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The flaws in the Lucy Letby case The convictions should be referred back to the Court of Appeal


July 24, 2024   11 mins

Appearing for the Crown in a murder trial he was hoping to lose, a senior colleague once quipped: “People want to know how we defend the guilty, but the really tricky thing is prosecuting the innocent.” I’ve only done it once, to my knowledge. And the lesson in the power and contagion of confirmation bias has stayed with me.

The defendant, picked up in a routine traffic stop, denied being the man who’d carried out an inside-job fraud at the shop where he’d worked some years earlier. His name, ID and credit cards matched, and apart from a little weight gain and a new hairdo, he looked exactly like the two available photos of the criminal. A defence “facial mapping” expert pointed out several differences, but our own expert explained them away and supported the identification. Forceful cross-examination of the defence expert led him to concede that he might be wrong. But a last-minute double-check by the police unearthed — finally — one of the fraudster’s former colleagues. His probity beyond question, he was brought to court to say whether he recognised the man in the dock. A guileless “no”, followed by an unfakeably perplexed chuckle when it was suggested it might be the man he used to work with, confirmed the defendant’s innocence. (The two might well have been cousins sharing an identity, but that’s another story.)

It immediately became blindingly obvious to me that the photos of the two men were not the same person at all. You could tell at a glance! But when you are given a theory, and you run with it, it takes something big to bring about that paradigm shift.

In the case of the nurse Lucy Letby, a theory that she was a murderer was alighted upon by one of the ward’s consultant paediatricians very early on — after only a very few of the unexplained deaths or collapses that ended up on her indictment — and the theory was based almost entirely on her having been on shift at the relevant times. There can be little doubt that there was not, at that stage, enough evidence for murder to be anything other than a remote possibility. So either it was a very lucky guess, or this theory was later taken up by others in a way that led to inaccurate expert medical opinion, the misleading presentation of evidence, and a terrible miscarriage of justice.

Following her conviction last August, for murdering seven babies and trying to kill six others, a 13,000-word piece in The New Yorker told a compelling story of her likely innocence. More recently, and once the reporting restrictions were lifted after her conviction three weeks ago in a retrial for the attempted murder of one of the babies on which the jury could not agree, long pro-defence pieces have appeared in The Guardian, Telegraph, Independent and Private Eye. Also recently published — withheld pending the outcome of the retrial — is the written judgement of the Court of Appeal, who refused her application for leave to appeal.

An appeal first goes to a single judge, who makes a decision on the papers whether to let you argue it at a hearing. In Letby’s case, that judge was Sir Robin Spencer, who turned her application down. Coincidentally — or perhaps not — Spencer was the barrister who led the prosecution of Sally Clark in 1999, who was wrongly convicted of killing two of her young children. That notorious miscarriage of justice, as well as others from the same era, such as Angela Cannings and Donna Anthony, was based on flawed statistical evidence about cot death from the since-discredited and disgraced paediatrician Sir Roy Meadow.

“Unknown unknowns” back then included the possibility of a genetic factor that could explain multiple cot deaths in the same family. It was nearly 20 years before a good candidate was discovered. A growing collection of lawyers, doctors and statisticians believe that something similar — flawed statistics and paediatric misdiagnosis without due respect for unknown unknowns — may have occurred in Letby’s case.

If the first Court of Appeal judge turns you down, you can try again at an oral hearing in front of three others. Letby was again unsuccessful. Their written judgement is long, detailed and illuminating. But it will not, I suspect, relieve much anxiety about a possible miscarriage of justice.

The main issue in the original trial, and indeed the retrial, was whether the deaths and other “events” were deliberately caused. Letby’s biggest problem here was the two allegations of attempted murder by insulin — Babies F and L, committed some eight months apart. Blood test results showed high insulin accompanied by low levels of a chemical called c-peptide. When the pancreas produces insulin, it produces similar levels of c-peptide. Therefore, the Crown said, the insulin was not produced in the body. It was, in other words, artificial. Therefore, it was an attempt to kill.

The inference to foul play with these two babies is arguably much stronger than it is with the more numerous diagnoses of air embolism, which was a more subjective opinion, more dependent on the statistically questionable “shift-pattern” evidence. The two guilty verdicts on the insulin counts were the first the jury returned — the next not coming for three days — and were two of only three unanimous convictions in the trial.

