It’s 2025 and we still have clowns repeating the long debunked narrative that Trump suggested people inject bleach. Read the frickin room. This is a right-wing publication. You will be fact checked every single time for this garbage.
Read what posted. Closely. Trump asked a question: “can we do…..?” The headline wholly misrepresents that, claiming that Trump suggested something. No, he didn’t suggest anything. He asked a question.
“Can we, like, train monkeys to qualify as doctors and work for free in our hospitals so that folks all have access to affordable medical care?”. There you go, that was a question too. Can I be president of the USA now?
I don’t read that as a suggestion to inject disinfectant, simply a hope that a drug could be found that, administered intravenously, would be an effective treatment.
I thought we’d all learnt by now not to take Trump’s wandering outpourings literally.
I think he just expressed himself badly, confusing Chloroquine with Chlorine. And since the use of Chloroquine (and later Ivermectin) was being treated as a crime by those fighting to get the vaccine fast tracked, they pounced on the opportunity to discredit him. Bolsonaro – who did not commit that error, but defended alternative treatments and people’s right to refuse the vaccines – was similarly persecuted in Brazil, as were many medical professionals and scientists who questioned the ‘official’ line.
Going over whether or not Trump suggested injecting disinfectant is just so pointless. Nobody considered then or now Trump to be an expert on medical science and I would be extremely surprised if even Trump himself thought that. Nobody was going to take Trump at his word and start injecting disinfectant, nobody. Why are people pretending that this moment was a serious risk to global heath? It is obvious to me that what Trump was saying that he was confident the USA and the world had the technology and the means to provide a solution so lets all stop panicking and get on with finding and administering the solution.
He didn’t mean bleach, he meant UV light as in UV blood irradiation therapy (something well known for decades as a simple and innocent means of cleaning the blood). Just look it up; UV light kills germs, bacteria and viruses. UVBI means taking a small sample of blood and irradiating it with UV light and then injecting the sample back into the bloodstream.
Not true. Look at the picture on the BBC report; he did refer to looking at injecting bleach and it clearly says “bleach” on the poster he was next too.
I agree that may not have understood the science, and can be excused for that, lots of people on all sides of the political divide still don’t, but let’s not pretend he didn’t say what he did.
Defend trump’s record by all means, but let’s not pretend he didn’t say it.
From Unherd’s Mission statement
“We have no allegiance to any political party or tradition. Our writers often disagree with each other. Our approach is to test and retest assumptions, without fear or favour.”
Read the room!!!! “This is a right wing publication”??? Yes, let’s instruct the writers on this site to only write what you want to read. Try to do better.
It’s certainly not a “right wing publication” by intention or design. If you’ve formed the impression (perhaps correctly) that the balance of the readers is on the right, that doesn’t change that – the publication isn’t responsible for its readers’ views.
And fortunately the readers do have a diversity of views. And I’m not sure that looking at things from a strict left-right model is always that useful these days.
It is easy enough to see why both the Chinese and parts of the western medical establishment had an interest in suppressing discussion of gain of function research. What is harder to explain is why most of the US intelligence agencies went along with this orthodoxy. It is noticeable that the FBI, a civilian agency, refused to but the more numerous military agencies supported the Fauci / Ferrari narrative. I suspect that the truth is even more complicated than this article suggests.
It’s well known – and Birrell also points out – that the original proposal to do bat coronavirus gain-of-function research was submitted to the Pentagon. The Pentagon understood the implications, and got cold feet. Also, the Obama Administration had banned gain-of-function research (which is why Fauci took it to China).
Logically, the Pentagon must have, or must have had, gain-of-function programmes, or Daszak and Fauci would not have offered this proposal to them.
So possibly, the military understood immediately that this was gain-of-function research escaping, and if there was any serious investigation, their own programmes would be revealed. So they had an interest in blocking any investigation. The FBI does not have and I daresay never had programmes of its own, so had no skin in the game.
I have also heard it mentioned that Ukraine was conducting gain-of-function research with US backing, which would be yet another reason Putin was unhappy with what was going on close to his border.
The Russian officer who collated the information captured on these programmes was General Igor Kirillov. He submitted the files to the UN Security Council, but certain members blocked any action. He’s the one that was recently assassinated.
One of China’s many excuses was that the US military had started the pandemic.Not suggesting it’s true, by any means, but it would answer your question about why the military and secret service went along with the false narrative.
Hugh Marcus
1 month ago
The sad reality now is that if a journalist was standing in front of incontrovertible evidence of where Covid came from, it would still be dismissed as nonsense in many places.
In many ways the whole truth were it ever to emerge will just be dismissed as another theory.
A far bigger (but seemingly dismissed) legacy of Covid is the hordes of people taken in by conspiracy theories, that now think the whole thing was planned & now no longer believe anything a government minister or public servant says.
Conspiracy theories were always part of a small subset of American people but is now a world wide phenomenon.
To my mind this is far more important than what may have happened. I have no idea how to tackle it though.
So you’re open to anything uttered by a bureaucrat in the Blob and the Deep State and everything in opposition to the receved word is a conspiracy? Got it. Dupes are born every minute. They used to be called suckers, but that was too hurtful.
