It's not easy being a billionaire. (Photo by LEON NEAL/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

It’s not easy being a regular multi-billionaire. Bill Gates used to be the simple guy-in-the-mansion next door, worried about virus outbreaks and global warming. Then, during the pandemic he became the point at which all conspiracy theories met.
Ever since March 2020, the memes have spread. Was Gates a mass murderer with a global depopulation agenda? Was he a “biofascist” seeking control over the world’s population through vaccine passports and microchips?
It didn’t stop there. Was the Covid-19 pandemic actually “plandemic”? Did the Microsoft founder and his acolytes create it through funding “gain of function” research in a biosecurity lab in Wuhan? Was it all war-gamed at Event 201 in October 2019?
Bill Gates has not much enjoyed being the focus of these stories for the past 18 months. He just wants to help out. He wants to solve problems so badly, he tells us early on in How To Prevent the Next Pandemic, that in February 2020, he flew from Seattle to South Africa to participate in a charity tennis match, no doubt on one of his four personal jets.
It was in South Africa that he first began to join the Covid-19 dots. The tech entrepreneur delivers the story with characteristic flair: “A couple of days after returning from South Africa, I sent an email about scheduling something for the coming Friday night: ‘We could try and do a dinner with the people involved with coronavirus work to touch base.’” Gates is happy, “everyone was nice enough to say yes — despite the timing and their busy schedules”. His work on the pandemic begins.
Now Gates is tired of all the conspiracies. He asks his critics to judge him by his actions. And the best way to do so is by reading the book: does Gates have anything sensible to say about the best way to combat future pathogenic outbreaks?
His model for the future is built on what he feels has worked over the past two years: isolate contacts, close borders, lockdown as quickly as possible, then remove restrictions slowly and cautiously. He cites Dr Anthony Fauci, who Gates says he spoke to once a month during the pandemic: “Not only should you appear to overreact at first, as Tony Fauci said, but you also have to be careful about relaxing all NPIs [non-pharmaceutical interventions] too soon.” Meanwhile, you should invest enormous sums in boosting global public health systems, vaccine production in poor and rich countries, and fund a Global Pandemic Emergency Response Unit to monitor potential outbreaks. The aim, says Gates, is to vaccinate the entire world — twice if necessary — within six months while lockdown measures restrict the spread of the new pathogen.
It all sounds so reasonable, doesn’t it? Or it might do to those who haven’t seen the footage of Shanghai’s lockdown circulating on social media, to those who can work online in relative comfort, or indeed to billionaires with comfortable gardens and libraries in which to while away those six months. With the Gates model, a little translation is in order.
The massive investment required to make this vision happen is a good starting point. Where will it come from? Gates is a well-known philanthropist, and makes much of the more than US$2 billion which the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have ploughed into fighting Covid-19. Yet this is a small amount compared to the US$6 billion that the US government has invested in the Moderna vaccine alone. As Gates points out, “Most of the world’s greatest talent for translating research into commercial products is in the private sector… It’s the government’s role to invest in the basic research that leads to major innovations, adopt policies that let new ideas flourish.”
Translation: taxpayers invest in developing products through government agencies, and private companies and their shareholders reap the profits. How does this work in practice? Gates does not give what we might call full disclosure. He offers the example of the antiviral Molnupiravir which “Merck and its partners developed”. It was authorised to great fanfare as a Covid treatment in November 2021.
Yet Merck did not develop this drug. It was initially developed as a veterinary drug for horses at Emory University, with a US$19 million grant from Fauci’s NIAID and funding from other sectors of the US government. Molnupiravir costs US$17.74 per dose to manufacture, according to an estimate from researchers at Harvard and King’s College London, but is being retailed to the US government for US$712 per course — a profit of 4,000%.
Another example of Gates’s eye for detail is his discussion of Remdesivir, which was approved as “Standard of Care” for Covid in the US by the Federal Drug Agency. Again, like Molnupiravir, much of the funding and institutional support for the drug originally came from the US government. Remdesivir was the baby of the drug company Gilead.
Gates describes how one study showed that “it may have a major impact in patients who aren’t yet sick enough to be in the hospital”. But other details are ignored. He doesn’t tell us that in an earlier, peer-reviewed study from China, published in the Lancet in May 2020, “Remdesivir was not associated with statistically significant clinical benefits”, and that the trial was “stopped early because of adverse events in 18 (12%) patients versus four (5%) patients who stopped placebo early”. All the same, the profits were good: while the drug cost Gilead just US$10 per dose to manufacture, it was being retailed to US taxpayers at US$3,120.
