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Andrew Tate’s downfall may be the end of the manosphere

Another conman bites the dust. Credit: Getty

June 21, 2023 - 7:00am

The recent indictment against manosphere influencer and former pro kickboxer Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan, issued by Romanian prosecutors, hints at the start of a downfall for numerous self-proclaimed “alpha male” influencers. Accused of serious crimes, including rape, as well as conducting a human trafficking and organised crime operation, the Tate brothers allegedly deceived at least seven women into a controlling and abusive situation under the guise of romance. The women were reportedly manipulated into creating explicit videos and suffered from intimidation, forced servitude, and occasional violence. The case, held in an inquisitorial-style judicial system where experienced judges, not juries of one’s peers, arbitrate, suggests a difficult road ahead for the Tates.

In fact, the stability of the entire manosphere industry — which expanded significantly after 2016 — seems increasingly uncertain. For instance, the Utah-based alpha-male entrepreneur Jeremiah Evans, a former Brigham Young University quarterback who nicknamed himself “The Bull”, is experiencing the collapse of his grift-oriented business empire. Alpha Influence, one of his enterprises, faces mounting accusations of fraud after promising lucrative Amazon e-commerce ventures for a hefty $40,000 investment.

Despite Evans’s claims of untapped earning potential, hundreds of clients reported only negligible returns, frequent account closures due to policy violations, and a lack of communication. Numerous complaints have been lodged against Evans’s associated companies in the state of Utah, where his various alpha-branded businesses are based, tarnishing his image of promised success and wealth.

Manosphere figures may also face public shame or irrelevance as the truth about their operations emerges, or might tread the same path as the Tates, with charges relating to sexual misconduct or other sex-related offences. These influencers sell a high-status facade, often resorting to paying women to appear in their photos to depict a glamorous lifestyle that’s largely fictional.

Twitch streamer Ivy Wylder confirmed this phenomenon, revealing that many alpha males hire sex workers to appear in social media photographs, thus perpetuating the lie that these methods will attract women without the promise of pay for services rendered. More than that, allegations of using these rent-seeking “sugar babies” without compensation — while passing them off as women attracted via alpha male seduction tactics — have already been made against Myron Gaines, the host of the Fresh&Fit After Hours podcast.

Men like Tate, Gaines, and Evans all leveraged the alpha male myth to sell their offerings. However, the looming transparency might finally expose their questionable practices and ultimately lead to the downfall of their operations: Tate’s Hustler’s University, Gaines’ Patreon-backed podcast, and Evans’s numerous alpha-branded businesses. These self-proclaimed conmen, entrapped in their own hubris and delusion, might finally receive their just deserts. In the course of trying to “get theirs”, to paraphrase the NFL running back Marshawn Lynch, they will end up “getting got”.

Oliver Bateman is a historian and journalist based in Pittsburgh. He blogs, vlogs, and podcasts at his Substack, Oliver Bateman Does the Work


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Marcus Leach
Marcus Leach
1 year ago

The latest details of the Tate saga were the second story on the BBC six o’clock news, yesterday. I imagine that the vast majority of the audience have absolutely no idea who Andrew Tate is. So why did the BBC give the story of Tate being charged such prominence, and why are Leftists like Bateman so excited by it?
Clearly it is not the nature of the crimesTate is alleged to have committed that warrant the attention In Eastern European countries such as Romania they are entirely commonplace. The BBC are fully aware that Albanian gang members, involved on an industrial level in sex trafficking and drugs, have been illegally entering Britain en masse via the Channel, yet are loath recognise that anyone arriving in a dinghy is anything other than a desperate refugee fleeing imminent death.
The author, as an American, is scandalised by men with criminal histories of violence, pimping women, physically intimidating them, and paying them to act like they are attracted to them. The author must need to retreat to a dark room with a cold compress on his head when he sees a rap video. Tate’s behaviour has been de rigueur in the world of rap for over 30 years.
No, the BBC the author and other Leftists don’t care about Tate’s alleged crimes. The real reason they are so obsessed with the likes of Tate is that he is providing a role model of masculinity for white males. It is a silly exaggerated faux masculity that appeals to testosterone filled young men, but it is inherently threatening to Leftists who have spent years emasculating white men in particular; beating down any expression of masculinity in boys and men by demonising and deriding it as “toxic”.
The threat Leftists feel from the likes of Tate reigniting masculity in boys and men explains their glee and reveling in their potential downfall, But whatever happens to Tate, there is a palpable sense that the miserable, judgmental, mean and vicious time we have endured during which Leftists have enjoyed cultural supremacy is finally coming to an end.

Last edited 1 year ago by Marcus Leach
Andrew Dalton
Andrew Dalton
1 year ago
Reply to  Marcus Leach

Knowing who Tate is, I find it even less reason to give him such prominence.

