Members of the American Academy of Pediatrics who have pushed back against the organisation’s official endorsement of cross-sex medical treatments for minors have been met with a culture of secrecy and intimidation from the leadership, according to AAP insiders.
Ahead of its annual conference this past weekend, the AAP denied a press pass to journalist Benjamin Ryan, and denied trans-sceptical organisation, the Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism, the opportunity to host an exhibit. A group of detransitioners — individuals who underwent medical transitions in adolescence but now seek to live as their birth sex — hosted a booth at this year’s conference, and were ultimately kicked out of the event by security. The conference’s LGBT affinity group session, slated to last more than five hours, did not allow recording, required attendees’ electronic devices to be shut down, and requested that attendees not share the content of the programming with outsiders, Ryan reported. Even the session’s agenda was password protected.
The secretive attitude surrounding this year’s conference is in keeping with the AAP’s treatment of transgender issues in recent years. In December 2023, the AAP sent an email to its members in leadership roles urging them to use personal email addresses for AAP communications to “keep internal communications under the control of the AAP and its member leaders… including in response to subpoenas or Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) requests.”
Dr. Julia Mason, an American paediatrician, AAP member, and vocal critic of the AAP’s handling of the trans issue, reached out to various members requesting a copy of the email. A week later, she received an email from AAP CEO Mark Del Monte which she characterised as “vaguely threatening”.
“If, in the future, you have questions about AAP operations or policies, please feel free to reach out to me directly. I will provide you whatever information I am able to share,” the email read. He did not, however, share the email Mason had been seeking.
This secrecy, and the organisation’s eagerness to stifle dissent on the gender issue, impedes the scientific process, according to Dr. Patrick Hunter, a paediatrician and AAP member, who spoke in his own capacity and not on behalf of the Florida Board of Medicine, of which he is a member. “They are not interested in dialogue and discussion which, in the past, was an integral part of science and academic progress,” he told UnHerd. “Through the years I have emailed Mr. Del Monte and AAP presidents, Sandy Chung and Moura Szilagyi. I have left voicemails with Mr. Del Monte on several occasions. I have never had a response.”
Hunter resigned his AAP membership in the late 2010s over his objection to their handling of the transgender issue, but has since rejoined “to have a voice in the organisation.” Annual dues for AAP membership exceed $600, a motivating factor for some gender-critical doctors to leave the organisation.
An issue that arose repeatedly in interviews with AAP members was the sense of mystery surrounding the organisation’s policy on youth transitions. A 2018 paper by Dr. Jason Rafferty, which represents the official position of the AAP, supports “comprehensive gender-affirming care” for youth, to include “medical, psychological, and, when indicated, surgical gender-affirming interventions”. The policy was adopted despite a lack of consensus among members and a lack of empirical evidence supporting these medical procedures. The AAP’s policy is a cornerstone of the perception of consensus within the medical community, and is frequently cited by opponents of legal restrictions on youth medical transitions.
Numerous systematic reviews have found insufficient evidence for cross-sex medical interventions for minors. The AAP pledged last August to conduct its own systematic review of the evidence on cross-sex medical interventions. The organisation has not released any new information on the review in the year since, and did not respond to a request for comment on the issue. “There was such a sense of relief when they said they would look at the data,” one paediatrician and AAP member, speaking anonymously, told UnHerd. “And now, a year later, they still haven’t published the inclusion criteria.”
The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) similarly pledged to commission a systematic review in 2020, and emails that have since been made public reveal they found “little to no evidence” to support cross-sex treatments for minors. WPATH then blocked researchers from publishing the findings and continued to publicly endorse the procedures.
The AAP now finds itself in a difficult position, as international evidence increasingly weighs against their longstanding position of support for irreversible cross-sex treatments for minors. A policy reversal or a refusal to update their policy both risk damaging doctors’ trust in the institution, whose medical guidelines serve as the gold standard for paediatric medicine in the US.
