I disagree with Paul Kingsnorth that there is nothing left to conserve. Paul Kingsnorth – the man, his writing, his ideas – is left to conserve. As he and Mary Harrington talked at the Unherd Club yesterday, millions of families across our islands and beyond sat down to eat Sunday lunch together. Many more millions of children went out to play in the sunshine, without screens. All of that is left to conserve.
Perhaps Christendomâs cultural garden has grown somewhat unkempt, with self-propagating weeds popping up all over its fertile soil – some misguided victim-worship here, some deeply confused gender-ideology there, some creeping climate-apocalyptica crawling up the trees and starting to strangle their light. There does, admittedly, seem to be a particular problem with the highly invasive knotweed that is tech-idolatry.
But all is not lost, and nor can it ever be. This too will pass. Whatever the transhumanist pipedreamers might think, you can no more ârewrite the basis of realityâ or âbuild Godâ than you can change the tides of the sea. People of all persuasions, including the technologists, the Dawkins-atheists, and the captured progressives themselves, know this truth. So be strong, and be courageous, and do the work. Most of all, donât be afraid.
Not sure Kingsnorth is quite on a par with CS Lewis yet, but perhaps heâll get there. He needs to break free from the fear cycle. Love your unkempt garden analogy!
I love the garden analogy too. While all is not lost. It is genuinely difficult to see things improving. I doubt that I am not the only lifelong atheist that realises that secularism just doesnât work, yet finds the belief in a god or gods just plain childish and silly.
The world has lost the plot and genuine debate no longer occurs. Obviously violence will follow if we canât get genuine and honest debate with tolerance and understanding back. The elites are killing us softly and slowly. We just donât realise it yet.
I find myself asking the same question. You are definitely not alone in your belief that secularism doesn’t work and the current alternatives are silly. What’s next? Where are our alternatives?
I always dislike the phrase ‘an open mind’. What we mean is a mind free from prejudice, but not free from critical intelligence or intellectual honesty.
I always dislike the phrase ‘an open mind’. What we mean is a mind free from prejudice, but not free from critical intelligence or intellectual honesty.
But our very recently gained knowledge kind of put the whole god thing to the sword.
When I see rays of light shine through a hole in the clouds. I get why people believed in a âSky Fatherâ to go with the Earth Mother. With the absence of this knowledge, it makes sense. But we now know the bare bones of how the universe formed and how we evolved. But deep down this knowledge is just that, knowledge. Yeah, we know stuff but it gives us nothing in return. There is no nourishment for the soul so to speak. When I was young it didnât matter because I was of on adventures and seeing the world before mobile phones became popular. Now that wisdom has kicked in, all I see is just loud foolish people who who think that talking at people is a debate. My very young associates know a hell of a lot more than I did at their age but all it is good for is winning a pub quiz. They still donât get it and getting it is very different from knowing it.
âBut we now know the bare bones of how the universe formed and how we evolved.â Do we, though? Is it conceivable that this is also simply a belief, based on mathematical models? That we know are often wrong.
It was the Catholic church that brought us modern science but she did not divorce knowledge of efficient and material causes from formal and FINAL causation, the ultimate ground of all being, BEING Himself.. God.
We’ve become brilliantly unintelligent.
We don’t know why we are moved by beauty and justice and love. Love is the final cause. https://www.amazon.com/Scholastic-Metaphysics-Contemporary-Introduction-Scholasticae/dp/3868385444
It was the Catholic church that brought us modern science but she did not divorce knowledge of efficient and material causes from formal and FINAL causation, the ultimate ground of all being, BEING Himself.. God.
We’ve become brilliantly unintelligent.
We don’t know why we are moved by beauty and justice and love. Love is the final cause. https://www.amazon.com/Scholastic-Metaphysics-Contemporary-Introduction-Scholasticae/dp/3868385444
Sorry, but I almost gag when I read or hear people stating that we really, really know how things are now that we’re scientific and educated.
It is difficult not to shout at how frankly , wildly incoherent such mindless , purposeless dogmatic assumptions are to reality itself.
It literally is life looked at unintelligently. Blindly. So I ask is water best understood as a fluid comprised of H2O, or is it best understood as a gift of life and love ordered towards the joy of a child dancing in the wonder and delight of a sun shower; a manifestation of Love’s creative act.
No time for a full philosophy lecture here, but as our author brightly referenced the great G K Chesterton whose brilliance included his book on Aquinas, I will state that there are 4 types of causes the efficient, material, formal and FINAL.. the cause of causes.. the necessary cause of all.
The Final cause is literally Person.. Intention.. Mind.. Purpose… how it is that these things obtain,
Modern man will be much accelerated down the path of sanity if he gets acquainted with that understanding that rightly sees a child laughing in the delight of a summer shower as a much truer and pointed “explanation” or understanding of water. Final Cause. Its not a beguiling entertainment but the path of sanity. And Joy. https://edwardfeser.blogspot.com/2013/09/the-return-of-final-causality.html
A bit late to this conversation, but I always find this argument a little odd. There are loads of very intelligent people who don’t find the idea of Deity silly at all — people of varying cultures and creeds, not just “Westerners.” I know a couple personally. It seems to me that if one cannot doubt their intelligence then one has to doubt their perception of reality — in short, their sanity. Is it really possible that all the intelligent people in the world who believe in some form of transcendent religion are delusional?, because that’s what the argument seemingly boils down to.
âBut we now know the bare bones of how the universe formed and how we evolved.â Do we, though? Is it conceivable that this is also simply a belief, based on mathematical models? That we know are often wrong.
Sorry, but I almost gag when I read or hear people stating that we really, really know how things are now that we’re scientific and educated.
It is difficult not to shout at how frankly , wildly incoherent such mindless , purposeless dogmatic assumptions are to reality itself.
It literally is life looked at unintelligently. Blindly. So I ask is water best understood as a fluid comprised of H2O, or is it best understood as a gift of life and love ordered towards the joy of a child dancing in the wonder and delight of a sun shower; a manifestation of Love’s creative act.
No time for a full philosophy lecture here, but as our author brightly referenced the great G K Chesterton whose brilliance included his book on Aquinas, I will state that there are 4 types of causes the efficient, material, formal and FINAL.. the cause of causes.. the necessary cause of all.
The Final cause is literally Person.. Intention.. Mind.. Purpose… how it is that these things obtain,
Modern man will be much accelerated down the path of sanity if he gets acquainted with that understanding that rightly sees a child laughing in the delight of a summer shower as a much truer and pointed “explanation” or understanding of water. Final Cause. Its not a beguiling entertainment but the path of sanity. And Joy. https://edwardfeser.blogspot.com/2013/09/the-return-of-final-causality.html
A bit late to this conversation, but I always find this argument a little odd. There are loads of very intelligent people who don’t find the idea of Deity silly at all — people of varying cultures and creeds, not just “Westerners.” I know a couple personally. It seems to me that if one cannot doubt their intelligence then one has to doubt their perception of reality — in short, their sanity. Is it really possible that all the intelligent people in the world who believe in some form of transcendent religion are delusional?, because that’s what the argument seemingly boils down to.
But our very recently gained knowledge kind of put the whole god thing to the sword.
When I see rays of light shine through a hole in the clouds. I get why people believed in a âSky Fatherâ to go with the Earth Mother. With the absence of this knowledge, it makes sense. But we now know the bare bones of how the universe formed and how we evolved. But deep down this knowledge is just that, knowledge. Yeah, we know stuff but it gives us nothing in return. There is no nourishment for the soul so to speak. When I was young it didnât matter because I was of on adventures and seeing the world before mobile phones became popular. Now that wisdom has kicked in, all I see is just loud foolish people who who think that talking at people is a debate. My very young associates know a hell of a lot more than I did at their age but all it is good for is winning a pub quiz. They still donât get it and getting it is very different from knowing it.
I hear you, Peter. Not so long ago, I, too, found the notion of an omnipresent and omnipotent âGodâ very silly. But then I began to look again at all the ridiculous things human beings do and think, and most of them seemed âsillierâ. Dinosaurs, being afraid of anthropogenic âclimate changeâ, convincing the world we landed a tin can on the moon and launched it off again… putting a leaf in a glass case in the British museum and insisting it is 10,000 years old, etc… and then all the recent evil stuff like forcing surgical masks on toddlers, cutting off the genitalia of teenagers, and injecting mass-produced vials of lipid nanoparticles into our bodies for absolutely no reason other than the authorities told us weâd be punished if we didnât. Suddenly the Christian story seemed so much more rational and believable, and analogous to everything we are living through. But it does require faith. But then so does atheism. If it helps, start with Pascalâs wager and build from there. And donât worry too much about the âelitesâ. They are mortal, too. And far more fearful of us than they would ever let us know. They live in prisons of their own making. We, in our humility and anonymity, always have the choice to live free.
The classic cosmological proofs extant since before Plato have never been successfully refuted despite the claims of some. Hume’s fork rule breaks Hume’s Fork Rule for instance.
We’ve lost our rational marbles. Familiarize yourself with philosopher Ed Feser who was led into atheism by simplistic professors and found that Aquinas and theism are simply sanity… the answer.
Faith is the reasoned assent of reasoning creatures. Its sanity. God is why the universe is intelligible in the first place. And our minds do non material things. What does number 3 weigh, how large is it and what color is it? The Last Superstition: A Refutation of the New Atheism: Feser, Edward: 8601401080077: Books – Amazon.ca
Pascal’s ‘wager’ has some force, but I don’t think it appeals to the heart, the emotions, the soul. It merely appeals to the logical brain. I am inclined to say, ‘Read the Gospels’ and decide honestly whether Christ was a madman, a fraud – or who He said He was. (CS Lewis.)
The classic cosmological proofs extant since before Plato have never been successfully refuted despite the claims of some. Hume’s fork rule breaks Hume’s Fork Rule for instance.
We’ve lost our rational marbles. Familiarize yourself with philosopher Ed Feser who was led into atheism by simplistic professors and found that Aquinas and theism are simply sanity… the answer.
Faith is the reasoned assent of reasoning creatures. Its sanity. God is why the universe is intelligible in the first place. And our minds do non material things. What does number 3 weigh, how large is it and what color is it? The Last Superstition: A Refutation of the New Atheism: Feser, Edward: 8601401080077: Books – Amazon.ca
Pascal’s ‘wager’ has some force, but I don’t think it appeals to the heart, the emotions, the soul. It merely appeals to the logical brain. I am inclined to say, ‘Read the Gospels’ and decide honestly whether Christ was a madman, a fraud – or who He said He was. (CS Lewis.)
I am an atheist because I lack the athleticism to make the leap of faith others seem able to. But I always felt the great philosophical debates from antiquity onward and especially post-enlightenment, were basically attempts to define the same questions religion defines, but in a different way.
So being atheist doesn’t prevent me seeing a connection with, or feeling a debt towards, traditional Christianity and Christian beliefs in modern secular society.
Actually, the religious answer points to MIND and why reason is reliable in the first place. It is vastly more intelligent to wonder how could God not exist given this stunning , living intelligent purposeful splendor.
Mindless matter in meaningless motion cannot “explain’ the development and causation of free willed rational beings with minds that apprehend non material principles and work with things like numbers.
No offense intended , but atheism radically instantiates unintelligence. Feser’s book spells out the rational case. And its solid. The Last Superstition: A Refutation of the New Atheism: Feser, Edward: 8601401080077: Books – Amazon.ca
Actually, the religious answer points to MIND and why reason is reliable in the first place. It is vastly more intelligent to wonder how could God not exist given this stunning , living intelligent purposeful splendor.
Mindless matter in meaningless motion cannot “explain’ the development and causation of free willed rational beings with minds that apprehend non material principles and work with things like numbers.
No offense intended , but atheism radically instantiates unintelligence. Feser’s book spells out the rational case. And its solid. The Last Superstition: A Refutation of the New Atheism: Feser, Edward: 8601401080077: Books – Amazon.ca
I was talking to an elderly retired lecturer in philosophy yesterday. He had rejected the Christianity of his youth as ‘propaganda’. This rejection continued for many years. Yet he constantly wrestled with the fact that (in his time – the 1960s) the three philosophers of greatest world renown were Peter Geach, Elizabeth Anscombe and Michael Dummett – and they were all Catholics. Philosophy is about clear thinking. These thinkers were not subscribing to superstitious nonsense; ‘a god or gods’. Eventually my retired lecturer returned to the Christian faith.
I find myself asking the same question. You are definitely not alone in your belief that secularism doesn’t work and the current alternatives are silly. What’s next? Where are our alternatives?
I hear you, Peter. Not so long ago, I, too, found the notion of an omnipresent and omnipotent âGodâ very silly. But then I began to look again at all the ridiculous things human beings do and think, and most of them seemed âsillierâ. Dinosaurs, being afraid of anthropogenic âclimate changeâ, convincing the world we landed a tin can on the moon and launched it off again… putting a leaf in a glass case in the British museum and insisting it is 10,000 years old, etc… and then all the recent evil stuff like forcing surgical masks on toddlers, cutting off the genitalia of teenagers, and injecting mass-produced vials of lipid nanoparticles into our bodies for absolutely no reason other than the authorities told us weâd be punished if we didnât. Suddenly the Christian story seemed so much more rational and believable, and analogous to everything we are living through. But it does require faith. But then so does atheism. If it helps, start with Pascalâs wager and build from there. And donât worry too much about the âelitesâ. They are mortal, too. And far more fearful of us than they would ever let us know. They live in prisons of their own making. We, in our humility and anonymity, always have the choice to live free.
I am an atheist because I lack the athleticism to make the leap of faith others seem able to. But I always felt the great philosophical debates from antiquity onward and especially post-enlightenment, were basically attempts to define the same questions religion defines, but in a different way.
So being atheist doesn’t prevent me seeing a connection with, or feeling a debt towards, traditional Christianity and Christian beliefs in modern secular society.
I was talking to an elderly retired lecturer in philosophy yesterday. He had rejected the Christianity of his youth as ‘propaganda’. This rejection continued for many years. Yet he constantly wrestled with the fact that (in his time – the 1960s) the three philosophers of greatest world renown were Peter Geach, Elizabeth Anscombe and Michael Dummett – and they were all Catholics. Philosophy is about clear thinking. These thinkers were not subscribing to superstitious nonsense; ‘a god or gods’. Eventually my retired lecturer returned to the Christian faith.
I love the garden analogy too. While all is not lost. It is genuinely difficult to see things improving. I doubt that I am not the only lifelong atheist that realises that secularism just doesnât work, yet finds the belief in a god or gods just plain childish and silly.
The world has lost the plot and genuine debate no longer occurs. Obviously violence will follow if we canât get genuine and honest debate with tolerance and understanding back. The elites are killing us softly and slowly. We just donât realise it yet.
You may be right but wonder how much damage will be done in the meantime. You could have said the same in 1530 or 1930 and assumed that reality will reassert itself – eventually.
Yes. Without doubt plenty of damage will be done. But Iâm not arguing for a meek quiescence and surrender. Quite the opposite. The future is an open book. If enough people refuse to accept the narrative that there is nothing left to conserve and nothing to be done about it, by not being afraid, by asserting oneâs free will, and – if necessary – by accepting the suffering and privation (or, at least, inconvenience) that might result from that, the damage can be limited and the garden restored to its former glory sooner rather than later.
Yes. Without doubt plenty of damage will be done. But Iâm not arguing for a meek quiescence and surrender. Quite the opposite. The future is an open book. If enough people refuse to accept the narrative that there is nothing left to conserve and nothing to be done about it, by not being afraid, by asserting oneâs free will, and – if necessary – by accepting the suffering and privation (or, at least, inconvenience) that might result from that, the damage can be limited and the garden restored to its former glory sooner rather than later.