Conspiracy theory suggests a false narrative. But we now know that the false narrative regarding the pandemic was the official one. That is why politicians, academics, medical professionals and the MSM are no longer automatically believed and are struggling to regain our trust. It’s not a conspiracy theory, but a natural reaction to the facts that continue to come out about how we all got played by the pharmaceutical conglomerates and their ‘lackeys’ in politics, academia and the media.
Yet they continue to hit the ‘fake news’ and ‘misleading information’ buttons in an effort to trigger moves to censor the media. Hence the importance given to free speech in recent elections and public discourse. There is a war going on for control of people’s minds and the solution is not control of the information (the MSM has done that for decades and look where it’s got us) but learning how to diversify our information sources (no more living in self-affirming bubbles) and perform critical analysis of the information we receive. We must also demand greater transparency from our public institutions, so we are no longer guessing in the dark while the puppet masters pull our strings.
Excellent points. A disturbing aspect of the whole thing is that ‘science’ has now been seen to have been compromised.
It’s become clear that our elected representatives and their advisors are simply not up to the job of dealing with Big Pharma. It seems to be down to a toxic mixture of ignorance, hubris and corruption and we are all the worse off for it.
UnHerd Reader
1 month ago
The cover up is not just a Chinese affair or a question specific to virology. If journalists had done their work on cancers caused by radiation, they would understand how it works.
Andrew Horsman
1 month ago
If the million dollar question is “was covid man-made?”, the multi-trillion dollar question is “did commercial interests capture governments, regulators, media, and the minds of the people to make enormous profits at the expense of the health & wealth of the general population?”. That’s the big question that needs exploring, without fear or favour. Where this particular virus “came from” is neither here nor there in my view.
I very much respect Ian Birrell’s courageous journalism. Unfortunately, however, his framing of the debate here supports narratives preferred by commercial interests. For example:
– SARS-CoV-2 was not a genuinely novel virus to which no-one had prior immunity. Its similarity to other coronaviruses (the clue is in the “2” in the name!) meant that many people had some prior immunity. Immunity isn’t a binary concept. But it suited commercial interests to have the population believe that everyone was “at risk” and helpless until they got injected, after which they would become “safe”.
– Birrell refers to “the pandemic” and raises fears of future “pandemics”. That presupposes it’s possible to have a genuine viral pandemic that poses a severe threat to human life that doesn’t naturally burn itself out (because dying people don’t tend to go out much). He’s implicitly endorsing the narrative around asymptomatic spread that has been quite thoroughly debunked. What if it turns out to be the case that what we call “the pandemic” was in fact simply the consequences of gross mismanagement? The microbe itself is not a policymaker. For example, if hospital protocols had remained unchanged and deadly ventilation not been used, if other health services had continued uninterrupted, if economies had not been shut down, if people had not been evicted from hospitals and left to die alone, if novel pharmaceuticals had not been purchased in their millions and forced on many people against their will, if the flames of fear had not been fanned in the public imagination, would there have been so many deaths and illnesses at the time and afterwards? Would anyone but a few niche academics, medics, and officials even be talking about the origins of this particular virus?
– There’s no discussion in this article focused on China of the fact that the head of the WHO is a Chinese stooge who deliberately inflated fears by deliberately conflating the case fatality rate (numerator being number of people admitted to hospital) with the much lower infection fatality rate (numerator being the total number of people thought to be infected with the virus).
– Yes, the behaviour of Fauci, Farrar and Conway’s arrogant and contemptuous, yes politicians were weak, and yes journalists were patsies. But to dismiss this as a story about all-too-human common as muck moral failings (after all, aren’t we all sometimes arrogant, contemptuous, weak, and captured?) may be to do a disservice to the truth if a more systemic rot driven by corruption and greed has in fact taken hold. What were Fauci and Farrar’s underlying motivations? Why didn’t stronger politicians emerge to mount an opposition to the weak? Why was it that more courageous, less captured journalists could not cut through the weak narratives parroted by their patsy colleagues? These are systemic failures. Follow the money.
Deadly ventilation is a bit strong. While non-invasive ventilation was preferable to early invasive ventilation, the latter was definitely life-saving for the worst cases.
I think the origin is important for two reasons. One is to bring to international attention and moral scrutiny the whole principle of gain-of-function research (should anybody be allowed to play around with something as potentially devastating as nuclear, chemical or biological warfare?). And the other is to determine whether the release was accidental or deliberate. I am content to believe it was the former, but we need to know for sure.
As for your other excellent points, I think it is pretty clear now that the Covid damage was not so much caused by the disease as by the ‘official’ reaction to it. And that reaction appears to have been entirely motivated by commercial greed. On yet another occasion in recent years, a global crisis of dubious origin has led to a massive transfer of wealth from the public sector to the private sector. And it wouldn’t surprise me if that was a major reason for Russia and China to have backed away from closer integration with the west since the beginning of the new millenium.
Jürg Gassmann
1 month ago
Let’s just bear in mind that the Obama Administration banned gain-of-function research. As Mr. Birrell says, the research proposal for bat coronavirus gain-of-function research was first submitted to the Pentagon, but even the Pentagon was worried.
So Fauci took it to China, to Wuhan.
But fear not, Biden is apparently planning a pre-emptive pardon of Fauci.
The man should be given the same status as Josef Mengele. He’s earned it!