“You cannot overstate the importance of the AAP to paediatrics,” the anonymous paediatrician told UnHerd. “It’s difficult to function without their role, because they give us the guidelines for everything, and they’re supposed to be evidence based.” Medical guidelines typically follow the Chain of Trust, in which information travels from university researchers to medical societies to practitioners. In the case of the AAP and gender medicine, the doctor argued, this trust has been broken. “The quality of evidence needed to justify these life changing, irreversible, harmful interventions is just not there.”
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SubscribeEven the idea of calling these interventions “treatment” for anyone, at any age, is misguided. This is nothing more and nothing less than cosmetically-driven body modification.
It makes as much sense to prescribe these interventions to people experiencing psychiatric distress about their natal sex as it would to offer nose jobs or surgical sculpting to people who are body dysmorphic or extremely anxious about their appearance. Actually, it’s even crazier, because rhinoplasties are at least an established procedure which do not tend to result in infertility, risk of infection, loss of sexual function, or organ damage.
How these interventions ever became codified as medical guidelines for any group of patients — let alone minors — is a scandal of our times.
“Even the idea of calling these interventions “treatment” for anyone, at any age, is misguided.”
Except it is perfectly accurate, because it is the gender of any person that naturally drives them to be perceived as men or women, or neither in particular, and to feel that. The brain of the person is in charge of them, not their left elbow or right earlobe, or their sex. Neither is your perception of the importance their sex should in your eyes have to them what has any right to control them at all.
The changes surgically made are functional, not appearance only. I do know that.
How these interventions became the standard of care for nearly three decades now with a better than 99% accuracy rate is because your claim this is a psychiatric condition is false. It is physical difference in development occurring in utero no more psychiatric than is a harelip or a clubbed foot. It was once presumed it was a psychiatric problem, and probably before then presumed to be the torment done by demons — and both presumptions are proven to empirically to be false.
Treating the matter as a physical variance in fetal development has proven to be very successful — because it is that.
Gender is nonexistent. Only pervert trannies like you, Talia, believe in this complete shit.
“Gender is nonexistent.”
Thank you for revealing your delusion plainly.
“Only pervert trannies like you, Talia, believe in this complete shit.”
On the basis of evidence — that which you are bereft of — also well over 99% of all persons in the medical practice and biological research fields.
What about the Cass Review?
Also: well over 99% of Soviet Politburo members, under the chairmanship of Stalin, would have replied, if asked, that the Chairman’s policies were without flaw.
What would that have proved?
“What about the Cass Review?”
What about it? It is plain from her stated, written out in that documet inclusion/exclusion criteria that the Cass Review is only cherry picking writ very large.
Her conclusion there is too little data is an artifact of her criteria, not a fact to be found in the data. The Politburo and Cass have the similarity they excluded the data contrary their desired conclusion.
Apparently, Cass determined abut 98% of all associated data was to be ignored.
‘A better than 99% accuracy rate’ – what does this even mean?
A person with fully functioning, normal male or female anatomy who develops the idea that they are ‘in the wrong body’ is analogous to someone with a club foot or a hare lip?
Can’t you see that this is insane?
I means that false positives per WPATH standards of care for endorsed medical transition occur less than 1% of the time such endorsements occur.
“A person with … this is insane?” <– What is plain is, you have not the foggiest idea what you are talking about. Your evident sanity decreases proportionally to how vociferously you assert lies contrary measured reality, without your bothering first to learn what it is.
Be gone you foolish troon
I am not foolish, I am an adult human being, a women who is aware of and respects facts.
You show you have no taste for facts of which you do not approve.
Why should I go away from here, when here is where evil child abusing imbeciles tell lies towards advocating for the misery and destruction of persons like myself — and, here pretends to be a place where free speech is well thought of?
You may as well, were I Jewish, refer to me as “kike”. But thank you for your honesty.
Go away you foolish Troon
Factlessness, seething hatred at the innocent different, lies, insult, and love of abusing some children is all you are here.