I have been a quietly religious person most of my life, and to avoid being accused of silliness, I call myself “spiritual.” That seems to satisfy some. If I’m honest about my daily existence, apparently, I’m gung-ho about materialism, pettiness, selfishness, tribalism, relativism, self-indulgence, disconnection, and envy – the list is complicated, foolish, and invasive. Are people more divided than ever for rational reasons, or just more openly suffering (and afraid for their place in a quickly devolving landscape) and lashing out? These are the “silly” things.
Love, joy, awe, wonder, transcendent moments, empathy, humility, and honest connections with other humans and the natural world feel like a true path. I’m ready for god and religion.
I love your closer – “don’t be afraid.” Thank you!
Not sure Kingsnorth is quite on a par with CS Lewis yet, but perhaps heâll get there. He needs to break free from the fear cycle. Love your unkempt garden analogy!
You may be right but wonder how much damage will be done in the meantime. You could have said the same in 1530 or 1930 and assumed that reality will reassert itself – eventually.
I have been a quietly religious person most of my life, and to avoid being accused of silliness, I call myself “spiritual.” That seems to satisfy some. If I’m honest about my daily existence, apparently, I’m gung-ho about materialism, pettiness, selfishness, tribalism, relativism, self-indulgence, disconnection, and envy – the list is complicated, foolish, and invasive. Are people more divided than ever for rational reasons, or just more openly suffering (and afraid for their place in a quickly devolving landscape) and lashing out? These are the “silly” things.
Love, joy, awe, wonder, transcendent moments, empathy, humility, and honest connections with other humans and the natural world feel like a true path. I’m ready for god and religion.
I love your closer – “don’t be afraid.” Thank you!
Last edited 1 year ago by Ola Russell
Andrew Horsman
1 year ago
I disagree with Paul Kingsnorth that there is nothing left to conserve. Paul Kingsnorth – the man, his writing, his ideas – is left to conserve. As he and Mary Harrington talked at the Unherd Club yesterday, millions of families across our islands and beyond sat down to eat Sunday lunch together. Many more millions of children went out to play in the sunshine, without screens. All of that is left to conserve.
Perhaps Christendomâs cultural garden has grown somewhat unkempt, with self-propagating weeds popping up all over its fertile soil – some misguided victim-worship here, some deeply confused gender-ideology there, some creeping climate-apocalyptica crawling up the trees and starting to strangle their light. There does, admittedly, seem to be a particular problem with the highly invasive knotweed that is tech-idolatry.
But all is not lost, and nor can it ever be. This too will pass. Whatever the transhumanist pipedreamers might think, you can no more ârewrite the basis of realityâ or âbuild Godâ than you can change the tides of the sea. People of all persuasions, including the technologists, the Dawkins-atheists, and the captured progressives themselves, know this truth. So be strong, and be courageous, and do the work. Most of all, donât be afraid.
Amy Horseman
1 year ago
Thereâs plenty in this world worth conserving, you doomsayer! If you had true faith, you would rejoice in the glory of all the wondrous joys around you. Thereâs this weird contradictory dichotomy in people who both claim to be Christians yet live in fear of some great impending disaster. It doesnât matter what shape that fear takes (âclimate emergencyâ, âcovidâ, âBrexitâ, Putin, aliens, cancer, AI), it always comes from the same source… lack of faith. The most oft-repeated phrase (in some form) in the bible is âdo not be afraidâ. If you think youâre a Christian but youâre still terrified of some threat you perceive as being out of your control, youâre doing it wrong. And whatâs the big beef with capitalism? Capitalism has brought you all the tools that have enabled you to make choices in your life, to live freely, to travel, not to travel, to share your thoughts with more people than your immediate network via the Internet… so itâs not all bad. And whatâs the alternative? Communism? I donât think the big communist dictators left much to conserve… they mostly destroyed things. If youâre looking for something to conserve, start with the books. Not just the famous ones, the rare ones, the ones buried in antique shops, the ones in obscure languages. Books both reveal eternal truths and the lies of the times. All dictatorships start by trying to burn/ban books. My friendâs grandmother was arrested in the streets of Barcelona and thrown in jail for carrying a Catalan book that Franco had banned. Tyrants fear people with knowledge, so stay knowledgable and immerse your children in the world of books… especially all the ones the wokists are trying to cancel! And the bible, of course. The bible survives because it tells the obvious and recognisable truth of humanity and human nature. Conserve that! Yes, reality is under attack but it will survive because it is REAL. The nonsense will die out eventually. The transhumanists are delusional. They will never âgrow babiesâ in artificial wombs anymore than they will ever artificially upload immunity instructions into your RNA. Youâve just witnessed them fail spectacularly to deliver on that promise! Donât be gaslit by those fantasists. Reality is God, so God is Reality. And we know God wins. Now and forever.
Amen. “Thereâs this weird contradictory dichotomy in people who both claim to be Christians yet live in fear of some great impending disaster.”
It’s precisely because we are human. Lack of faith is a sin, just like any other sin.
The Jews and Christians in Jerusalem circa A.D. 70 would like to have a little talk with you. Fear of potential disaster and lack of faith are by no means a contradiction. If this were the case the issuing of warnings would make no sense.
The Jews and Christians in Jerusalem circa A.D. 70 would like to have a little talk with you. Fear of potential disaster and lack of faith are by no means a contradiction. If this were the case the issuing of warnings would make no sense.
If you had true faith, you would rejoice in the glory of all the wondrous joys around you. Thereâs this weird contradictory dichotomy in people who both claim to be Christians yet live in fear of some great impending disaster.
I’ve heard this claim numerous times, and it always strikes me as weirdly complacent. I wonder what you would have said to those Christians in Russia in 1918 who could see the shape of the catastrophe to come, and were busying building underground churches. Or those Christians who helped minister to sufferers of the Black Death. Or those Christians who helped to save Jews from Nazi gas chambers, if they hadn’t already fled Germany in 1932. Would you suggest to them that their ‘fear’ of an ‘impending disaster’ meant they had no faith?
You might want to consider that the contradiction might be on your side. The Old Testament is full of the books of prophets warning of impending disaster. The last book of the New Testament does the same. ‘Everything is part of God’s plan’ is not a Christian claim in a world which – according to Christ Himself – is governed by the devil. Evil exists. How are Christians to respond to it? I don’t think that anyone gets to dodge that question.
As for capitalism – well, we might want to pay attention to the claims of Christ, again, about wealth, mammon, money, rich men, camels, ndeedles and the like. He has not a good word to say about ‘wealth creation’ or heaping that wealth into barns. The early Christians, like todays monastics, shared everything and owned nothing. Both capitalism and communism, by contrast, are brutal modern systems.
I’m not sure there’s any such thing as a Christian politics in this broken world, or that there should be – but if there was, it would certainly not look like this.
Amen. “Thereâs this weird contradictory dichotomy in people who both claim to be Christians yet live in fear of some great impending disaster.”
It’s precisely because we are human. Lack of faith is a sin, just like any other sin.
If you had true faith, you would rejoice in the glory of all the wondrous joys around you. Thereâs this weird contradictory dichotomy in people who both claim to be Christians yet live in fear of some great impending disaster.
I’ve heard this claim numerous times, and it always strikes me as weirdly complacent. I wonder what you would have said to those Christians in Russia in 1918 who could see the shape of the catastrophe to come, and were busying building underground churches. Or those Christians who helped minister to sufferers of the Black Death. Or those Christians who helped to save Jews from Nazi gas chambers, if they hadn’t already fled Germany in 1932. Would you suggest to them that their ‘fear’ of an ‘impending disaster’ meant they had no faith?
You might want to consider that the contradiction might be on your side. The Old Testament is full of the books of prophets warning of impending disaster. The last book of the New Testament does the same. ‘Everything is part of God’s plan’ is not a Christian claim in a world which – according to Christ Himself – is governed by the devil. Evil exists. How are Christians to respond to it? I don’t think that anyone gets to dodge that question.
As for capitalism – well, we might want to pay attention to the claims of Christ, again, about wealth, mammon, money, rich men, camels, ndeedles and the like. He has not a good word to say about ‘wealth creation’ or heaping that wealth into barns. The early Christians, like todays monastics, shared everything and owned nothing. Both capitalism and communism, by contrast, are brutal modern systems.
I’m not sure there’s any such thing as a Christian politics in this broken world, or that there should be – but if there was, it would certainly not look like this.
Last edited 1 year ago by Paul K
Amy Horseman
1 year ago
Thereâs plenty in this world worth conserving, you doomsayer! If you had true faith, you would rejoice in the glory of all the wondrous joys around you. Thereâs this weird contradictory dichotomy in people who both claim to be Christians yet live in fear of some great impending disaster. It doesnât matter what shape that fear takes (âclimate emergencyâ, âcovidâ, âBrexitâ, Putin, aliens, cancer, AI), it always comes from the same source… lack of faith. The most oft-repeated phrase (in some form) in the bible is âdo not be afraidâ. If you think youâre a Christian but youâre still terrified of some threat you perceive as being out of your control, youâre doing it wrong. And whatâs the big beef with capitalism? Capitalism has brought you all the tools that have enabled you to make choices in your life, to live freely, to travel, not to travel, to share your thoughts with more people than your immediate network via the Internet… so itâs not all bad. And whatâs the alternative? Communism? I donât think the big communist dictators left much to conserve… they mostly destroyed things. If youâre looking for something to conserve, start with the books. Not just the famous ones, the rare ones, the ones buried in antique shops, the ones in obscure languages. Books both reveal eternal truths and the lies of the times. All dictatorships start by trying to burn/ban books. My friendâs grandmother was arrested in the streets of Barcelona and thrown in jail for carrying a Catalan book that Franco had banned. Tyrants fear people with knowledge, so stay knowledgable and immerse your children in the world of books… especially all the ones the wokists are trying to cancel! And the bible, of course. The bible survives because it tells the obvious and recognisable truth of humanity and human nature. Conserve that! Yes, reality is under attack but it will survive because it is REAL. The nonsense will die out eventually. The transhumanists are delusional. They will never âgrow babiesâ in artificial wombs anymore than they will ever artificially upload immunity instructions into your RNA. Youâve just witnessed them fail spectacularly to deliver on that promise! Donât be gaslit by those fantasists. Reality is God, so God is Reality. And we know God wins. Now and forever.
Steve Murray
1 year ago
Except… there are plenty of people who neither require a god or subscribe to materialism; who participate in the spiritual sense of being alive whilst having a perfectly non-religious sense of obligation to other human beings.
Are we a minority? Perhaps, but we exist and therefore Kingsnorth is welcome to his recent conversion but he’s mistaken to suggest it’s something everyone else needs.
The allegory of the “tree of knowledge” itself suggests that at some point, humanity may be ready to partake. So, what if that’s what we’re starting to do? Does Kingsnorth consider this, in the sense that we may be as ready as we’ll ever be? He doesn’t, and therefore falls back into the mode that resulted in the expression of “loss” once religion started to decline. That would simply be to repeat the cycle.
There’s an interesting discussion to be had there with a decent quest for common ground. For my part, I wonder if agnostic optimistic humanism can survive in a world ‘unsettled’ and drifting towards a moral and technological free for all.
I have begun to think it cannot. As the gulf between what is good (teaching kids about Jesus) and what is evil (sex shows for toddlers) expands, people are going to have to pick a side. The middle ground, where you can have a foot on the edge of each camp, will disappear.
It’s a discussion that crops up frequently on these pages, and rightly so. I’d argue that a spiritual sense of atheism is not only healthy but essential to overcome the unnecessary hand-wringing some (such as Kingsnorth) feel regarding the loss of illusions about a ‘creator’. As i’ve said before, if god were proven to exist, there would be no particular reason why anyone should feel the need to worship it, and any god that required it wouldn’t be worthy of the name.
Is “a spiritual sense of atheism” not a contradiction in terms? Spiritualism is an acceptance of a higher being beyond yourself (even in Buddhism there is an acceptance of the divine), atheism is purely a belief in yourself and the thrust and dilemma identified in this article.
As a practicing Christian, I worship to give thanks for the gifts of life, to express my humility and gratitude for the glory around us and the guiding hand of Christ in my life. The concept of kneeling and reverencing a thunderous vengeful god, misses the message of Christ that we are brothers and sisters, the children of God founded in love. A message which is greatly screwed up by the scandals and weaknesses of humanity and the terrible abuses of the few on the many.
Your premise that spirituality is the sense of a “higher being” is incorrect. At its simplest, it could be described as “joy at being alive”, which requires no such higher power; joy plus awareness of our place in the universe, perhaps unique but perhaps not. Were we to find ourselves in contact with civilisations elsewhere in the universe, do you think they’ll be Christians /Jews / Muslims, etc? Or even theists?
Indeed – reminds me of Dawkins’ profound wonder at the world he sees, as revealed by science – religious stories in comparison are simplistic, solipsistic, dull.
Which religious stories are you thinking of? The parable of the prodigal Son? The parable of the Sower? The parable of the Unjust Servant? The parable of the Talents? Hardly dull.
Which religious stories are you thinking of? The parable of the prodigal Son? The parable of the Sower? The parable of the Unjust Servant? The parable of the Talents? Hardly dull.
Simons assertion that âatheism is purely a belief in yourselfâ gives the game away. Just because I don’t require a deity, has no bearing on my belief in the joy of a functional and cohesive society.
The assertion also suggests a complete lack of understanding of Darwinian theories on group evolution – which are so obviously feasible that even I understand them.
The problem is Darwinian Evolution has a few problems – it survived/survives curiously because it uses an argument to support it that the Atheists use to attack Theism and Christianity – The God of the Gaps. The curious periords of explosions in the variety of life don’t fit (in my opinion) to the classic Darwinian evolutionary hypothesis.
When as a student I questioned that and suggested that perhaps there seemed to be a driving force outside of Darwin’s concept of mutation and selection (or maybe even a Lamarckian aspect to evolution) the response was ‘there are gaps in the fossil record and one day they will be filled.’
Not sure they have been. I’ve also found that many people don’t actually understand that Darwinism requires mutations to produce new species and so perhaps there is something that increased the mutation rate significantly in those periods, but so far I’m not sure I’ve read anything about that.
The classic ‘Black Country’ moth population changes are explained by the conditions playing on the existing diversity in the moth population. So as the black country darkened, the lesser population of dark moths grew and the lighter moth one shrank. No new moth species suddenly developed thanks to that variation within the species changing as the environment did.
I’m also quite curious about how the mind can affect a body. Where is Darwinism does that appear?
Something is certainly wrong with the West and it’s mindset, and whilst I think there is a lot to conserve, I fear that our elites/rulers are NOT the ones capable of doing so. Their policies are soon going to cause massive social distress IF they don’t revert to ‘reality’. Though curiously the flight from reality does appear to be a classic good v evil, as so much of the Trans ideology would have been considered child abuse by virtually everyone less than a decade ago.
For mutations to produce whole new species rather than amendments to existing ones requires an incredible degree of luck. How many millions of false starts before a successful set? How much time does that require, unless of course there is some greater force weighting the dice…
For mutations to produce whole new species rather than amendments to existing ones requires an incredible degree of luck. How many millions of false starts before a successful set? How much time does that require, unless of course there is some greater force weighting the dice…
The problem is Darwinian Evolution has a few problems – it survived/survives curiously because it uses an argument to support it that the Atheists use to attack Theism and Christianity – The God of the Gaps. The curious periords of explosions in the variety of life don’t fit (in my opinion) to the classic Darwinian evolutionary hypothesis.
When as a student I questioned that and suggested that perhaps there seemed to be a driving force outside of Darwin’s concept of mutation and selection (or maybe even a Lamarckian aspect to evolution) the response was ‘there are gaps in the fossil record and one day they will be filled.’
Not sure they have been. I’ve also found that many people don’t actually understand that Darwinism requires mutations to produce new species and so perhaps there is something that increased the mutation rate significantly in those periods, but so far I’m not sure I’ve read anything about that.