Evan Heneghan
1 month ago
Leaving the Trump libel aside, this is a superb summary of the insanity we are still living through with regards to the origins of Covid 19. Every single bit of circumstantial evidence we have points to a lab leak, and the only reason we don’t have definitive proof is because the Chinese closed up shop and destroyed the evidence. It’s absolutely farcical and insulting to still see Trust-Me-I’m-A-Scientist types trying to claim it’s all a coincidence and it started at a wet market without a shred of evidence.
How about politico:
“It’s been exactly one year since Trump suggested injecting bleach”.
“After officials spoke about the impact bleach and sunlight have on coronavirus in April, Mr Trump mused about using disinfectant as a treatment.
Speaking at a White House news conference, occasionally glancing over to one of his medical experts sat just across from his podium, the president remarked: “It knocks it out in a minute, one minute…. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning?”
You keep repeating a false claim, which makes your comprehension abilities suspect. Trump asked a question. BBC claims he “suggests” something. No, he did not suggest anything.
“It is now beyond doubt that they strove to dampen speculation that Covid could be tied to a cutting-edge Wuhan laboratory with financial links to Washington.”
The last part of that sentence suggests we will never get to the answer. Remember how BP was held to account
Vanessa Dylyn
1 month ago
The documentary Covid Collateral about the suppression of science during Covid, featuring scientist Jay Bhattacharya dives deep into the lab leak theory and features e-mails exchanged between Dr. Fauci and his team. You can view the film at wwwdotcovidcollateraldotcom
0 0
1 month ago
It was not ‘bleach’ NaoCl sodium hypochlorite but ClO2 chlorine dioxide a completely different compound but in lay talk is confused!
mike flynn
1 month ago
Absent facts to the contrary, one can easily identify a conspiracy to remove Trump. A threatened Deep State is on war footing, and has high tolerance for casualties.
1 month ago
In “That Mystery Disease Outbreak in China Could Be Caused by a Newly Discovered Virus”, By Jing Xuan Teng & Yan Zhao, AFP, 09 January 2020, and published by Science Alert, is the following:
“China believes a mysterious pneumonia outbreak that struck 59 people is caused by a new strain of virus from the same family as SARS, which killed hundreds of people more than a decade ago.
Lead scientist Xu Jianguo told the official Xinhua news agency that experts had “preliminarily determined” a new type of coronavirus was behind the outbreak, first confirmed on December 31 in Wuhan, a central Chinese city with a population of more than 11 million.
It initially sparked fears of a resurgence of highly contagious Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), and prompted authorities in Hong Kong – badly hit by SARS in 2002-2003 – to take precautions, including stepping up the disinfection of trains and airplanes, and checks of passengers.
China has since ruled out a fresh outbreak of SARS, which killed 349 people in mainland China and another 299 in Hong Kong.
“A total of 15 positive results of the new type of coronavirus had been detected” in the lab, through tests on infected blood samples and throat swabs, Xu said.
The World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed the preliminary discovery of a new coronavirus in a statement.
“Further investigations are also required to determine the source, modes of transmission, extent of infection and countermeasures implemented,” said Gauden Galea, the WHO Representative to China.
Wuhan’s health commission said on Sunday seven of the 59 patients were seriously ill, but none had died. All received treatment in quarantine.
Eight patients have recovered and were discharged from hospital on Wednesday, according to Xinhua.
The commission said the infection broke out between December 12 and 29, with some of the patients employed at a city seafood market since closed for disinfection.
No obvious evidence of human-to-human transmission has been reported so far.
Footage from January 1 by state broadcaster CCTV showed an official notice at the market saying it had been closed in light of the “current pneumonia situation in our city”, without providing a date for reopening.
The outbreak comes just a few weeks before China’s busiest annual travel period, when millions of people take buses, trains and planes for Lunar New Year.
A Chinese transport ministry official said at a briefing that arrangements were made for “disinfection, monitoring and prevention” focusing on areas with large numbers of passengers, including stations and cargo hubs.
Civil aviation and national railway authorities said they had not received any reports of affected patients taking flights or trains, and that they were closely watching the situation.
Wan Xiangdong, chief flight officer of China’s Civil Aviation Administration, said all planes were equipped with emergency medical kits”.
But why no mention of this article in Ian Birrel’s piece?
As far as I know it is the earliest scientific paper that told the world’s inhabitants that Covid was coming to get them.
Bravo !
Some actual factual evidence as to what was going on in Wuhan in December / January.
The other fact that is hardly ever mentioned here vis a vis origins of this latest pandemic, is that there were 2 distinct viral lineages circulating in Wuhan before the Wuhan market episode which means that the common ancestor of both was circulating somewhere in China in the autumn of 2019. No one knows where this common ancestor originated.