You are not a woman. I am. I was born with a female reproductive system. My chromosomes are XX. And most importantly, I have large, immobile gametes. You don’t. If you want to pretend you’re a woman, fine. Just don’t think you can invade female spaces. You would not be welcomed, because you are a man.
“I was born with a female reproductive system.” <– Which is not what makes you a woman.
Your gender does.
“because you are a man.” <– No, bigoted liar, I am not.
Get back to me when you shriek, “It’s a man!” at someone with CAIS.
You are merely more urbane here than Thompson or Walsh — you are equally a hate filled bigot motivated only be deranged emotion.
Gender is a linguistic term regarding gender as applied to most nouns in some languages. To be grammatically correct the appropriate modifiers must be used. In many (not all) cases the gender is arbitrary.
Mammals and most species are male or female according to reproductive function – that, their sex. Male or female, egg or sperm, ovaries or testicles.
To say gender (as perceived by the Individual) is their sex is neither scientifically or grammatically correct.
No liar, gender has never been a linguistic term in English because English had largely lost the genderedness of words by the time the word was imported from Old French in the 1300’s. It has always in English referred primarily to the masculinity and femininity of people, as well as animals.
I am not foolish, I am an adult human being, a women who is aware of and respects facts.
You show you have no taste for facts of which you do not approve.
Why should I go away from here, when here is where evil child abusing imbeciles tell lies towards advocating for the misery and destruction of persons like myself — and, here pretends to be a place where free speech is well thought of?
You may as well, were I Jewish, refer to me as “k!ke”. But thank you and Paul Thompson for your honesty.
If it is something that definitively occurs in fetal development, then there are biological markers we can test for when people say they were born in the wrong body. But there are not. There are no scientific tests, to date, that show whether a person medically has this condition.
Many 13 year old girls are now claiming they are not the sex that was assumed at their birth. Something they never mentioned while growing up. Something they only “discover” during the angst of new hormones rushing into the body. Did these young people have something occur during fetal development? Or did they merely feel weird during puberty and find a reason for it on TikTok.
If the desire to change one’s sex were obviously a medical condition with testable physical markers, it would be much easier for people to agree on this. But it is not.
And the long term consequences of medical transition are pretty severe. It should never be taken lightly. Any procedures we undertake with children need to be fully researched. Period. We should not experiment on kids. Nor should we take at face value what kids tell us. I teach pre-K. I had a child last year who wanted to be a dinosaur. He claimed he was one. Insisted on wearing a dino pj costume all year. It took a lot to convince him we do not roar in the classroom or at our friends.
Kids have wild imaginations. We cannot dismiss that either.
“But there are not.”
Yes, there are. That they are more recent and less comprehensive than the very well developed and 99%+ psychiatric screening criteria does not change that. The fact the psychiatric screening criteria is 99%+ accurate is in fact a disincentive to even try to substitute more physical methods — because the greater error which would now necessarily results is horrifying.
To sane people.
You are not such. You believe the <1% is of greater worth than the 99%+.
The problem is that those who passionately promote trans surgery for minors are either ideologically captured or making a lavish living of them and are eager to suppress any evidence against such surgery. This is not science and unfortunately those not directly involved have little incentive to get involved and push back.
No, you are merely a child abuser dedicated to supporting the child abuse you love, because getting away with carrying out that abuse affirms your delusional worldview to you — and — one of these two delusional opinions you hold.
1) that gender does not physically exist at all
2) that if it does it is always physically identical to the sex of a person.
You believe this despite the objectively measured and physical facts proving you wrong, because for reason as yet undelved in in your psychology, you can not deal with the actual complexity of the world, and you are prepared to advocate grotesque child abuse for the sake of those lies you love.
That child abuse you love is to force some boys to grow up with breasts and periods, and to force some girls to have beards and deep voices.
Careful, Talia, that is getting close to libel.
I am not the property of Parliament. I need no more than to take care I say what is defensibly true, and in this case, easily so.
