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Scott Allan
Scott Allan
4 years ago

The #MeToo movement is the scorned woman vengeance movement. There are so many cases piling up of men being accused and having a wrecking ball through their lives only to be exonerated when the allegations are tested in the proper forum of the courts. It is a WITCH HUNT

Jian Ghomeshi, Cardinal Pell and Steven Gallway are just 3 that spring to mind.

Ghomeshi was the highest profile man at CBC Canada and in the end the scathing findings of the judge found that all 3 women were liars and two had conspired out of spite. All were found to have continued an intimate relationship after the alleged assaults. Just like Weinstein.

Frank Pell did not handle sexual offenders in Australia well. Institutionally he followed procedure but I hope the lesson is that policy is not a replacement for integrity, morality or your individual responsibility. Regardless of those issues his own witch-hunt lead by ABC Australia was fatally flawed. All of the new laws surrounding the admisability of flimsy evidence was cast out unanimously by the 7-0 High Court of Australia ruling. But in the mean time he is personally eviscerated.

Steven Gallway was a professor at UBC in Vancouver Canada. His is the case that men rightly fear. He was not powerful by any measure. He had worked for a position and his merit had gained it. But it was shattered by a scorned women set on revenge for not being loved. The University signed him under extreme duress to commit to not having the ability to comment or defend himself publicly against the very public charges. His access to due process severely damaged by this act. This is the standard institutional requirement in ALL developed countries so the mantra “Women must be believed” becomes the norm. Only one problem he was completely innocent too. Margaret Atwood and many other authors wrote an open letter to UBC for Gallway: “Atwood’s op-ed rapidly became interwoven into a separate argument: the growing concern among some feminists that the #MeToo movement has developed into a “witch hunt,”

As far as Weinstein goes I believe that upon appeal the majority of the evidence against him will be seen as procedurally unfair in first allowing much of it and secondly the evidence that showed that many of the aggrieved continued relations with him will become relevant in the dismissal or reduction of charges and sentencing. The continuation of intimate relationship after alledged sexual assault supports a quid-pro-quo relationship of swapping sexual access for money and status.

Weinstein was no saint but the most relevant fact was that everyone knew exactly who he was. Don’t like your work environment or boss get another job.