The ins and outs of this unresolved puzzle are viewable here together with links to Github and Nextstrain for those who are keen to track down original sources :
Early appearance of two distinct genomic lineages of SARS-CoV-2 in different Wuhan wildlife markets suggests SARS-CoV-2 has a natural origin Garry May 2021
Recovery of deleted deep sequencing data sheds more light on the early Wuhan SARS-CoV-2 epidemic Bloom June 29 2021
As for gain of function research and the furin cleavage site, this hypothesis has a been refuted with some pretty solid science here :
The Origins of SARS-CoV-2: A Critical Review Holmes et al Cell Press 17.08.2021
Specifically :
The SARS-CoV-2 furin cleavage site (containing the amino acid motif RRAR)
⦁ does not match its canonical form (R-X-R/K-R),
⦁ is suboptimal compared to those of HCoV-HKU1 and HCoV-OC43,
⦁ lacks either a P1 or P2 arginine (depending on the alignment),
⦁ and was caused by an out-of-frame insertion
⦁ The presence of two CGG codons for arginines in the SARS-CoV-2 furin cleavage site is similarly not indicative of genetic engineering(77). Although theCGG codon is rare in coronaviruses, it is observed in SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2 and other human coronaviruses at comparable frequencies (77). Further, if low-fitness codons had been artificially inserted into the virus genome they would have been quickly selected against during SARS-CoV-2 evolution, yet both CGG codons are more than 99.8% conserved among the >1,800,000 near-complete SARS-CoV-2 genomes sequenced to date, indicative of strong functional constraints
There are other papers pointing out the piss poor engineering that was carried out if indeed this virus was partly manufactured out of malice but it’s really too boring to go on.
1 month ago
“This was the real conspiracy — and it is still being pushed today by the Chinese Communist Party’s useful idiots”.
Maybe, but it was Boris Johnson and Donald Trump who as far as we know didn’t conspire, who denigrated the expert scientist and the evidence of what was happening in China, and in the case of the former had his life saved by the intensive care staff at St Thomas’ Hospital, just a few minutes fast drive from his home at 10 Downing Street.
Most of those who died didn’t have the influence and authority to demand what these two could, and who did more to promote the ‘it’s nothing but a dose of the flu’ mantra, that consigned so many to an early grave.
1 month ago
One final thing before I call it a night. The Wuhan Institute of Virology is some distance from the Huanan Seafood Market, about 14.18 km (8.81 miles) as far as google maps provides an answer, and they’re on different sides of the Yangtze River, itself about 1.37 kilometres wide.
Yet the first known cases of what became Covid-19 were all in the Market.
Jerry Carroll
1 month ago
Quick question, are these murderers beyond the reach of the law? Fauci for sure needs to have a criminal investigation into his machinations. Once the manure is cleaned out of the DOJ stable, I hope his prosecution is high on the Trump agenda.
Alex Lekas
1 month ago
The World Health Organisation ended 2024 by reminding us that it is five years since it discovered a virus was sweeping through the Chinese city of Wuhan.
In turn, let’s remind the WHO that this virus was brewing in a lab at UNC/Chapel Hill before the president of the time took issue with gain of function research, at which point Fauci shipped the thing to China. The WHO didn’t “discover” anything. And the virus wasn’t ‘sweeping through’ the town. It leaked from its confines in a lab, almost as if by design.
Graff von Frankenheim
1 month ago
The mere possibility that it was a lab leak meant that the Western response was dictated from the start by counter-terrorism and national security agencies. This is well documented and also explains the medically inept countermeasures. The need to gaslight the public about the crucial role of these agencies means that the lab leak issue itself must be left unresolved for as long as possible, which is something the gain-of-function crowd will only be too happy to do. BTW: there is a very strong case that the German funded Lab in Wuhan and not the WIV is the more likely source. Check out Robert Kogon’s substack.
Andrew Holmes
1 month ago
I recognize that of the many who deserve to be named in an article on the dishonorable escape through lack of space. However, Deborah Birx, proudly writing how she deliberately subverted the instructions of her betters, needs to earn a special place. Of course, clearly her opinion is that she has no betters.
UnHerd Reader
1 month ago
US federal funds supported gain of function research in Wuhan but they were not “taxpayer dollars”, because the US government creates every dollar it spends by fiat–out of thin air–and it disappears every tax dollar it collects back into thin air. That is the mechanism of fiat monetary operations. The same mechanism as in the UK. If you want to be viewed as an authoritative reporter, Ian Birrell, you need to educate yourself on the facts of fiat monetary operations.
Yes, you’re absolutely right. There are a host of other potential sources for the COVID-19 origin.
My Great Aunt Sally is sure it was the aliens she found in her back yard one night in the Autumn of 2019, and I know someone who said he was sure it was part of a plan a friend of his heard about that someone in a drug company mentioned as part of a plot to increase vaccine profits, while I read on the internet that there was probably a conspiracy by various Anglo-centric reactionaries to develop the virus to target only peoples’ of Asian descent.
I’ve notified my local FBI office about all of these, and I’m going to add your documentation to my next letter.
I’ll let you know when I hear back from them.
It’s the least I can do.
Andrew Martin
1 month ago
Still the best bit of research that was carried out to show how the virus was concocted.
This came out in April 2020 and is thorough.
It is deceitful that the Establishment conned its population with Its own conspiracy theories and misinformation only to follow up with Gene Vaccines that were neither safe and effective. For a start how many of you were aware when taken the vaccine of what the technology was?
I hope justice is meted out to these evil people who have lost their moral compass but were still protected.
It’s 2025 and we still have clowns repeating the long debunked narrative that Trump suggested people inject bleach. Read the frickin room. This is a right-wing publication. You will be fact checked every single time for this garbage.
A blot on an otherwise superb article.
But unfortunately it’s true. He did suggest that this be examined:
“And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?”