Marcus Leach
Marcus Leach
1 year ago
Reply to  Andrew Dalton

I have only heard of him because of the extraordinary attention he has received from leftist media,
I am not interested in his schlock. What I find interesting is why he is so despised and obsessed over by Leftists who preside over and normally exult in the degredation of our society
The same people who excuse criminality, are repelled by notions of sexual morallity, who say such things as:sex work is real work”, and are fine with all sexual fetishes, including consentual violence and drug taking, are apparently scandalised by Tate’s behavior. It doesn’t fit. I think it is the threat of a revival of masculity in white men that is at the heart of the Letists’ loathing of Tate.
As a person on the political right, I just loathe him because he is morally repulsive creep.

Last edited 1 year ago by Marcus Leach
Andrew Dalton
Andrew Dalton
1 year ago
Reply to  Marcus Leach

I have only heard of him because of the extraordinary attention he has received from leftist media,

A fair point, but it’s all rather paradoxical.

I think your assessment is probably correct. The same people also despise Jordan Peterson, who is in no way similar to Tate, but triggers the same moral panic.

1 year ago
Reply to  Andrew Dalton

It will embolden them.
Peterson is next, though god knows he has had a belly full of vitriol already to endure. The contrast between the two couldn’t be wider.

Marcus Leach
Marcus Leach
1 year ago
Reply to  Andrew Dalton

Yes, I was thinking myself about the similararities to the way many Leftists irrationally and absurdly demonise Peterson, despite his offering a very positive model of masculinity and adulthood,and being the antithesis to the likes of Tate,
There is something in the leftist psyche that is deeply antagonised by expressions of masculinity and confidence by men and boys, particulary white ones.

Marcus Leach
Marcus Leach
1 year ago
Reply to  Andrew Dalton

Yes, I was thinking myself about the similararities to the way many Leftists irrationally and absurdly demonise Peterson, despite his offering a very positive model of masculinity and adulthood,and being the antithesis to the likes of Tate,
There is something in the leftist psyche that is deeply antagonised by expressions of masculinity and confidence by men and boys.

1 year ago
Reply to  Andrew Dalton

It will embolden them.
Peterson is next, though god knows he has had a belly full of vitriol already to endure. The contrast between the two couldn’t be wider.

Marcus Leach
Marcus Leach
1 year ago
Reply to  Andrew Dalton

Yes, I was thinking myself about the similararities to the way many Leftists irrationally and absurdly demonise Peterson, despite his offering a very positive model of masculinity and adulthood,and being the antithesis to the likes of Tate,
There is something in the leftist psyche that is deeply antagonised by expressions of masculinity and confidence by men and boys, particulary white ones.

Marcus Leach
Marcus Leach
1 year ago
Reply to  Andrew Dalton

Yes, I was thinking myself about the similararities to the way many Leftists irrationally and absurdly demonise Peterson, despite his offering a very positive model of masculinity and adulthood,and being the antithesis to the likes of Tate,
There is something in the leftist psyche that is deeply antagonised by expressions of masculinity and confidence by men and boys.

John Dellingby
John Dellingby
1 year ago
Reply to  Marcus Leach

Can’t help but agree. I hadn’t heard of the man until I read about his Twitter account being shut down and I’d say I’m relatively up to date with online stuff.

Edit: I decided to listen to what he had to say, but only made about 1 good point of around 10 if I’m honest.

Last edited 1 year ago by John Dellingby
mike otter
mike otter
1 year ago
Reply to  Marcus Leach

Much like Dianeabbot – in the 2019 election campaign our board of directors AND nealry all the staff kept asking how much are the tories paying her? Every interview haemorrhaged labour votes. Scarier still – what if Abott and Tate are doing it for free! Enough material for a season of conferances

Last edited 1 year ago by mike otter
Andrew Dalton
Andrew Dalton
1 year ago
Reply to  Marcus Leach

I have only heard of him because of the extraordinary attention he has received from leftist media,

A fair point, but it’s all rather paradoxical.

I think your assessment is probably correct. The same people also despise Jordan Peterson, who is in no way similar to Tate, but triggers the same moral panic.

John Dellingby
John Dellingby
1 year ago
Reply to  Marcus Leach

Can’t help but agree. I hadn’t heard of the man until I read about his Twitter account being shut down and I’d say I’m relatively up to date with online stuff.

Edit: I decided to listen to what he had to say, but only made about 1 good point of around 10 if I’m honest.