Go away you foolish troon
I am not foolish, I am an adult human being, a woman who is aware of and respects facts.
You show you have no taste for facts of which you do not approve.
Why should I go away from here, when here is where evil child abusing imbeciles tell lies towards advocating for the misery and destruction of persons like myself — and, here pretends to be a place where free speech is well thought of?
You may as well, were I Jewish, refer to me as “k!ke”. But thank you and Paul Thompson for your honesty.
Sex is material and can be observed. However, you’re expecting people to believe in something for which there is absolutely no evidence of its existence other than what people say about themselves. People can be mistaken, they can be delusional or they can lie. Puberty can be a b****r and kids can struggle going through it. However, they get through it. We all get through it and we have to if we’re going to live as adults in the adult world. Medicating and operating on kids simply for them to regret what’s happened to them later on is certainly not acceptable.
“Sex is material and can be observed.”
So can be the gender of parson, if not so reliably or easilty. So what, When it is so reliably found by psychiatric screening?
“However, you’re expecting … certainly not acceptable.”
None of which changes the fact that that screening produces true results over 44,999 times for medical transition of apparent sex and gender being endorsed or not.
That “regret” near never happens, and, you have yet to begin to make the case the same regret and grief can be properly imposed on the 99 who will not regret it.
The thing about TP – she is trying to frame people as being radical for having perfectly sensible and empathetic beliefs about trans issues. No one wants to stop trans people from living their lives. We simply oppose surgical interventions for children and trans men competing against biological women in sports.
In typical Orwellian fashion, there can be no dissent from her preferred positions. This is the same toxic tactic used to impose radical covid policy. All disagreement is based on hate and ignorance. Anyone who opposes the narrative is a threat and all must conform or be crushed.
People are sick of authoritarians and people like TP who want to impose their will in others.
“The thing about … will in others.”
This has nothing to do with “authoritarians”, but on your side of things. COVID has nothing at all to do with it.
You have no “perfectly sensible and empathetic beliefs about trans issues”, because you deny measured physical reality about the matter. To begin to have a point, you need to show there statements are incorrect. How you feel about them does not matter as being the excuse you want to have for the abuse of transgender people.
TP has certainly gone down the rabbit hole. Completely lost to reason. Very sad, one can only hope there are not too many like this and that some of them eventually recover.
“Completely lost to reason.”
Were that the case, you could cite a relevant fact which backed up your claims. You can not.
This line of reasoning is truly bizarre.
Genuine transsexuals were almost always a tiny minority of very effeminate boys, which is why (previous to Obamacare covering “transgender health) most transsexuals were convincing enough in appearance.
The mass explosion of rapid onset gender dysphoria is concurrent, roughly, with Obamacare mandates, as well as the rise in very aggressive, very radical political movements, from Antifa (many of whom have unusual sexualities) to “Students for Justice in Palestine.”
These are, therefore, probably not naturally occurring phenomenon that occurs in utero.
So when and if “transmen” outgrow their teen angst, they may be devastated to realize they’ve been sterilized, with missing breasts and painfully swollen clitori. And indeed, suicide rates among post-op transsexuals, many of whom are anorgasmic and horribly medicalized, are high.
Healthy, competent adults should be able to seek out their own happiness. (And of course everyone deserves a baseline of politeness and respect.) But confused or mentally ill adolescents, to whom we don’t even allow cigarettes, are an entirely different matter.
“This line of … entirely different matter.”
Nothing you have claimed is true there is true and relevant.
Short only of a desire to transition medically, 1 in ~150 people meet the criteria for gender dysphoria. With that criteria, about 1 in 450 do.
You are stuck in the now known to be false “facts” thought to be known over 40-50 years ago.
Sounds like projection
And that’s you wishcasting instead of having facts backing you up.
You are right that I don’t believe that a person has a gender distinct from their sex. To describe it as a delusion requires clear proof beyond mere assertion that a distinct gender exists.