Coronavirus: Outcry after Trump suggests injecting disinfectant as treatment – BBC News
Read what posted. Closely. Trump asked a question: “can we do…..?” The headline wholly misrepresents that, claiming that Trump suggested something. No, he didn’t suggest anything. He asked a question.
“Can we, like, train monkeys to qualify as doctors and work for free in our hospitals so that folks all have access to affordable medical care?”. There you go, that was a question too. Can I be president of the USA now?
I don’t read that as a suggestion to inject disinfectant, simply a hope that a drug could be found that, administered intravenously, would be an effective treatment.
I thought we’d all learnt by now not to take Trump’s wandering outpourings literally.
I think he just expressed himself badly, confusing Chloroquine with Chlorine. And since the use of Chloroquine (and later Ivermectin) was being treated as a crime by those fighting to get the vaccine fast tracked, they pounced on the opportunity to discredit him. Bolsonaro – who did not commit that error, but defended alternative treatments and people’s right to refuse the vaccines – was similarly persecuted in Brazil, as were many medical professionals and scientists who questioned the ‘official’ line.
Going over whether or not Trump suggested injecting disinfectant is just so pointless. Nobody considered then or now Trump to be an expert on medical science and I would be extremely surprised if even Trump himself thought that. Nobody was going to take Trump at his word and start injecting disinfectant, nobody. Why are people pretending that this moment was a serious risk to global heath? It is obvious to me that what Trump was saying that he was confident the USA and the world had the technology and the means to provide a solution so lets all stop panicking and get on with finding and administering the solution.
But unfortunately it’s true. He did suggest that this be examined:
“And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?”
Coronavirus: Outcry after Trump suggests injecting disinfectant as treatment – BBC News
He didn’t mean bleach, he meant UV light as in UV blood irradiation therapy (something well known for decades as a simple and innocent means of cleaning the blood). Just look it up; UV light kills germs, bacteria and viruses. UVBI means taking a small sample of blood and irradiating it with UV light and then injecting the sample back into the bloodstream.
Not true. Look at the picture on the BBC report; he did refer to looking at injecting bleach and it clearly says “bleach” on the poster he was next too.
I agree that may not have understood the science, and can be excused for that, lots of people on all sides of the political divide still don’t, but let’s not pretend he didn’t say what he did.
Defend trump’s record by all means, but let’s not pretend he didn’t say it.
Perhaps a bone thrown to those who need to hear some denigration of Trump on order to continue reading something that challenges their worldview?
Maybe that’s overly-generous speculation…
From Unherd’s Mission statement
“We have no allegiance to any political party or tradition. Our writers often disagree with each other. Our approach is to test and retest assumptions, without fear or favour.”
Read the room!!!! “This is a right wing publication”??? Yes, let’s instruct the writers on this site to only write what you want to read. Try to do better.
It’s certainly not a “right wing publication” by intention or design. If you’ve formed the impression (perhaps correctly) that the balance of the readers is on the right, that doesn’t change that – the publication isn’t responsible for its readers’ views.
And fortunately the readers do have a diversity of views. And I’m not sure that looking at things from a strict left-right model is always that useful these days.
The author falsely claims he was ahead of the curve. This was available the end of Jan 2020 – supporting data hot linked:
He make no mention of the PLA’s involvement nor the possibility that the Military Athletes at the Wuhan Games in Oct 2019 were infected, perhaps by design:
It is easy enough to see why both the Chinese and parts of the western medical establishment had an interest in suppressing discussion of gain of function research. What is harder to explain is why most of the US intelligence agencies went along with this orthodoxy. It is noticeable that the FBI, a civilian agency, refused to but the more numerous military agencies supported the Fauci / Ferrari narrative. I suspect that the truth is even more complicated than this article suggests.
It’s well known – and Birrell also points out – that the original proposal to do bat coronavirus gain-of-function research was submitted to the Pentagon. The Pentagon understood the implications, and got cold feet. Also, the Obama Administration had banned gain-of-function research (which is why Fauci took it to China).
Logically, the Pentagon must have, or must have had, gain-of-function programmes, or Daszak and Fauci would not have offered this proposal to them.
So possibly, the military understood immediately that this was gain-of-function research escaping, and if there was any serious investigation, their own programmes would be revealed. So they had an interest in blocking any investigation. The FBI does not have and I daresay never had programmes of its own, so had no skin in the game.
I have also heard it mentioned that Ukraine was conducting gain-of-function research with US backing, which would be yet another reason Putin was unhappy with what was going on close to his border.
The Russian officer who collated the information captured on these programmes was General Igor Kirillov. He submitted the files to the UN Security Council, but certain members blocked any action. He’s the one that was recently assassinated.
One of China’s many excuses was that the US military had started the pandemic.Not suggesting it’s true, by any means, but it would answer your question about why the military and secret service went along with the false narrative.
The sad reality now is that if a journalist was standing in front of incontrovertible evidence of where Covid came from, it would still be dismissed as nonsense in many places.
In many ways the whole truth were it ever to emerge will just be dismissed as another theory.
A far bigger (but seemingly dismissed) legacy of Covid is the hordes of people taken in by conspiracy theories, that now think the whole thing was planned & now no longer believe anything a government minister or public servant says.
Conspiracy theories were always part of a small subset of American people but is now a world wide phenomenon.
To my mind this is far more important than what may have happened. I have no idea how to tackle it though.