The Court of Appeal records that “the integrity of the blood samples and reliability of the biochemical testing was challenged by [defence KC] Mr Myers. However, in her evidence at trial, the applicant admitted that both babies had been poisoned by insulin, but denied that she was the poisoner.” The Crown made much of this “admission”, but the point is seriously unfair.

Letby was being pushed quite hard to swallow an inference which she was in no position to accept or deny. Her evidence was that she did not poison them — simple as that. So her opinion of the validity of the blood samples and the inferences to be drawn from them is neither here nor there.

“Her evidence was that she did not poison them — simple as that.”

This is a common practice by prosecutors, easy to lapse into in the heat of the moment. I’ve done it myself. “So it’s all just a big coincidence is it? Or have these two complainants put their heads together?” — that sort of thing. You’re trying to make a little speech and put the defendant on the back foot, in the course of questioning them about matters within their knowledge — which is what you should confine yourself to. But a defendant’s answers to such questions are not a sound basis for treating a prosecution inference as agreed by the defence. If the reliability of a blood sample is not agreed, or an inference not accepted, there the matter should rest. Her barrister explicitly did not concede the accuracy of the results in his speech to the jury, much less the inferences to be drawn.

And it seems there may be good reason not to accept their validity. The Guardian has reported serious concerns about the results from senior experts in the field. The Telegraph quotes guidance from the relevant lab saying that its tests are “not suitable” where the introduction of artificial insulin is suspected. And The New Yorker piece quotes the Crown’s expert as saying that there was a third insulin case, with similar blood results, not attributed to Letby. The samples cannot be tested again as they were destroyed soon after they were taken — because the babies’ blood sugar levels recovered and there was no suspicion of wrongdoing at the time.

But even without these post-conviction queries, if this were the only evidence, and these the only allegations, I would hope no jury would convict a nurse for attempted murder on that basis. The timing and detail of the insulin results meant that the Crown had to say that not only must Letby have poisoned the feeding bags she herself put up, but also must have poisoned one or more other bags in the store cupboard so that they would unwittingly be administered by other nurses after she had left. (The bags themselves, of course, are long gone.) Would you feel sure a random nurse tried to kill two babies eight months apart, or would you think this might be an instance of why the lab says its tests are “not suitable” for proving the presence of artificial insulin? But of course, this was not the only evidence against her.

There are also Letby’s online searches for bereaved families, and the collection of medical notes found at her home relating to some of the events she was charged with. Neither of these, I feel, are anything like as bad as they look: they both stand against a background of a much larger number of non-suspicious searches and medical notes.

But for many observers, and perhaps for the jury, the “confession” note is persuasive. For criminal lawyers, less so. That’s because false confessions are surprisingly common. So much so, that a law was enacted to prohibit a confession being given in evidence unless the prosecution can prove beyond reasonable doubt that it was not obtained by oppression or as a result of anything “said or done” that was likely to render a confession unreliable.

How could any nurse subjected to a long investigation into whether they have been murdering babies find the process anything but oppressive? If the case against her can be proved beyond reasonable doubt, one might think it could — and even should — be proved without the mixed inculpatory-exculpatory scrawls of a woman on the brink.

Almost all of the rest of the convictions — that is, all seven murders and three of the alleged attempts — involved the deliberate injection of air, leading to air embolism. One ground of Letby’s appeal impugned the prosecution experts’ diagnosis-by-exclusion — i.e. “we don’t know what else it could be, so it is likely to be air embolism” — as well as their diagnosis on the basis of various kinds of unusual skin discolouration that were observed. The 1989 research paper relied on by the Crown’s experts, Pulmonary Vascular Air Embolism in the Newborn, is very short, and says relatively little about skin discolouration other than that, in about 10% of the 50 or so cases they reviewed, “migrating pallor” in the skin was observed — which, it was not disputed, may be caused by other things.

The Court of Appeal was not impressed by this complaint, or by fresh evidence from the surviving author of the 1989 paper in which he criticised the use to which his research had been put in the Letby case. The experts were entitled to use skin discolouration as supportive of the diagnosis, the court said, as being “consistent with” embolism; the fresh evidence did not undermine that; and the lack of any other plausible explanation is significant.

