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Peter Kriens
Peter Kriens
3 years ago

The very interesting, unaddressed, question is: is this a female phenomenon?

Female groups, or places where women exert a lot if power tend to want to hold up appearances. In my experience male groups tend to have safety valves in continously making fun of each other.

I would expect purity spirals (I love the name!) are happening primarily in female groups? Would be interesting to see some research on this.

Fif Nargh
Fif Nargh
1 year ago
Reply to  Peter Kriens

Furries are infamous for this, and they’ve always been 80+ percent male

Drahcir Nevarc
Drahcir Nevarc
3 years ago

“Nor is it confined to the Left: neo-Nazi groups offer some of the clearest examples of purity spirals”… which suggests that it is indeed confined to the left.