It is perfectly true that men and women have psychological characteristics don’t fit neatly into “typical” or “traditional” male and female formats. But the fact that a man may have “feminine tastes and preferences” and homosexual sexual preferences doesn’t make him a woman. It is much healthier for him to live, as such men have for centuries, as a feminine man rather than a simulacrum of a woman. Encouraging the young to take irreversible decisions to “transition” is irresponsible.
The fact that the trans lobbyists acts in an unscientific, secretive and abusive fashion so often does nothing to persuade that they hold a valid point of view.
“You are right that I don’t believe that a person has a gender distinct from their sex” <– A belief held in delusional defiance of every known pertaining fact.
“It is perfectly … him a woman.” <– But no one is talking about amorphous, undefined characteristics which are, “psychological”. Only about physical anatomy comprising gender.
“It is much healthier for him to live, as such men have for centuries, as a feminine man rather than a simulacrum of a woman.” <– Only true if there is no such thing as gender, a belief already known objectively, physcially to be delusional on your part — the people you want to force to be a “feminine man” is a woman.
“The fact that the trans lobbyists acts in an unscientific, secretive and abusive fashion so often does nothing to persuade that they hold a valid point of view.”
And yet I am the only one here today mentioning any publicly available, scientific facts.
You are talking about what you wish were true.
Why do you think I wish anything to be true? I am perfectly happy to be pursued that someone can have a “gender” distinct from their sex but no one has produced scientifically credible evidence to that effect. A belief that someone can be a woman in a man’s body is not such evidence. What does this distinct “gender” consist of and how is it manifested beyond a person’s belief? Where is this publicly available scientific evidence you speak of?
There is no need to project your belief that I don’t wish something to be true and take an aggressive stance. Scientific truths require no aggressive and abusive support they speak plainly and irrefutably. If you sound as if you are defending a cult belief it doesn’t help to establish your case.
“Why do you think I wish anything to be true?” <– Because of how commonly you state known falsehoods to be true and deny relevant reality. You are delusional.
“but no one has produced scientifically credible evidence to that effect.” <– Nonsense. It has been an accepted fact for decades — and solely persons with a political/philosophical axe to grind about it have claimed otherwise. That fact is in no small measure based on the empirical success of concepts dependent on that being true — and — the substantial physical evidence it is true — and — the complete absence of any evidence to the contrary.
“What does this distinct “gender” consist of and how is it manifested beyond a person’s belief?” <- I have already said that many, many times. Start paying attention.
“Where is this publicly available scientific evidence you speak of?” <– I have already cited it here many, many times. Stop playing dumb, if you can.
“There is no need to project your belief that I don’t wish something to be true” <– I project nothing, I state the obvious.
“and take an aggressive stance.” <– I have very good reason — the entire slant of your comments, most commenters here, and the editorial slant of this “news” source is aggression against myself and all like me.
That is your good friend Paul Thompson, quoted from this very thread. His opinions are exactly as factually well founded as what you have said — and — your claimed views have no daylight whatsoever between his put plainly and yours said circumspectly.
Who should not “aggressively” respond to your assertion that some people deserve to be abused in law and policy, and those among them who are young forced to be girls growing up with beards and deep voices, and the boys forced to have breasts and periods?
That is what this is about — what you want to see happen to transgender people.
“If you sound as if you are defending a cult belief it doesn’t help to establish your case.” <– I do not sound so, but to those like you in your cult.
This is truly one of the ugliest happenings of my 66 year lifetime!
Any medical professional involved with this macabre show should have their balls (or other appropriate body parts) removed and put in jail for life! Yes! I feel strongly about this!
And you have A) lied here to claim you are a physician in the United States or B) denied that only 1 in 825 physicians in the US agree with you, and that that 1 in 825 includes a dentist identifying as a physician who saw fit in the church they ran, to try to raise the dead by the power of prayer.
The pollution in you of what should be rationally considered scientifically arrived at medical care, with your religious faith, merits your license being revoked, and your records exposed for discovery by litigants, along with the whole of your wealth divided up for recompense to your victims.
