferences, which ought to be respected.

Beyond that, people like the writer should have more faith in mankind?

3 years ago

My son has always enjoyed the prototypical male stories. But time-to-time, I do catch him reading fervently one of his sister’s princess books, or playing dolls with her in the playroom. Of course, the inevitable crying session does come later (“Daddy, I don’t want my dolls to KILL anyone, tell him please!” and then I get to explain that his sister doesn’t appreciate her dolls punching each other, but would rather they just cook for each other. The sooner he understands that the better.

There really isn’t a fine line to this or anything. It’s all beautiful in all its messiness.

Drahcir Nevarc
Drahcir Nevarc
4 years ago

For Heavens sake Tanya, he’s already six. You really must get him started on Henry James.

Drahcir Nevarc
Drahcir Nevarc
4 years ago

Why on earth did you remove my comment quoted below?!? It’s harmless teasing. Get a grip!

“For Heavens sake Tanya, he’s already six. You really must get him started on Henry James.”

Renee Harris
Renee Harris
3 years ago

I admire the authors intentions. Surely, we as parents want to have a sizable hand in shaping our kids, preparing them for a path that we hope is bent toward critical thought and material success. I can’t help, though, but question whether the author’s hand is a bit too heavy in carving out a sort of ‘mini-me’. I have 3 small boys of my own and having spent my latter years at a liberal women’s college, needless to say, I was not prepared. My thoughts of open-minded boys who’d play with dolls just as easily as they would cars was quickly thrown out of the window, as their natural inclinations took over. And–that’s proven to be just fine. Books are intended, I’d argue, to help give kids reflections of themselves, to some degree, but are also meant to expose them to (healthy, age-appropriate) ideas that are outside of themselves. Healthy and even age-appropriate are subjective nowadays, of course. But as a previous commenter has made note, I’d caution against censoring your young boy’s interest based upon your own set of prejudices.