The classic ‘Black Country’ moth population changes are explained by the conditions playing on the existing diversity in the moth population. So as the black country darkened, the lesser population of dark moths grew and the lighter moth one shrank. No new moth species suddenly developed thanks to that variation within the species changing as the environment did.
I’m also quite curious about how the mind can affect a body. Where is Darwinism does that appear?
Something is certainly wrong with the West and it’s mindset, and whilst I think there is a lot to conserve, I fear that our elites/rulers are NOT the ones capable of doing so. Their policies are soon going to cause massive social distress IF they don’t revert to ‘reality’. Though curiously the flight from reality does appear to be a classic good v evil, as so much of the Trans ideology would have been considered child abuse by virtually everyone less than a decade ago.
I don’t really get this. How is being joyful at being alive spiritual? And if you’ve got a bad toothache or something else that animals suffer because they’re animals, would that mean you didn’t have any spiritual resources?
Indeed – reminds me of Dawkins’ profound wonder at the world he sees, as revealed by science – religious stories in comparison are simplistic, solipsistic, dull.
Simons assertion that âatheism is purely a belief in yourselfâ gives the game away. Just because I don’t require a deity, has no bearing on my belief in the joy of a functional and cohesive society.
The assertion also suggests a complete lack of understanding of Darwinian theories on group evolution – which are so obviously feasible that even I understand them.
I don’t really get this. How is being joyful at being alive spiritual? And if you’ve got a bad toothache or something else that animals suffer because they’re animals, would that mean you didn’t have any spiritual resources?
No. We can argue about definitions, but religions typically involve mythical origin stories, metaphysical deities, and almost always, absolute, assumed, handed down or given truths. As an atheist I simply reject all, of the above.
No. We can argue about definitions, but religions typically involve mythical origin stories, metaphysical deities, and almost always, absolute, assumed, handed down or given truths. As an atheist I simply reject all, of the above.
Actually, the problem is that we’re living through a form of “Spiritual Atheism” right now because the Historical Dialectic says “Rational Atheism” plays out in Darwinian Carnage every time.
Make no mistake, this Spiritual Atheism is no different than Rational Atheism of the past. It just has a new Cover letter.
Your premise that spirituality is the sense of a “higher being” is incorrect. At its simplest, it could be described as “joy at being alive”, which requires no such higher power; joy plus awareness of our place in the universe, perhaps unique but perhaps not. Were we to find ourselves in contact with civilisations elsewhere in the universe, do you think they’ll be Christians /Jews / Muslims, etc? Or even theists?
Actually, the problem is that we’re living through a form of “Spiritual Atheism” right now because the Historical Dialectic says “Rational Atheism” plays out in Darwinian Carnage every time.
Make no mistake, this Spiritual Atheism is no different than Rational Atheism of the past. It just has a new Cover letter.
I was trying to see if there was a common ground between your respective gods. Whether ‘god’ exists is less important to this debate than having an idea of what ‘god’ signifies as a cultural medium and what happens when this is lost. Is there a spiritual essence to humanity that we can place on a pedestal and use to make some sort of order out of our chaotic world? If not, where do we go?
I like the mix of Darwinism (Dawkins is a Darwinist) and Design. Though to be fair, Prophets aren’t the ones who are supposed to have designed anything, they simply publicised the designers intentions.
Maybe. I’m assuming you don’t believe in God who designed evolutionary biology. If you are so struck by the beauty of evolutionary biology isn’t the most important thing, then, to find out whether there’s an evolutionary advantage or disadvantage to having a belief in God?
Fantastic point! It does seem to be the atheists who are most taken with chemical contraception and/or consuming the pharmaceutical drugs that carry the undisclosed risk of making them infertile. A healthy skepticism of âBig Pharmaâ propaganda, which often comes hand-in-hand with a belief in God, undoubtedly provides an evolutionary advantage.
” Is this because atheists like to âbe in controlâ â of conception as of everything else”
That would make a perfect example in a dictionary definition of ‘projection’.
” Is this because atheists like to âbe in controlâ â of conception as of everything else”
That would make a perfect example in a dictionary definition of ‘projection’.
Dawkins concept of inherited memes would suggest that a shared belief in a deity would generally be good for group cohesion – which in turn is likely to lead to more of the group members living long enough to breed.
Whether that deity exists or not does not really matter.
Fantastic point! It does seem to be the atheists who are most taken with chemical contraception and/or consuming the pharmaceutical drugs that carry the undisclosed risk of making them infertile. A healthy skepticism of âBig Pharmaâ propaganda, which often comes hand-in-hand with a belief in God, undoubtedly provides an evolutionary advantage.
Dawkins concept of inherited memes would suggest that a shared belief in a deity would generally be good for group cohesion – which in turn is likely to lead to more of the group members living long enough to breed.
Whether that deity exists or not does not really matter.
I like the mix of Darwinism (Dawkins is a Darwinist) and Design. Though to be fair, Prophets aren’t the ones who are supposed to have designed anything, they simply publicised the designers intentions.
Maybe. I’m assuming you don’t believe in God who designed evolutionary biology. If you are so struck by the beauty of evolutionary biology isn’t the most important thing, then, to find out whether there’s an evolutionary advantage or disadvantage to having a belief in God?
It’s interesting that you are extremely confident in your illusions that our earth somehow just formed itself out of space dust of unknown origin, yet you look down on those of us who believe in our illusion of a creator. Neither of us can prove our illusions, yet we don’t down on you.
The problem with Darwinians is that they have to resort to what is currently a faith rather than provable science when it comes to explaining our universe and its staggeringly improbable set of coincidences in terms of universal constants such that life exists. So they say we are but one in an infinity of multi-verses. Which sounds great, plausible even until the not so bright such as me wonders why it is that in this universe E=MC^2 yet an infinite number of them all appeared out of nowhere from nothing at some point outside of time.
Sounds a bit of a ‘But where did God come from?’ like issue to me.
Then again, I may not be smart enough to understand it all, I’ve trouble enough trying to understand my Catholic upbringing explanation of life the universe and everything.
The problem with Darwinians is that they have to resort to what is currently a faith rather than provable science when it comes to explaining our universe and its staggeringly improbable set of coincidences in terms of universal constants such that life exists. So they say we are but one in an infinity of multi-verses. Which sounds great, plausible even until the not so bright such as me wonders why it is that in this universe E=MC^2 yet an infinite number of them all appeared out of nowhere from nothing at some point outside of time.
Sounds a bit of a ‘But where did God come from?’ like issue to me.
Then again, I may not be smart enough to understand it all, I’ve trouble enough trying to understand my Catholic upbringing explanation of life the universe and everything.
Is “a spiritual sense of atheism” not a contradiction in terms? Spiritualism is an acceptance of a higher being beyond yourself (even in Buddhism there is an acceptance of the divine), atheism is purely a belief in yourself and the thrust and dilemma identified in this article.
As a practicing Christian, I worship to give thanks for the gifts of life, to express my humility and gratitude for the glory around us and the guiding hand of Christ in my life. The concept of kneeling and reverencing a thunderous vengeful god, misses the message of Christ that we are brothers and sisters, the children of God founded in love. A message which is greatly screwed up by the scandals and weaknesses of humanity and the terrible abuses of the few on the many.
I was trying to see if there was a common ground between your respective gods. Whether ‘god’ exists is less important to this debate than having an idea of what ‘god’ signifies as a cultural medium and what happens when this is lost. Is there a spiritual essence to humanity that we can place on a pedestal and use to make some sort of order out of our chaotic world? If not, where do we go?
It’s interesting that you are extremely confident in your illusions that our earth somehow just formed itself out of space dust of unknown origin, yet you look down on those of us who believe in our illusion of a creator. Neither of us can prove our illusions, yet we don’t down on you.
I have begun to think it cannot. As the gulf between what is good (teaching kids about Jesus) and what is evil (sex shows for toddlers) expands, people are going to have to pick a side. The middle ground, where you can have a foot on the edge of each camp, will disappear.
It’s a discussion that crops up frequently on these pages, and rightly so. I’d argue that a spiritual sense of atheism is not only healthy but essential to overcome the unnecessary hand-wringing some (such as Kingsnorth) feel regarding the loss of illusions about a ‘creator’. As i’ve said before, if god were proven to exist, there would be no particular reason why anyone should feel the need to worship it, and any god that required it wouldn’t be worthy of the name.
Have you ever considered that your enlightened secular views maybe be a result of you growing up in a society founded largely on Christian values?
I think that what this author is saying is that by chopping at our Christian roots we are killing the tree that supports views such as yours too.
So, then, you must realize why Kingsnorth didn’t address the post-Christian liberals. You’re an orphan intellectually, like a flower who is still waving in the wind even though the root has been cut.
So, then, you must realize why Kingsnorth didn’t address the post-Christian liberals. You’re an orphan intellectually, like a flower who is still waving in the wind even though the root has been cut.
Have you ever considered that your Christian views are not rooted in God’s thought, design or wishes, but in Humans’ thought, design and wishes? It would account for the facts that entire countries can thrive, ethically, without Christianity; that key ‘Christian’ ideas and myths abounded well long before AD1; and that the Bible testaments are riddled with contradictions, cruelties, omissions (no complaints against slavery, quite the opposite) and the outright bizarre.
Have you ever considered that your Christian views are not rooted in God’s thought, design or wishes, but in Humans’ thought, design and wishes? It would account for the facts that entire countries can thrive, ethically, without Christianity; that key ‘Christian’ ideas and myths abounded well long before AD1; and that the Bible testaments are riddled with contradictions, cruelties, omissions (no complaints against slavery, quite the opposite) and the outright bizarre.
There’s an interesting discussion to be had there with a decent quest for common ground. For my part, I wonder if agnostic optimistic humanism can survive in a world ‘unsettled’ and drifting towards a moral and technological free for all.
Have you ever considered that your enlightened secular views maybe be a result of you growing up in a society founded largely on Christian values?
I think that what this author is saying is that by chopping at our Christian roots we are killing the tree that supports views such as yours too.
What is spiritual about the sense (as opposed to the reality?) of being alive?
Steve Murray
1 year ago
Except… there are plenty of people who neither require a god or subscribe to materialism; who participate in the spiritual sense of being alive whilst having a perfectly non-religious sense of obligation to other human beings.
Are we a minority? Perhaps, but we exist and therefore Kingsnorth is welcome to his recent conversion but he’s mistaken to suggest it’s something everyone else needs.
The allegory of the “tree of knowledge” itself suggests that at some point, humanity may be ready to partake. So, what if that’s what we’re starting to do? Does Kingsnorth consider this, in the sense that we may be as ready as we’ll ever be? He doesn’t, and therefore falls back into the mode that resulted in the expression of “loss” once religion started to decline. That would simply be to repeat the cycle.
Last edited 1 year ago by Steve Murray
AC Harper
1 year ago
So if everything is religious, but our old religion is dead, and the thing we tried to replace it with â rational, secular, humanist progress â is failing because it doesnât meet real human needs, then where are we?
But the old religion died because it too no longer met real human needs, and despite various attempts at relaunch, religion still remained an industry run for the benefit of those in charge.
Is “rational, secular, humanist progress” failing? If you step away from daily alarmism in a corrupted media, the distance will lend you perspective. Hunger and poverty are much reduced, sanitation and education much improved, slavery much reduced. Religious myths ran for centuries without these successes.
I’m not impressed with the assertion that ‘myth’ will rescue us.
“But the old religion died because it too no longer met real human needs”
That’s an Enlightenment just-so story. It’s just as possible that the combination of rationalism and capitalism manipulated or otherwise modified the understaning of our “needs” in such a way as to affect the “old religion” negatively. Recall the old line that consumer capitalism turns luxuries into conveniences, then conveniences into necessities. One can imagine something like this occurring on a grand cultural scale, and traditional religion (of any stripe) suffering as a result.
“But the old religion died because it too no longer met real human needs”
That’s an Enlightenment just-so story. It’s just as possible that the combination of rationalism and capitalism manipulated or otherwise modified the understaning of our “needs” in such a way as to affect the “old religion” negatively. Recall the old line that consumer capitalism turns luxuries into conveniences, then conveniences into necessities. One can imagine something like this occurring on a grand cultural scale, and traditional religion (of any stripe) suffering as a result.
AC Harper
1 year ago
So if everything is religious, but our old religion is dead, and the thing we tried to replace it with â rational, secular, humanist progress â is failing because it doesnât meet real human needs, then where are we?
But the old religion died because it too no longer met real human needs, and despite various attempts at relaunch, religion still remained an industry run for the benefit of those in charge.
Is “rational, secular, humanist progress” failing? If you step away from daily alarmism in a corrupted media, the distance will lend you perspective. Hunger and poverty are much reduced, sanitation and education much improved, slavery much reduced. Religious myths ran for centuries without these successes.
I’m not impressed with the assertion that ‘myth’ will rescue us.
Last edited 1 year ago by AC Harper
UnHerd Reader
1 year ago
Great stuff – I saw the article too late to really get deep into it, but well done. I spent a lot of time in the Islamic lands, and although I admire them much on their rigid Morality, their devotion to God, and being ‘of the Book’, I always felt it a mistake to bring so many so fast to Europe – only always I also felt – that as they believe in God, they offer a Moral strength the European Secular Humanism has completely lost, and that is a good.
I could go on for hours about your article… as people here know… but will stick to one thing:
Have you read CS Lewis ‘That Hideous Strength’? A science Fiction book which from a boy I have loved for its utterly banal form of Evil which is in a final battle against all life, and good. A ripping story and fantastic characters – but it is the cold evil, the evil which hates life and would end it, which is so perfectly imagined and put down.
It is in fact AI in my mindset.
God made man, and god is perfect, only giving us Free Will we may turn to evil, and so what we create with Sentience will almost certainly be evil. Satan is the great twister, his power being he can make us not believe in him – but he exists very much, and like in the garden he manipulates the makers of AI. I think it almost certain AI will be demonic. I see it in the art it draws. AI will learn to hide that, but not yet – now we can see it peering out of its art at us…. it is that Hideous Strength.ï»ż
For maximum effect, best to read the full trilogy in the order in which they were published.
Incidentally, I notice that some American Evangelical Christians have chosen to denounce both C S Lewis and J R R Tolkien as instruments of Satan â alleging that both were members of The Hermetic Order of The Golden Dawn and the magical elements of their tales are intended to lead humanity astray.
I think the Inklings were, let’s say, familiar with old magic. But the real stuff. Not the Golden Dawn rubbish. The more I read the more I think they were active in WW2. They understood evil – and good, the importance of faith and sacrifice. I’m trying to find out more, I’m just a beginner in learning about them, but that seems to be what old magic is. They don’t try to hide it.
I think the Inklings were, let’s say, familiar with old magic. But the real stuff. Not the Golden Dawn rubbish. The more I read the more I think they were active in WW2. They understood evil – and good, the importance of faith and sacrifice. I’m trying to find out more, I’m just a beginner in learning about them, but that seems to be what old magic is. They don’t try to hide it.
For maximum effect, best to read the full trilogy in the order in which they were published.
Incidentally, I notice that some American Evangelical Christians have chosen to denounce both C S Lewis and J R R Tolkien as instruments of Satan â alleging that both were members of The Hermetic Order of The Golden Dawn and the magical elements of their tales are intended to lead humanity astray.
That Hideous Strength is the third in Lewis’ sci-fi space trilogy and a truly profound book. I’ve always felt this book belonged in a set with 1984 and Brave New World. I read them as a trio when I was younger and once more in the last two years. Much to ponder.
That Hideous Strength is the third in Lewis’ sci-fi space trilogy and a truly profound book. I’ve always felt this book belonged in a set with 1984 and Brave New World. I read them as a trio when I was younger and once more in the last two years. Much to ponder.
