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Jonny Chinchen
Jonny Chinchen
3 years ago

This is a great article – I hope it reaches some people wavering on the edges of the woke Left as it continues to devour its own. JK Rowling being the most recent victim – even turned upon by the actors in the HP movies.

Many, if not most of us began our political lives somewhere on the Left and have found ourselves repulsed by something.

In my case, as with the writer’s, it’s the arrogance and self-righteousness that I can’t stomach, as well as the insistence that all society’s ills are down to oppression and racism, never one’s own faults, apart from “white” society, which is (matter of faith) the root of all evil, and inherently racist and oppressive.

It is uniquely depressing to see how deluded and dark is the worldview of the Guardian / BBC / Independent / Labour Party / BLM

These days, no seems up to the task of countering their insipid messages of hate, dressed up as a moral crusade.

Judy Johnson
Judy Johnson
3 years ago
Reply to  Jonny Chinchen

I agree that society’s ills are not inevitably down to oppression and racism etc. However, there are occasions when people’s disadvantaages including poverty are not their fault.

Margaret Thatcher was an academic person from a modest background. Because she did not recognise her far above average intelligence she assumed that people who didn’t do well were simply not trying. I think this attitude has persisted and even grown in the UK. In the US it is built in to the concept of the American dream.

3 years ago
Reply to  Judy Johnson

I think that may be a misunderstanding of the US “dream”. We acknowledge that we are all born unequal and more unequal we die — in worldly terms. But if we are Christians, we should be ashamed if our standards were those of the world. The uniqueness of each individual, and the individual’s realization(towards the Beatific Vision), is clear in the New Testament. Different gifts. What we owe to Caesar is a condition, not an excuse for failing that which we owe to our Creator.

Judy Johnson
Judy Johnson
3 years ago

I am unclear why being a Christian made him suspect among the political Left; it seems to make a lot of sense.