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Peter Scott
Peter Scott
3 years ago

These is not meant to be a pert piece of cheek but an absolutely serious suggestion.-
EITHER, get the Farmers’ Union to call a general strike until the supermarkets buckle and agree to give all farmers fair proper prices. (If all farmers took part, were utterly ‘solid’, that would soon scare the government. The thought of being ENTIRELY dependent on foreign produce makes any politician anywhere queasy.)
OR join, one by one, Riverford – the organic farms cooperative – who do everything farmers should do and enjoy the rewards farmers should have.
I get much of my groceries from them and am very glad to eat non-poisoned victuals; albeit at much higher prices than one pays in the supermarkets.
Potatoes Full of Flavour and taking only a few minutes to cook…&c.
Given the surge in numbers of clients signing on with this organic cooperative (huge locally) this could be the future anyway.