Maybe Gates knows nothing about the Lancet study. Perhaps he doesn’t know that in both of these cases, public investment has funded enormous private profits — and that in the case of one of the drugs, there’s little evidence that this was to any benefit. He’s just a software engineer after all.
For Gates, technology really does provide all the answers, as it certainly has in his own life. He believes humanity belongs online: “once people learn the digital approach, they generally stick to it”. Post-Covid, he envisages a world of flexible working, in which regular guys like him with large mansions and decent living space can languidly choose between going into the office on Wednesdays or Thursdays. The problem with Gates’s digital utopia — full of virtual spaces where 3D avatars attend business meetings — is that I suspect many of us will not want to live in it.
Gates tries to show in this book that he gets it, while at the same time demonstrating on every page that he just doesn’t. As he draws up his elaborate plans for global governance, Gates writes that he does so knowing that he hasn’t been elected. He tells us he wouldn’t want to be anyway (after all, we can surmise, if he were elected, he might be accountable).
Gracefully, Gates understands that people are angry at the huge increases in wealth disparities during the pandemic, and pledges to return his profits to “make the world a fairer place”. He recognises that poor people across the world have suffered, and are far less able to deal with lockdowns, and even acknowledges that harsh measures might not be a good idea in some of them… And yet he recently went on record as saying that “if every country does what Australia did, then you wouldn’t be calling it a pandemic”. We can, in fact, judge him by his actions, and his words: he says one thing, and funds and promotes others.
Looking forward, the outlook is bleak. Preventing pandemics in Gates-World means shutting down immediately at the “next major outbreak” — a favourite, and alarming turn of phrase. Future semi-permanent global lockdowns are baked-in as the new normal, something I warned of in the conclusion to my book The Covid Consensus. As Gates notes, the WHO have identified 1,500 new pathogens in the past 50 years, and thus the “next major outbreak” surely cannot be far off. In the past 20 years, pre-Covid, there were already three of note (SARS — 2003; Avian Flu — 2005; Swine Flu — 2009). In each case enormous fatalities were falsely predicted, and would surely have led to six month shutdowns in the Gates model.
Gates-World is one where citizens make sacrifices for his model to work. And it’s also one where class is totally ignored. Does Gates know what it was like for Angolan children to be forced to stay at home for seven months in 2020? He admits that internet connections need to be improved to make digital schooling possible — but does he understand that no IT in the world can help children of sex workers in Mumbai slums with their homework? Can he comprehend what it is like to be incarcerated in a flat with small children for months on end in New York, Shanghai or London?
Gates wants to be respected, and understood. His world is one of innovative scientists having dinner with one another. They solve the world’s problems by the pool, or near the barbecue. It’s what he likes doing best, because “I’ve had some of the best conversations of my working life with a fork in my hand and a napkin in my lap” (p4). He wants to fund more and more work leading to experiences like this, and meanwhile turn the rest of human society into a digital avatar of itself.
No doubt he means well. But you don’t need to indulge the conspiracy theories to realise that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
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Subscribe“Bill Gates used to be the simple guy-in-the-mansion next door, worried about virus outbreaks and global warming. Then, during the pandemic he became the point at which all conspiracy theories met…Bill Gates has not much enjoyed being the focus of these stories for the past 18 months.”
Perhaps if he hadn’t spent his post-Microsoft years trying to turn himself into the Universal Expert and Global Organizer in Chief he wouldn’t receive that unwelcome attention. As another commenter noted in response to a different article featuring Gates, he has way too much influence for one human being.
Sadly, I suspect Gates, and his ilk, will have his way unless his attempts at global coercion provoke a major backlash.
Yesterday I read a brief article in the on-line edition of The Lancet which is one of the world’s leading medical journals. Here’s the link (let’s see if Unherd’s moderation software blocks it):
The article is written by three Chinese scientists, two of whom were funded (as they acknowledge) by the Science and Technology Commission Shanghai Municipality, and the National Natural Science Foundation of China. The title of the article is “Shanghai’s life-saving efforts against the current omicron wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.”It’s clear the title doesn’t adhere to the usual convention in science journals of objective description rather than self-congratulation.