Last edited 1 year ago by John Dellingby
mike otter
mike otter
1 year ago
Reply to  Marcus Leach

Much like Dianeabbot – in the 2019 election campaign our board of directors AND nealry all the staff kept asking how much are the tories paying her? Every interview haemorrhaged labour votes. Scarier still – what if Abott and Tate are doing it for free! Enough material for a season of conferances

Last edited 1 year ago by mike otter
Marcus Leach
Marcus Leach
1 year ago
Reply to  Andrew Dalton

I have only heard of him because of the extraordinary attention he has received from leftist media,
I am not interested in his schlock. What I find interesting is why he is so despised and obsessed over by Leftists who preside over and normally exult in the degredation of our society
The same people who excuse criminality, are repelled by notions of sexual morallity, who say such things as:sex work is real work”, and are fine with all sexual fetishes, including consentual violence and drug taking, are apparently scandalised by Tate’s behavior. It doesn’t fit. I think it is the threat of a revival of masculity in white men that is at the heart of the Letists’ loathing of Tate.
As a person on the political right, I just loathe him because he is morally repulsive creep.

Last edited 1 year ago by Marcus Leach
1 year ago
Reply to  Marcus Leach

Is it a surprise that some young men drift towards his model of behaviour as they are derided and put down by the leftists by default daily and who proscribe the orthodoxy of the current media. God save anyone who is male and doesn’t want to be emasculated.
I deeply dislike the guy but you can understand why he attracts those who feel disenfranchised from society with his easy, flash, superficial lifestyle.
Young Men should strive to be men but of substance, morally, but that’s a hell of a thing to ask with so few true male role models to aspire to. Heavy bench pressing doesn’t make you a man.
The glee with which the toxic progressive types (oxymoron) are ecstatic about this is even worse than Tate himself.
You’re only going to become celebrated as a man today if you’ve had a double mastectomy to get there. You couldn’t make this stuff up. I’m in my 50’s and I feed genuinely sorry for young men today.

Last edited 1 year ago by Curts
Frank McCusker
Frank McCusker
1 year ago
Reply to  Curts

No – they just don’t have any Dads

Frank McCusker
Frank McCusker
1 year ago
Reply to  Curts

No – they just don’t have any Dads

mike otter
mike otter
1 year ago
Reply to  Marcus Leach

If you want to know why the beeb are getting horny over this – read the outro of “fear and loathing…” the bit about the chimp in the cage. That’s one reason. Slavish obesience to post Soviet communism is another.

Andrew Dalton
Andrew Dalton
1 year ago
Reply to  Marcus Leach

Knowing who Tate is, I find it even less reason to give him such prominence.

1 year ago
Reply to  Marcus Leach

Is it a surprise that some young men drift towards his model of behaviour as they are derided and put down by the leftists by default daily and who proscribe the orthodoxy of the current media. God save anyone who is male and doesn’t want to be emasculated.
I deeply dislike the guy but you can understand why he attracts those who feel disenfranchised from society with his easy, flash, superficial lifestyle.
Young Men should strive to be men but of substance, morally, but that’s a hell of a thing to ask with so few true male role models to aspire to. Heavy bench pressing doesn’t make you a man.
The glee with which the toxic progressive types (oxymoron) are ecstatic about this is even worse than Tate himself.
You’re only going to become celebrated as a man today if you’ve had a double mastectomy to get there. You couldn’t make this stuff up. I’m in my 50’s and I feed genuinely sorry for young men today.

Last edited 1 year ago by Curts
mike otter
mike otter
1 year ago
Reply to  Marcus Leach

If you want to know why the beeb are getting horny over this – read the outro of “fear and loathing…” the bit about the chimp in the cage. That’s one reason. Slavish obesience to post Soviet communism is another.

Marcus Leach
Marcus Leach
1 year ago

The latest details of the Tate saga were the second story on the BBC six o’clock news, yesterday. I imagine that the vast majority of the audience have absolutely no idea who Andrew Tate is. So why did the BBC give the story of Tate being charged such prominence, and why are Leftists like Bateman so excited by it?
Clearly it is not the nature of the crimesTate is alleged to have committed that warrant the attention In Eastern European countries such as Romania they are entirely commonplace. The BBC are fully aware that Albanian gang members, involved on an industrial level in sex trafficking and drugs, have been illegally entering Britain en masse via the Channel, yet are loath recognise that anyone arriving in a dinghy is anything other than a desperate refugee fleeing imminent death.
The author, as an American, is scandalised by men with criminal histories of violence, pimping women, physically intimidating them, and paying them to act like they are attracted to them. The author must need to retreat to a dark room with a cold compress on his head when he sees a rap video. Tate’s behaviour has been de rigueur in the world of rap for over 30 years.
No, the BBC the author and other Leftists don’t care about Tate’s alleged crimes. The real reason they are so obsessed with the likes of Tate is that he is providing a role model of masculinity for white males. It is a silly exaggerated faux masculity that appeals to testosterone filled young men, but it is inherently threatening to Leftists who have spent years emasculating white men in particular; beating down any expression of masculinity in boys and men by demonising and deriding it as “toxic”.
The threat Leftists feel from the likes of Tate reigniting masculity in boys and men explains their glee and reveling in their potential downfall, But whatever happens to Tate, there is a palpable sense that the miserable, judgmental, mean and vicious time we have endured during which Leftists have enjoyed cultural supremacy is finally coming to an end.