If you are actually a physician at all, instead of only your being a liar on the internet.
The profession has moved quite a ways from ‘do no harm.’ And you have to admire the display of openness and tolerance for anyone who is not completely on board with the dogma. When you are in favor of life-altering medical procedures that are in no way life-saving, you are no longer practicing medicine.
“The profession has moved quite a ways from ‘do no harm.’”
Not that you have any evidence of that.
You just feel it so strong you think you need no evidence.
Not that you have any evidence of that.
When you advocate life-altering but not life-saving interventions on kids, that’s evidence. When kids are banned from getting tattoos but pushed into irrevocable surgery, that’s evidence. You clown.
“When you advocate life-altering but not life-saving interventions on kids, that’s evidence.” <– Only that such is advocated. So what?
What you need and do not have, is evidence it is not life-saving, or, that only life-saving medical care can be justified. You also need evidence such medical care is not medical care, but is instead is tattoo-like.
You have none of that.
It is so easy to unpack your evil stupidity, because you are a clown.
The removal of normally functioning body parts is NOT medical care, it is NOT life-saving, and it has never in human history been described as either of those things. That sounds like evidence. Centuries of evidence. But keep lying to yourself and keep championing the abuse of children.
But it is not normally functioning body parts for woman or 17yo girl to have a male reproductive system. It is not normally functioning body parts for man or 17yo boy to have a female reproductive system
You are insane for claiming otherwise.
You are also insane, on the basis of the actual evidence, for claiming it is the reproductive system which makes someone a man or a woman — when of course it is the brain alone which does so.
A girl does not have “a male reproductive system.” That’s called a boy. But, sure Karen; it’s everyone else who is insane.
You are also insane, on the basis of the actual evidence, for claiming it is the reproductive system which makes someone a man or a woman ——-> Since I never said that, we can safely add “liar” to your other sterling character traits.
“A girl does not have “a male reproductive system.”
Yes, sometimes they do.
“Since I never said that” <– You just did, right here –> “A girl does not have “a male reproductive system.” That’s called a boy.”
“we can safely add “liar” to your other sterling character traits.”
And imbecile, if it were ever in doubt, is undoubtedly one of your sterling character traits, and liar never here one of mine.
Chromosomes have, throughout history, been the scientific marker of sex.. Not what people are thinking in the brain. Only in the last decade or so have we decided to say we no longer use chromosomes to identify sex.
“Chromosomes have, throughout history, been the scientific marker of sex..”
No, only for the spare two decades or so they were all that was known to be involved. After that, genes were discovered.
Like most trannies, you are f*****g moron about biology. Genes were discovered by Mendel in 1879. The double helix structure was identified in 1949.
No imbecile, Mendel theorized something like genes must exist in 1879 — he never found them.
The double helix structure is of chromosomes, not of genes.
You really should shut up about what you know nothing of.
“The removal of normally functioning body parts is NOT medical care” <– It is not “normal” for a woman to have a male reproductive system. It is not “normal” for a man to have a female reproductive system.
To save your self from being correctly thought of as being a child abuser, you need to demonstrate that is not what is reliably detected and as far as medical science permits, remediated in people who are transgender.
You need to prove these statements to be wrong.
The AAP is now fully captured by the grooming pervert wing of physicians. These are mostly young, mostly trannies who justify their self-perversion by capturing others into the foul stupidity of this cult. Every time a child becomes a trannie, this justifies the perverted status of current trannies. What must happen is that ANY physician who is a trannie, who is sexually ambiguous, must lose their medical license.
You are a fool, and an insane child abuser. You are what you think and claim you are fighting.
“What must happen is that ANY physician who is a trannie, who is sexually ambiguous, must lose their medical license.”
You really took your hood all the way off there. Thank you for that. It is always gratifying for mortal enemies of humanity to reveal themselves as you have.
The AAP was “captured” by facts and evidence which deny you completely, and well over 30 years ago. No later than 20 years ago at that.