“Consistent with” does a lot of heavy lifting for the Crown in criminal trials. A piece of evidence only helps to prove something if — and to the extent that — there is a difference between the probability of finding the evidence if the hypothesis (e.g. guilt, or air embolism) is true, and the probability of finding it if it is false. More precisely, it is the ratio between these two that determines the strength of the evidence in either direction. That, in a nutshell, is Bayes’s theorem. So, if you can say no more than that a piece of evidence is “consistent with” the hypothesis, but it is also “consistent with” its negation, and you can’t say how much more “consistent” it is with one rather than the other, then the evidence does not assist you either way. For example, if a prosecutor says “the fact you were wearing gloves makes you more likely to be guilty of this robbery”, that evidence is in fact worthless if it’s winter time and everyone is wearing gloves: wearing gloves is “consistent with” both guilt and innocence, to the same degree.

It seems, though, that the experts used skin discolouration as more than merely “consistent with” air embolism. They used it to prove, to some extent, that diagnosis. Which they are entitled to do, if it is a justifiable professional opinion, but it does point to a fundamental danger with expert evidence: the difficulty a jury has in getting behind the curtain and judging what weight to give it.

One way of achieving this is to look at whether the experts have been wrong before. In the case of the lead expert in Letby’s case, Dr Evans, the defence discovered halfway through the trial that he had been utterly excoriated in a ruling by a Court of Appeal judge in a different case. “No effort to provide a balanced opinion… No attempt made to engage with the powerful contradictory indicators… The report has the hallmarks of an exercise ‘working out an explanation’ that exculpates the applicants… tendentious and partisan expressions of opinion that are outside [his] professional competence.” That level of criticism from a senior judge is not made lightly: they know it can be career-ending. And if the Crown had known of it in advance, I suspect they would have looked for a different expert.

“The defence discovered halfway through the trial that he had been utterly excoriated in a ruling by a Court of Appeal judge in a different case.”

Now, this was on one view a gift to the defence: they could now undermine Dr Evans’s credibility by cross-examining him on it in front of the jury. True, his conclusions in the Letby trial were supported by other experts who had checked his work, but the defence argued that those experts were merely rubber-stamping his opinions. The jury may have had a difficult task in assessing what weight to give the criticisms of Evans’s previous work — one with somewhat binary options: disregard his evidence, or believe it. Ultimately, the Court of Appeal upheld the trial judge’s rejection of the defence’s application to exclude his evidence. It might not have been an easy decision for the trial judge, or the Court of Appeal, and although it may have been the correct decision, I cannot imagine any lawyer would claim the situation overall was entirely satisfactory.

Zooming out, the big question remains: without knowing of the police investigation and the suspicion of foul-play, and the fact that one nurse was on duty for many or all of the incidents under review, would any expert have diagnosed air embolism by the deliberate injection of air, in any of those cases? Certainly none of the pathologists did at the time.

In his recent Private Eye piece, Dr Phil Hammond gives a startling statistic: in a review of more than 1,000 cases of infant death in south-east London, “the cause of mortality was unexplained for about half of the newborns who had died unexpectedly, even after post-mortem examinations”.

So, the shift-pattern evidence — i.e. the fact that Letby was on duty for so many unexplained deaths and collapses — does seem to have been central to the case against her. And statisticians are questioning its probative power. Even leaving aside the issue of deaths and other negative events that occurred when Letby was not on duty, coincidences of that scale occur — just as someone will win the lottery each week, at odds of 14 million to one.

Also very unusual is the fact that Dr Evans “pitched” his services to the police, when he heard about the investigation in the media. This is not the way experts are normally selected. The defence argued it indicated pro-prosecution bias. The Court of Appeal disagreed.

And then there’s the fact that in the last few weeks Dr Evans has commented publicly on the defence not calling their own expert, who was advising them throughout the trial. Indeed, that expert, Dr Hall, has himself gone on record saying that he “does not know” why he was not called. And the same question was posed by the Court of Appeal, somewhat pointedly: without having called their own expert, can the defence really complain if the jury agree with the Crown’s?

It’s an entirely valid question. But I would be slow to assume the worst. One reason the defence might have chosen not to call Dr Hall (and I am speculating here) is if they felt they had so thoroughly undermined Dr Evans that they were better off leaving it at that. That would be a big tactical call, but covering your own back is not always consistent with protecting your client’s interests.

So, for example: if your own expert would contradict much, but not all, of the Crown’s expert’s conclusions, and you believe the credibility of the Crown’s expert has been totally destroyed, you might judge it prudent not to put your own expert in the witness box. Avoiding the potential for future criticism and hindsight regret by putting your client in what you believe will be a worse position — by calling your own expert — is not a boss move. This is all speculation, but I guarantee that careful thought went into the decision not to call Dr Hall. None of this, though, would mean the conviction is safe.