Last edited 1 year ago by Marcus Leach
polidori redux
polidori redux
1 year ago

“Manosphere industry”, “alpha male influencers”
There is a whole infantile strata out there of which I was previously unaware. I am beginning to understand and sympathise with 15thC clerics who feared that giving incontinent youths access to books was a bad idea.
“charges relating to sexual misconduct”. Sexual misconduct, is a weasel phrase which I interpret to mean “You offend my sensibilities but I can’t pin a crime on you”
“The case, held in an inquisitorial-style judicial system where experienced judges, not juries of one’s peers, arbitrate” This is more properly called a Show Trial.

Jeremy Bray
Jeremy Bray
1 year ago
Reply to  polidori redux

It is indeed curious that a man of US origin seems to relish the idea that Tate will face a inquisitorial style judicial system rather than the US jury of one’s peers that is normally regarded as a bulwark against the overweening state unless he is actually in favour of the authoritarian state preferred system. Scratch a modern US “liberal” and the authoritarian psyche is easily discovered.

Andrew F
Andrew F
1 year ago
Reply to  polidori redux

Yes, after Albania, Romania is most corrupt country in Europe (OK, excluding Russia and Ukraine here).

Jeremy Bray
Jeremy Bray
1 year ago
Reply to  polidori redux

It is indeed curious that a man of US origin seems to relish the idea that Tate will face a inquisitorial style judicial system rather than the US jury of one’s peers that is normally regarded as a bulwark against the overweening state unless he is actually in favour of the authoritarian state preferred system. Scratch a modern US “liberal” and the authoritarian psyche is easily discovered.

Andrew F
Andrew F
1 year ago
Reply to  polidori redux

Yes, after Albania, Romania is most corrupt country in Europe (OK, excluding Russia and Ukraine here).

polidori redux
polidori redux
1 year ago

“Manosphere industry”, “alpha male influencers”
There is a whole infantile strata out there of which I was previously unaware. I am beginning to understand and sympathise with 15thC clerics who feared that giving incontinent youths access to books was a bad idea.
“charges relating to sexual misconduct”. Sexual misconduct, is a weasel phrase which I interpret to mean “You offend my sensibilities but I can’t pin a crime on you”
“The case, held in an inquisitorial-style judicial system where experienced judges, not juries of one’s peers, arbitrate” This is more properly called a Show Trial.

Martin Layfield
Martin Layfield
1 year ago

It might be the end of Tate but I strongly doubt the ‘manosphere’ will go away simply because the social pathologies and left-wing fanaticism that the ‘manosphere’ is a reaction to are still with us. Purged of grifters it may actually end up stronger in the long run.

I don’t want to conflate the two movements (I have a much higher opinion of right wing populism than the manosphere anyway) but the article reminds me a lot of overconfident journalists who have told us that populism is finished in the US, in France, Germany, Italy, etc, only for it to become resurgent.

Last edited 1 year ago by Martin Layfield
John Dellingby
John Dellingby
1 year ago

Agree completely. Tate and others are a symptom rather than the cause of young men becoming disillusioned with society and cutting themselves off.

John Dellingby
John Dellingby
1 year ago

Agree completely. Tate and others are a symptom rather than the cause of young men becoming disillusioned with society and cutting themselves off.

Martin Layfield
Martin Layfield
1 year ago

It might be the end of Tate but I strongly doubt the ‘manosphere’ will go away simply because the social pathologies and left-wing fanaticism that the ‘manosphere’ is a reaction to are still with us. Purged of grifters it may actually end up stronger in the long run.

I don’t want to conflate the two movements (I have a much higher opinion of right wing populism than the manosphere anyway) but the article reminds me a lot of overconfident journalists who have told us that populism is finished in the US, in France, Germany, Italy, etc, only for it to become resurgent.

Last edited 1 year ago by Martin Layfield
William Shaw
William Shaw
1 year ago

Ugh Bateman.
Every article you write is the same… repellant, slimy, skin crawling.
Polishing those feminist credentials in the hope of female approval.

Emil Castelli
Emil Castelli
1 year ago
Reply to  William Shaw

haha, 5* review

Speaking as an Alpha Male I think the West’s problems are from weak men. 90% are a bunch of Pu** ies –

Emil Castelli
Emil Castelli
1 year ago
Reply to  William Shaw

haha, 5* review

Speaking as an Alpha Male I think the West’s problems are from weak men. 90% are a bunch of Pu** ies –

William Shaw
William Shaw
1 year ago

Ugh Bateman.
Every article you write is the same… repellant, slimy, skin crawling.
Polishing those feminist credentials in the hope of female approval.

