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Adam Bartlett
Adam Bartlett
7 months ago

Amusing review of Broady’s and Blue Labour’s Cruddas’s recent books. While I’ve been a member for almost two decades now , I’d not realised what a weird & wonderful mix went into the original party punch bowl.

Hugh Bryant
Hugh Bryant
7 months ago

Very entertaining article that, whilst it entirely overlooks the xenophobia that also played a significant part in the early days as well as the Fabian enthusiasm for novel eugenics, Stalin and sterilisation of the poor, at least recognises that Labour has always been, above all else, a vehicle for the nation’s curtain twitching middle class busybodies and obsessives.

Pip G
Pip G
7 months ago

A good review. We need to be reminded that Labour, particularly the ILP, had a moral radical dimension seeking the betterment of ‘man’. Today we have politicians who emphasise the dreary administration of regulation, with emphasis on the economy and materialism.
If Labour could recover its idealism, and support family and community it would attract a new constituency. Does anything in the current Labour manifesto excite you or show vision?

Andrew Boughton
Andrew Boughton
1 month ago

Nice, nice, nice.