There is evidence against Letby. And the fact that it’s “circumstantial” is not a valid criticism: circumstantial evidence can be, and often is, utterly overwhelming. But this is where comparison with the Sally Clark case really comes in. The famous statistical error in that trial was that the expert Professor Roy Meadow wrongly treated two putative cot deaths as probabilistically independent. But arguably the more important point is that while the probability of “coincidence” might indeed have been very low, so too is the probability of a mother murdering her children. In Letby’s case, the chance that a randomly selected nurse is a baby killer is vanishingly small. As Carl Sagan put it, paraphrasing the French mathematician Laplace, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

“As Carl Sagan put it, paraphrasing the French mathematician Laplace, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.”

Defence lawyers often say to juries that their clients start off innocent: the fact that they are in the dock is no evidence at all. But this is not quite right. If the probability of guilt is zero, no amount of evidence — that is, no Bayesian likelihood ratios, no matter how high or how numerous — will alter that chance. Rather, a defendant’s prior probability of guilt — that is, before any evidence has been called — is just very, very small. But not all crimes are equally common. A randomly selected member of the public is much more likely to have stolen a bike — given the number of bikes that get stolen — than a randomly selected nurse is to be a serial killer of her patients. But there isn’t much room for these fundamental concepts to be explored and explained to a jury.

There has been some commentary to the effect that those protesting Letby’s innocence should pipe down, that they are behaving irresponsibly. But miscarriages of justice do occur, and the Court of Appeal sometimes gets things wrong.

The only route for Letby now would be a referral back to the Court of Appeal by the Criminal Cases Review Commission, which would require substantial new evidence of one sort or another. The process is not quick, and the Commission do not refer many cases. But I would not be surprised if one day it happens. I hope it does. If Letby has been wrongly convicted, it would be one of the worst miscarriages of justice we have ever seen. If she is guilty, well, true verdicts, like true scientific theories, are only strengthened by rigorous testing and challenge.

Adam King is a criminal barrister at QEB Hollis Whiteman.


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Victor James
Victor James
5 months ago

She has been blamed. Who blamed her initially. Start there.

Mangle Tangle
Mangle Tangle
5 months ago
Reply to  Victor James

That’s right. Salem Witch Trials?

Victor James
Victor James
5 months ago

“There has been some commentary to the effect that those protesting Letby’s innocence should pipe down, that they are behaving irresponsibly.”

Who cares?? The people saying Letby is innocent should tell everyone else to ‘Pipe down’. She wont have fair trial unless those who have questions make a massive fuss.

Billy Bob
Billy Bob
5 months ago

Each piece of evidence on its own isn’t likely enough to secure a murder conviction. All of them submitted together paints a very different picture.
Too many who like to think they know more than medical professionals and police detectives seemingly want to gloss over the fact that an unusual number of babies died in strange circumstances, worries and reports from colleagues, she was on shift for all of them, she took home the notes and searched the families of those cases, she wrote a confession in her diary (so no coercion) plus numerous other bits of evidence against her. All in all it appears a rather damning collection of evidence when put together

Lancashire Lad
Lancashire Lad
5 months ago
Reply to  Billy Bob

Indeed. “Beyond reasonable doubt” is the legal test. She failed it.

Nell Clover
Nell Clover
5 months ago
Reply to  Billy Bob

It wasn’t an unusual number of babies that died. It was higher than average but this was a ward already identified as having serious practice failings before Letby arrived, a ward dealing with the most at risk babies, and a ward subsequently downgraded for its pre-Letby management failings. What is the “usual” mortality rate for such a ward?

We now know many other babies died of unexplained causes when Letby wasn’t on shift during that period. These deaths weren’t considered as attributable to murder because Letby wasn’t on shift. This is a kafkaesque circular argument.

The notes in her diary were written after she’d been accused – by just one colleague it seems – of misconduct in 2016. This was the beginning of an investigation that would lead to her arrest and prosecution. A potentially career-ending investigation is patently an oppressive situation. Arguments that it would only be oppressive if she knew she was guilty are absurd. Innocent people fear accusation, many innocent people persuade themselves of guilt when accused, and until this case the case law on confessions made in oppressive circumstances like Letby’s was quite clear.

As for the reliability of the criminal justice process, we have a reviewing judge who prosecuted a serious miscarriage of justice based on an incorrect use of statistics and a professional witness previously torn to shreds by another judge for his wilful bias and misrepresentation of facts. Shonky perhaps best describes a creaking justice system filled with people who are barely numerate flinging around complex statistics they don’t understand.