Albert McGloan
Albert McGloan
1 year ago

Vote blue no matter who, Oliver!
“How prog-guru John Podesta isn’t household name as world class underage sex slave cover-upperer defending unspeakable dregs escapes me.” @AndrewBreitbart, 04 Feb 2011

“Hi John, The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yours? They can send it if you want. I know you’re busy, so feel free not to respond if it’s not yours or you don’t want it.” E-mail sent to John Podesta, 02 Sep 2014
Some human traffickers are more important than others. And if they’re Democrat big-wigs they can openly discuss their monstrous appetites in a crude code language. And why not? No law enforcement agency is ever going to touch them.

Albert McGloan
Albert McGloan
1 year ago

Vote blue no matter who, Oliver!
“How prog-guru John Podesta isn’t household name as world class underage sex slave cover-upperer defending unspeakable dregs escapes me.” @AndrewBreitbart, 04 Feb 2011

“Hi John, The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yours? They can send it if you want. I know you’re busy, so feel free not to respond if it’s not yours or you don’t want it.” E-mail sent to John Podesta, 02 Sep 2014
Some human traffickers are more important than others. And if they’re Democrat big-wigs they can openly discuss their monstrous appetites in a crude code language. And why not? No law enforcement agency is ever going to touch them.

William Shaw
William Shaw
1 year ago

A common comment with regard to Tate is “I have only heard of him because of the extraordinary attention he has received from leftist media,” which means you really don’t know much about him at all, only the left wing bias and sound bites taken out of context.
If anyone seriously wants to know what their sons are watching maybe, just maybe they should actually watch some of his videos and hear what he really says.

William Shaw
William Shaw
1 year ago

A common comment with regard to Tate is “I have only heard of him because of the extraordinary attention he has received from leftist media,” which means you really don’t know much about him at all, only the left wing bias and sound bites taken out of context.
If anyone seriously wants to know what their sons are watching maybe, just maybe they should actually watch some of his videos and hear what he really says.

Charles Hedges
Charles Hedges
1 year ago

Pre mid 1965 , public and grammar schools provided boxing, rugby and cricket for boys and and those on rivers, rowing.These activities combined with rigorous academic study of classics, history and modern languages or maths and sciences produced physically fit , brave well educated gentlemen. The Andrew Tate’s of the World would have been ridiculed. The rugged physical and intellectual training of British public and grammar schools produced officers such as Micky Burn MC, Corran Purdon MC and Dr Tiger Watson MC
The Gruelling Life Of A WW2 Commando | Behind Enemy Lines | War Stories – YouTube
The success of Andrew Tate is reaction to the effete impractical mundane life of Western Society with hours watching a screen rather than taking part n dangerous arduous activity such as rugby, boxing, climbing, rowing, sailing, etc. If boys spent 40 minutes a day undergoing arduous gymnastics and boxing training and then 90 minutes of rugby training four days a week with matches on Wednesday and Saturday combined with climbing and sailing in school holidays, they would realise the absurdity of Andrew Tate.
The urban effete imprcatical middle class left winger and the Andrew Tates are both symptoms of a society which has lost the spirit to enjoy tackling dangerous difficult physical and intellectual challenges. Without spirit, people cannot undergo prolonged rigorous tempering of the mind and body in order to overcome adversity.

Susie E
Susie E
1 year ago
Reply to  Charles Hedges

Are you being sarcastic? You do realise that this is EXACTLY what he advocates for and demonstrates in his own life. If ww3 happens, Tate is the kind of man you would want leading you… Tate isn’t just a meat head – he can speak as well as Jordan Peterson and tells the truth (the real reason the leftists hate him – he’s immune to their bulshit and calls them out on it).

Watch some videos of him and his brother speaking about their Dad and their upbringing. You’ll find it’s quite inline with what your espousing above.

Susie E
Susie E
1 year ago
Reply to  Charles Hedges

Are you being sarcastic? You do realise that this is EXACTLY what he advocates for and demonstrates in his own life. If ww3 happens, Tate is the kind of man you would want leading you… Tate isn’t just a meat head – he can speak as well as Jordan Peterson and tells the truth (the real reason the leftists hate him – he’s immune to their bulshit and calls them out on it).

Watch some videos of him and his brother speaking about their Dad and their upbringing. You’ll find it’s quite inline with what your espousing above.

