May 13, 2020 - 7:00am

Stay alert! Sounds exciting, doesn’t it? A definite hint of derring-do.

Real life, though, is far from adventurous. Forget ‘stay alert’, for most of us it’s still ‘stay at home’.

Lockdown may have loosened, but not in a fun way. More of us can go to work now. We can all take as much outdoor exercise as we like. I haven’t seen the guidance on eating dust, but I dare say it’s off the ration. Seeing friends and family, however, remains heavily restricted.

We think of ourselves as a liberty-loving nation, but seven weeks in and we’re still extraordinarily compliant. The protests we’ve seen in America have not been echoed here. Strangest of all, we’ve had remarkably little dissent from the UK’s small, but normally energetic, band of libertarian wonks.

With the economy crushed beneath state controls like we’ve never seen, where are the howls of rage from the free marketeers? The more thoughtful libertarians realised early on that Covid-19 was to be taken seriously. “This time the warnings are not overdone” warned Matt Ridley back in March. Sam Bowman, senior fellow at Adam Smith Institute, was an early advocate of massive state intervention to prop-up the economy during lockdown. They had counterparts in America, like the economist Tyler Cowen, who made the case for special measures in these exceptional circumstances.

However, there’s a very different kind of libertarian, one whose reaction to all of this is more visceral than rational — driven by outrage that law-abiding citizens should find themselves under effective house arrest.

Some of these individuals wouldn’t call themselves libertarians at all — and would see the “ancient liberties” they defend as being rooted in tradition not modernity. Others are more orthodox in their ideology, but still populist in style.

In any case, it is from these types that we see most of the outspoken opposition to lockdown. Examples include Toby Young, Peter Hitchens and Laura Perrins.

Of course, like most ideological divides, we’re talking about a spectrum here as opposed to discrete categories. There’s a continuum between the rationalists and the visceralists. Furthermore, thanks to growing scepticism about the epidemiological models driving government policy, the two ends of the spectrum are coming closer together. Gut reaction finds vindication in rational doubt and vice versa.

I should also make it clear that I’m not disparaging the visceralists for their heartfelt anguish. Our reaction to the lockdown should be one of horror, anger and grief. Even, if like me, you consider it to be necessary, we still ought to be appalled by what we’ve had to resort to.

Peter Franklin is Associate Editor of UnHerd. He was previously a policy advisor and speechwriter on environmental and social issues.
