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Geoffrey Simon Hicking
Geoffrey Simon Hicking
4 years ago

Warhammer 40K is wonderful stupid fun. The Dan Abnett books are genuinely good too!

I just love the way you have flying daemon-infested space cathedrals shooting at each other, but the nicer planets behind enemy lines have small parishes and country “churches” for the populace. 40K is very English sometimes.

Robert Forde
Robert Forde
4 years ago

Thank heavens. Now I can come clean about my equally nerdy modelling of railways of East Anglia in the 1950s. When the restrictions were recommended for older people, and the local model club closed for the duration, my wife laid in gardening equipment and plants while I laid in stocks of timber, modelling equiment and a few kits.

For both of us, it’s escapism of a kind, laced with a degree of control over what happens and removal from everyday cares. That’s what hobbies are for. There are some people who think mine an odd interest, but I’m 71 and I JUST DON’T CARE! Or, as my wife put it: “Such people need to get a life, rather than putting down other people’s”.

And if we run out of stuff, there’s always online shopping. You can even get plants this way. And there’s a new Great Eastern Railway box van coming out soon.

Sorry, don’t get me started…..

Geoffrey Simon Hicking
Geoffrey Simon Hicking
4 years ago
Reply to  Robert Forde

My mother had a Z-gauge treacle mine. Had to break it up when we moved, but I hope she remakes it.

Stephen Rose
Stephen Rose
2 years ago

You are not alone. Those of us who engage in such hobbies rather imagine that they perceived as the shameful secret of a misfit or misanthrope. I gave up an interest in making model biplanes nearly 35 years ago, only to take it up five years ago, as a antidote to the demands of running my own business. Those blissful hours on a Sunday afternoon are pure escape. Thank you for sharing your love of painting “Little soldiers”