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Fraser Bailey
Fraser Bailey
4 years ago

This seems to be yet another anti-Trump rant by a media stalwart. They won’t give up, will they? As Trump has pointed out, many US states have only a handful of people with the virus, and I believe some states have seen no deaths. Even a state as large as Texas is relatively unaffected. New York is the worst hit, partly because its leaders and health commissioner were still encouraging people to go out and party until very recently. Blame them for the deaths, not Trump.

In fact, the US has little more than twice as many dead as the UK, which is remarkable given the respective populations. Even the Netherlands now has over 400 deaths, which is very high relative to the US.

Fraser Bailey
Fraser Bailey
4 years ago

I have just watched Sean Hannity conduct a 30-minute interview with Trump. The president was lucid, open, and, as usual, correct about almost everything. His approval ratings are through the roof, something that the disgraceful, biased media simply cannot understand. Nor can they understand why so many of us have simply ‘walked away’ from the MSM.

And now Biden is being accused of sexual assault back in the early 1990s by Tara Reade, who was on his staff at the time, The fact is that the Democrats had three years to come up with a plausible candidate and policies to take on Trump. Instead they pursued hoax campaigns around Russia-gate, Cavanaugh, the fake and wicked impeachment etc.

Then they came up with Biden, a guy who doesn’t even know what day it is and who has corruptly and openly enriched almost all his family while in office. Moreover, they could have gone for Andrew Yang or Tulsi Gabbard, two reasonably plausible candidates. Instead, they threw Gabbard under a bus and accused her of being a ‘Russian asset’ because she is opposed to all the wars. The Democrats are truly evil.

4 years ago
Reply to  Fraser Bailey

Could you back up this statement with some facts or references, “as usual, [Trump is] correct about almost everything”? Seems a statement like that warrants some validation.

4 years ago

Justin, I nearly fell out of my chair laughing at your” Second, thought: panic.”

Yes the DNC has very good reasons to panic as they have a melting ice cube for a nominee and a quasi Marxist as a back up ; what could possibly go wrong ? Biden is clearly not playing with a full deck and is not far from the movie ”one flew over the Cuckoos nest ” Hello, I’m Joe Biden but I have no idea why I’m here ” ?

The DNC will never allow this disaster to happen ; if you were familiar with Dem political history you’d see there is a precedent for this dire situation ; as Mark Twain wisely noted ”History may not repeat itself but it often rhymes ” Back in the tumultuous summer of 68 president Johnson had dropped out of the race so they shoe horned his VP, Humphrey, into the convention without winning any primaries ; if Biden quits the race then his delegates are free to vote for whoever they chose ; the Dems made their byzantine rules and can change them when they see fit, so I can easily envision Andrew Cuomo becoming the Dem nominee ; naturally the Sanders supporters will not like that one bit but the convention will likely become televised with electronic voting so they wont get the chance to run riot like what happened at the 68 convention in Chicago

4 years ago

I am convinced that the American rate of deaths will jump very shortly, because of the inequalities of the health system. Both Democratic candidates have health problems. Both may be unable to go forward as Presidential candidates

Dave Weeden
Dave Weeden
4 years ago
Reply to  davidhralph

Best comment so far, IMO. Two things: being of a pessimistic turn of mind, I’ve worried about a pandemic for some time, but I worried about one starting in the USA with its divisions between rich and poor, and large homeless underclass, denied basic hygiene facilities. Second, surely this will expose America’s crazy preoccupation with septuagenarians: Trump, Mrs Clinton, Saunders, Biden. What happened to the idea of still-vigorous younger man, like Clinton, GW Bush, or Obama? I understand why there’s a lower age limit for the Presidency (full disclosure: I’m 58 v soon). Perhaps it’s time for an upper one as well?

Richard Gibbons
Richard Gibbons
4 years ago
Reply to  Dave Weeden

Still vigorous Bill Clinton ? Have you seen him recently . He is more wobbly than Biden.

Gerald gwarcuri
Gerald gwarcuri
4 years ago

“Trump risks lives?” Get a grip. I am no Trump fan, much less an apologist for his administration. But on COVID-19, he has assembled a formidable group of experts – including the eminent epidemiologist Dr. Anthony Fauci – and he is listening to them.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is a seriously pernicious pandemic, making otherwise sane people descend into irrationality.

Russell Hamilton
Russell Hamilton
4 years ago

Could the Democrats not, at their conference or whatever its called, agree to nominate Michelle Obama as their candidate? For the good of the country and the world, she has to do it! Not so good being already the wife of a former President, but anyway, the most liked and admired woman in America could easily win. Everyone knows she smart enough, she’s seen how it all works, familiar with all the issues, very popular. Michelle for President! Biden & Sanders are hopeless.

Kant Remember
Kant Remember
4 years ago

You avoid any mention of Biden’s wandering hands, hands which fondle women’s bodies and, notably, the bodies of innocent little girls, 13 yo or so.

He kisses them, plays with their hair, touches the little ones’ chests, all on camera.
or :

IMO, groping is not a quality to be sought in a President of the US of A. What’s your take ?

Kant Remember
Kant Remember
4 years ago

OK, you scrubbed my post, that is your privilege and, sometimes your duty. The link I attached was to a bad site, that fellow makes Trump’s posts look cultured and I apologise for the error.

But – are you suppressing revelations about Biden’s wandering hands and lttle girls ? Looks like it.

Links such as these are not going to disappear anytime soon and there are so many of them :

On the other hand, Trump would be laughing if Biden is his opponent for the election,no doubt about it, is there ?

Robin Bury
Robin Bury
4 years ago

America has a President who has been analysed with dementia and needs an MRI scan and removed. He said this virus would go away by miracle and was not to be taken seriously. As a Canadian I am sad Americans have such a dangerous man as President and many take him seriously.