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4 years ago

Am shocked to find there are no comments or discussion on the topic here. Fact of the matter is that if one is to peak into the esoteric history of our planet and species they will come to find quite clearly that we indeed are at the end of a great age, in fact, we have ended a great year. An age is a period of time of roughly 2150 years, and each age is marked by the stars in the sky and one of the 12 zodiac signs. We process through the equinoxes as our planet spins amongst the back drop of the starry sky. And so for the past 2150 years we have been in the age of Pisces, the fish. And for this age the most impacting spiritual movement was that of the Christ. Hence why we see the fish on the back of peoples cars, and the abundance of fish stories in the bible, heck, even the popes hat is a fish. And so roughly every 2150 years goes by and on the winter solstice of a particular year we process out of an age and into a new age. The age of Pisces ended on December 21, 2012. At that very moment we then shifted into the next age; Aquarius. History shows us that super dynamic things occur at the end of an age. Each time this happens we are greeted with a new prophet, a new Bible, and a new spiritualty that thrusts us unto a forced evolution of our spirits. And so, while highly dynamic happenings occur as we switch ages we must also understand that this recent age change was no ordinary dynamic switch. Rather, this change was nt jjst going from one age to another, but we have processed through all 12 ages of the zodiac this time, and hence we begin at age 1, Aquarius. Hence this is the end of not just an age, but the end of a great year; a 26,500 year period of time. Did you know that a peculiar thing happens every year on the winter solstice? That if we are to look at the sun on December 21st we will see that the sun has reached its lowest point. But strange enough if we look at the sun again on the next day, it neither appears to move north or south, but stays at its lowest point. And on the 23rd and the 24th the same thing occurs.But on the 25th something magical happens, the sun appears to move northerly by 1 degree, and hence it begins its accent towards hotter days and warmer times. And so it has been said, the Sun died, was dead for 3 days, only to resurrect and spring forward with life, warmth and abundance. A good few ages ago the dynamic story was about these 12 ages and the sun. In a most dynamic fashion this past age brought us a story about 12 disciples and a son. And so today we await the next incredibly dynamic unfolding to the next story that will thrust us forward in our shared advancement of spirit. Love, Light and Power. God Bless!