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Graham Tarkenton
Graham Tarkenton
4 years ago

One should think that Mr. Harris would have asked Mr. Klein to define for him how he is using the term “racist.” All too often it would seem that in contemporary discourse the word functions as a discussion killer in a way similar to holding a cross up before a vampire causes the vampire to pull his cloak over his head and flee from the room. No discussion needed. In other words, a question begging reductio ad Hitlerum type of argument.

One should also think that Mr. Harris should have inquired why, precisely, being a “racist” is to be regarded as a bad thing. I understand the differences between the high/low decoupler Weltanschauungen, but that should not provide an insuperable obstacle to rational discourse. Unless, of course, rationality is not a part of the equation. If that is so then such an interchange is merely the occasion for the low-decoupler to virtue-signal his (self-regarded) morally superior point of view which is in no need of justification to anyone. If such be the case, then the Age of Reason is truly drawing to a close.

Hilary Easton
Hilary Easton
2 years ago

It seems that being a low decoupler is just being not very verbally intelligent. A person who cannot help one concept bleeding into another one is either not very clever or they are acting in bad faith, sending up a smokescreen for their own agenda.

Hilary Easton
Hilary Easton
2 years ago

It seems that being a low decoupler is just being not very verbally intelligent. A person who cannot help one concept bleeding into another one is either not very clever or they are acting in bad faith, sending up a smokescreen for their own agenda.