The authors state, “The strict and comprehensive pandemic control strategies in Shanghai are therefore actually to reduce the number of people infected and to provide early diagnosis and appropriate treatment for severe COVID-19 so that the case fatality rate can be minimised, and to buy time for full vaccination coverage.” I can accept that general statement.
The authors continue, however, “Local citizens have suffered in their daily lives from inconveniences of lockdown. Some people even developed mental health symptoms as a reaction to the unexpected crisis. Facing these challenges, social workers and many volunteers have made great contributions to the care of the people in need from both material and psychological perspectives. The food and daily consumable supply are ensured thanks to the support of many other cities and provinces. Through the unprecedented efforts of health professionals in Shanghai and those coming from other cities, and of people from all the circles in Shanghai, the strategies have shown very promising results…”
The article continues in this self-congratulatory manner. Before this pandemic I would never have imagined that The Lancet would publish such propaganda masquerading as science, but that seems to be where we are. Gates and like-minded people really have achieved “institutional capture.” They will teach us right action and right think. That’s not conspiracy theory; that’s the sad state of the world unless we, collectively, push back.
“Sadly, I suspect Gates, and his ilk, will have his way unless his attempts at global coercion provoke a major backlash”.
Hopefully what is euphemistically called the ‘cost of living crisis’ will produce the necessary catalyst to caste Gates and his ilk into the “Pit of Eternal Stench’ in the not too distant future.
A sad episode, wasn’t it? But then this is the same Lancet which published a notorious cover, citing “Bodies with vaginas” (Volume 398, number 10306). Heaven forfend that the word “women” be used in a medical journal after all.
A rot is setting in to our culture in numerous directions and, to borrow from Orwell, it is accelerating with the speed of a chemical reaction. How tragic and alarming when an esteemed medical journal is so traduced: but then it has form. Publication of letters by people such as Andrew Wakefield and Peter Daszak, at the editor’s discretion, allowed these individuals to push an agenda without the winnowing of peer review: that was already undermining the Lancet’s credibility. I really didn’t expect to see this in my lifetime.
The Lancet has taken instruction from Stonewall. I gather that some of the US high priests of woke have attacked the idea of peer review as a product of white supremacy. Put those two facts together lead to a truly frightening conclusion.
The Lancet used to be one of the world’s leading medical journals. However, it has now turned into something akin to the Guardian. It is a politically run rag that has little to no respect for actual science.
You can see this tendency in Nature, The New Scientist, BBC Science etc. Not to mention the complete takeover of The Economist and FT.
It’s the nature of journalism and the type of people it attracts these days, I suspect.
Thanks for the link. Very interesting to see what the Lancet publishes these days. I note the article ends with “China will win the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic in joint efforts with other members of the international community in the not too distant future.” So does that mean we will soon have vaccines that work and that they will result in the complete elimination of s respiratory virus?
If these “people” aren’t all held accountable, then nothing else will matter
Perhaps the most important thing to understand about Bill Gates is that he is a monopolist. He didn’t acheive his wealth by creating a product that competed in the marketplace and was superior to other offerings. MS-DOS was the re-name of QDOS licensed from Seattle Computer Systems. Given that the original name stood for “quick and dirty OS”, a name change was probably a good idea. It succeeded because everybody wanted to use the new IBM hardware offering — the personal computer — and because everybody was required to pay Gates a licensing fee for MS-DOS with every PC or PC-clone sold, even if the very first thing you intended to do was throw that OS away and run a different one.
Gate’s Microsoft was always 100% against customer choice, and did everything they could to make it impossible for people to use other products. Make sure that customers cannot run other operating systems, make sure that they cannot install other browsers without great difficulty, make sure to not adhere to any proposed open standards for interoperability, and if you do send people to such a standards committee make sure you poison the standard so that either only Microsoft can comply with it — or nobody can, so the standard is unused. This is called ‘customer lock-in’ (I kid you not) and is something Bill Gates is very proud of. see
Gates had to lock-in his customers, because otherwise they would choose to spend their money someplace else. Gates has to use the machinery of the State to force people to do what they would otherwise choose not to. And he sees nothing wrong with this at all — this is savvy business practice. In Gates’ world there are only 3 kinds of people — those who are doing it my way, those who need to be forced to do it my way, and those who must do without.