So you’re open to anything uttered by a bureaucrat in the Blob and the Deep State and everything in opposition to the receved word is a conspiracy? Got it. Dupes are born every minute. They used to be called suckers, but that was too hurtful.
Conspiracy theory suggests a false narrative. But we now know that the false narrative regarding the pandemic was the official one. That is why politicians, academics, medical professionals and the MSM are no longer automatically believed and are struggling to regain our trust. It’s not a conspiracy theory, but a natural reaction to the facts that continue to come out about how we all got played by the pharmaceutical conglomerates and their ‘lackeys’ in politics, academia and the media.
Yet they continue to hit the ‘fake news’ and ‘misleading information’ buttons in an effort to trigger moves to censor the media. Hence the importance given to free speech in recent elections and public discourse. There is a war going on for control of people’s minds and the solution is not control of the information (the MSM has done that for decades and look where it’s got us) but learning how to diversify our information sources (no more living in self-affirming bubbles) and perform critical analysis of the information we receive. We must also demand greater transparency from our public institutions, so we are no longer guessing in the dark while the puppet masters pull our strings.
Excellent points. A disturbing aspect of the whole thing is that ‘science’ has now been seen to have been compromised.
It’s become clear that our elected representatives and their advisors are simply not up to the job of dealing with Big Pharma. It seems to be down to a toxic mixture of ignorance, hubris and corruption and we are all the worse off for it.
The cover up is not just a Chinese affair or a question specific to virology. If journalists had done their work on cancers caused by radiation, they would understand how it works.
If the million dollar question is “was covid man-made?”, the multi-trillion dollar question is “did commercial interests capture governments, regulators, media, and the minds of the people to make enormous profits at the expense of the health & wealth of the general population?”. That’s the big question that needs exploring, without fear or favour. Where this particular virus “came from” is neither here nor there in my view.
I very much respect Ian Birrell’s courageous journalism. Unfortunately, however, his framing of the debate here supports narratives preferred by commercial interests. For example:
– SARS-CoV-2 was not a genuinely novel virus to which no-one had prior immunity. Its similarity to other coronaviruses (the clue is in the “2” in the name!) meant that many people had some prior immunity. Immunity isn’t a binary concept. But it suited commercial interests to have the population believe that everyone was “at risk” and helpless until they got injected, after which they would become “safe”.
– Birrell refers to “the pandemic” and raises fears of future “pandemics”. That presupposes it’s possible to have a genuine viral pandemic that poses a severe threat to human life that doesn’t naturally burn itself out (because dying people don’t tend to go out much). He’s implicitly endorsing the narrative around asymptomatic spread that has been quite thoroughly debunked. What if it turns out to be the case that what we call “the pandemic” was in fact simply the consequences of gross mismanagement? The microbe itself is not a policymaker. For example, if hospital protocols had remained unchanged and deadly ventilation not been used, if other health services had continued uninterrupted, if economies had not been shut down, if people had not been evicted from hospitals and left to die alone, if novel pharmaceuticals had not been purchased in their millions and forced on many people against their will, if the flames of fear had not been fanned in the public imagination, would there have been so many deaths and illnesses at the time and afterwards? Would anyone but a few niche academics, medics, and officials even be talking about the origins of this particular virus?
– There’s no discussion in this article focused on China of the fact that the head of the WHO is a Chinese stooge who deliberately inflated fears by deliberately conflating the case fatality rate (numerator being number of people admitted to hospital) with the much lower infection fatality rate (numerator being the total number of people thought to be infected with the virus).
– Yes, the behaviour of Fauci, Farrar and Conway’s arrogant and contemptuous, yes politicians were weak, and yes journalists were patsies. But to dismiss this as a story about all-too-human common as muck moral failings (after all, aren’t we all sometimes arrogant, contemptuous, weak, and captured?) may be to do a disservice to the truth if a more systemic rot driven by corruption and greed has in fact taken hold. What were Fauci and Farrar’s underlying motivations? Why didn’t stronger politicians emerge to mount an opposition to the weak? Why was it that more courageous, less captured journalists could not cut through the weak narratives parroted by their patsy colleagues? These are systemic failures. Follow the money.
Deadly ventilation is a bit strong. While non-invasive ventilation was preferable to early invasive ventilation, the latter was definitely life-saving for the worst cases.
I think the origin is important for two reasons. One is to bring to international attention and moral scrutiny the whole principle of gain-of-function research (should anybody be allowed to play around with something as potentially devastating as nuclear, chemical or biological warfare?). And the other is to determine whether the release was accidental or deliberate. I am content to believe it was the former, but we need to know for sure.
As for your other excellent points, I think it is pretty clear now that the Covid damage was not so much caused by the disease as by the ‘official’ reaction to it. And that reaction appears to have been entirely motivated by commercial greed. On yet another occasion in recent years, a global crisis of dubious origin has led to a massive transfer of wealth from the public sector to the private sector. And it wouldn’t surprise me if that was a major reason for Russia and China to have backed away from closer integration with the west since the beginning of the new millenium.
Let’s just bear in mind that the Obama Administration banned gain-of-function research. As Mr. Birrell says, the research proposal for bat coronavirus gain-of-function research was first submitted to the Pentagon, but even the Pentagon was worried.
So Fauci took it to China, to Wuhan.
