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Drahcir Nevarc
Drahcir Nevarc
3 years ago

I have changed my profile picture in reponse to Edinburgh University renaming its Hume Tower.

Harry Potter
Harry Potter
3 years ago

As someone who has been in a truly communist country, “reactionary” is a disgusting word to me. The only memories that come close to this word are the Cultural Revolution and ignorance, the dark ages of China in the 1950s and 1960s. The word has now become a joke in China, used to make fun of the propaganda of that era.
But I am utterly shocked that the Western “progressive” today is ignorantly using it as some kind of stuff that had moral superiority.

Petko Radacko
Petko Radacko
1 year ago

Old commies wanted economical progress, socially they were right wing. Exact opposite from todays woke asses. Today woke asses are mostly economical right wing, socially left. Exact opposite of old good commies