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Alison Houston
Alison Houston
4 years ago

There hasn’t been any bread mix or bread flour in the supermarkets for three weeks, Mary. I am a stay at home wife and mother, now unable to bake bread for my family, something I have been doing every few days, since I got married aged 20 in 1990.

4 years ago

And having said all of that Mary, just because dysfunction is the norm, that doesn’t make it any less dysfuntional.

I cannot understand people who struggle being around their spouse and kids. My ideal world, which I manage to achieve a lot of the time, is to be around mine 24/7. Nothing else is so interesting to me as the lives of my kids and my husband.

Did you not choose your specific spouse, and did you not choose to have your children? How can you then turn around and say that the idea of being around them all day is difficult to deal with?

My darling husband wants to be nowhere else in the world than by my side. I am just such fun to be around. And my kids prefer me to anyone else. That may not be the norm, as you have pointed out, but it is a lot more normal and functional than the dreary lives you describe.

4 years ago

I’m a stay at home Dad and got the flour and yeast in over a month ago. It’s nice having my wife home to help with the kids but she seems to dirty every possible utensil and piece of crockery over the course of a day. I’ll learn to cope.