But fear not, Biden is apparently planning a pre-emptive pardon of Fauci.
And Daszak – the ultimate useful idiot – was Fauci’s cut-out.
The man should be given the same status as Josef Mengele. He’s earned it!
Leaving the Trump libel aside, this is a superb summary of the insanity we are still living through with regards to the origins of Covid 19. Every single bit of circumstantial evidence we have points to a lab leak, and the only reason we don’t have definitive proof is because the Chinese closed up shop and destroyed the evidence. It’s absolutely farcical and insulting to still see Trust-Me-I’m-A-Scientist types trying to claim it’s all a coincidence and it started at a wet market without a shred of evidence.
Its not a libel, it’s true. He said:
“And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?
Coronavirus: Outcry after Trump suggests injecting disinfectant as treatment – BBC News
Downvote for claiming the BBC is a credible source.
How about politico:
“It’s been exactly one year since Trump suggested injecting bleach”.
“After officials spoke about the impact bleach and sunlight have on coronavirus in April, Mr Trump mused about using disinfectant as a treatment.
Speaking at a White House news conference, occasionally glancing over to one of his medical experts sat just across from his podium, the president remarked: “It knocks it out in a minute, one minute…. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning?”
You keep repeating a false claim, which makes your comprehension abilities suspect. Trump asked a question. BBC claims he “suggests” something. No, he did not suggest anything.
He asked a question.
He asked a question
“It is now beyond doubt that they strove to dampen speculation that Covid could be tied to a cutting-edge Wuhan laboratory with financial links to Washington.”
The last part of that sentence suggests we will never get to the answer. Remember how BP was held to account
The documentary Covid Collateral about the suppression of science during Covid, featuring scientist Jay Bhattacharya dives deep into the lab leak theory and features e-mails exchanged between Dr. Fauci and his team. You can view the film at wwwdotcovidcollateraldotcom
It was not ‘bleach’ NaoCl sodium hypochlorite but ClO2 chlorine dioxide a completely different compound but in lay talk is confused!
Absent facts to the contrary, one can easily identify a conspiracy to remove Trump. A threatened Deep State is on war footing, and has high tolerance for casualties.
In “That Mystery Disease Outbreak in China Could Be Caused by a Newly Discovered Virus”, By Jing Xuan Teng & Yan Zhao, AFP, 09 January 2020, and published by Science Alert, is the following:
“China believes a mysterious pneumonia outbreak that struck 59 people is caused by a new strain of virus from the same family as SARS, which killed hundreds of people more than a decade ago.
Lead scientist Xu Jianguo told the official Xinhua news agency that experts had “preliminarily determined” a new type of coronavirus was behind the outbreak, first confirmed on December 31 in Wuhan, a central Chinese city with a population of more than 11 million.
It initially sparked fears of a resurgence of highly contagious Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), and prompted authorities in Hong Kong – badly hit by SARS in 2002-2003 – to take precautions, including stepping up the disinfection of trains and airplanes, and checks of passengers.
China has since ruled out a fresh outbreak of SARS, which killed 349 people in mainland China and another 299 in Hong Kong.
“A total of 15 positive results of the new type of coronavirus had been detected” in the lab, through tests on infected blood samples and throat swabs, Xu said.
The World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed the preliminary discovery of a new coronavirus in a statement.
“Further investigations are also required to determine the source, modes of transmission, extent of infection and countermeasures implemented,” said Gauden Galea, the WHO Representative to China.
Wuhan’s health commission said on Sunday seven of the 59 patients were seriously ill, but none had died. All received treatment in quarantine.
Eight patients have recovered and were discharged from hospital on Wednesday, according to Xinhua.
The commission said the infection broke out between December 12 and 29, with some of the patients employed at a city seafood market since closed for disinfection.
No obvious evidence of human-to-human transmission has been reported so far.
Footage from January 1 by state broadcaster CCTV showed an official notice at the market saying it had been closed in light of the “current pneumonia situation in our city”, without providing a date for reopening.
The outbreak comes just a few weeks before China’s busiest annual travel period, when millions of people take buses, trains and planes for Lunar New Year.
A Chinese transport ministry official said at a briefing that arrangements were made for “disinfection, monitoring and prevention” focusing on areas with large numbers of passengers, including stations and cargo hubs.
Civil aviation and national railway authorities said they had not received any reports of affected patients taking flights or trains, and that they were closely watching the situation.
Wan Xiangdong, chief flight officer of China’s Civil Aviation Administration, said all planes were equipped with emergency medical kits”.
But why no mention of this article in Ian Birrel’s piece?
As far as I know it is the earliest scientific paper that told the world’s inhabitants that Covid was coming to get them.
Bravo !
Some actual factual evidence as to what was going on in Wuhan in December / January.
The other fact that is hardly ever mentioned here vis a vis origins of this latest pandemic, is that there were 2 distinct viral lineages circulating in Wuhan before the Wuhan market episode which means that the common ancestor of both was circulating somewhere in China in the autumn of 2019. No one knows where this common ancestor originated.