A good many people in the sphere of international public health, delighted at the thought of receiving pots of money from Bill Gates, thought that they could get the money without getting his leadership. And, goodness knows, they needed money. They are discovering, now, that they were wrong about this. Controlling techies and establishing monopolies is the one thing that Gates is excellent and experienced at.
Spot on.
Further down I dropped a link for a doco that outlines this in simple terms. Given Gates’ massive influence on our lives, I thoroughly recommend watching it!
Sounds like all the personality traits of a dictator.
Once money has been conquered only power is left to be conquered. To individuals who are not fit for power, control is their only drive. No matter how much money you have to silence people, the evidence of your mental and moral deficits will sooner or later be exposed. There is a medical definition for individuals with such traits.
Actually, I think he’s an evil man.
Robert Malone sums up the situation for me:
Related is a review of the same book by Jeffrey Tucker who suggests Gates might be suffering from mysophobia that has caused him to make a category error: confusing a biological for a computer virus that can be isolated and scrubbed clean.
If so (back to Malone):
Robert Malone via Gettr @rwmalonemd
Tucker, J.A. (2022). ‘Choice quotes from Bill Gates’s new book’. Brownstone Institute, available online.
That “do as I say and not as I do” and “it’s not my fault things did not turn out how I promised so give me more money and power” is why I hate technocrats.
When the unfortunate Admiral Byng ‘lost’ the island of Minorca*, he was subsequently court-martialled and shot on the the quarter deck of H.M.S.Monarch, much to the amusement of Voltaire and others.
Those were the days, were they not?
As so often good analysis leaves hanging questions which no one can ask or have answered, why do the Americans think it is ok to have a 4000% profit on a drug, especially one where the investment was not at shareholder risk. why is the world preparing for another “pandemic “ when in reality flu like pandemics have a once in four generations cycle, the WHO seem so politically aligned with the power of global domination that they wish to wield that they are bound to find a reason to act and damn the rest of us.
lastly for this little rant how can elected governments in the wake of vast spending for little value to society , not withstanding the personal tragedy that befell many, they are still barely a blip on the excess morbidity graphs, justify the prospect of throwing society destroying measures at their countries for another round, surely our society is in the long term better off surviving with regrettable deaths than not surviving at all because of total cultural and economic collapse.
Gates et al will not be able to buy gates strong enough to keep the uprising from their doors.
You can argue whether or not the measures imposed on the populations were too harsh or too ineffective. My own opinion is that governments were stampeded into over-reacting by ‘experts’ making COVID out to be apocalyptic, although such reactions were perhaps forgivable in the early days.
Now it is understood that the global ‘excess deaths’ can be estimated at 15 million. A sad and terrible number of deaths for all affected, but looked at dispassionately it is a tiny proportion of the world population of 8 billion.
Why should the elite class be so much in favour of harsh lockdowns? I suspect partly because a cowed population is easier to control. And partly because (for a change) rich people in the developed world are even more likely to be infected by a virus that does not respect social classes. If you read Bill Gates’ book with the idea of a morbid fear of dirt or contamination at the back of your mind then it could explain a great deal.
Had Lady Margaret Thatcher, an Oxford Chemist been in charge, rather than Boris Johnson an Oxford Classicist, ‘we’ would not have been “ stampeded into over-reacting by experts”, to use your excellent phrase.
Not only a chemist, but a lawyer who had a deep respect for liberty. The fact is had she been in charge during the last 12 years of Tory (mis?)rule we would all have been a lot better off.
The Covid period has facilitated the largest upward transfer of wealth in modern history. In short, the rich and powerful (individuals and corporations) massively consolidated their wealth during this crisis, and their competition (small and mid sized firms) were pushed to the brink, if not outright destroyed.
I’m guessing that’s why they are in favour. They got paid.
The same goes for the climate change hysteria.
Mrs Thatcher was not on your side on that one!
Money grubber & control freak aside, this little IT nerd with the whiny voice who has insinuated himself into “global” matters can be summed up in one word: “Epstein”. But don’t believe me. Ask his ex-wife!
To my mind this essay conveys most current Occidental billionaires’ thinking/ outlook on life/ mindset, extremely well.
The people who haunt the World Economic Forum and the Davos meetings are of similar kind.
