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Auberon Linx
Auberon Linx
4 years ago

A very useful introduction to China. There is, however, a mistake in the article. There are several references to the city of Guangdong. Guangdong is in fact, a province, and the city is Guangzhou. Both used to be known as Canton in the west, hence the confusion.

Russell Hamilton
Russell Hamilton
4 years ago

I lined in Guangzhou/Canton for a few years – I never was tempted to visit Wuhan because it was known as one of the 5 ‘ovens’ of China. Coming from Australia I had had enough of ‘ovens’. I suppose it depends on reading tastes, but I was one of the many readers of Pearl Buck, Han Suyin et al. so we had heard of those Chinese cities. What a shock those authors would get if they could see those cities these days!

Howard Gleave
Howard Gleave
4 years ago

A fascinating overview. I’ll read it again with a map.