Charles Hedges
Charles Hedges
1 year ago

Pre mid 1965 , public and grammar schools provided boxing, rugby and cricket for boys and and those on rivers, rowing.These activities combined with rigorous academic study of classics, history and modern languages or maths and sciences produced physically fit , brave well educated gentlemen. The Andrew Tate’s of the World would have been ridiculed. The rugged physical and intellectual training of British public and grammar schools produced officers such as Micky Burn MC, Corran Purdon MC and Dr Tiger Watson MC
The Gruelling Life Of A WW2 Commando | Behind Enemy Lines | War Stories – YouTube
The success of Andrew Tate is reaction to the effete impractical mundane life of Western Society with hours watching a screen rather than taking part n dangerous arduous activity such as rugby, boxing, climbing, rowing, sailing, etc. If boys spent 40 minutes a day undergoing arduous gymnastics and boxing training and then 90 minutes of rugby training four days a week with matches on Wednesday and Saturday combined with climbing and sailing in school holidays, they would realise the absurdity of Andrew Tate.
The urban effete imprcatical middle class left winger and the Andrew Tates are both symptoms of a society which has lost the spirit to enjoy tackling dangerous difficult physical and intellectual challenges. Without spirit, people cannot undergo prolonged rigorous tempering of the mind and body in order to overcome adversity.

mike otter
mike otter
1 year ago

He’s as bad as the wokists he puports to oppose. They both hate women so i guess they “protest too much!” What a clown thinking Romania a safe place for anyone! – Didnt end well for the Caucesceus lol. Maybe White Sands – Las Cruces would have been his best bet, petrol heads and libidinous behavour welcome as long as you leave your politics elsewhere. I wouldn’t want him for a neighbour though and some of the locals, esp mejicanos, can vote with their weapons if ppl get too far out of order.

mike otter
mike otter
1 year ago

He’s as bad as the wokists he puports to oppose. They both hate women so i guess they “protest too much!” What a clown thinking Romania a safe place for anyone! – Didnt end well for the Caucesceus lol. Maybe White Sands – Las Cruces would have been his best bet, petrol heads and libidinous behavour welcome as long as you leave your politics elsewhere. I wouldn’t want him for a neighbour though and some of the locals, esp mejicanos, can vote with their weapons if ppl get too far out of order.

David Lindsay
David Lindsay
1 year ago

In what way is Andrew Tate influential? Cite a specific example of his influence. He would hate me, because I would laugh at him so long and so hard that I would probably require hospital treatment.

Still, “I had no police record until I made a record,” said Tupac Shakur. When Tate became, if not influential, then famous for being so, and rich on the back of that, then he became a target. I am no fan of ostentatious displays of wealth, but the United States would never have allowed a white liberal American citizen to have been treated as Tate has been by the NATO member state of Romania.

William Shaw
William Shaw
1 year ago
Reply to  David Lindsay

A majority of boys and young men are watching his videos… many of which stress looking after one’s health, physical exercise, responsibility and chivalrous behaviour.
Unfortunately for Tate he will not be judged in court by a jury but by appointed judges who are beholden to the Romanian government that wants to be seen to be doing “the right thing” and make an example of him.
In our legal system, everyone is innocent until proven guilty. It seems very unlikely that Tate will receive a fair trial. That should concern anyone who believes in justice.

Last edited 1 year ago by William Shaw
David Lindsay
David Lindsay
1 year ago
Reply to  William Shaw

If his videos “stress looking after one’s health, physical exercise, responsibility and chivalrous behaviour,” then I fail to see his influence on the “majority of boys and young men.” That, one might add, would be an enormous number of people.

William Shaw
William Shaw
1 year ago
Reply to  David Lindsay

“Before Mr. Tate’s accounts were deleted, he had about 4.6 million followers on Instagram and more than 740,000 followers on YouTube… Rolling Stone reported.”

“…the 35-year-old is not a fringe personality lurking in an obscure corner of the dark web. Instead, he is one of the most famous figures on TikTok, where videos of him have been watched 11.6 billion times.”

YouTube reports that Tate is the 5th most searched for person on their platform.

Last edited 1 year ago by William Shaw
William Shaw
William Shaw
1 year ago
Reply to  David Lindsay

“Before Mr. Tate’s accounts were deleted, he had about 4.6 million followers on Instagram and more than 740,000 followers on YouTube… Rolling Stone reported.”

“…the 35-year-old is not a fringe personality lurking in an obscure corner of the dark web. Instead, he is one of the most famous figures on TikTok, where videos of him have been watched 11.6 billion times.”

YouTube reports that Tate is the 5th most searched for person on their platform.

Last edited 1 year ago by William Shaw
David Lindsay
David Lindsay
1 year ago
Reply to  William Shaw

If his videos “stress looking after one’s health, physical exercise, responsibility and chivalrous behaviour,” then I fail to see his influence on the “majority of boys and young men.” That, one might add, would be an enormous number of people.

William Shaw
William Shaw
1 year ago
Reply to  David Lindsay

A majority of boys and young men are watching his videos… many of which stress looking after one’s health, physical exercise, responsibility and chivalrous behaviour.
Unfortunately for Tate he will not be judged in court by a jury but by appointed judges who are beholden to the Romanian government that wants to be seen to be doing “the right thing” and make an example of him.
In our legal system, everyone is innocent until proven guilty. It seems very unlikely that Tate will receive a fair trial. That should concern anyone who believes in justice.

