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Christopher Chantrill
Christopher Chantrill
6 months ago

Whenever I see the word “neoliberalism” used by left or right I assume it is being used as a pejorative, as the author of “Climate Change as Class War: Building Socialism on a Warming Planet” does.
But one thing I agree on with the writer. The only thing that government is good for is War: World War, Climate War, Class War, Race War, whatever.
But when it comes to growing the economy, government knows nothing: never did, never will.

Alex Lekas
Alex Lekas
6 months ago

If only govt officials had the capacity to win these wars they wage. In the US, we’ve had the wars on poverty and drugs along with the ones you cite. Those have been no more victorious than the others, but they fund a perpetual bureaucracy dedicated to the war’s maintenance completion.

Carlos Danger
Carlos Danger
6 months ago

As someone working in the electric vehicle industry, I can attest that the Biden administration climate investments are as far from being cost effective as you could imagine. I’m sure they are doing some good, but at huge expense. Lots of people are profiting. Few are innovating.
Take one example. I wanted to apply for a government grant to fund some research. When I went to the website to put together a proposal, it was filled largely with information about writing the required DEI portion of the proposal. The website said that was the most important part! It had only one video to help applicants, and that was a 20-minute video on DEI.
Our group of three white men didn’t even bother to apply.

Ethniciodo Rodenydo
Ethniciodo Rodenydo
6 months ago
Reply to  Carlos Danger

You could could have self identified as trans, lesbian disabled window cleaners of colour

Jim Veenbaas
Jim Veenbaas
6 months ago

I have no idea what to make of this. One part delusion, mixed with one part wishful thinking. What exactly has Biden achieved with his massive climate spending? Lots of subsidies and mandates for EVs and batteries, all of which will evaporate because the market is collapsing in real time.

He gives very few concrete examples of anything, other than a hydrogen hub in Philadelphia, which is doomed to failure because you basically have to burn natural gas to make hydrogen, which makes it completely redundant.

If Trump is elected, he won’t take credit for Biden’s mythological achievements. He will tear them down – and it can’t come soon enough.

Santiago Saefjord
Santiago Saefjord
6 months ago
Reply to  Jim Veenbaas

Hardly any of the used cars that are available for the $4000 EV tax credit are under the required $25,000 limit. Also so many cars are excluded because of being required to be made or have major parts made in the USA. What a load of horse crap. It’s punishes the poor too as the new car EV tax credit favours the rich who can pay $60k for a new EV vehicle and get $7,500 tax credit. Poor people get nothing really except old cars and bad loans.

Cathy Carron
Cathy Carron
6 months ago
Reply to  Jim Veenbaas

Joe Biden is OVER- he’s a lame duck. Now to swat away that fly Kamala.

Tyler Durden
Tyler Durden
6 months ago

Sadly, he will be remembered for the pursuit of a disastrous neoconservative policy in the post-Soviet European bloc. He may have maintained a certain critique of liberal interventionaism in Afghanistan, but he was clearly Cheney, Bush and Rumsfeld’s heir in the east of Europe.

Allison Barrows
Allison Barrows
6 months ago

Does this absurd academic actually believe Biden is responsible for anything? That whatever “policies” being imposed are his? If Biden is remembered at all, it will be as the senile old liar the party long regarded as the stupidest man in the senate whom they installed lest the old Commie from Vermont win the nomination.
The United States is run by the intelligence agencies. As Twain said, “if our votes mattered, they wouldn’t let us do it”.

Ethniciodo Rodenydo
Ethniciodo Rodenydo
6 months ago

He is responsible for lining the pockets of his supporters and big tech

Hugh Bryant
Hugh Bryant
6 months ago

The United States is run by the intelligence agencies.
I think George/Alex Soros might have something to say about that. But then he probably runs the intelligence agencies as well as the government. So you could be right.

Alex Lekas
Alex Lekas
6 months ago

on the climate front, emissions continue to increase.
That will be true no matter who wins. It will be true in countries other than America. And it will be true for the foreseeable future. At some point, the greens might persuade people to reduce their standards of living by embracing industrial-scale mining and the child labor that helps power it, but we’re not there yet.
It’s not the relentless climate alarmism that is annoying. It’s the belief that elected officials and bureaucrats are somehow uniquely qualified to manage climate. These are the people who cannot manage budgets, borders, crime, and schools. How about we demand at least a level of mediocrity in their day jobs before entrusting them with higher levels of responsibility.

Hugh Bryant
Hugh Bryant
6 months ago
Reply to  Alex Lekas

Yes. The idea that the people who gave us the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Ukraine, the destruction of Libya, the migrant crisis and the financial crash are going to ‘fix the climate’ is so far beyond delusional we’re going to need a new word for the dictionary to describe just how delusional it is.

6 months ago

Remember; If you’re typing down here you’re paying for this nonsense.

Hugh Bryant
Hugh Bryant
6 months ago

risky technologies such as nuclear power
Nuclear power is just about the least risky and environmentally damaging energy technology there is.

Michael Clarke
Michael Clarke
6 months ago

Complicated is not a bad term but careless or messy would be better. That was always Biden’s way, long before age and his medical condition caught up with him.