This is what is known to be real, even though you for no rational reason hate reality and those people and children whose existence prove it is what you can not stand.
Gender is physically sexually dimorphic tissue between the ears.
Sex is physically sexually dimorphic tissue between the legs.
The same as the sex in and of itself can develop with incomplete and or indeterminate results in one direction — out of the two of male and female or, in some degree both of the two directions of male and female — there can be such an incomplete or mixed result in and of the gender itself or with respect to the gender vis a vis the sex.
No such indeterminate result is a psychiatric condition.
You are a fool, and an insane child abuser. You are what you think and claim you are fighting.
“What must happen is that ANY physician who is a trannie, who is sexually ambiguous, must lose their medical license.”
You really took your hood all the way off there. Thank you for that. It is always gratifying for mortal enemies of humanity to reveal themselves as you have.
The AAP was “captured” by facts and evidence which deny you completely, and well over 30 years ago. No later than 20 years ago at that, it was codified into policy.
This is what is known to be real, even though you for no rational reason hate reality and those people and children whose existence prove it is what you can not stand.
Gender is physically sexually dimorphic tissue between the ears.
Sex is physically sexually dimorphic tissue between the legs.
The same as the sex in and of itself can develop with incomplete and or indeterminate results in one direction — out of the two of male and female or, in some degree both of the two directions of male and female — there can be such an incomplete or mixed result in and of the gender itself or with respect to the gender vis a vis the sex.
No such indeterminate result is a psychiatric condition.
It is to be devoutly prayed for by me at least, that my reply to the bigot “Paul Thompson” is permitted by The Herd to be seen by the Herd.
Should I post it line by line?
My comments have hit the mark. You are clearly motivated to foolishly and poorly counter them. Its like yourself, have self-mutilated without solving the dysphoria, have only the route of additional conversion to justify your self-hatred and self-destruction. You are undoubtedly a hysterically funny looking person. All trannies are perverted pathetic losers.
Your comments are an “own goal”.
1) You are a fool, and an insane child abuser. You are what you think and claim you are fighting.
2) “What must happen is that ANY physician who is a trannie, who is sexually ambiguous, must lose their medical license.”
3) You really took your hood all the way off there. Thank you for that. It is always gratifying for mortal enemies of humanity to reveal themselves as you have.
4) You really took your hood all the way off there. Thank you for that. It is always gratifying for mortal enemies of humanity to reveal themselves as you have.
Talia, every time you look in a mirror, hood on or off, you see an enemy of humanity.
No, that’s you. You are the child abuser of the two of us.
And you have not even one relevant, factual word to say to the contrary.
5) The AAP was “captured” by facts and evidence which deny you completely, and well over 30 years ago. No later than 20 years ago at that, those facts were codified in formal positions.
6) This is what is known to be real, even though you for no rational reason hate reality and those people and children whose existence prove it is what you can not stand.
Maybe, just maybe, I can post the rest as a coherent block of text.
7) This is what is known to be real, even though you for no rational reason hate reality and those people and children whose existence prove it is what you can not stand.
Gender is physically sexually dimorphic tissue between the ears.
Sex is physically sexually dimorphic tissue between the legs.
The same as the sex in and of itself can develop with incomplete and or indeterminate results in one direction — out of the two of male and female, or, in some degree both of the two directions of male and female — there can be such an incomplete or mixed result in and of the gender itself or with respect to the gender vis a vis the sex.
No such indeterminate result is a psychiatric condition.
No, Duggan — it does not. That is because only 1 in 825 physicians is temporarily insane or permanently evil or stupid enough to imagine there is any reason to oppose it.
Where did that figure come from? A reliable peer-reviewed paper ?
Imbecile, you have no excuse to claim you do not know the ACPeds hate group has only about 200 members who are physicians.
An insulting nonresponse. Cite your source for the 1 in 825. I need a laugh today.