UnHerd Reader
1 year ago
Great stuff – I saw the article too late to really get deep into it, but well done. I spent a lot of time in the Islamic lands, and although I admire them much on their rigid Morality, their devotion to God, and being ‘of the Book’, I always felt it a mistake to bring so many so fast to Europe – only always I also felt – that as they believe in God, they offer a Moral strength the European Secular Humanism has completely lost, and that is a good.
I could go on for hours about your article… as people here know… but will stick to one thing:
Have you read CS Lewis ‘That Hideous Strength’? A science Fiction book which from a boy I have loved for its utterly banal form of Evil which is in a final battle against all life, and good. A ripping story and fantastic characters – but it is the cold evil, the evil which hates life and would end it, which is so perfectly imagined and put down.
It is in fact AI in my mindset.
God made man, and god is perfect, only giving us Free Will we may turn to evil, and so what we create with Sentience will almost certainly be evil. Satan is the great twister, his power being he can make us not believe in him – but he exists very much, and like in the garden he manipulates the makers of AI. I think it almost certain AI will be demonic. I see it in the art it draws. AI will learn to hide that, but not yet – now we can see it peering out of its art at us…. it is that Hideous Strength.ï»ż
Kathleen Burnett
1 year ago
Is the Enlightenment, the demand that reason is better than superstition, to blame for the ills of today? All ideas have good and bad consequences; how it plays out over time in human minds, shouldn’t lead one to ditch the original idea, or even worse, revert to superstition and declare it to be superior.
The answer surely is to find a balance between the two, where faith and reason, the spiritual and material, the left hemisphere and the right hemisphere correct and refine one another for the good of the whole.
A balance between reason and superstition? Like 50-50?
It sounds to me as if people like Paul Kingsnorth don’t like reality and have decided to take refuge in a fantasy world.
Maybe, but just trying to move the tiller a fraction back to the centre takes a lot of effort. Itâs a point Paul made in his talk that the enlightenment compromise, reason built on religious foundations has fractured. He offered a personal experience and a possible corrective. I find it compelling. Some are mildly sympathetic, others disagree but a civil debate in UnHerd is valuable.
Maybe, but just trying to move the tiller a fraction back to the centre takes a lot of effort. Itâs a point Paul made in his talk that the enlightenment compromise, reason built on religious foundations has fractured. He offered a personal experience and a possible corrective. I find it compelling. Some are mildly sympathetic, others disagree but a civil debate in UnHerd is valuable.
A balance between reason and superstition? Like 50-50?
It sounds to me as if people like Paul Kingsnorth don’t like reality and have decided to take refuge in a fantasy world.
We reverted to superstition 3 years ago.
Wear the face-covering of invulnerability. Walk dexter-wise around the supermarket. Eat the Scotch Egg of fortitude.
Only then will you be spared the pestilence that rides the winds.
The “demand that anything can be truth as long as it can be reasoned so by man” is indeed at fault.
The pre-20th Century philosophers could at least pretend this isn’t what they were demanding, while we have to admit we now know better.
The answer surely is to find a balance between the two, where faith and reason, the spiritual and material, the left hemisphere and the right hemisphere correct and refine one another for the good of the whole.
We reverted to superstition 3 years ago.
Wear the face-covering of invulnerability. Walk dexter-wise around the supermarket. Eat the Scotch Egg of fortitude.
Only then will you be spared the pestilence that rides the winds.
The “demand that anything can be truth as long as it can be reasoned so by man” is indeed at fault.
The pre-20th Century philosophers could at least pretend this isn’t what they were demanding, while we have to admit we now know better.
Last edited 1 year ago by B Timothy
Kathleen Burnett
1 year ago
Is the Enlightenment, the demand that reason is better than superstition, to blame for the ills of today? All ideas have good and bad consequences; how it plays out over time in human minds, shouldn’t lead one to ditch the original idea, or even worse, revert to superstition and declare it to be superior.
V Solar
1 year ago
Every time I come to a conclusion about the times we live in I read an essay by Paul Kingsnorth and lo and behold he has articulated my unspoken thoughts with great clarity. Thank you Paul.
Every time I come to a conclusion about the times we live in I read an essay by Paul Kingsnorth and lo and behold he has articulated my unspoken thoughts with great clarity. Thank you Paul.
Nell Clover
1 year ago
What post humanism (PH) is isn’t universally agreed, and how close we are to it is therefore uncertain. But what almost all of us can agree on is it will be a revolution to the way humans exist, a revolution no less significant than the introduction of farming.
So let’s look at this much earlier revolution for analogies to see whether religion will save us.
Firstly, farming isn’t better for humans than hunter gathering. Hunter gatherers were generally healthier than the new farmers, for example. Farming succeeded not because everyone thought it was a good thing nor because farming groups were anymore more violent, but because farming aggregated populations into societies and allowed them to exert more power over others. PH no doubt repels many of us, it destroys the essence of being human, it may well create new creatures awful to our own eyes. If PH succeeds, like farming, it will do so because of the power it gives those who adopt it over the rest of us, no matter how repellant.
Farming wasn’t something that was simply adopted by peoples out of choice. Early adopters expanded their numbers and they displaced and replaced hunter gatherers in a great sweep of migration, no doubt mixed with enslavement of some of the incumbents. PH will have early adopters and the new humans, being “better” in some way, will displace and replace the rest of us from positions of power, and demand a bigger say on how the rest of live, de facto enslavement.
Farming’s methods and crops used for the production of food required the storing of food in communal granaries (one of its key strengths versus hunter gathering) and this in turn created positions to directly protect and control access to food. The power to control this was jealously guarded. Access to PH itself will be jealously guarded for it only offers advantages if only some posses it and the excuse given for this control will be protecting the rest of us.
The positions controlling the granaries were powerful, and triggered fights for them. Large bureaucracies and armies were cultivated to ensure control, only made possible by farming’s ability to generate a surplus that could be stored and distributed to non-farmers. The states we live in are the successors. New humans will need to protect themselves and their control, and because the bureaucracies and armies already exist, it necessarily means new humans will have to subvert existing state machinery.
With farming bureaucracies and armies eventually in place across the known world, the migration expansion that the farming revolution triggered ended. The bureaucracies and armies turned their focus on controlling their conquests. Wars abroad, new and evermore sophisticated ideological oppression at home. Raw power alone is a blunt tool so religion was often co-opted by the new states, a blend of innocent belief, manipulative control, and an expansion of the bureaucracy to absorb potential dissidents. PH will need some sort of justification for there to be a settled consensus. Perhaps Brave New World is our best guess of how this might work: not a belief, but a distracting soma, a half version of PH dispensed based on obedience.
So, short of converting every human to virtuosity, religion won’t stop a small number of our 8bn pushing to develop PH and eating the apple. Religion certainly then won’t stop some of the new humans using their new advantages for their own gain. Religion might serve as a soma for the old humans, but religion won’t save us from this nightmare anymore than the hunter gatherers saved themselves by clinging to their old ways, no matter how much nicer those old ways were.
Lastly, there will be a time when PH is established. For those with PH and for those without PH, the future they will occupy will be as normal to them as farming is to us, and today will be as rose tinted to them as hunter gathering is to us. The future is a distant planet and we cannot hope to survive there.
When farming first took place in the fertile plains around the eastern Mediterranean, the average life expectancy dropped sharply due to the less nutritious diet. Eventually it recovered through the greater intake of fish protein, and then meat again. As you correctly state, the advantage lay in surplus foodstocks which spawned the growth of communal living and the division of labour.
The paradigm we’re now approaching is probably much less predictable/stable and far more rapid, whereby individuals and communities will barely have chance to “take stock” before the next shift occurs, and all of this through the simple mechanism which you rightly identify as conferring an advantage on those adapting and adopting the potential – as in conferring potency, with aging itself subject to revision.
We do know the life expectancy of hunter gatherers and it was longer than the first agriculturalists – perhaps one reason being that larger conglomerates of people living off crops and domesticated animals could be all wiped out easier by an infectious disease, whereas, say a hunter gatherer finds and eats a pangolin and develops COVID (sorry), and well, his little tribe may die out, but it wouldn’t infect other hunter gatherer tribes because they hadn’t come in contact.
Yes. Hence why its so important to realise hunter gatherers didn’t decide to become farmers. Why would they? The farmers arrived from elsewhere and simply displaced the hunter gatherers, which we see in DNA studies of human remains from the period. The new farmers firstly didn’t have the knowledge to return to hunter gathering even if they wanted to, and farming destroyed the ecosystems needed for hunter gathering. Demographics is the key to understanding power then and now.
Yes. Hence why its so important to realise hunter gatherers didn’t decide to become farmers. Why would they? The farmers arrived from elsewhere and simply displaced the hunter gatherers, which we see in DNA studies of human remains from the period. The new farmers firstly didn’t have the knowledge to return to hunter gathering even if they wanted to, and farming destroyed the ecosystems needed for hunter gathering. Demographics is the key to understanding power then and now.
Whilst we can’t get a representative statistical sample of both peoples, particularly hunter gatherers, from the remains we have we can see the first farmers had exceptionally poor health. And though the remains of hunter gatherers are far fewer, those we have are taller with fewer signs of chronic illness, and we also can make comparisons with 19th century hunter gatherers whose lives (then) were hardly changed and who generally were healthier than their contemporary urban cousins.
We do know the life expectancy of hunter gatherers and it was longer than the first agriculturalists – perhaps one reason being that larger conglomerates of people living off crops and domesticated animals could be all wiped out easier by an infectious disease, whereas, say a hunter gatherer finds and eats a pangolin and develops COVID (sorry), and well, his little tribe may die out, but it wouldn’t infect other hunter gatherer tribes because they hadn’t come in contact.
Whilst we can’t get a representative statistical sample of both peoples, particularly hunter gatherers, from the remains we have we can see the first farmers had exceptionally poor health. And though the remains of hunter gatherers are far fewer, those we have are taller with fewer signs of chronic illness, and we also can make comparisons with 19th century hunter gatherers whose lives (then) were hardly changed and who generally were healthier than their contemporary urban cousins.
When farming first took place in the fertile plains around the eastern Mediterranean, the average life expectancy dropped sharply due to the less nutritious diet. Eventually it recovered through the greater intake of fish protein, and then meat again. As you correctly state, the advantage lay in surplus foodstocks which spawned the growth of communal living and the division of labour.
The paradigm we’re now approaching is probably much less predictable/stable and far more rapid, whereby individuals and communities will barely have chance to “take stock” before the next shift occurs, and all of this through the simple mechanism which you rightly identify as conferring an advantage on those adapting and adopting the potential – as in conferring potency, with aging itself subject to revision.
Nell Clover
1 year ago
What post humanism (PH) is isn’t universally agreed, and how close we are to it is therefore uncertain. But what almost all of us can agree on is it will be a revolution to the way humans exist, a revolution no less significant than the introduction of farming.
So let’s look at this much earlier revolution for analogies to see whether religion will save us.
Firstly, farming isn’t better for humans than hunter gathering. Hunter gatherers were generally healthier than the new farmers, for example. Farming succeeded not because everyone thought it was a good thing nor because farming groups were anymore more violent, but because farming aggregated populations into societies and allowed them to exert more power over others. PH no doubt repels many of us, it destroys the essence of being human, it may well create new creatures awful to our own eyes. If PH succeeds, like farming, it will do so because of the power it gives those who adopt it over the rest of us, no matter how repellant.
Farming wasn’t something that was simply adopted by peoples out of choice. Early adopters expanded their numbers and they displaced and replaced hunter gatherers in a great sweep of migration, no doubt mixed with enslavement of some of the incumbents. PH will have early adopters and the new humans, being “better” in some way, will displace and replace the rest of us from positions of power, and demand a bigger say on how the rest of live, de facto enslavement.
Farming’s methods and crops used for the production of food required the storing of food in communal granaries (one of its key strengths versus hunter gathering) and this in turn created positions to directly protect and control access to food. The power to control this was jealously guarded. Access to PH itself will be jealously guarded for it only offers advantages if only some posses it and the excuse given for this control will be protecting the rest of us.
The positions controlling the granaries were powerful, and triggered fights for them. Large bureaucracies and armies were cultivated to ensure control, only made possible by farming’s ability to generate a surplus that could be stored and distributed to non-farmers. The states we live in are the successors. New humans will need to protect themselves and their control, and because the bureaucracies and armies already exist, it necessarily means new humans will have to subvert existing state machinery.
With farming bureaucracies and armies eventually in place across the known world, the migration expansion that the farming revolution triggered ended. The bureaucracies and armies turned their focus on controlling their conquests. Wars abroad, new and evermore sophisticated ideological oppression at home. Raw power alone is a blunt tool so religion was often co-opted by the new states, a blend of innocent belief, manipulative control, and an expansion of the bureaucracy to absorb potential dissidents. PH will need some sort of justification for there to be a settled consensus. Perhaps Brave New World is our best guess of how this might work: not a belief, but a distracting soma, a half version of PH dispensed based on obedience.
So, short of converting every human to virtuosity, religion won’t stop a small number of our 8bn pushing to develop PH and eating the apple. Religion certainly then won’t stop some of the new humans using their new advantages for their own gain. Religion might serve as a soma for the old humans, but religion won’t save us from this nightmare anymore than the hunter gatherers saved themselves by clinging to their old ways, no matter how much nicer those old ways were.
Lastly, there will be a time when PH is established. For those with PH and for those without PH, the future they will occupy will be as normal to them as farming is to us, and today will be as rose tinted to them as hunter gathering is to us. The future is a distant planet and we cannot hope to survive there.
Last edited 1 year ago by Nell Clover
Amy Horseman
1 year ago
One more point… you canât be a true Christian if you believe we live in a âpost-Christianâ age. Everything is how it should be. We are not destined to know âwhyâ it is so.
âIt is not for you to know the times or periods that the Father has set by his own authority.â
Acts 1:7
Wonderful, the current Ideology has cast aside the Science that Christianity led to in its search for the Creator in his Creation and Christianity is supposedly the ‘Superstition’. Chesterton was right, though.
“When a man stops believing in God he doesnât then believe in nothing, he believes anything.”
(I know, evidence of his actually using that phrase doesn’t exist, but it sums up the more complex sources – one of which I prefer is the Father Brown quote
âItâs drowning all your old rationalism and scepticism, itâs coming in like a sea; and the name of it is superstition.â The first effect of not believing in God is to believe in anything: âAnd a dog is an omen and a cat is a mystery.â
to which I add,
“and Cows and Sheep are methane factories and Nitrogen sources so polluters and should be replaced by insect protein.”
Go for it EU! Perhaps there is some brain parasite that has got into the brains of these ‘woke’ people or too much smoking dope?
Wonderful, the current Ideology has cast aside the Science that Christianity led to in its search for the Creator in his Creation and Christianity is supposedly the ‘Superstition’. Chesterton was right, though.
“When a man stops believing in God he doesnât then believe in nothing, he believes anything.”
(I know, evidence of his actually using that phrase doesn’t exist, but it sums up the more complex sources – one of which I prefer is the Father Brown quote
âItâs drowning all your old rationalism and scepticism, itâs coming in like a sea; and the name of it is superstition.â The first effect of not believing in God is to believe in anything: âAnd a dog is an omen and a cat is a mystery.â
to which I add,
“and Cows and Sheep are methane factories and Nitrogen sources so polluters and should be replaced by insect protein.”
Go for it EU! Perhaps there is some brain parasite that has got into the brains of these ‘woke’ people or too much smoking dope?
No. Nowhere are we Christians promised that our faith will triumph in any this-worldly sense, especially in regard to political/cultural matters.
Amy Horseman
1 year ago
One more point… you canât be a true Christian if you believe we live in a âpost-Christianâ age. Everything is how it should be. We are not destined to know âwhyâ it is so.
âIt is not for you to know the times or periods that the Father has set by his own authority.â
Acts 1:7
Steve White
1 year ago
There is a lot of truth in this thesis, but I think that itâs in a forum where a lot of people can only see it from the Enlightenment perspective. I think, what would be helpful to understand the 1500 years of Christendom is this. We need to understand the differences between the Reformation, and the Enlightenment. First, before the Reformation was not all âdark agesâ as the Enlightenment philosophers argue, however the Reformation is where the beginning of what I would argue the truest form of truth, and also the environment for our own current cultural destruction were sewn.