They tell themselves they are working to improve mankind’s lot drastically, but the very means they wish to employ are dystopian in the extreme. Their heavens are for most people a species of damnation.
Thus lately the WEF informed us that in future, thanks to their genius wizard plans, all ordinary people ‘will have nothing AND BE HAPPY’.
Ownership of property – every kind of property (one’s own home, books, wheelbarrow) – confers at least a modicum of political power. Take that away and the result is a serfdom entirely at the mercy of the ruling oligarchy the Davos crew envisage (and which is already largely with us).
No prizes for identifying the membership of the Oligarchy.
As regards the financial and economic bottom line, time and again they call for initiatives – from scientists, creatives, government – paid for by the plebs (you and me via taxes of various kinds), while they cream off the giant profits; and pose to everyone (including themselves) as the Great Benefactors in each instance.
Confronted by Communism in its purest essence, or Nazism in its purest essence, or Gates-ism in its purest essence, we don’t need to believe a dark conspiracy theory. The reality, 100% sincere, is Sheer Hell in itself.
May we be spared any further influence by Bill Gates.
Gates is a leading disciple of the WEF and is the quintessential elite Davos Man. Just as Ricky Gervais said to the Hollywood elites at the Golden Globe awards, “You have absolutely no right to lecture ordinary people on how to run their lives”. The balance of Gervais’ comments were concluded with an invite to have sex and travel. Someone needs to tell Gates and his ilk the same thing. When the peasants finally revolt, Gates will be one of the first held to account.
Imagine how frustrated the WEF organisation, their leadership fifth column figureheads, plus commercial partners and money-hungry tech startups were, having prepared business cases & action plans for a pandemic that didn’t appear…. (It’s like taking out a Critical Illness policy and being frustrated by good health).
Fortunately, in a Chinese lab in Wuhan,…
Everyone with an interest in this topic – which should be anyone on the planet – needs to know what the WHO is up to. They are negotiating a pandemic treaty, in co-ordination with “stakeholders” such as Gates, which would impose binding obligations on signatories to implement the WHO’s policies if the WHO’s Director General declares a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern”, which he may do on a “precautionary” basis.
This is based on the recommendation of an Independent Panel which reported to the WHO in May 2021. This Panel recommended, amongst many other things, strengthening authority and independence of the WHO’s Director General and establishing a “new global system for surveillance based on full transparency by all parties, using state of-the-art digital tools … with appropriate protection of people’s rights”.
A WHO working group report to a specially convened meeting of the WHO’s plenary body to discuss this topic in November 2021 described it as “an opportunity to enhance, update and strengthen the leading and coordinating role of WHO and its function to act as the directing and coordinating authority on international health work in the light of the 21st century global health landscape, including in improving engagement with civil society and the private sector … The WHO Constitution expressly provides for the possibility of a new instrument and WHO has experience in managing whole-of-society and whole-of-government instruments”.
Tedros Adhonam Ghebreysus (the WHO’s Director General) emphasised in early 2022 that it could be a “generational” change, a “game changer”, and a “great historical stride forward”. His intention is that the approach adopted is “One Health”. Although this concept is fuzzy, advocates of it describe it as “an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems”. The WHO acknowledged in January 2022 that such an approach “would reach beyond pandemic preparedness and response and … the mandate of WHO… However the application of a One Health approach also would yield significant benefits for the international community … This could include new and/or strengthening of existing platforms, surveillance, furthering multisectoral partnerships (human, animal and environmental health sectors) and promoting specific countermeasures in line with the One Health approach.” The UK’s representative at the WHO appeared to agree, opining that “One Health should be the default approach”.
The treaty is due to be signed by May 2024 at the latest.
It’s literally diabolical.
Check out Kit Knightly’s writing on Off Guardian or go to the WHO’s website and look up papers relating to “a convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic preparedness and response”. It’s time there was a proper, mature, and balanced conversation about this but it is simply not getting any coverage in the mainstream media. If Unherd would run an article on it I am sure it would be of great interest to many subscribers.
This treaty is the first brick in the wall of one world govt. And of course it is being ushered in under the cover of “our health”..
The WHO web site currently states :
“a convention, agreement or other international instrument”
It mentions the word “treaty” in the attached papers in relation to giving the WHO more heft (because right now it has no power at all)
The WHO currently is a toothless tiger and I will happily lay gold on the table that this situation won’t change. As an organisation it exists and functions entirely at the behest of its member nations who are unlikely to agree about anything.