Mangle Tangle
Mangle Tangle
5 months ago
Reply to  Nell Clover

Top comment

Jo Jo
Jo Jo
4 months ago
Reply to  Mangle Tangle

Unfortunately, I can’t upvote it for some reason. Message I get is that I already voted for it – perhaps when the piece was originally posted in July?

Stephen Follows
Stephen Follows
5 months ago
Reply to  Nell Clover

Also, she was one of the few nurses on the unit with specialist higher qualifications relating to premature babies, so she was always going to be given the most vulnerable ones to look after. Hence the staff rotas.

Citizen Diversity
Citizen Diversity
5 months ago
Reply to  Billy Bob

And some people have a haughty view of knowledge, just as others have of power.
As for ‘appearances’, in the dark a bush appears as a bear. Whenever we read ‘could’, ‘may’, or ‘might’ – as in claims Britain could be at war in three years’ time – it is prudent to also read ‘could not’, ‘may not’, ‘might not’. And then to meet arguments about risk by examining the probability very carefully.
It was Conan Doyle through his character Sherlock Holmes who said that it was a capital mistake to theorise without data.
It would have been better if after Ms Letby had received the apology from the hospital to have left the nursing profession entirely rather than attempt to prove she was the best nurse ever. Did this create a contest between these different professional groups?
Although I’ve only served on one jury, I wouldn’t want to trust my life to half of those I met there. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that if I’d run a shop selling gloves, they would have persuaded themselves that I was a criminal mastermind. Or if I were a criminal mastermind, that I was just selling gloves.

p3rfunct0ry 4p4th3t1c
p3rfunct0ry 4p4th3t1c
5 months ago

Jury service do be VERY weird.

Andrew Roman
Andrew Roman
5 months ago

A similar situation happened in Canada in the early 1980s when nurse Susan Nelles was accused of murdering several babies by injecting them with digoxin. The evidence against her fell apart and subsequently it was thought that the cause of the digoxin poisoning was an error. The story can be found here: https://prism.ucalgary.ca/server/api/core/bitstreams/6a7008f1-9a12-4426-81c2-14154f578f27/content.

J Bryant
J Bryant
5 months ago

I’m not a Brit and am only generally aware of the Letby case. My sense, though, is unless some strong new evidence is unearthed, or significant weakness (perhaps even fabrication) of the existing evidence is discovered, the chance of a further review of this case at appellate level is slim. In the absence of such revelations, the arguments will inevitably be somewhat abstract and inconclusive, with experts arguing over the laws of probability.

Jason Smith
Jason Smith
5 months ago
Reply to  J Bryant

Yes. I think that is pretty much what the article concludes. I still believe this will ultimately been seen as a terrible miscarriage of justice

Andrew F
Andrew F
5 months ago
Reply to  J Bryant

But that is the problem.
On balance of probabilities is for civil court cases.
Beyond reasonable doubt is (or rather used to be) standard for criminal cases.

Malcolm Webb
Malcolm Webb
5 months ago

I thought that under English law the decision of a jury is conclusive on matters of fact. Appeals are on points of law. The court of Appeal has heard and rejected these appeals. It strikes me that English legal justice has therefore been done in this case. I do wonder how many more “Yes, but” points should be entertained. In England, criminal liability has to be proved beyond reasonable doubt – but not beyond any conceivable doubt. That would surely be absurd. This endless inquiry may produce some interesting journalism for a while but does it further the cause of good and sensible law?

Julian Hartley
Julian Hartley
5 months ago
Reply to  Malcolm Webb

The problems in the case very much fall under reasonable doubt.

Malcolm Webb
Malcolm Webb
5 months ago
Reply to  Julian Hartley

But the jury decided on that basis.

Jeremy Bray
Jeremy Bray
5 months ago
Reply to  Malcolm Webb

The point of these reexaminations of the case against Letby is not to further the cause of good and sensible law but to ensure that justice is done to Letby. If there is evidence she was in fact wrongly convicted are you in favour of suppressing it? The more the evidence relied on scientific evidence the more the scientific approach should be adopted. Science relies on testing a hypotheses. It is never settled but subject to falsifiability.

Malcolm Webb
Malcolm Webb
5 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Bray

If substantial new evidence comes to light of course the court should consider it – but rehashing of matters already considered is another thing.

