September 3, 2024 - 6:30pm

→ Winston Churchill vs the Online Right 

The online Right has found a curious new bogeyman: Winston Churchill. In a new Tucker Carlson interview, guest Darryl Cooper — the man behind the online account Martyr Made — has called Churchill “the chief villain of the Second World War” and blamed the man widely acclaimed as the “greatest Briton” for the conflict becoming “something other than an invasion of Poland”.

Conservatives were quick to criticise Cooper and Carlson, and one commentator called the statements “unbelievably uninformed”. However, several anonymous Right-wing accounts got on board with the idea, casting the PM as the figurehead of the foreign-policy interventionism the Right has recently come to loathe. Will Churchill’s German counterpart get a rebrand next? 

→ UPenn faculty share salute to Hamas 

The University of Pennsylvania’s Faculty for Justice in Palestine has shared a post on Instagram which praised Hamas’s 7 October attacks. “We salute our people’s steadfastness and resistance,” the post, initially shared jointly by several other pro-Palestine groups, read. It also called for a “global day of action” on 5 October, “to mark this year as one where our people stood tall against Zionism”.

FPJP, a group of lecturers, staff and graduate employees from the Ivy League university, formed earlier this year in response to Penn’s “one-sided” approach to the conflict. Cheers to viewpoint diversity. 

→ Record economic pessimism among Brits

The British population is not feeling optimistic about the future of the country’s finances. A new poll from Gallup finds that Brits are the most depressed they have been about their economic futures since the financial crash in 2009. Just 19% in May/June said their local economy was improving, compared with 62% who said it was getting worse.

In Ireland, more than double that figure (42%) said their local economy was improving — and news today of an €8.6 billion Government surplus won’t do that figure any harm. More pangs of Bregret?