Who wouldn’t want better genomic surveillance of viruses ? – the best early warning system currently available for the next pandemic
Why wouldnt you want to advise limitations / prohibitions on the propogation of wild animals in farms for human consumption ?
Who wouldn’t want co-ordination of research and development into future pathogens – viral and bacterial and possible strategies to combat these ?
Why wouldn’t you want to be prepared for the next pandemic unless you were stupid enough to assume that it would be “just another flu” rather than a MERS or SARS1 lookalike ?
If you are that concerned you can register to make a written submission before the next public hearing on 16/17 June.
Begone, WEF shill. HUMANS don’t want that shit and don’t want to be micromanaged
Andrew Horseman is right: supranationalism is being introduced to the WHO and other UN appendages. The objective is to deprive all governments of discretion.
People on twitter were asking Elon Musk to buy the WHO from Bill Gates. LOL
I have not read “How to Prevent the Next Pandemic” but, from cover to cover, I have read “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster”. As another “Oxford Chemist”, all I can contribute in summarising the latter book is the well-worn solution of the third-rate detective novel – “with one leap Jack (Bill?) was free”. No facts, little imagination, pure conjecture!
Bill Gates is a thoroughly evil human being. He is a liar, a cheat and a fraud. The way he acted as CEO of Microsoft would not have been allowed in any other country than the USA…. the way he as acted since then is even worse.
To see the true extent of his dishonesty :
This is just one (part 8) of 12
Remdesivir. Known by nurses as “Run, death is near”!
Excellent analysis.
Melinda Gates is a very smart woman.
Smart women don’t leave good men.
If the answer’s Bill Gates, the question’s wrong
I am not certain this man means well at all. The best gift he could give the citizens of this planet is to take his funding and hop on a space ship for Alpha Centauri. They might welcome his plans for improving their health. Just as long as they don’t have dengue fever.
Bill Gate’s father is a member of America’s most powerful inner sanctum. That’s why Bill Gates is who he is.
Surely not ‘Kosher Nostra’?
“He served as an Honorary Chair for the World Justice Project.[15] The project works to lead a global, multidisciplinary effort to strengthen the Rule of Law for the development of communities of opportunity and equity”.
Anything Global just stinks nowadays…
For an individual deemed to be so intelligent he is so far removed from reality it is disturbing. He reminds me of the story about the Emporer with no clothes. His lack of knowledge about Vitus’s and how to deal with them makes him the least qualified to be writing books on supposed panicdemics. Sociopath is the description that fits him best.
I need new conspiracy theories, because all my old ones came true…..
I greatly recommend this documentary about Gates, it’s eye opening. Link to watch it free online:
Great article! Protection and control are two sides of the same coin. Total protection means total control. And in my book, total control means dystopia.
“I’ve had some of the best conversations of my working life with a fork in my hand and a napkin in my lap” Explains the dog’s dinner that is the Windows operating system.
Kudos for a superb article. One criticism – its ironical style may actually dumb the message, which is unequivocally that this depopulationist/gene-mutationist/4thIndustrialRevolutionist monster who wants to have the planet shut down for months because of his medical tyranny,
Based on massive criminal fraud (PCR is incapable of diagnosing illness, being a dna amplification process – I have the video in which its inventor Dr. Kary Mullis says this – he died or was killed in August 2019), with common cold and flu symptoms diagnosed as ‘covid’, and hospital records and death certificates falsified through large payments to hospitals for each ‘covid patient’, and 80% of deaths attributed to covid being of the really old and infirm with multiple co-morbidities (cancer, heart disease etc).
AND WHICH COULD HAVE BEEN MOSTLY PREVENTED BY EARLY OR PROPHYLACTIC USE OF IVERMECTIN, HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE, ZINC ETC…. which were not used because of fake studies funded by this wannabe ‘sovereign’ sociopath.
Instead- killer drugs like Remdesivir (selling for $3300 US for the 5-day dose, versus $2-5 for Ivermectin) which have a 26% fatality rate, attacking kidneys, promoted by this thug.
He should have been kicked into a torture chamber when he told a Ted Talk audience ‘if we do a really good job with vaccines, we can cut (global population) by 10 or 15%’.