Jeremy Bray
Jeremy Bray
5 months ago
Reply to  Malcolm Webb

So are you suggesting that expert statisticians and medical experts and lawyers should not criticise the evidence upon which Letby was found guilty, and journalists should not knit their evidence together to impugn the judgement unless it can be considered “substantial new evidence” in case it might be regarded as rehashing matters already considered?

Much of the evidence was of a scientific nature and science is necessarily provisional and not final. As the Susan Nelles case highlighted above by Andrew Roman illustrates it can take time for the fallibility of tests to emerge. Miscarriages of justice are only revealed by many people persistently rehashing and reevaluating the evidence to slowly reveal the true facts.

Those in authority tend to wish to support the argument that once a verdict is rendered it should be final as that is much more convenient and supportive of the system. That should not be the attitude of the ordinary citizen. If doubt is raised by serious statisticians and medical experts regarding the evidence it is our duty to encourage further digging rather than turn away and pretend all is well in case it upsets the parents.

Point of Information
Point of Information
5 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Bray

The point of re-examining the case is to ensure justice is done to Letby – whether guilty or innocent – AND the babies who died and their families. It has been clear from very shortly after the first trial that the statistical evidence was misleading – babies who died when she was not on shift weren’t counted – that doesn’t make Letby innocent.

There is a possibility she may have been responsible for killing the two babies with insulin imbalance but not those thought to have died from air embolism (and others not included in the case because they died when she was not on duty). These may have died from natural causes or may have died due to the conditions at the hospital, which, for some of the time, had sewage backing up onto the ward as well as staff shortages. If Letby takes the blame for all the deaths, others who may also be responsible walk away.

Andrew F
Andrew F
5 months ago

Yes, that what usually happens with NHS.
Find a scapegoat and sweep all the problems with dysfunctional organisation under the carpet.

Stephen Follows
Stephen Follows
5 months ago
Reply to  Andrew F

And then stand outside your house applauding inanely.

William Amos
William Amos
5 months ago
Reply to  Malcolm Webb

“But if it be a question of words and names, and of your law, look ye to it; for I will be no judge of such matters.”

Jason Smith
Jason Smith
5 months ago
Reply to  Malcolm Webb

The jury was one of the issues. A juror was reported to the judge at the start of the case as he stated to other jurors that he believed she was guilty. The judge spoke to him and he was allowed to remain, which, speaking as someone who has been a juror on a serious case, I find extraordinary

William Amos
William Amos
5 months ago
Reply to  Jason Smith

As I recall it, revealing what was said at any point during the deliberation of the Jury is, in itself, a criminal offence and so if that anecdote is true then that would further indicate serious failings among the Jury.

alan bennett
alan bennett
5 months ago

Could not the cause of these rash judgement cases be down to the narrow pool of mediocre middle class people from which doctors and lawyers are recruited.
They already have contempt for those they consider the lower orders and just listening to some of them, they brook no dissent from their views, the same group provide most MPs..

Fafa Fafa
Fafa Fafa
5 months ago
Reply to  alan bennett

I wonder what “wide pool” of exceptional people you consider yourself to be from.

Andrew F
Andrew F
5 months ago
Reply to  alan bennett

Please spare us this nonsense.
My girlfriend came from abroad, get her A levels and degree here and then did whatever is required to become lawyer.
I know many lawyers, barristers and doctors.
None of them can be described as mediocre.
UK is one of the most open and meritocratic countries.
If you look at class and connections based society, despite claims to contrary, that would be most of EU.
Try to speak to Italians and French.
How many of them are amazed even at PhD level jobs searches, that they managed to get jobs in uk, without dady calling his mates asking for favours.
UK has many problems but not the one you complain about.

Stephen Hunter
Stephen Hunter
5 months ago
Reply to  alan bennett

A very silly comment. You are talking about hundreds of thousands of people, who one would imagine vary widely in their abilities.

Mangle Tangle
Mangle Tangle
5 months ago

I don’t like the information in the article about the lead prosecution expert witness. In hot water for a previous poor performance. And pitching his services to the police/CPS who may have been tempted to use him for his attack dog qualities rather than his careful and fair analysis of the evidence. Smells wrong.

Jeremy Bray
Jeremy Bray
5 months ago

In the Sally Clark case the Court of Appeal initially refused to overturn the verdict until after 3 years and a second application was made when it emerged that Alan Williams, the prosecution forensic pathologist who examined both babies, had failed to disclose microbiological reports that suggested her younger son had died of natural causes.