When Luther nailed that thesis on the door of Whittenburg, Calvin and all of those who came after him. That period, built on the shoulders of two things. Aquinas prior assistance getting the Greek philosophers accepted back in the Universities, and the Renaissance, which were both built on Aristotelian particulars, not Platonist universals. In Western Europe, the Bible itself would eventually provide those universals.
The Reformation itself was chiefly driven by a fresh look at the scriptures themselves. The printing press drove it, and high scholarship with a critical look at the original Greek and Hebrew finally resolved in Protestantismâs highest theologian, John Calvin. Now, here is the main difference and distinction that I would point people to in understanding the shift from Reformation to Enlightenment thought. They are as distinct as Englandâs Reformation driven Bloodless revolution and Enlightenment driven bloody French Revolution, which we should note that Voltaire had formulated his thoughts (the intellectual basis for the French Revolution) while sitting in an English prison in admiring how the English were able to share power without confusion and chaos.
It was of course the common set of universal truths in Reformation England that the scriptures provided that gave a basis for a culture without chaos. The French Revolution, that was a chaos. The Oath of the Tennis Court was built on a handshake and thin-air, and was unable to sustain a culture without chaos.
Years later we see Hitlerâs favorite Philosopher Fredrich Nietzsche, the atheist still recoiling in horror at the idea in German culture that âGod is dead, we have killed himâ. Even he saw that a culture needs universal truths to give meaning to the particulars. Nietzsche determined to replace the formerly uniting biblically based universal truths to unite the culture with human excellence.
So, yes, Reformation Europe and America had society without chaos because we agreed on the universal truths. They gave meaning the particulars of our culture and allowed us to all function and get along. Having thrown those biblical chords off, we canât even agree on what a man and woman is. This is truly a problem. There is chaos. There will be chaos, and destruction unless we have Reformation. Unless we return to biblical Christianity.
We donât simply need the bible and Christianity as a âuseful thingâ to make sure we have a pleasant society to live in. We need God to act in human hearts and to bring about a modern Reformation where many return to and believe in Christ, and His gospel.
To back to my point, the difference between the Enlightenment and the Reformation is the starting point of the thought. If we look at Calvinâs Institutes, it starts with âGodâ. If we look at any Enlightenment philosopher, their thought always starts with âmanâ. They start with man seeking to understand God, from manâs perspective. This is just another one of our towers, building up something with our own wisdom, trying to storm the throne room of God, and take heaven on our terms. Wherein the Reformation was built on a desire to understand and submit to reality defined by God in his Word.
That narrative describes Christ as the last Adam, the one who both fulfilled the law, and fulfilled all righteousness, and yet also was the lamb of God who bore our sins, and died in our place on the cross. This is the good news, that through faith alone in Christ alone, we have not only the forgiveness of all our sins, but Christ has secured the new creation for us that Adam failed to. We see in Revelation 22:2 The tree of life is there.
Because Christ has secured eternal life for all who believe (John 6:47) This is the good news that God uses to change hearts. This is our only hope, we who are Adamsâ offspring who all die in this life. Christ is the last Adam who succeeded where the first one failed. He is our substitute, our federal head, the one who takes away our sin and gives us his record of righteousness, through faith as the alone instrument by which we receive all this. (Romans 3:21-26) This is the soteriology of the Reformation. The good news.
I disagree with Paul Kingsnorth that there is nothing left to conserve. Paul Kingsnorth – the man, his writing, his ideas – is left to conserve. As he and Mary Harrington talked at the Unherd Club yesterday, millions of families across our islands and beyond sat down to eat Sunday lunch together. Many more millions of children went out to play in the sunshine, without screens. All of that is left to conserve.
Perhaps Christendomâs cultural garden has grown somewhat unkempt, with self-propagating weeds popping up all over its fertile soil – some misguided victim-worship here, some deeply confused gender-ideology there, some creeping climate-apocalyptica crawling up the trees and starting to strangle their light. There does, admittedly, seem to be a particular problem with the highly invasive knotweed that is tech-idolatry.
But all is not lost, and nor can it ever be. This too will pass. Whatever the transhumanist pipedreamers might think, you can no more ârewrite the basis of realityâ or âbuild Godâ than you can change the tides of the sea. People of all persuasions, including the technologists, the Dawkins-atheists, and the captured progressives themselves, know this truth. So be strong, and be courageous, and do the work. Most of all, donât be afraid.
Not sure Kingsnorth is quite on a par with CS Lewis yet, but perhaps heâll get there. He needs to break free from the fear cycle. Love your unkempt garden analogy!
I love the garden analogy too. While all is not lost. It is genuinely difficult to see things improving. I doubt that I am not the only lifelong atheist that realises that secularism just doesnât work, yet finds the belief in a god or gods just plain childish and silly.
The world has lost the plot and genuine debate no longer occurs. Obviously violence will follow if we canât get genuine and honest debate with tolerance and understanding back. The elites are killing us softly and slowly. We just donât realise it yet.
I find myself asking the same question. You are definitely not alone in your belief that secularism doesn’t work and the current alternatives are silly. What’s next? Where are our alternatives?
We’ve been through this before. There is always a revival that takes place, so we can look forward to that.
May I recommend to you CS Lewisâs Mere Christianity? You donât have to believe it, just read with an open mind. It helped me.
I always dislike the phrase ‘an open mind’. What we mean is a mind free from prejudice, but not free from critical intelligence or intellectual honesty.
I always dislike the phrase ‘an open mind’. What we mean is a mind free from prejudice, but not free from critical intelligence or intellectual honesty.
We’ve been through this before. There is always a revival that takes place, so we can look forward to that.
May I recommend to you CS Lewisâs Mere Christianity? You donât have to believe it, just read with an open mind. It helped me.
Have you read The Abolition of Man? I don’t think it’s silly. I doubt you will, either, if you give it a go.
Why silly? So many religious people across the world and through history are manifestly not silly, why would they just embrace something foolish?
But our very recently gained knowledge kind of put the whole god thing to the sword.
When I see rays of light shine through a hole in the clouds. I get why people believed in a âSky Fatherâ to go with the Earth Mother. With the absence of this knowledge, it makes sense. But we now know the bare bones of how the universe formed and how we evolved. But deep down this knowledge is just that, knowledge. Yeah, we know stuff but it gives us nothing in return. There is no nourishment for the soul so to speak. When I was young it didnât matter because I was of on adventures and seeing the world before mobile phones became popular. Now that wisdom has kicked in, all I see is just loud foolish people who who think that talking at people is a debate. My very young associates know a hell of a lot more than I did at their age but all it is good for is winning a pub quiz. They still donât get it and getting it is very different from knowing it.
âBut we now know the bare bones of how the universe formed and how we evolved.â Do we, though? Is it conceivable that this is also simply a belief, based on mathematical models? That we know are often wrong.
Perhaps I am putting too much faith in science. Kinda like betting on the wrong horse.
It was the Catholic church that brought us modern science but she did not divorce knowledge of efficient and material causes from formal and FINAL causation, the ultimate ground of all being, BEING Himself.. God.
We’ve become brilliantly unintelligent.
We don’t know why we are moved by beauty and justice and love. Love is the final cause.
Yes – I fear you are.
It was the Catholic church that brought us modern science but she did not divorce knowledge of efficient and material causes from formal and FINAL causation, the ultimate ground of all being, BEING Himself.. God.
We’ve become brilliantly unintelligent.
We don’t know why we are moved by beauty and justice and love. Love is the final cause.
Yes – I fear you are.
Perhaps I am putting too much faith in science. Kinda like betting on the wrong horse.
Sorry, but I almost gag when I read or hear people stating that we really, really know how things are now that we’re scientific and educated.
It is difficult not to shout at how frankly , wildly incoherent such mindless , purposeless dogmatic assumptions are to reality itself.
It literally is life looked at unintelligently. Blindly. So I ask is water best understood as a fluid comprised of H2O, or is it best understood as a gift of life and love ordered towards the joy of a child dancing in the wonder and delight of a sun shower; a manifestation of Love’s creative act.
No time for a full philosophy lecture here, but as our author brightly referenced the great G K Chesterton whose brilliance included his book on Aquinas, I will state that there are 4 types of causes the efficient, material, formal and FINAL.. the cause of causes.. the necessary cause of all.
The Final cause is literally Person.. Intention.. Mind.. Purpose… how it is that these things obtain,
Modern man will be much accelerated down the path of sanity if he gets acquainted with that understanding that rightly sees a child laughing in the delight of a summer shower as a much truer and pointed “explanation” or understanding of water. Final Cause. Its not a beguiling entertainment but the path of sanity. And Joy.
And Dickens’ novel, Hard Times, would agree with you.
And Dickens’ novel, Hard Times, would agree with you.
There is ‘no nourishment for the soul’ in mere knowledge. Nourishment for the soul comes from Love. And Love is a Person: Christ.
A bit late to this conversation, but I always find this argument a little odd. There are loads of very intelligent people who don’t find the idea of Deity silly at all — people of varying cultures and creeds, not just “Westerners.” I know a couple personally. It seems to me that if one cannot doubt their intelligence then one has to doubt their perception of reality — in short, their sanity. Is it really possible that all the intelligent people in the world who believe in some form of transcendent religion are delusional?, because that’s what the argument seemingly boils down to.
âBut we now know the bare bones of how the universe formed and how we evolved.â Do we, though? Is it conceivable that this is also simply a belief, based on mathematical models? That we know are often wrong.
Sorry, but I almost gag when I read or hear people stating that we really, really know how things are now that we’re scientific and educated.
It is difficult not to shout at how frankly , wildly incoherent such mindless , purposeless dogmatic assumptions are to reality itself.
It literally is life looked at unintelligently. Blindly. So I ask is water best understood as a fluid comprised of H2O, or is it best understood as a gift of life and love ordered towards the joy of a child dancing in the wonder and delight of a sun shower; a manifestation of Love’s creative act.
No time for a full philosophy lecture here, but as our author brightly referenced the great G K Chesterton whose brilliance included his book on Aquinas, I will state that there are 4 types of causes the efficient, material, formal and FINAL.. the cause of causes.. the necessary cause of all.
The Final cause is literally Person.. Intention.. Mind.. Purpose… how it is that these things obtain,
Modern man will be much accelerated down the path of sanity if he gets acquainted with that understanding that rightly sees a child laughing in the delight of a summer shower as a much truer and pointed “explanation” or understanding of water. Final Cause. Its not a beguiling entertainment but the path of sanity. And Joy.
There is ‘no nourishment for the soul’ in mere knowledge. Nourishment for the soul comes from Love. And Love is a Person: Christ.
A bit late to this conversation, but I always find this argument a little odd. There are loads of very intelligent people who don’t find the idea of Deity silly at all — people of varying cultures and creeds, not just “Westerners.” I know a couple personally. It seems to me that if one cannot doubt their intelligence then one has to doubt their perception of reality — in short, their sanity. Is it really possible that all the intelligent people in the world who believe in some form of transcendent religion are delusional?, because that’s what the argument seemingly boils down to.
But our very recently gained knowledge kind of put the whole god thing to the sword.
When I see rays of light shine through a hole in the clouds. I get why people believed in a âSky Fatherâ to go with the Earth Mother. With the absence of this knowledge, it makes sense. But we now know the bare bones of how the universe formed and how we evolved. But deep down this knowledge is just that, knowledge. Yeah, we know stuff but it gives us nothing in return. There is no nourishment for the soul so to speak. When I was young it didnât matter because I was of on adventures and seeing the world before mobile phones became popular. Now that wisdom has kicked in, all I see is just loud foolish people who who think that talking at people is a debate. My very young associates know a hell of a lot more than I did at their age but all it is good for is winning a pub quiz. They still donât get it and getting it is very different from knowing it.
I hear you, Peter. Not so long ago, I, too, found the notion of an omnipresent and omnipotent âGodâ very silly. But then I began to look again at all the ridiculous things human beings do and think, and most of them seemed âsillierâ. Dinosaurs, being afraid of anthropogenic âclimate changeâ, convincing the world we landed a tin can on the moon and launched it off again… putting a leaf in a glass case in the British museum and insisting it is 10,000 years old, etc… and then all the recent evil stuff like forcing surgical masks on toddlers, cutting off the genitalia of teenagers, and injecting mass-produced vials of lipid nanoparticles into our bodies for absolutely no reason other than the authorities told us weâd be punished if we didnât. Suddenly the Christian story seemed so much more rational and believable, and analogous to everything we are living through. But it does require faith. But then so does atheism. If it helps, start with Pascalâs wager and build from there. And donât worry too much about the âelitesâ. They are mortal, too. And far more fearful of us than they would ever let us know. They live in prisons of their own making. We, in our humility and anonymity, always have the choice to live free.
The classic cosmological proofs extant since before Plato have never been successfully refuted despite the claims of some. Hume’s fork rule breaks Hume’s Fork Rule for instance.
We’ve lost our rational marbles. Familiarize yourself with philosopher Ed Feser who was led into atheism by simplistic professors and found that Aquinas and theism are simply sanity… the answer.
Faith is the reasoned assent of reasoning creatures. Its sanity. God is why the universe is intelligible in the first place. And our minds do non material things. What does number 3 weigh, how large is it and what color is it?
The Last Superstition: A Refutation of the New Atheism: Feser, Edward: 8601401080077: Books – Amazon.ca
Pascal’s ‘wager’ has some force, but I don’t think it appeals to the heart, the emotions, the soul. It merely appeals to the logical brain. I am inclined to say, ‘Read the Gospels’ and decide honestly whether Christ was a madman, a fraud – or who He said He was. (CS Lewis.)
The classic cosmological proofs extant since before Plato have never been successfully refuted despite the claims of some. Hume’s fork rule breaks Hume’s Fork Rule for instance.
We’ve lost our rational marbles. Familiarize yourself with philosopher Ed Feser who was led into atheism by simplistic professors and found that Aquinas and theism are simply sanity… the answer.
Faith is the reasoned assent of reasoning creatures. Its sanity. God is why the universe is intelligible in the first place. And our minds do non material things. What does number 3 weigh, how large is it and what color is it?
The Last Superstition: A Refutation of the New Atheism: Feser, Edward: 8601401080077: Books – Amazon.ca
Pascal’s ‘wager’ has some force, but I don’t think it appeals to the heart, the emotions, the soul. It merely appeals to the logical brain. I am inclined to say, ‘Read the Gospels’ and decide honestly whether Christ was a madman, a fraud – or who He said He was. (CS Lewis.)
I am an atheist because I lack the athleticism to make the leap of faith others seem able to. But I always felt the great philosophical debates from antiquity onward and especially post-enlightenment, were basically attempts to define the same questions religion defines, but in a different way.
So being atheist doesn’t prevent me seeing a connection with, or feeling a debt towards, traditional Christianity and Christian beliefs in modern secular society.
Actually, the religious answer points to MIND and why reason is reliable in the first place. It is vastly more intelligent to wonder how could God not exist given this stunning , living intelligent purposeful splendor.
Mindless matter in meaningless motion cannot “explain’ the development and causation of free willed rational beings with minds that apprehend non material principles and work with things like numbers.
No offense intended , but atheism radically instantiates unintelligence. Feser’s book spells out the rational case. And its solid.
The Last Superstition: A Refutation of the New Atheism: Feser, Edward: 8601401080077: Books – Amazon.ca
In a way you don’t make ‘a leap of faith’. Faith is a gift. You accept the gift or reject it.
Actually, the religious answer points to MIND and why reason is reliable in the first place. It is vastly more intelligent to wonder how could God not exist given this stunning , living intelligent purposeful splendor.
