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john freeman
john freeman
3 years ago

I focus on the repetition of “staggering”. I know it does not mean unstable: but I decline to rock on my feet when someone tells a fib.

Jeff Mason
Jeff Mason
3 years ago

“No one cares if progressives don’t practise what they preach ” so long as what they’re preaching is good.” The author, by excusing progressive hypocrisy, misses a couple really big points. First, if what they are ‘preaching’ is so good, while don’t they do it? The conclusion is that it isn’t so good in the first place. If flying on a private jet or driving an SUV will destroy the Earth, do those climate activists who fly in private jets actually want to destroy the Earth or do they simply not really believe what they preach? I suspect the latter. Virtue signaling just makes them feel smarter or more relevant. I drive an SUV (Jeep) but then I think global warming is nonsense. Many will call me stupid or a denier but I don’t care. I know the Earth has been heating and cooling for billions of years so the current warming trend (which is still way, way below historical averages) doesn’t concern me. All because we are around to see it this time does not make it more significant. Second, if what they are preaching is good (true), then their hypocrisy is dangerous. When you advocate a strict lockdown to protect against a dangerous disease and then violate that lockdown, it tells people the disease is not so dangerous after all – like Biden telling people they must all wear a mask on federal property while NOT wearing a mask on federal property. Hypocrisy is not just funny.