Goodwin, Davis, Hitchens, Read & Liddle

Alternative Election Hustings

June 26, 2024
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Who should you vote for on the 4th of July? A week ahead of the general election, UnHerd’s Freddie Sayers hosts an alternative hustings to size up the competition. Our all-star cast includes Peter Hitchens arguing for the Tories (even though he wants to destroy them), Rod Liddle for the SDP, Rowenna Davis for Labour, Matt Goodwin for Reform and UnHerd’s Florence Read for the Greens.

You can watch the full event above.


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Citizen Diversity
Citizen Diversity
3 months ago

Unherd’s Horror Show. Fantastic Beasts and Why to Vote for Them.

Lesley Keay
Lesley Keay
3 months ago

What a great discussion. And well done for Peter Hitchens for bringing out the serious danger that a Labour Government presents.