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Scott Allan
Scott Allan
4 years ago

Dr Diana Fleischman is the champ when it comes to the facts and figures of “Sexual access”. Women reject more, almost all the time. Men will date anywhere on the spectrum. This is a biological fact. Tinder facts include that the top 20% of the Male pool get over 80% of all female attention. The bottom 50% of the male pool get zero response. This is modern dating is devestating to over half the male population.

Jacques René Giguère
Jacques René Giguère
4 years ago

Margaret Atwood once wrote: »Men fear that women will laugh at them. Women fear that men will kill them. » Men’s view is: »Women fear men will kill them. Men fear women will laugh at them. »

Fraser Bailey
Fraser Bailey
4 years ago

‘A surge has also been reported in the number of people (overwhelmingly men) viewing webcam sites, as people swap dates and hookups for pornography.’

Personally I’ve been using the isolation to read Dostoevsky’s ‘Devils’ and Ashoka Mody’s new book entitled ‘Euro Tagedy: A Drama In Nine Acts’. And to play the piano. But I guess that’s just me.

J Cor
J Cor
4 years ago

Why do I get the feeling that the Venn diagram of 1) the guys who would read this article and complain about how they can’t get dates and 2) the guys who read this article and say that women are a bunch of humorless b*tches for being outraged about it, is a circle?