Last edited 1 year ago by William Shaw
David Lindsay
David Lindsay
1 year ago

In what way is Andrew Tate influential? Cite a specific example of his influence. He would hate me, because I would laugh at him so long and so hard that I would probably require hospital treatment.

Still, “I had no police record until I made a record,” said Tupac Shakur. When Tate became, if not influential, then famous for being so, and rich on the back of that, then he became a target. I am no fan of ostentatious displays of wealth, but the United States would never have allowed a white liberal American citizen to have been treated as Tate has been by the NATO member state of Romania.

John Galt Was Correct
John Galt Was Correct
1 year ago

Had never heard of him until his court case went into the news. I have two teenage boys who also have never heard of him. There is a huge amount of people on social media other than Tate, and most boys prefer the football based entities. Tate seems to be somebody that the left is obsessed about. Tate derangement syndrome.

Emil Castelli
Emil Castelli
1 year ago

That’s because you only watch the Sheep Channels – if you, and the sheep above, ever ventured out of your comfy holes you would know him – he is a very important person today – your ignorance should not be your boast.

Emil Castelli
Emil Castelli
1 year ago

That’s because you only watch the Sheep Channels – if you, and the sheep above, ever ventured out of your comfy holes you would know him – he is a very important person today – your ignorance should not be your boast.

John Galt Was Correct
John Galt Was Correct
1 year ago

Had never heard of him until his court case went into the news. I have two teenage boys who also have never heard of him. There is a huge amount of people on social media other than Tate, and most boys prefer the football based entities. Tate seems to be somebody that the left is obsessed about. Tate derangement syndrome.

john d rockemella
john d rockemella
1 year ago

Just such lazy writing from another poor journalist! Who clearly is no form of man at all! Fat, lazy and looks like he should go on a diet. Promoting male positivity to excel and want to be better whilst respecting traditional values was not an issue before Covid! I’ll stick to my traditional values thanks.

john d rockemella
john d rockemella
1 year ago

Just such lazy writing from another poor journalist! Who clearly is no form of man at all! Fat, lazy and looks like he should go on a diet. Promoting male positivity to excel and want to be better whilst respecting traditional values was not an issue before Covid! I’ll stick to my traditional values thanks.

Tom Edwards
Tom Edwards
1 year ago

Hahaha, you can’t be serious!!!

Tom Edwards
Tom Edwards
1 year ago

Hahaha, you can’t be serious!!!

Frank McCusker
Frank McCusker
1 year ago

I never heard of the miserable little self-pitying gimp prior to his arrest. The fact that so many silly young lads seemingly had latched onto this moron shows you how many broken homes with no Dads there are out there.

Andrew Dalton
Andrew Dalton
1 year ago
Reply to  Frank McCusker

That’s at least a part of the problem. I’m surprised at the downvotes, as this is a generally accepted problem on these comments boards.

Albert McGloan
Albert McGloan
1 year ago
Reply to  Frank McCusker

Overheard someone saying you could always tell which men grew up with a single mother – they’re always overly hostile and aggressive. Always wondered what the context was, but it felt like a personal attack!

Andrew Dalton
Andrew Dalton
1 year ago
Reply to  Frank McCusker

That’s at least a part of the problem. I’m surprised at the downvotes, as this is a generally accepted problem on these comments boards.

Albert McGloan
Albert McGloan
1 year ago
Reply to  Frank McCusker

Overheard someone saying you could always tell which men grew up with a single mother – they’re always overly hostile and aggressive. Always wondered what the context was, but it felt like a personal attack!

Frank McCusker
Frank McCusker
1 year ago

I never heard of the miserable little self-pitying gimp prior to his arrest. The fact that so many silly young lads seemingly had latched onto this moron shows you how many broken homes with no Dads there are out there.

Katherine Finn
Katherine Finn
1 year ago


Nicky Samengo-Turner
Nicky Samengo-Turner
1 year ago

The most frightful guttersnipe…

Nicky Samengo-Turner
Nicky Samengo-Turner
1 year ago

The most frightful guttersnipe…

Brenda Becker
Brenda Becker
1 year ago

All of ye proclaiming that you’d never heard of Tate–ask a young person. I’d never heard of him either; my Millenial daughter barked a bitter and incredulous laugh. The dating apps are thick as sewage with his slavering disciples. He is an A-list hero to boys as young as middle school, at least here in the U.S. Trust me, he’s not a straw man or boogie man ginned up by NPR gender-fluid vegans.

William Shaw
William Shaw
1 year ago
Reply to  Brenda Becker

It’s Tate and his “slavering disciples” versus 100’s of rabid feminists and their “slavering disciples.”

Paul Hendricks
Paul Hendricks
1 year ago
Reply to  Brenda Becker

So much the better if these “sewage” men are confined to dating apps, where they can be easily identified and safely swiped away, right?

