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John Bavarian
John Bavarian
3 years ago

Great article!

I only have some side notes relating to “And the protection of minorities ““ women, children, ethnic minorities, homosexuals” …

1) In GB, and also in most other industrial countries ( and historically, especially so after wars ) there are actually more women than men, so mathematically in most Western countries men are a minority vs. women. Globally however, there seem to exist more men than women.
2) This enumeration of “minorities” illustrates the implicit difficulty, that usually one and the same person in one perspective belongs to a majority, and in another perspective may be part of a minority. (So a boy could be seen as part of the majority in the division male vs. female, but member of the minority in the division grown-up vs children). So in the end, all that we have may be some rather “fictitious” groups.
3) Obviously, also “male heterosexual persons of full age” are only a minority, so who is actually the dubious majority?
4) In my country, for some time also the “Nationalsocialists” were only a small minority, that were protected as a political group / party by the constitution. Yet when they finally seized the political power, they brought only violence, war and chaos. So, should every minority per se really be protected?

A liberális filozófus esete Gyöngyöspatával – Örülünk, Vincent?
3 years ago

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