juillet 17, 2024 - 8:00pm

→ Over a quarter of Reform voters prefer Greens to Tories

For all that Farage and co. at Reform UK have bashed Net Zero, a sizeable percentage of their voters may not agree.

A new poll from YouGov shows that 27% of Reform voters prefer the Greens to the Tories. Now, it’s impossible to know whether this is out of genuine environmentalism or pure hatred for the Conservative Party. But it is a further sign that the Tories have a mountain to climb.

The polling also found that Conservative voters prefer the Lib Dems to Reform by 51% to 49%, only lending slight credence to the calls from moderates for the Tories not to move Rightward. The polling never stops…

→ GOP winning over young Americans

The Republican Party is making headway with nearly every demographic, including young people.

Credit: Morning Consult

Voters aged 18-34 are equally likely to find the two parties “stale” (at 48%) and equally likely to believe each party represents their views (39%). It’s a major upswing for the GOP, which was trailing Democrats in those categories by 14 and 19 points respectively in 2020. The polling concluded right before the June presidential debate — which probably didn’t help Democrats’ image with the young.

Biden, obviously, is old, and he’s presided over US support for Israel’s war in Gaza, neither of which are helping his credibility with young people. Trump, meanwhile, may be boosting his standing by saying he’s “for TikTok” — he’s a Boomer, yes, but he’s a Zoomer’s Boomer. Age is but a number. 

→ Donnez une chance à la paix !

La tentative d’assassinat de Donald Trump semble avoir gagné à l’ancien président un allié surprenant : John Hinckley Jr.

La violence n’est pas la solution. Donnez une chance à la paix.

— John Hinckley (@JohnHinckley20) 17 juillet 2024