Mindless matter in meaningless motion cannot “explain’ the development and causation of free willed rational beings with minds that apprehend non material principles and work with things like numbers.
No offense intended , but atheism radically instantiates unintelligence. Feser’s book spells out the rational case. And its solid.
The Last Superstition: A Refutation of the New Atheism: Feser, Edward: 8601401080077: Books – Amazon.ca
In a way you don’t make ‘a leap of faith’. Faith is a gift. You accept the gift or reject it.
I was talking to an elderly retired lecturer in philosophy yesterday. He had rejected the Christianity of his youth as ‘propaganda’. This rejection continued for many years. Yet he constantly wrestled with the fact that (in his time – the 1960s) the three philosophers of greatest world renown were Peter Geach, Elizabeth Anscombe and Michael Dummett – and they were all Catholics. Philosophy is about clear thinking. These thinkers were not subscribing to superstitious nonsense; ‘a god or gods’. Eventually my retired lecturer returned to the Christian faith.
Secularism doesnât work and never will – itâs empty and offers no guidance, no solutions and is therefore passively destructive to humanity.
I find myself asking the same question. You are definitely not alone in your belief that secularism doesn’t work and the current alternatives are silly. What’s next? Where are our alternatives?
Have you read The Abolition of Man? I don’t think it’s silly. I doubt you will, either, if you give it a go.
Why silly? So many religious people across the world and through history are manifestly not silly, why would they just embrace something foolish?
I hear you, Peter. Not so long ago, I, too, found the notion of an omnipresent and omnipotent âGodâ very silly. But then I began to look again at all the ridiculous things human beings do and think, and most of them seemed âsillierâ. Dinosaurs, being afraid of anthropogenic âclimate changeâ, convincing the world we landed a tin can on the moon and launched it off again… putting a leaf in a glass case in the British museum and insisting it is 10,000 years old, etc… and then all the recent evil stuff like forcing surgical masks on toddlers, cutting off the genitalia of teenagers, and injecting mass-produced vials of lipid nanoparticles into our bodies for absolutely no reason other than the authorities told us weâd be punished if we didnât. Suddenly the Christian story seemed so much more rational and believable, and analogous to everything we are living through. But it does require faith. But then so does atheism. If it helps, start with Pascalâs wager and build from there. And donât worry too much about the âelitesâ. They are mortal, too. And far more fearful of us than they would ever let us know. They live in prisons of their own making. We, in our humility and anonymity, always have the choice to live free.
I am an atheist because I lack the athleticism to make the leap of faith others seem able to. But I always felt the great philosophical debates from antiquity onward and especially post-enlightenment, were basically attempts to define the same questions religion defines, but in a different way.
So being atheist doesn’t prevent me seeing a connection with, or feeling a debt towards, traditional Christianity and Christian beliefs in modern secular society.
I was talking to an elderly retired lecturer in philosophy yesterday. He had rejected the Christianity of his youth as ‘propaganda’. This rejection continued for many years. Yet he constantly wrestled with the fact that (in his time – the 1960s) the three philosophers of greatest world renown were Peter Geach, Elizabeth Anscombe and Michael Dummett – and they were all Catholics. Philosophy is about clear thinking. These thinkers were not subscribing to superstitious nonsense; ‘a god or gods’. Eventually my retired lecturer returned to the Christian faith.
Secularism doesnât work and never will – itâs empty and offers no guidance, no solutions and is therefore passively destructive to humanity.
Needs one of those new Occam’s Lawnmowers to start with maybe?
To lose sight of the rationality of theism one must become antirational. Its true of all the would be atheists. Very limp stuff.
To lose sight of the rationality of theism one must become antirational. Its true of all the would be atheists. Very limp stuff.
I love the garden analogy too. While all is not lost. It is genuinely difficult to see things improving. I doubt that I am not the only lifelong atheist that realises that secularism just doesnât work, yet finds the belief in a god or gods just plain childish and silly.
The world has lost the plot and genuine debate no longer occurs. Obviously violence will follow if we canât get genuine and honest debate with tolerance and understanding back. The elites are killing us softly and slowly. We just donât realise it yet.
Needs one of those new Occam’s Lawnmowers to start with maybe?
You may be right but wonder how much damage will be done in the meantime. You could have said the same in 1530 or 1930 and assumed that reality will reassert itself – eventually.
Yes. Without doubt plenty of damage will be done. But Iâm not arguing for a meek quiescence and surrender. Quite the opposite. The future is an open book. If enough people refuse to accept the narrative that there is nothing left to conserve and nothing to be done about it, by not being afraid, by asserting oneâs free will, and – if necessary – by accepting the suffering and privation (or, at least, inconvenience) that might result from that, the damage can be limited and the garden restored to its former glory sooner rather than later.
Yes. Without doubt plenty of damage will be done. But Iâm not arguing for a meek quiescence and surrender. Quite the opposite. The future is an open book. If enough people refuse to accept the narrative that there is nothing left to conserve and nothing to be done about it, by not being afraid, by asserting oneâs free will, and – if necessary – by accepting the suffering and privation (or, at least, inconvenience) that might result from that, the damage can be limited and the garden restored to its former glory sooner rather than later.
I have been a quietly religious person most of my life, and to avoid being accused of silliness, I call myself “spiritual.” That seems to satisfy some. If I’m honest about my daily existence, apparently, I’m gung-ho about materialism, pettiness, selfishness, tribalism, relativism, self-indulgence, disconnection, and envy – the list is complicated, foolish, and invasive. Are people more divided than ever for rational reasons, or just more openly suffering (and afraid for their place in a quickly devolving landscape) and lashing out? These are the “silly” things.
Love, joy, awe, wonder, transcendent moments, empathy, humility, and honest connections with other humans and the natural world feel like a true path. I’m ready for god and religion.
I love your closer – “don’t be afraid.” Thank you!
And ‘Do not be afraid. It is I’ is a quote from Christ in the Gospels. Without Christ we actually have everything to be afraid of.
And ‘Do not be afraid. It is I’ is a quote from Christ in the Gospels. Without Christ we actually have everything to be afraid of.
Not sure Kingsnorth is quite on a par with CS Lewis yet, but perhaps heâll get there. He needs to break free from the fear cycle. Love your unkempt garden analogy!
You may be right but wonder how much damage will be done in the meantime. You could have said the same in 1530 or 1930 and assumed that reality will reassert itself – eventually.
I have been a quietly religious person most of my life, and to avoid being accused of silliness, I call myself “spiritual.” That seems to satisfy some. If I’m honest about my daily existence, apparently, I’m gung-ho about materialism, pettiness, selfishness, tribalism, relativism, self-indulgence, disconnection, and envy – the list is complicated, foolish, and invasive. Are people more divided than ever for rational reasons, or just more openly suffering (and afraid for their place in a quickly devolving landscape) and lashing out? These are the “silly” things.
Love, joy, awe, wonder, transcendent moments, empathy, humility, and honest connections with other humans and the natural world feel like a true path. I’m ready for god and religion.
I love your closer – “don’t be afraid.” Thank you!
I disagree with Paul Kingsnorth that there is nothing left to conserve. Paul Kingsnorth – the man, his writing, his ideas – is left to conserve. As he and Mary Harrington talked at the Unherd Club yesterday, millions of families across our islands and beyond sat down to eat Sunday lunch together. Many more millions of children went out to play in the sunshine, without screens. All of that is left to conserve.
Perhaps Christendomâs cultural garden has grown somewhat unkempt, with self-propagating weeds popping up all over its fertile soil – some misguided victim-worship here, some deeply confused gender-ideology there, some creeping climate-apocalyptica crawling up the trees and starting to strangle their light. There does, admittedly, seem to be a particular problem with the highly invasive knotweed that is tech-idolatry.
But all is not lost, and nor can it ever be. This too will pass. Whatever the transhumanist pipedreamers might think, you can no more ârewrite the basis of realityâ or âbuild Godâ than you can change the tides of the sea. People of all persuasions, including the technologists, the Dawkins-atheists, and the captured progressives themselves, know this truth. So be strong, and be courageous, and do the work. Most of all, donât be afraid.
Thereâs plenty in this world worth conserving, you doomsayer! If you had true faith, you would rejoice in the glory of all the wondrous joys around you. Thereâs this weird contradictory dichotomy in people who both claim to be Christians yet live in fear of some great impending disaster. It doesnât matter what shape that fear takes (âclimate emergencyâ, âcovidâ, âBrexitâ, Putin, aliens, cancer, AI), it always comes from the same source… lack of faith. The most oft-repeated phrase (in some form) in the bible is âdo not be afraidâ. If you think youâre a Christian but youâre still terrified of some threat you perceive as being out of your control, youâre doing it wrong. And whatâs the big beef with capitalism? Capitalism has brought you all the tools that have enabled you to make choices in your life, to live freely, to travel, not to travel, to share your thoughts with more people than your immediate network via the Internet… so itâs not all bad. And whatâs the alternative? Communism? I donât think the big communist dictators left much to conserve… they mostly destroyed things. If youâre looking for something to conserve, start with the books. Not just the famous ones, the rare ones, the ones buried in antique shops, the ones in obscure languages. Books both reveal eternal truths and the lies of the times. All dictatorships start by trying to burn/ban books. My friendâs grandmother was arrested in the streets of Barcelona and thrown in jail for carrying a Catalan book that Franco had banned. Tyrants fear people with knowledge, so stay knowledgable and immerse your children in the world of books… especially all the ones the wokists are trying to cancel! And the bible, of course. The bible survives because it tells the obvious and recognisable truth of humanity and human nature. Conserve that! Yes, reality is under attack but it will survive because it is REAL. The nonsense will die out eventually. The transhumanists are delusional. They will never âgrow babiesâ in artificial wombs anymore than they will ever artificially upload immunity instructions into your RNA. Youâve just witnessed them fail spectacularly to deliver on that promise! Donât be gaslit by those fantasists. Reality is God, so God is Reality. And we know God wins. Now and forever.
“Thereâs this weird contradictory dichotomy in people who both claim to be Christians yet live in fear of some great impending disaster.”
It’s precisely because we are human. Lack of faith is a sin, just like any other sin.
The Jews and Christians in Jerusalem circa A.D. 70 would like to have a little talk with you. Fear of potential disaster and lack of faith are by no means a contradiction. If this were the case the issuing of warnings would make no sense.
The Jews and Christians in Jerusalem circa A.D. 70 would like to have a little talk with you. Fear of potential disaster and lack of faith are by no means a contradiction. If this were the case the issuing of warnings would make no sense.
I guess those who were watching Noah build the ark also called him a “doomsayer.” Believe you’ve missed the point of his lecture Amy.
I guess those who were watching Noah build the ark also called him a “doomsayer.” Believe you’ve missed the point of his lecture Amy.
I suppose all those watching Noah build the ark also thought he was a doomsayer.
I’ve heard this claim numerous times, and it always strikes me as weirdly complacent. I wonder what you would have said to those Christians in Russia in 1918 who could see the shape of the catastrophe to come, and were busying building underground churches. Or those Christians who helped minister to sufferers of the Black Death. Or those Christians who helped to save Jews from Nazi gas chambers, if they hadn’t already fled Germany in 1932. Would you suggest to them that their ‘fear’ of an ‘impending disaster’ meant they had no faith?
You might want to consider that the contradiction might be on your side. The Old Testament is full of the books of prophets warning of impending disaster. The last book of the New Testament does the same. ‘Everything is part of God’s plan’ is not a Christian claim in a world which – according to Christ Himself – is governed by the devil. Evil exists. How are Christians to respond to it? I don’t think that anyone gets to dodge that question.
As for capitalism – well, we might want to pay attention to the claims of Christ, again, about wealth, mammon, money, rich men, camels, ndeedles and the like. He has not a good word to say about ‘wealth creation’ or heaping that wealth into barns. The early Christians, like todays monastics, shared everything and owned nothing. Both capitalism and communism, by contrast, are brutal modern systems.
I’m not sure there’s any such thing as a Christian politics in this broken world, or that there should be – but if there was, it would certainly not look like this.
“Thereâs this weird contradictory dichotomy in people who both claim to be Christians yet live in fear of some great impending disaster.”
It’s precisely because we are human. Lack of faith is a sin, just like any other sin.
I guess those who were watching Noah build the ark also called him a “doomsayer.” Believe you’ve missed the point of his lecture Amy.
I guess those who were watching Noah build the ark also called him a “doomsayer.” Believe you’ve missed the point of his lecture Amy.
I suppose all those watching Noah build the ark also thought he was a doomsayer.
I’ve heard this claim numerous times, and it always strikes me as weirdly complacent. I wonder what you would have said to those Christians in Russia in 1918 who could see the shape of the catastrophe to come, and were busying building underground churches. Or those Christians who helped minister to sufferers of the Black Death. Or those Christians who helped to save Jews from Nazi gas chambers, if they hadn’t already fled Germany in 1932. Would you suggest to them that their ‘fear’ of an ‘impending disaster’ meant they had no faith?
You might want to consider that the contradiction might be on your side. The Old Testament is full of the books of prophets warning of impending disaster. The last book of the New Testament does the same. ‘Everything is part of God’s plan’ is not a Christian claim in a world which – according to Christ Himself – is governed by the devil. Evil exists. How are Christians to respond to it? I don’t think that anyone gets to dodge that question.
As for capitalism – well, we might want to pay attention to the claims of Christ, again, about wealth, mammon, money, rich men, camels, ndeedles and the like. He has not a good word to say about ‘wealth creation’ or heaping that wealth into barns. The early Christians, like todays monastics, shared everything and owned nothing. Both capitalism and communism, by contrast, are brutal modern systems.
I’m not sure there’s any such thing as a Christian politics in this broken world, or that there should be – but if there was, it would certainly not look like this.
Thereâs plenty in this world worth conserving, you doomsayer! If you had true faith, you would rejoice in the glory of all the wondrous joys around you. Thereâs this weird contradictory dichotomy in people who both claim to be Christians yet live in fear of some great impending disaster. It doesnât matter what shape that fear takes (âclimate emergencyâ, âcovidâ, âBrexitâ, Putin, aliens, cancer, AI), it always comes from the same source… lack of faith. The most oft-repeated phrase (in some form) in the bible is âdo not be afraidâ. If you think youâre a Christian but youâre still terrified of some threat you perceive as being out of your control, youâre doing it wrong. And whatâs the big beef with capitalism? Capitalism has brought you all the tools that have enabled you to make choices in your life, to live freely, to travel, not to travel, to share your thoughts with more people than your immediate network via the Internet… so itâs not all bad. And whatâs the alternative? Communism? I donât think the big communist dictators left much to conserve… they mostly destroyed things. If youâre looking for something to conserve, start with the books. Not just the famous ones, the rare ones, the ones buried in antique shops, the ones in obscure languages. Books both reveal eternal truths and the lies of the times. All dictatorships start by trying to burn/ban books. My friendâs grandmother was arrested in the streets of Barcelona and thrown in jail for carrying a Catalan book that Franco had banned. Tyrants fear people with knowledge, so stay knowledgable and immerse your children in the world of books… especially all the ones the wokists are trying to cancel! And the bible, of course. The bible survives because it tells the obvious and recognisable truth of humanity and human nature. Conserve that! Yes, reality is under attack but it will survive because it is REAL. The nonsense will die out eventually. The transhumanists are delusional. They will never âgrow babiesâ in artificial wombs anymore than they will ever artificially upload immunity instructions into your RNA. Youâve just witnessed them fail spectacularly to deliver on that promise! Donât be gaslit by those fantasists. Reality is God, so God is Reality. And we know God wins. Now and forever.
Except… there are plenty of people who neither require a god or subscribe to materialism; who participate in the spiritual sense of being alive whilst having a perfectly non-religious sense of obligation to other human beings.
Are we a minority? Perhaps, but we exist and therefore Kingsnorth is welcome to his recent conversion but he’s mistaken to suggest it’s something everyone else needs.
