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Tris Torrance
Tris Torrance
3 years ago

The working class, as Labour understands it, no longer exists. Until Labour grasps this, they’ll get nowhere.

The Left won its big political battle decades ago and in doing so, put the Labour party out of business.

It’s a mystery that this hasn’t occurred to Labour yet. But the main beneficiary is the Tory party which continues in power, despite being largely bereft of imagination or ideas.

Lee Carney
Lee Carney
3 years ago
Reply to  Tris Torrance

It did occur to the Labour Party in 1994, it was just in 2010 they chose to forget half of it and in 2015 decided to forget all of it. Its a sad political fact (tho you could argue a good thing for actual ppl) that the more successful Labour is, the more they help people move up the income ladder, the more true social mobility they create, the more Tory voters they create

3 years ago

Poor Owen attacked from all directions (not much liked by much of the far left actually). He is imperfect of course as it is impossible to be perfect and can be annoying but means well (the most important thing, not some abstract impartiality which is not really feasible). Ash is a bit of
a joker (an achievement in itself) and not perfect either of course, but I quite like her. Mistakes were certainly made of the getting trapped in echo-chamberism variety sadly and need a lot of work to iron out . The Gramscian theories to help escape this are long known but a bit too academic to be properly put in practice yet . Corbynism fell between several stools sadly but the writer engages in hyperbole with her disaster allegories . There is a category of hyper-critic , whether liberal Left , Trotskyist , Anarchist or plain old liberal who does not seem to get perfection is not achievable and we have to muddle through a permanent fog of reality . The hyper-criticism in itself can be a trap if well meaning , a weapon in itself in the Disinfo wars tiresomely . The only reason I bother replying here is i suspect the former

Daniel Goldstein
Daniel Goldstein
3 years ago

This article was really bang on the money. The outriders are still at it. Poor Ash Sarkar was left out of that WhatsApp group though – surely some mistake!