It is accurate, not insulting — it’s on them to change what is accurate they think is insulting.
ACPeds vs AMA really comes out to over 1 to 1000. I was being as generous as possible to the ACPeds hate group to arrive at 1 to 825.
Slowly and haltingly, once reliable institutions corrupted by various forms of wokism are beginning to purge themselves of its toxic precepts. Unfortunately, the parasites controlling them are fighting back.
You managed to miss the fact Duggan provided no evidence of actual division in the APA?
You are the corrupt parasite, believing your evidence-less delusions are more important than facts, you are possessed of the delusion you know relevant facts, and for the sake of the lies you love, you seek here advocate for the monstrous abuse of some children.
There is no more, no less, no other to you here.
I think he did. Moreover he presented evidence that the AAP was suppressing dissent in a thoroughly undemocratic and unscientific fashion. Mr. Lee isn’t advocating the abuse of children. You, on the other hand…
No moron, she presented no evidence of that whatsoever. Everything she has claimed is a fact free assertion.
I on the other hand can back up everything I say, and with sources not so cowardly they will not be named.
“Mr. Lee isn’t advocating the abuse of children.”
Yes they are. That is what forcing boys to have breasts and periods and girls to have beards and deep voices is, the abuse of children which Lee wants.
This is an emotive issue for everyone. It does seem that the APA could have managed debate and research on the topic with more openness and alacrity.
It seems “gender critical” ideologues, transphobic bigots, are willing to deceitfully take anything out of context and make any smear they they think they can in order to further their getting what they want. What they want among other things is to force some children to be girls growing up with beards and deep voices, and they want to force some boys to grow up with breasts and having periods.
And they have never said even one relevant factual word to the contrary. Not here, not anywhere.
Uh-oh—Talia Perkins Alert: Please do not respond to this person’s posts. Doing so goes nowhere, apart from resulting in continuous hostile replies, which claim authority, but make no sense. (See for yourself.) Claiming to be a ‘women’, rather than a ‘woman’ is revealing of the confusion involved. Talia needs help, not correctional comments.
“Uh-oh—Talia Perkins … not correctional comments.”
Why no, you have no facts to bring to the table, you just want the Herd to circle it’s wagons against reality.
These are facts.
Do try to find a psychiatrist who can help you explore your beliefs. I wish you good mental health.
I already know what is real — you need the help at discerning reality.
After all, you have yet to mention any facts at all which excuse you.
I think I don’t trust you to discern reality on my behalf.
In fact, I know I don’t.
So what?
You would have to have some pertinent facts which contradicted me to trouble me in the slightest.
Talia is a trannie who justifies its self-mutilation by attempting to mutilate others.
You are a child abusing bigot without excuse — and perfectly representative of the editorial position of the Herd, its leadership, staff, and overwhelming majority of its commenters.
For a VERY short time after I initially joined UnHerd, I’d read the regurgitated dogma posted by “Talia”. The tone of the the Preaching quickly exposed the unmistakable odor of what no amount of
– cheap, peeler-fragrance
– trowel-applied, literal warpaint
– synthetic hormones
– elective, cosmetic mutilation
could ever smother…the desperate ranting of a man demanding the collision of his hatred, mental illness(es), personality disorder(s), and insatiable appetite for deviant and degenerate gratification and satisfaction be socially accepted, applauded, glorified, and on 24/7 public display while the evidence of the aforementioned protrudes from his skirt.
“For a VERY … from his skirt.”
Her skirt, and I note you are of no different opnions whatsoever from the lies of Paul Thompson, and likewise have not a single fact excusing you.
Genetics that prohibit the bulk in my crotch are all facts I need, sir.
Now, have yourself a most wonderful day. XX
Which, you child abuser, are not genes occurring typically in all people — which is why you have said nothing excusing you in any way.
Progressive politics trumps science ! Fanatics have closed minds and force facts ti fit political theories
There is no legitimate reason for an organization allegedly looking to provide health care to use secrecy, deceit and intimidation.