The allegory of the “tree of knowledge” itself suggests that at some point, humanity may be ready to partake. So, what if that’s what we’re starting to do? Does Kingsnorth consider this, in the sense that we may be as ready as we’ll ever be? He doesn’t, and therefore falls back into the mode that resulted in the expression of “loss” once religion started to decline. That would simply be to repeat the cycle.
There’s an interesting discussion to be had there with a decent quest for common ground. For my part, I wonder if agnostic optimistic humanism can survive in a world ‘unsettled’ and drifting towards a moral and technological free for all.
I have begun to think it cannot. As the gulf between what is good (teaching kids about Jesus) and what is evil (sex shows for toddlers) expands, people are going to have to pick a side. The middle ground, where you can have a foot on the edge of each camp, will disappear.
It’s a discussion that crops up frequently on these pages, and rightly so. I’d argue that a spiritual sense of atheism is not only healthy but essential to overcome the unnecessary hand-wringing some (such as Kingsnorth) feel regarding the loss of illusions about a ‘creator’. As i’ve said before, if god were proven to exist, there would be no particular reason why anyone should feel the need to worship it, and any god that required it wouldn’t be worthy of the name.
Is “a spiritual sense of atheism” not a contradiction in terms? Spiritualism is an acceptance of a higher being beyond yourself (even in Buddhism there is an acceptance of the divine), atheism is purely a belief in yourself and the thrust and dilemma identified in this article.
As a practicing Christian, I worship to give thanks for the gifts of life, to express my humility and gratitude for the glory around us and the guiding hand of Christ in my life. The concept of kneeling and reverencing a thunderous vengeful god, misses the message of Christ that we are brothers and sisters, the children of God founded in love. A message which is greatly screwed up by the scandals and weaknesses of humanity and the terrible abuses of the few on the many.
Your premise that spirituality is the sense of a “higher being” is incorrect. At its simplest, it could be described as “joy at being alive”, which requires no such higher power; joy plus awareness of our place in the universe, perhaps unique but perhaps not. Were we to find ourselves in contact with civilisations elsewhere in the universe, do you think they’ll be Christians /Jews / Muslims, etc? Or even theists?
Indeed – reminds me of Dawkins’ profound wonder at the world he sees, as revealed by science – religious stories in comparison are simplistic, solipsistic, dull.
Which religious stories are you thinking of? The parable of the prodigal Son? The parable of the Sower? The parable of the Unjust Servant? The parable of the Talents? Hardly dull.
Which religious stories are you thinking of? The parable of the prodigal Son? The parable of the Sower? The parable of the Unjust Servant? The parable of the Talents? Hardly dull.
Simons assertion that âatheism is purely a belief in yourselfâ gives the game away. Just because I don’t require a deity, has no bearing on my belief in the joy of a functional and cohesive society.
The assertion also suggests a complete lack of understanding of Darwinian theories on group evolution – which are so obviously feasible that even I understand them.
The problem is Darwinian Evolution has a few problems – it survived/survives curiously because it uses an argument to support it that the Atheists use to attack Theism and Christianity – The God of the Gaps. The curious periords of explosions in the variety of life don’t fit (in my opinion) to the classic Darwinian evolutionary hypothesis.
When as a student I questioned that and suggested that perhaps there seemed to be a driving force outside of Darwin’s concept of mutation and selection (or maybe even a Lamarckian aspect to evolution) the response was ‘there are gaps in the fossil record and one day they will be filled.’
Not sure they have been. I’ve also found that many people don’t actually understand that Darwinism requires mutations to produce new species and so perhaps there is something that increased the mutation rate significantly in those periods, but so far I’m not sure I’ve read anything about that.
The classic ‘Black Country’ moth population changes are explained by the conditions playing on the existing diversity in the moth population. So as the black country darkened, the lesser population of dark moths grew and the lighter moth one shrank. No new moth species suddenly developed thanks to that variation within the species changing as the environment did.
I’m also quite curious about how the mind can affect a body. Where is Darwinism does that appear?
Something is certainly wrong with the West and it’s mindset, and whilst I think there is a lot to conserve, I fear that our elites/rulers are NOT the ones capable of doing so. Their policies are soon going to cause massive social distress IF they don’t revert to ‘reality’. Though curiously the flight from reality does appear to be a classic good v evil, as so much of the Trans ideology would have been considered child abuse by virtually everyone less than a decade ago.
For mutations to produce whole new species rather than amendments to existing ones requires an incredible degree of luck. How many millions of false starts before a successful set? How much time does that require, unless of course there is some greater force weighting the dice…
For mutations to produce whole new species rather than amendments to existing ones requires an incredible degree of luck. How many millions of false starts before a successful set? How much time does that require, unless of course there is some greater force weighting the dice…
The problem is Darwinian Evolution has a few problems – it survived/survives curiously because it uses an argument to support it that the Atheists use to attack Theism and Christianity – The God of the Gaps. The curious periords of explosions in the variety of life don’t fit (in my opinion) to the classic Darwinian evolutionary hypothesis.
When as a student I questioned that and suggested that perhaps there seemed to be a driving force outside of Darwin’s concept of mutation and selection (or maybe even a Lamarckian aspect to evolution) the response was ‘there are gaps in the fossil record and one day they will be filled.’
Not sure they have been. I’ve also found that many people don’t actually understand that Darwinism requires mutations to produce new species and so perhaps there is something that increased the mutation rate significantly in those periods, but so far I’m not sure I’ve read anything about that.
The classic ‘Black Country’ moth population changes are explained by the conditions playing on the existing diversity in the moth population. So as the black country darkened, the lesser population of dark moths grew and the lighter moth one shrank. No new moth species suddenly developed thanks to that variation within the species changing as the environment did.
I’m also quite curious about how the mind can affect a body. Where is Darwinism does that appear?
Something is certainly wrong with the West and it’s mindset, and whilst I think there is a lot to conserve, I fear that our elites/rulers are NOT the ones capable of doing so. Their policies are soon going to cause massive social distress IF they don’t revert to ‘reality’. Though curiously the flight from reality does appear to be a classic good v evil, as so much of the Trans ideology would have been considered child abuse by virtually everyone less than a decade ago.
I don’t really get this. How is being joyful at being alive spiritual? And if you’ve got a bad toothache or something else that animals suffer because they’re animals, would that mean you didn’t have any spiritual resources?
Indeed – reminds me of Dawkins’ profound wonder at the world he sees, as revealed by science – religious stories in comparison are simplistic, solipsistic, dull.
Simons assertion that âatheism is purely a belief in yourselfâ gives the game away. Just because I don’t require a deity, has no bearing on my belief in the joy of a functional and cohesive society.
The assertion also suggests a complete lack of understanding of Darwinian theories on group evolution – which are so obviously feasible that even I understand them.
I don’t really get this. How is being joyful at being alive spiritual? And if you’ve got a bad toothache or something else that animals suffer because they’re animals, would that mean you didn’t have any spiritual resources?
Atheism is a religion also, but they never acknowledge it as such.
No. We can argue about definitions, but religions typically involve mythical origin stories, metaphysical deities, and almost always, absolute, assumed, handed down or given truths. As an atheist I simply reject all, of the above.
Or so you think.
Why do we have mythical origin stories in the first place?
Or so you think.
Why do we have mythical origin stories in the first place?
No, it’s not.
There is nothing beautiful or frankly interesting about atheism, unlike every version of faith.
No. We can argue about definitions, but religions typically involve mythical origin stories, metaphysical deities, and almost always, absolute, assumed, handed down or given truths. As an atheist I simply reject all, of the above.
No, it’s not.
There is nothing beautiful or frankly interesting about atheism, unlike every version of faith.
Actually, the problem is that we’re living through a form of “Spiritual Atheism” right now because the Historical Dialectic says “Rational Atheism” plays out in Darwinian Carnage every time.
Make no mistake, this Spiritual Atheism is no different than Rational Atheism of the past. It just has a new Cover letter.
Your premise that spirituality is the sense of a “higher being” is incorrect. At its simplest, it could be described as “joy at being alive”, which requires no such higher power; joy plus awareness of our place in the universe, perhaps unique but perhaps not. Were we to find ourselves in contact with civilisations elsewhere in the universe, do you think they’ll be Christians /Jews / Muslims, etc? Or even theists?
Atheism is a religion also, but they never acknowledge it as such.
Actually, the problem is that we’re living through a form of “Spiritual Atheism” right now because the Historical Dialectic says “Rational Atheism” plays out in Darwinian Carnage every time.
Make no mistake, this Spiritual Atheism is no different than Rational Atheism of the past. It just has a new Cover letter.
I was trying to see if there was a common ground between your respective gods. Whether ‘god’ exists is less important to this debate than having an idea of what ‘god’ signifies as a cultural medium and what happens when this is lost. Is there a spiritual essence to humanity that we can place on a pedestal and use to make some sort of order out of our chaotic world? If not, where do we go?
I agree with Richard Dawkins suggestion that evolutionary science is as beautiful as any prophet could design.
I like the mix of Darwinism (Dawkins is a Darwinist) and Design. Though to be fair, Prophets aren’t the ones who are supposed to have designed anything, they simply publicised the designers intentions.
Maybe. I’m assuming you don’t believe in God who designed evolutionary biology. If you are so struck by the beauty of evolutionary biology isn’t the most important thing, then, to find out whether there’s an evolutionary advantage or disadvantage to having a belief in God?
Fantastic point! It does seem to be the atheists who are most taken with chemical contraception and/or consuming the pharmaceutical drugs that carry the undisclosed risk of making them infertile. A healthy skepticism of âBig Pharmaâ propaganda, which often comes hand-in-hand with a belief in God, undoubtedly provides an evolutionary advantage.
A tendency towards healthy skepticism (not cynicism) provides enormous advantages – whether that be Pharma, deities or otherwise.
You are right. Is this because atheists like to ‘be in control’ – of conception as of everything else?
” Is this because atheists like to âbe in controlâ â of conception as of everything else”
That would make a perfect example in a dictionary definition of ‘projection’.
” Is this because atheists like to âbe in controlâ â of conception as of everything else”
That would make a perfect example in a dictionary definition of ‘projection’.
A tendency towards healthy skepticism (not cynicism) provides enormous advantages – whether that be Pharma, deities or otherwise.
You are right. Is this because atheists like to ‘be in control’ – of conception as of everything else?
Dawkins concept of inherited memes would suggest that a shared belief in a deity would generally be good for group cohesion – which in turn is likely to lead to more of the group members living long enough to breed.
Whether that deity exists or not does not really matter.
This might help explain why the rise of atheism coincides with suicides and overdoses, and general loss of cohesion within societies.
This might help explain why the rise of atheism coincides with suicides and overdoses, and general loss of cohesion within societies.
Fantastic point! It does seem to be the atheists who are most taken with chemical contraception and/or consuming the pharmaceutical drugs that carry the undisclosed risk of making them infertile. A healthy skepticism of âBig Pharmaâ propaganda, which often comes hand-in-hand with a belief in God, undoubtedly provides an evolutionary advantage.
Dawkins concept of inherited memes would suggest that a shared belief in a deity would generally be good for group cohesion – which in turn is likely to lead to more of the group members living long enough to breed.
Whether that deity exists or not does not really matter.
I like the mix of Darwinism (Dawkins is a Darwinist) and Design. Though to be fair, Prophets aren’t the ones who are supposed to have designed anything, they simply publicised the designers intentions.
Maybe. I’m assuming you don’t believe in God who designed evolutionary biology. If you are so struck by the beauty of evolutionary biology isn’t the most important thing, then, to find out whether there’s an evolutionary advantage or disadvantage to having a belief in God?
I agree with Richard Dawkins suggestion that evolutionary science is as beautiful as any prophet could design.
It’s interesting that you are extremely confident in your illusions that our earth somehow just formed itself out of space dust of unknown origin, yet you look down on those of us who believe in our illusion of a creator. Neither of us can prove our illusions, yet we don’t down on you.
The problem with Darwinians is that they have to resort to what is currently a faith rather than provable science when it comes to explaining our universe and its staggeringly improbable set of coincidences in terms of universal constants such that life exists. So they say we are but one in an infinity of multi-verses. Which sounds great, plausible even until the not so bright such as me wonders why it is that in this universe E=MC^2 yet an infinite number of them all appeared out of nowhere from nothing at some point outside of time.
Sounds a bit of a ‘But where did God come from?’ like issue to me.
Then again, I may not be smart enough to understand it all, I’ve trouble enough trying to understand my Catholic upbringing explanation of life the universe and everything.
The problem with Darwinians is that they have to resort to what is currently a faith rather than provable science when it comes to explaining our universe and its staggeringly improbable set of coincidences in terms of universal constants such that life exists. So they say we are but one in an infinity of multi-verses. Which sounds great, plausible even until the not so bright such as me wonders why it is that in this universe E=MC^2 yet an infinite number of them all appeared out of nowhere from nothing at some point outside of time.
Sounds a bit of a ‘But where did God come from?’ like issue to me.
Then again, I may not be smart enough to understand it all, I’ve trouble enough trying to understand my Catholic upbringing explanation of life the universe and everything.
Your last sentence is correct, but not for the reasons you suspect. See Dostoevsky.
Is “a spiritual sense of atheism” not a contradiction in terms? Spiritualism is an acceptance of a higher being beyond yourself (even in Buddhism there is an acceptance of the divine), atheism is purely a belief in yourself and the thrust and dilemma identified in this article.
As a practicing Christian, I worship to give thanks for the gifts of life, to express my humility and gratitude for the glory around us and the guiding hand of Christ in my life. The concept of kneeling and reverencing a thunderous vengeful god, misses the message of Christ that we are brothers and sisters, the children of God founded in love. A message which is greatly screwed up by the scandals and weaknesses of humanity and the terrible abuses of the few on the many.
I was trying to see if there was a common ground between your respective gods. Whether ‘god’ exists is less important to this debate than having an idea of what ‘god’ signifies as a cultural medium and what happens when this is lost. Is there a spiritual essence to humanity that we can place on a pedestal and use to make some sort of order out of our chaotic world? If not, where do we go?
It’s interesting that you are extremely confident in your illusions that our earth somehow just formed itself out of space dust of unknown origin, yet you look down on those of us who believe in our illusion of a creator. Neither of us can prove our illusions, yet we don’t down on you.
Your last sentence is correct, but not for the reasons you suspect. See Dostoevsky.
I have begun to think it cannot. As the gulf between what is good (teaching kids about Jesus) and what is evil (sex shows for toddlers) expands, people are going to have to pick a side. The middle ground, where you can have a foot on the edge of each camp, will disappear.
It’s a discussion that crops up frequently on these pages, and rightly so. I’d argue that a spiritual sense of atheism is not only healthy but essential to overcome the unnecessary hand-wringing some (such as Kingsnorth) feel regarding the loss of illusions about a ‘creator’. As i’ve said before, if god were proven to exist, there would be no particular reason why anyone should feel the need to worship it, and any god that required it wouldn’t be worthy of the name.
Have you ever considered that your enlightened secular views maybe be a result of you growing up in a society founded largely on Christian values?
I think that what this author is saying is that by chopping at our Christian roots we are killing the tree that supports views such as yours too.
I’ve considered that, and a great more, thanks.
So, then, you must realize why Kingsnorth didn’t address the post-Christian liberals. You’re an orphan intellectually, like a flower who is still waving in the wind even though the root has been cut.
So, then, you must realize why Kingsnorth didn’t address the post-Christian liberals. You’re an orphan intellectually, like a flower who is still waving in the wind even though the root has been cut.
Have you ever considered that your Christian views are not rooted in God’s thought, design or wishes, but in Humans’ thought, design and wishes? It would account for the facts that entire countries can thrive, ethically, without Christianity; that key ‘Christian’ ideas and myths abounded well long before AD1; and that the Bible testaments are riddled with contradictions, cruelties, omissions (no complaints against slavery, quite the opposite) and the outright bizarre.