The ins and outs of this unresolved puzzle are viewable here together with links to Github and Nextstrain for those who are keen to track down original sources :
Early appearance of two distinct genomic lineages of SARS-CoV-2 in different Wuhan wildlife markets suggests SARS-CoV-2 has a natural origin Garry May 2021
Recovery of deleted deep sequencing data sheds more light on the early Wuhan SARS-CoV-2 epidemic Bloom June 29 2021
Trevor Bedford
As for gain of function research and the furin cleavage site, this hypothesis has a been refuted with some pretty solid science here :
The Origins of SARS-CoV-2: A Critical Review Holmes et al Cell Press 17.08.2021
Specifically :
The SARS-CoV-2 furin cleavage site (containing the amino acid motif RRAR)
⦁ does not match its canonical form (R-X-R/K-R),
⦁ is suboptimal compared to those of HCoV-HKU1 and HCoV-OC43,
⦁ lacks either a P1 or P2 arginine (depending on the alignment),
⦁ and was caused by an out-of-frame insertion
⦁ The presence of two CGG codons for arginines in the SARS-CoV-2 furin cleavage site is similarly not indicative of genetic engineering(77). Although theCGG codon is rare in coronaviruses, it is observed in SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2 and other human coronaviruses at comparable frequencies (77). Further, if low-fitness codons had been artificially inserted into the virus genome they would have been quickly selected against during SARS-CoV-2 evolution, yet both CGG codons are more than 99.8% conserved among the >1,800,000 near-complete SARS-CoV-2 genomes sequenced to date, indicative of strong functional constraints
There are other papers pointing out the piss poor engineering that was carried out if indeed this virus was partly manufactured out of malice but it’s really too boring to go on.
“This was the real conspiracy — and it is still being pushed today by the Chinese Communist Party’s useful idiots”.
Maybe, but it was Boris Johnson and Donald Trump who as far as we know didn’t conspire, who denigrated the expert scientist and the evidence of what was happening in China, and in the case of the former had his life saved by the intensive care staff at St Thomas’ Hospital, just a few minutes fast drive from his home at 10 Downing Street.
Most of those who died didn’t have the influence and authority to demand what these two could, and who did more to promote the ‘it’s nothing but a dose of the flu’ mantra, that consigned so many to an early grave.
One final thing before I call it a night. The Wuhan Institute of Virology is some distance from the Huanan Seafood Market, about 14.18 km (8.81 miles) as far as google maps provides an answer, and they’re on different sides of the Yangtze River, itself about 1.37 kilometres wide.
Yet the first known cases of what became Covid-19 were all in the Market.
Quick question, are these murderers beyond the reach of the law? Fauci for sure needs to have a criminal investigation into his machinations. Once the manure is cleaned out of the DOJ stable, I hope his prosecution is high on the Trump agenda.
The World Health Organisation ended 2024 by reminding us that it is five years since it discovered a virus was sweeping through the Chinese city of Wuhan.
In turn, let’s remind the WHO that this virus was brewing in a lab at UNC/Chapel Hill before the president of the time took issue with gain of function research, at which point Fauci shipped the thing to China. The WHO didn’t “discover” anything. And the virus wasn’t ‘sweeping through’ the town. It leaked from its confines in a lab, almost as if by design.
The mere possibility that it was a lab leak meant that the Western response was dictated from the start by counter-terrorism and national security agencies. This is well documented and also explains the medically inept countermeasures. The need to gaslight the public about the crucial role of these agencies means that the lab leak issue itself must be left unresolved for as long as possible, which is something the gain-of-function crowd will only be too happy to do. BTW: there is a very strong case that the German funded Lab in Wuhan and not the WIV is the more likely source. Check out Robert Kogon’s substack.
I recognize that of the many who deserve to be named in an article on the dishonorable escape through lack of space. However, Deborah Birx, proudly writing how she deliberately subverted the instructions of her betters, needs to earn a special place. Of course, clearly her opinion is that she has no betters.
US federal funds supported gain of function research in Wuhan but they were not “taxpayer dollars”, because the US government creates every dollar it spends by fiat–out of thin air–and it disappears every tax dollar it collects back into thin air. That is the mechanism of fiat monetary operations. The same mechanism as in the UK. If you want to be viewed as an authoritative reporter, Ian Birrell, you need to educate yourself on the facts of fiat monetary operations.
I think you falsely claim to be ahead of the curve. This was available the end of Jan 2020 – supporting data hot linked:
You make no mention of the PLA’s involvement nor the possibility that the Military Athletes at the Wuhan Games in Oct 2019 were infected, perhaps by design:
Yes, you’re absolutely right. There are a host of other potential sources for the COVID-19 origin.
My Great Aunt Sally is sure it was the aliens she found in her back yard one night in the Autumn of 2019, and I know someone who said he was sure it was part of a plan a friend of his heard about that someone in a drug company mentioned as part of a plot to increase vaccine profits, while I read on the internet that there was probably a conspiracy by various Anglo-centric reactionaries to develop the virus to target only peoples’ of Asian descent.
I’ve notified my local FBI office about all of these, and I’m going to add your documentation to my next letter.
I’ll let you know when I hear back from them.
It’s the least I can do.
Still the best bit of research that was carried out to show how the virus was concocted.
This came out in April 2020 and is thorough.
It is deceitful that the Establishment conned its population with Its own conspiracy theories and misinformation only to follow up with Gene Vaccines that were neither safe and effective. For a start how many of you were aware when taken the vaccine of what the technology was?
I hope justice is meted out to these evil people who have lost their moral compass but were still protected.