There is great institutional reluctance to admit mistake indeed reports have already emerged to the effect that staff who might have given evidence in favour of Letby were discouraged by suggestions that to do so would harm their career in the NHS. I suspect that all the criticism of the evidence by those with professional competence to do so will fail to result in a further Appeal unless it can be established that there was excalpatory evidence held by the prosecution that had been withheld from the defence. This is the sort of evidence that can overcome the reluctance of Appeal Court judges to reconsider.

John Wilkes
John Wilkes
5 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Bray

I remember the Sally Clark case well. I had studied Genetics for my first degree and the fact that congenital factors were not seriously considered I found astonishing. In the court case Meadows testimony explicitly stated that all infant deaths occur completely at random and a second one in a family is prima facie evidence of foul play. This was clear and obvious nonsense.
I can understand a jury being convinced by this uncontested evidence but could never understand why it did not cause outrage at the time.
The main problem with the Letby case is that the weakness of the evidence makes it more difficult to disprove on appeal.

Stephen Follows
Stephen Follows
5 months ago
Reply to  John Wilkes

‘The main problem with the Letby case is that the weakness of the evidence makes it more difficult to disprove on appeal.’
Yes, indeed. The very weakness of the evidence has been unhelpful to her, as it has created a vacuum into which have poured the emotions of the jury and the grief of the parents. As a result, this is the closest to a witch trial we have seen in modern times.

Malcolm Knott
Malcolm Knott
5 months ago

Would you be happy for this nurse to have charge of your premature baby?

Julian Hartley
Julian Hartley
5 months ago
Reply to  Malcolm Knott

Having read the New Yorker article, yes.

Martin Smith
Martin Smith
5 months ago
Reply to  Malcolm Knott

No, but I’m not ‘happy’ with the idea that she is a mass murderer either.

Geoffrey Kolbe
Geoffrey Kolbe
5 months ago
Reply to  Malcolm Knott

The whole ward at Chester Hospital was very lax with a very low standard of care. Never mind Lucy Letby!

Andrew F
Andrew F
5 months ago
Reply to  Malcolm Knott

What about nurses ignoring alarms for ages when family are present?
It happened to me on many occasions when visiting my uncle and my cousin for months in hospitals in London.
That is the main problem.
Letby, assuming she is guilty, is an outlier.

John Tyler
John Tyler
5 months ago
Reply to  Malcolm Knott

I wouldn’t want you on a jury judging me! Emotion is no basis for justice.

Stephen Follows
Stephen Follows
5 months ago
Reply to  Malcolm Knott

Yes, but at a better run hospital.

David Barnett
David Barnett
5 months ago

Whatever happened to “beyond a reasonable doubt”?

Andrew F
Andrew F
5 months ago
Reply to  David Barnett

I recall reading article about DNA evidence.
Average person is likely to think that 1 in 100k chance of accused not being guilty is overwhelming evidence.
However, it means that, excluding children, there are 500 people who could had committed this crime in uk.
The only major guilt pointer from what I read is her being on shifts when bad things happened.
To me it is only correlation not causation.

Elaine Giedrys-Leeper
Elaine Giedrys-Leeper
5 months ago
Reply to  Andrew F

The coincidental shift evidence is also statistically suspect – explained at length with nice diagrams by triedbystats.com
This statistician also dissects in forensic detail, the comments made in this piece along with some others.
Confirmation bias writ large

John Tyler
John Tyler
5 months ago
Reply to  David Barnett

In practice, ‘beyond reasonable doubt’ comes down to whether the prosecuting counsel can successfully play on the jury’s emotions. In this case, “Would you risk putting your baby in her care?” Not relevant in legal terms but very powerful emotionally.

Seb Dakin
Seb Dakin
5 months ago
Reply to  John Tyler

By the sounds of things you wouldn’t want to risk putting a baby on that poorly run understaffed ward with or without her being there.

Stephen Follows
Stephen Follows
5 months ago
Reply to  Seb Dakin

Yes. From everything I’ve read about her, she seems to have been one of its few redeeming features, and one of the few people prepared to challenges its poor condition. No good deed ever goes unpunished, as her case clearly demonstrates.

Stephen Follows
Stephen Follows
5 months ago
Reply to  David Barnett

Lost in the age of emotion and ‘my truth’. If I feel that she’s guilty, then she should hang.

