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A Willis
A Willis
4 years ago

“When you’re shooting, you know it’s significant because you know it’s
going to upset some people, maybe a lot of people, on both sides of the
ethnic lines.”

Does Paterson Joseph belive there are only two ethnicities existing in this country today?


Aidan Collingwood
Aidan Collingwood
4 years ago
Reply to  A Willis

Yes of course. There are the “bads,” that’s the whites, and the “goods,” that’s everyone else revelling in their BAME categories. These BAMEs are, in their rich ethnic and cultural nuances, simultaneously gloriously diverse – capable only of improving Britian with their non-Britishness – yet satisfyingly monocultural in their “non-whiteness” so that they can be all lumped together with “the blacks” into a category of people who can numerically and racially improve awfully white Britain. They’re all the same because they’re all non-white, you see, and that’s all that matters.

The whites, on the other hand are just “awfully white” which is a term that perfectly sums up everything wrong with pre-Windrush Britain: monocultural (none of it rich and diverse, unlike the glorious non-white cultures); incapable of contributing anything of worth to human society, whether cultural or technological; Judeo-Christian; boring and British. The white British are seen by our woke BBC producers, actors, journalists etc. as an unfortunate and embarrasing error in humanity from which the world would really benefit if it were reduced to an absolute and token minority everywhere, and especially in their boring, undiverse and inherently racist homeland, which everyone and his dog is dying to get into, so awful a place it is.

Kate H. Armstrong
Kate H. Armstrong
3 years ago
Reply to  A Willis

Re. “Does Paterson Joseph belive there are only two ethnicities existing in this country today?”

Doubtless, as a preferred BBC actor, that ‘belief’ is well-ingrained. It is again, an example of BBC Orwellian ‘New-speak’ (i.e. deliberate contortion and corruption of the English Language). The ‘New’ BBC definition of the word ‘ethnic’ is ‘skin colour’. Ergo Black and/or White. Forget the cultural, religious, ideological ‘mismash’ of colours and identities, inflicted on the indigenous population by Blair and all subsequent so-called ‘conservative’ govenments; the latest Globalist ‘flavour of the day’ is COLOUR.

As the historical record will confirm; in ‘the long march’ towards Totalitarian control, ‘Repetition is good teaching practice’ …. particularly if you have access to a wide range of the general population.