But such is his wealth and ability to ‘buy’ leaders, trained under the WEF’s ‘Young Leaders’ program, and ‘penetrated into Cabinets’, as the WEF head Schwab boasted – that nothing has happened to him, and he continues to pretend to be a philanthropist and push his genocidal lockodwns indefinitely into the future, based on the ‘1500 pathogens’ he cites.
seems a bit of an over reaction…I didnt read it as sarcasm….but maybe I am not not in the “know”. I have long viewed the bill gates conspiracies as part of the lunatic fringe….but was quite interested to read something that tries to explain in reasonably grounded terms what their beef is. it makes me wish the new economy had been taxed and regulated properly in the first place…..which can hardly be described as a “far right” view. Gate’s power of patronage seems just simply too vast. it is time for a Roosevelt moment (and I say this as a fan of both Mrs T and Ronnie R). the problems of this kind have been amplified 100 fold by central bankers ….starting with Greenspan…. who thought it was ok to meddle in the engine room of capitalism, whilst insisting the inevitable consequence (inflated asset prices and a monetary accelerant for disrupters like china and amazon etc. ) was outside their purview. take away the downside and capitalism has no natural regulator. this demands more government not less, even allowing for all the attendant problems of inept top down regulation. how does all of this fit into left and right? I assume you like Gate’s patronage but not Musk’s. I think we must reject both if we want a sound society with consistent rules
You end with, “No doubt he means well,” but offer no reason for thinking so.
But even if he does, do what? Hitler, Stalin, Mao meant well, too, by their lights.
If meaning well is the best you can say about someone besotted by a dysfunctional Ideology, you are not really saying anything good.
This is evil.
Any pal of Jeffrey Epstein is an enemy to the rest of us.
Once money has been conquered only power is left to be conquered. To individuals who are not fit for power, control is their only drive. No matter how much money you have to silence people, the evidence of your mental and moral deficits will sooner or later be exposed. There is a medical definition for individuals with such traits.
When billionaires propose things, like overreact and lock everyone down, it just reinforces my belief that he sees himself as more human and the rest of us plebeians more like cattle to be managed.
Everything that should happen to these lockdown promoters is illegal to say
Excellent comment. And all the while I was thinking of what Toby Green then put into the last 2 sentences.
If Gates wants to “stay safe’ he should begin by losing weight; obesity is after all the real ‘pandemic’ of our time. Fewer barbecues by the pool and fewer five star ‘working’ lunches will keep him and us out of trouble.
This was beautiful Admin. Thank you for your reflections.
This was beautiful Admin. Thank you for your reflections.
Awesome! Its genuinely remarkable post, I have got much clear idea regarding from this post
Awesome! Its genuinely remarkable post, I have got much clear idea regarding from this post
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For the reason that the admin of this site is working, no uncertainty very quickly it will be renowned, due to its quality contents.
interesting how history is repeating and governments and their advisors are deliberately making things worse for maximum depopulation..however we are better informed now,apparently..
interesting how history is repeating and governments and their advisors are deliberately making things worse for maximum depopulation..however we are better informed now,apparently..
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I am truly thankful to the owner of this web site who has shared this fantastic piece of writing at at this place.
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This is my first time pay a quick visit at here and i am really happy to read everthing at one place
Nice post. I learn something totally new and challenging on websites
Nice post. I learn something totally new and challenging on websites
The loss of the common law has led us to a loss in the juristic mindset. Most people cannot distinguish between assholes and non-assholes. Non-assholes seek leadership to improve the world and to take this responsibility. The asshole wants power as a privilege, and to obfuscate his own responsibility. The asshole was beaten as a child, in one way or another. We have to remind ourselves and think carefully about what an asshole is and remind ourselves of the first principles of the West to see what is happening clearly. I have a book to help: “Assholes and Bullshit: A Language Problem”
The loss of the common law has led us to a loss in the juristic mindset. Most people cannot distinguish between assholes and non-assholes. Non-assholes seek leadership to improve the world and to take this responsibility. The asshole wants power as a privilege, and to obfuscate his own responsibility. The asshole was beaten as a child, in one way or another. We have to remind ourselves and think carefully about what an asshole is and remind ourselves of the first principles of the West to see what is happening clearly. I have a book to help: “Assholes and Bullshit: A Language Problem”