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3 years ago

Firstly, comparing Hancock to Trump leadership styles is laughable. Whilst Trump is not a great one to one communicator, he has over 88 million followers on twitter and has had to use social media to get his message across as the mainstream media has not helped with its 90% and over negative coverage of the President since he got into office, (this is a statistical fact).

In a highly industrialised society that is doing pretty well, I find the panic and fearmongering from media astonishing ““ I am not a COVID-19 denier I just think it is a pure developed country luxury to have managed lockdowns and very well planned stratergies no matter how great or not great these are when other global places have to get on with it due to their hand to mouth existence. Governments are being open and honest (in my opinion too honest) about the going’s on because of the insatiable appetite of 24hrs news to consume bad news and governments woeful attempt to beat the established media and social media to control the narrative. Your angle on leadership is way off. It would be good to see an article about the information and data battle and how Governments can manage this better in the future.