Joe Macveigh
Joe Macveigh
5 months ago

The very fact that this discussion is ongoing not just here but in wider legal and social circles seems to suggest there is an incredible amount of scepticism on whether this was a safe verdict.
Adam King himself makes the point that the various routes of appeal are correct under law but as a contributor in this discussion pointed out ‘the expert witness for the crown had put himself forward for this case’ and when it became clear his previous’expert evidence’ at another trial was found wanting, then surely the judge should have stepped in and spoken to both sides on the legitimacy of said evidence in this trial.
Something just does not sit right in this case.

David Clancy
David Clancy
5 months ago

Defense should have retained a scientist to explain stuff to the barrister. Clinicians are not scientists and often don’t think like scientists. And any barrister could find it difficult wading through all that.

Geoffrey Kolbe
Geoffrey Kolbe
5 months ago
Reply to  David Clancy

You make a very good point that clinicians are not scientists.

Ethniciodo Rodenydo
Ethniciodo Rodenydo
5 months ago

I remember a murder case where the Judge was persuaded of the defendant’s lack of guilt part way through the case. However, rather than stop the trial and dismiss the charges, he thought he would allow the case to go to the jury reasoning that the accused would be better exonerated by being acquitted by a jury than if he simply dismissed the charges.
Much to his shock the jury convicted and he had to impose a life sentence.
We know this because the Judge concerned made this public and wrote in support of the Defendant’s appeal. The conviction was subsequently over turned on appeal but not before the Defendant has served a significant spell at HMP

Stephen Follows
Stephen Follows
5 months ago

I hope he didn’t make that mistake ever again. Juries are, by definition, at least half composed of very stupid people, after all.

Jerry Mee-Crowbin
Jerry Mee-Crowbin
5 months ago

A very interesting article. Adding to the concerns about the possibility of Letby being wrongly convicted are the stories emerging that her colleagues and staff at the hospital were told, by the hospital administrators that they should remain silent, despite concerns on the part of several that she is innocent.
But hospital administrators would NVER involve themselves in a cover up. Or would they??
The fact is that in the face of so many stories about whistle blowers being treated abominably and the avoidance of such retaliatory action, these people are very frightened for their jobs and careers.

Andrew F
Andrew F
5 months ago

Yes, I did not know about it.
As a layman, I consider it enough reason to consider this trial null and void.

Martin Smith
Martin Smith
5 months ago

I believe 5 of the deaths were the subject of natural causes verdicts in coroner’s court. The ’embolism’ deaths are speculative and even the insulin ones may well have been natural. Therefore we may be looking at a mass murder verdict where there are in fact no murders at all. In the Post Office miscarriage we’ve seen large numbers of people convicted of stealing or embezzling money that did not ever exist. Meanwhile blatant theft, murder and violence go unpunished every single day.

Bryan Dale
Bryan Dale
5 months ago

Reading the press reports during the trial it was abundantly clear that the case was a miscarriage in progress yet every article I read was baying for her blood.

Stephen Follows
Stephen Follows
5 months ago
Reply to  Bryan Dale

This is what happens if you’re conditioned to applaud the NHS at every opportunity.

Geoffrey Kolbe
Geoffrey Kolbe
5 months ago

“But arguably … while the probability of “coincidence” might indeed have been very low, so too is the probability of a mother murdering her children.”
And so it is the mathematician Thomas Bayes who should be invoked, not Pierre Laplace.
Bayesian statistics are not easy to get your mind around, but they are shown to be increasingly important in understanding complex statistical problems like this.

Stephen Follows
Stephen Follows
5 months ago
Reply to  Geoffrey Kolbe

He writes about Bayes extensively in the article.

2 plus 2 equals 4
2 plus 2 equals 4
5 months ago

I’ll say essentially the same thing as last time: I have no evidence to offer as to her guilt or innocence. Only a vague sense of discomfort that something isn’t quite right. The more I hear about how the prosecution was conducted, the more uncomfortable I am.

UnHerd Reader
UnHerd Reader
5 months ago

Have to say, this does raise questions of whether in some cases it is appropriate for purely lay juries to be responsible for deciding on guilt or innocence.

Nicholas Taylor
Nicholas Taylor
5 months ago

Channel 5 has just aired a programme pointing out that no expert gave evidence for the defence, and that this may reflect fear of persecution in cases involving children, the experience of Dr Waney Squier who gave evidence against the reality of ‘shaken baby syndrome’. I have no opinion either way, how could I? However, I have just bought Rory Stewart’s book ‘Politics on the edge’ and will be interested to see what he has to say about British ‘justice’. Recent cases as well as notorious past miscarriages give me no reason to remove the quotation marks yet.