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Fraser Bailey
Fraser Bailey
4 years ago

Whatever. At least the people who run countries like Poland and Hungary have nt consistently demonstrated a hatred of their own people.

Julian Fletcher
Julian Fletcher
4 years ago
Reply to  Fraser Bailey

WHat are you talking about?

David George
David George
4 years ago

I think Fraser is talking about governments that have instituted policies that are against the interests of their own people. Excessive inward immigration for example. I’m surprised you haven’t heard about that before.
Hatred is probably too strong a word but then again these same governments are having folk arrested under “hate” speech laws for saying something as innocuous as “women don’t have penises” so maybe not.

David George
David George
4 years ago
Reply to  Fraser Bailey

Totally agree Fraser. Protecting your people and acting in their (democratically expressed) interests rather than at the behest of the EU cabal is now anti-democratic?
BTW our New Zealand government, headed by globalist darling Jacinda Ardern has also called a state of emergency, shut down parliament and empowered military intervention. We are now, essentially, being governed by decree as well but Orban’s the bad guy?

Scott Allan
Scott Allan
4 years ago

While I understand concern for the lack of sunset clause, we are also talking about a very different culture where limited use of authoritarian measures used sporatically for the common good is ingrained in their history. These leaders are applauded and remembered fondly. The halting of millions of illigal immigrants at the Hungarian border is percieved as “saving the country” not racism in Hungry. I tend to agree with them. Illigal immigrants steal the basic safety net funds and services from the domestic poor. In the US this is more than $134 Billion per year. This is allot of health, education and housing for the poor. I think concern is fine, but really this is a situation of wait and see. The beat up of “Evil Trump”, which has been debunked over and over makes reasonable middle class people cringe now at alarm before the fire. Media crying wolf has become too common.

Paul T
Paul T
4 years ago

Having had to live under the BBC-tastic, mass-immigration, hug a backward zealot, wokey-liberal, pro-remote democracy, patriotic-man-bad, regimes of David Cameron and Theresa May almost makes one yearn for a more totalitarian form of government.