Then your daughter can conveniently select and rendezvous with the men who appeal to her, whether for potential marriage or “something casual”.

Meanwhile I should think other men would welcome the news that the dating apps are visibly flooded with Andrew Tate’s minions, in order to set apart their own profiles. (But as your daughter must know, this kind of sorting occurs on dating apps no matter what. Getting rid of Tate won’t change a thing. There will always be a massive pool of interested men who fail to “match”, for whatever reason, and a small pool of men who “match” all the time, and so enjoy an endless series of “casual” relationships.)

Surely your daughter knows this and her continued presence on “the apps” is an endorsement, the stench of Tate types notwithstanding.

William Shaw
William Shaw
1 year ago
Reply to  Paul Hendricks

The fact that her daughter is using dating apps says a lot about her character.
Online dating removes the key components of the mating dynamic: vibe, humour, body language, pheromones, and confidence. In short, the online selection of suitable dates ignores personality. For men who primarily use online dating to access brief sexual partners this is not a drawback, but for women who are generally looking for more substantial relationships this is a disaster. They’re choosing dates based almost entirely on looks, which are important but not at the top of the list for most women. Many of the men they pass over in the dating app have some or all of the qualities they are seeking but the woman will never get a chance to find out. Dating apps are effective if all a person is looking for is a brief hook up.

William Shaw
William Shaw
1 year ago
Reply to  Paul Hendricks

The fact that her daughter is using dating apps says a lot about her character.
Online dating removes the key components of the mating dynamic: vibe, humour, body language, pheromones, and confidence. In short, the online selection of suitable dates ignores personality. For men who primarily use online dating to access brief sexual partners this is not a drawback, but for women who are generally looking for more substantial relationships this is a disaster. They’re choosing dates based almost entirely on looks, which are important but not at the top of the list for most women. Many of the men they pass over in the dating app have some or all of the qualities they are seeking but the woman will never get a chance to find out. Dating apps are effective if all a person is looking for is a brief hook up.

William Shaw
William Shaw
1 year ago
Reply to  Brenda Becker

It’s Tate and his “slavering disciples” versus 100’s of rabid feminists and their “slavering disciples.”

Paul Hendricks
Paul Hendricks
1 year ago
Reply to  Brenda Becker

So much the better if these “sewage” men are confined to dating apps, where they can be easily identified and safely swiped away, right?

Then your daughter can conveniently select and rendezvous with the men who appeal to her, whether for potential marriage or “something casual”.

Meanwhile I should think other men would welcome the news that the dating apps are visibly flooded with Andrew Tate’s minions, in order to set apart their own profiles. (But as your daughter must know, this kind of sorting occurs on dating apps no matter what. Getting rid of Tate won’t change a thing. There will always be a massive pool of interested men who fail to “match”, for whatever reason, and a small pool of men who “match” all the time, and so enjoy an endless series of “casual” relationships.)

Surely your daughter knows this and her continued presence on “the apps” is an endorsement, the stench of Tate types notwithstanding.

Brenda Becker
Brenda Becker
1 year ago

All of ye proclaiming that you’d never heard of Tate–ask a young person. I’d never heard of him either; my Millenial daughter barked a bitter and incredulous laugh. The dating apps are thick as sewage with his slavering disciples. He is an A-list hero to boys as young as middle school, at least here in the U.S. Trust me, he’s not a straw man or boogie man ginned up by NPR gender-fluid vegans.

j watson
j watson
1 year ago

I’d never heard of this fella until UnHerd articles some months ago. Not sure I’d heard of the manosphere either.
I sensed this nasty bit of work had become a bit of a champion to some sad Men with an axe to grind about the modern world. Well more fool them and just perhaps maybe the lesson is don’t jump onto the bandwagon of someone because they are confirming some of your own worst traits.

Emil Castelli
Emil Castelli
1 year ago
Reply to  j watson

Well – I had never heard of Donald Trump till a recent Unherd article. Seems a nasty bit of work. I believes this shows I do not waste my time on fringe news so must know what I am talking about..

So as I am so very well informed on the actual world I will now give my opinion:

opefrfkgj;lkgl;kgbr ergtkjgji

Emil Castelli
Emil Castelli
1 year ago
Reply to  j watson

Well – I had never heard of Donald Trump till a recent Unherd article. Seems a nasty bit of work. I believes this shows I do not waste my time on fringe news so must know what I am talking about..

So as I am so very well informed on the actual world I will now give my opinion:

opefrfkgj;lkgl;kgbr ergtkjgji

j watson
j watson
1 year ago

I’d never heard of this fella until UnHerd articles some months ago. Not sure I’d heard of the manosphere either.
I sensed this nasty bit of work had become a bit of a champion to some sad Men with an axe to grind about the modern world. Well more fool them and just perhaps maybe the lesson is don’t jump onto the bandwagon of someone because they are confirming some of your own worst traits.