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Andrew Baldwin
Andrew Baldwin
3 years ago

Orwell was not only of the left, he was in a sense of the extreme left. He imagined a future where people ate not in their own family kitchens, but in communal kitchens. So he was, in a sense, a nutter. He is like the perfect example of why people on the right should never stop conducting dialogues with people on the left. Someone like Orwell could have nutty ideas and still have the most brilliant insights about many things. Orwell’s perception of the corruption of language under a totalitarian regime, i.e. Newspeak, is particularly relevant to our time. James is right, and we don’t know what he would have thought about Syria or Brexit, but he definitely would not have approved of “racialized” for “non-white”, “gender” for “sex” or “cis-gendered male” for “biological male”. These are all part of the woke version of Newspeak.

David Naas
David Naas
3 years ago

Assuming, of course, that Orwell would even want to weigh in on 21st Century silliness, we do know what he thought on three very important topics.
*The English language.
*How to make a Proper Cup of Tea
*The right sort of pub to have in one’s neighborhood.
All else is irrelevant.