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Campbell P
Campbell P
3 years ago

Excellent ‘confession’ by Fraser. I’m just astonished it took him so long for the penny to drop!

Aaron Kevali
Aaron Kevali
3 years ago

“I believe, as a Christian and a Marxist ““ or, at least, someone who has
taken seriously the Marxist critique of society, if not its solutions”

I mean, I always knew it… but it’s still weird to hear clergymen just say it out loud.

“Its too much about London being at the centre of things. Take seriously the northern powerhouse. An English Parliament is a must, with ever greater power devolved from Westminster to the regions. Oh, and I’d nationalise the trains, essential utilities and even the banks (no, the Marxist in me hasn’t gone away).”

As they say, “Even a broken clock tell the right time tice a day”. Privatising railways seems to be to have been one of Thatcher’s failures, beyond any reasonable defense. I mean, how exactly are railways supposed to compete with each other – it’s a monopoly by nature!

Aaron Kevali
Aaron Kevali
3 years ago

“For example, I was astonished that Sir Larry expressed the view that the eradication of the class system in this country enabled power to be concentrated in London, the gentry having previously jealously guarded their regional power.”

Oh for heaven’s sake, Burke was making this point centuries ago. Liberalism tends to create the very thing it ostensibly opposes. The solution is always more liberalism.

Ever wonder why the poorest people are those who receive the most welfare (consistently, over time)?
Ever wonder why racism increases the more you emphasize diversity?
Ever wonder why the most gender-egalitarian societies have the highest rates of single sex work environments?
Ever wonder why the most religiously tolerant places become breeding grounds for radicalism?
Ever wonder why hereditary monarchies actually have more liberty and stabililty?