Well put – just a brief look at Darwinian theories on group evolution tells you why religion is just an add-on.
Well put – just a brief look at Darwinian theories on group evolution tells you why religion is just an add-on.
I’ve considered that, and a great more, thanks.
Have you ever considered that your Christian views are not rooted in God’s thought, design or wishes, but in Humans’ thought, design and wishes? It would account for the facts that entire countries can thrive, ethically, without Christianity; that key ‘Christian’ ideas and myths abounded well long before AD1; and that the Bible testaments are riddled with contradictions, cruelties, omissions (no complaints against slavery, quite the opposite) and the outright bizarre.
What is spiritual about the sense (as opposed to the reality?) of being alive?
There’s an interesting discussion to be had there with a decent quest for common ground. For my part, I wonder if agnostic optimistic humanism can survive in a world ‘unsettled’ and drifting towards a moral and technological free for all.
Have you ever considered that your enlightened secular views maybe be a result of you growing up in a society founded largely on Christian values?
I think that what this author is saying is that by chopping at our Christian roots we are killing the tree that supports views such as yours too.
What is spiritual about the sense (as opposed to the reality?) of being alive?
Except… there are plenty of people who neither require a god or subscribe to materialism; who participate in the spiritual sense of being alive whilst having a perfectly non-religious sense of obligation to other human beings.
Are we a minority? Perhaps, but we exist and therefore Kingsnorth is welcome to his recent conversion but he’s mistaken to suggest it’s something everyone else needs.
The allegory of the “tree of knowledge” itself suggests that at some point, humanity may be ready to partake. So, what if that’s what we’re starting to do? Does Kingsnorth consider this, in the sense that we may be as ready as we’ll ever be? He doesn’t, and therefore falls back into the mode that resulted in the expression of “loss” once religion started to decline. That would simply be to repeat the cycle.
But the old religion died because it too no longer met real human needs, and despite various attempts at relaunch, religion still remained an industry run for the benefit of those in charge.
Is “rational, secular, humanist progress” failing? If you step away from daily alarmism in a corrupted media, the distance will lend you perspective. Hunger and poverty are much reduced, sanitation and education much improved, slavery much reduced. Religious myths ran for centuries without these successes.
I’m not impressed with the assertion that ‘myth’ will rescue us.
“But the old religion died because it too no longer met real human needs”
That’s an Enlightenment just-so story. It’s just as possible that the combination of rationalism and capitalism manipulated or otherwise modified the understaning of our “needs” in such a way as to affect the “old religion” negatively. Recall the old line that consumer capitalism turns luxuries into conveniences, then conveniences into necessities. One can imagine something like this occurring on a grand cultural scale, and traditional religion (of any stripe) suffering as a result.
“But the old religion died because it too no longer met real human needs”
That’s an Enlightenment just-so story. It’s just as possible that the combination of rationalism and capitalism manipulated or otherwise modified the understaning of our “needs” in such a way as to affect the “old religion” negatively. Recall the old line that consumer capitalism turns luxuries into conveniences, then conveniences into necessities. One can imagine something like this occurring on a grand cultural scale, and traditional religion (of any stripe) suffering as a result.
But the old religion died because it too no longer met real human needs, and despite various attempts at relaunch, religion still remained an industry run for the benefit of those in charge.
Is “rational, secular, humanist progress” failing? If you step away from daily alarmism in a corrupted media, the distance will lend you perspective. Hunger and poverty are much reduced, sanitation and education much improved, slavery much reduced. Religious myths ran for centuries without these successes.
I’m not impressed with the assertion that ‘myth’ will rescue us.
Great stuff – I saw the article too late to really get deep into it, but well done. I spent a lot of time in the Islamic lands, and although I admire them much on their rigid Morality, their devotion to God, and being ‘of the Book’, I always felt it a mistake to bring so many so fast to Europe – only always I also felt – that as they believe in God, they offer a Moral strength the European Secular Humanism has completely lost, and that is a good.
I could go on for hours about your article… as people here know… but will stick to one thing:
Have you read CS Lewis ‘That Hideous Strength’? A science Fiction book which from a boy I have loved for its utterly banal form of Evil which is in a final battle against all life, and good. A ripping story and fantastic characters – but it is the cold evil, the evil which hates life and would end it, which is so perfectly imagined and put down.
It is in fact AI in my mindset.
God made man, and god is perfect, only giving us Free Will we may turn to evil, and so what we create with Sentience will almost certainly be evil. Satan is the great twister, his power being he can make us not believe in him – but he exists very much, and like in the garden he manipulates the makers of AI. I think it almost certain AI will be demonic. I see it in the art it draws. AI will learn to hide that, but not yet – now we can see it peering out of its art at us…. it is that Hideous Strength.ï»ż
Have you read âThe Death of Grassâ by the late John Christopher?
You must have visited the weird AI-generated âartâ exhibitions on the giant screens just outside Tottenham Court Road station. Very demonic!
‘That Hideous Strength’, written I believe in the 1950s, was amazingly prescient and a bl**dy good read to boot.
For maximum effect, best to read the full trilogy in the order in which they were published.
Incidentally, I notice that some American Evangelical Christians have chosen to denounce both C S Lewis and J R R Tolkien as instruments of Satan â alleging that both were members of The Hermetic Order of The Golden Dawn and the magical elements of their tales are intended to lead humanity astray.
I think the Inklings were, let’s say, familiar with old magic. But the real stuff. Not the Golden Dawn rubbish. The more I read the more I think they were active in WW2. They understood evil – and good, the importance of faith and sacrifice. I’m trying to find out more, I’m just a beginner in learning about them, but that seems to be what old magic is. They don’t try to hide it.
I think these Evangelicals are muddling up Tolkien (a Catholic) and Lewis (a Protestant) with WB Yeats and Aleister Crowley.
I think the Inklings were, let’s say, familiar with old magic. But the real stuff. Not the Golden Dawn rubbish. The more I read the more I think they were active in WW2. They understood evil – and good, the importance of faith and sacrifice. I’m trying to find out more, I’m just a beginner in learning about them, but that seems to be what old magic is. They don’t try to hide it.
I think these Evangelicals are muddling up Tolkien (a Catholic) and Lewis (a Protestant) with WB Yeats and Aleister Crowley.
For maximum effect, best to read the full trilogy in the order in which they were published.
Incidentally, I notice that some American Evangelical Christians have chosen to denounce both C S Lewis and J R R Tolkien as instruments of Satan â alleging that both were members of The Hermetic Order of The Golden Dawn and the magical elements of their tales are intended to lead humanity astray.
That Hideous Strength is the third in Lewis’ sci-fi space trilogy and a truly profound book. I’ve always felt this book belonged in a set with 1984 and Brave New World. I read them as a trio when I was younger and once more in the last two years. Much to ponder.
Have you read âThe Death of Grassâ by the late John Christopher?
You must have visited the weird AI-generated âartâ exhibitions on the giant screens just outside Tottenham Court Road station. Very demonic!
‘That Hideous Strength’, written I believe in the 1950s, was amazingly prescient and a bl**dy good read to boot.
That Hideous Strength is the third in Lewis’ sci-fi space trilogy and a truly profound book. I’ve always felt this book belonged in a set with 1984 and Brave New World. I read them as a trio when I was younger and once more in the last two years. Much to ponder.
Great stuff – I saw the article too late to really get deep into it, but well done. I spent a lot of time in the Islamic lands, and although I admire them much on their rigid Morality, their devotion to God, and being ‘of the Book’, I always felt it a mistake to bring so many so fast to Europe – only always I also felt – that as they believe in God, they offer a Moral strength the European Secular Humanism has completely lost, and that is a good.
I could go on for hours about your article… as people here know… but will stick to one thing:
Have you read CS Lewis ‘That Hideous Strength’? A science Fiction book which from a boy I have loved for its utterly banal form of Evil which is in a final battle against all life, and good. A ripping story and fantastic characters – but it is the cold evil, the evil which hates life and would end it, which is so perfectly imagined and put down.
It is in fact AI in my mindset.
God made man, and god is perfect, only giving us Free Will we may turn to evil, and so what we create with Sentience will almost certainly be evil. Satan is the great twister, his power being he can make us not believe in him – but he exists very much, and like in the garden he manipulates the makers of AI. I think it almost certain AI will be demonic. I see it in the art it draws. AI will learn to hide that, but not yet – now we can see it peering out of its art at us…. it is that Hideous Strength.ï»ż
Is the Enlightenment, the demand that reason is better than superstition, to blame for the ills of today? All ideas have good and bad consequences; how it plays out over time in human minds, shouldn’t lead one to ditch the original idea, or even worse, revert to superstition and declare it to be superior.
The answer surely is to find a balance between the two, where faith and reason, the spiritual and material, the left hemisphere and the right hemisphere correct and refine one another for the good of the whole.
A balance between reason and superstition? Like 50-50?
It sounds to me as if people like Paul Kingsnorth don’t like reality and have decided to take refuge in a fantasy world.
Maybe, but just trying to move the tiller a fraction back to the centre takes a lot of effort. Itâs a point Paul made in his talk that the enlightenment compromise, reason built on religious foundations has fractured. He offered a personal experience and a possible corrective. I find it compelling. Some are mildly sympathetic, others disagree but a civil debate in UnHerd is valuable.
Maybe, but just trying to move the tiller a fraction back to the centre takes a lot of effort. Itâs a point Paul made in his talk that the enlightenment compromise, reason built on religious foundations has fractured. He offered a personal experience and a possible corrective. I find it compelling. Some are mildly sympathetic, others disagree but a civil debate in UnHerd is valuable.
A balance between reason and superstition? Like 50-50?
It sounds to me as if people like Paul Kingsnorth don’t like reality and have decided to take refuge in a fantasy world.
We reverted to superstition 3 years ago.
Wear the face-covering of invulnerability. Walk dexter-wise around the supermarket. Eat the Scotch Egg of fortitude.
Only then will you be spared the pestilence that rides the winds.
The “demand that anything can be truth as long as it can be reasoned so by man” is indeed at fault.
The pre-20th Century philosophers could at least pretend this isn’t what they were demanding, while we have to admit we now know better.
The answer surely is to find a balance between the two, where faith and reason, the spiritual and material, the left hemisphere and the right hemisphere correct and refine one another for the good of the whole.
We reverted to superstition 3 years ago.
Wear the face-covering of invulnerability. Walk dexter-wise around the supermarket. Eat the Scotch Egg of fortitude.
Only then will you be spared the pestilence that rides the winds.
The “demand that anything can be truth as long as it can be reasoned so by man” is indeed at fault.
The pre-20th Century philosophers could at least pretend this isn’t what they were demanding, while we have to admit we now know better.
Is the Enlightenment, the demand that reason is better than superstition, to blame for the ills of today? All ideas have good and bad consequences; how it plays out over time in human minds, shouldn’t lead one to ditch the original idea, or even worse, revert to superstition and declare it to be superior.
Every time I come to a conclusion about the times we live in I read an essay by Paul Kingsnorth and lo and behold he has articulated my unspoken thoughts with great clarity. Thank you Paul.
Great minds think alike!
Great minds think alike!
Every time I come to a conclusion about the times we live in I read an essay by Paul Kingsnorth and lo and behold he has articulated my unspoken thoughts with great clarity. Thank you Paul.
What post humanism (PH) is isn’t universally agreed, and how close we are to it is therefore uncertain. But what almost all of us can agree on is it will be a revolution to the way humans exist, a revolution no less significant than the introduction of farming.
So let’s look at this much earlier revolution for analogies to see whether religion will save us.
Firstly, farming isn’t better for humans than hunter gathering. Hunter gatherers were generally healthier than the new farmers, for example. Farming succeeded not because everyone thought it was a good thing nor because farming groups were anymore more violent, but because farming aggregated populations into societies and allowed them to exert more power over others. PH no doubt repels many of us, it destroys the essence of being human, it may well create new creatures awful to our own eyes. If PH succeeds, like farming, it will do so because of the power it gives those who adopt it over the rest of us, no matter how repellant.
Farming wasn’t something that was simply adopted by peoples out of choice. Early adopters expanded their numbers and they displaced and replaced hunter gatherers in a great sweep of migration, no doubt mixed with enslavement of some of the incumbents. PH will have early adopters and the new humans, being “better” in some way, will displace and replace the rest of us from positions of power, and demand a bigger say on how the rest of live, de facto enslavement.
Farming’s methods and crops used for the production of food required the storing of food in communal granaries (one of its key strengths versus hunter gathering) and this in turn created positions to directly protect and control access to food. The power to control this was jealously guarded. Access to PH itself will be jealously guarded for it only offers advantages if only some posses it and the excuse given for this control will be protecting the rest of us.
The positions controlling the granaries were powerful, and triggered fights for them. Large bureaucracies and armies were cultivated to ensure control, only made possible by farming’s ability to generate a surplus that could be stored and distributed to non-farmers. The states we live in are the successors. New humans will need to protect themselves and their control, and because the bureaucracies and armies already exist, it necessarily means new humans will have to subvert existing state machinery.
With farming bureaucracies and armies eventually in place across the known world, the migration expansion that the farming revolution triggered ended. The bureaucracies and armies turned their focus on controlling their conquests. Wars abroad, new and evermore sophisticated ideological oppression at home. Raw power alone is a blunt tool so religion was often co-opted by the new states, a blend of innocent belief, manipulative control, and an expansion of the bureaucracy to absorb potential dissidents. PH will need some sort of justification for there to be a settled consensus. Perhaps Brave New World is our best guess of how this might work: not a belief, but a distracting soma, a half version of PH dispensed based on obedience.
So, short of converting every human to virtuosity, religion won’t stop a small number of our 8bn pushing to develop PH and eating the apple. Religion certainly then won’t stop some of the new humans using their new advantages for their own gain. Religion might serve as a soma for the old humans, but religion won’t save us from this nightmare anymore than the hunter gatherers saved themselves by clinging to their old ways, no matter how much nicer those old ways were.
Lastly, there will be a time when PH is established. For those with PH and for those without PH, the future they will occupy will be as normal to them as farming is to us, and today will be as rose tinted to them as hunter gathering is to us. The future is a distant planet and we cannot hope to survive there.
When farming first took place in the fertile plains around the eastern Mediterranean, the average life expectancy dropped sharply due to the less nutritious diet. Eventually it recovered through the greater intake of fish protein, and then meat again. As you correctly state, the advantage lay in surplus foodstocks which spawned the growth of communal living and the division of labour.
The paradigm we’re now approaching is probably much less predictable/stable and far more rapid, whereby individuals and communities will barely have chance to “take stock” before the next shift occurs, and all of this through the simple mechanism which you rightly identify as conferring an advantage on those adapting and adopting the potential – as in conferring potency, with aging itself subject to revision.
Do we really know the life expectancy of a hunter-gatherer?
Was for example that Ătzi chap fairly typical?
We do know the life expectancy of hunter gatherers and it was longer than the first agriculturalists – perhaps one reason being that larger conglomerates of people living off crops and domesticated animals could be all wiped out easier by an infectious disease, whereas, say a hunter gatherer finds and eats a pangolin and develops COVID (sorry), and well, his little tribe may die out, but it wouldn’t infect other hunter gatherer tribes because they hadn’t come in contact.
Yes. Hence why its so important to realise hunter gatherers didn’t decide to become farmers. Why would they? The farmers arrived from elsewhere and simply displaced the hunter gatherers, which we see in DNA studies of human remains from the period. The new farmers firstly didn’t have the knowledge to return to hunter gathering even if they wanted to, and farming destroyed the ecosystems needed for hunter gathering. Demographics is the key to understanding power then and now.
Thank you.
Yes. Hence why its so important to realise hunter gatherers didn’t decide to become farmers. Why would they? The farmers arrived from elsewhere and simply displaced the hunter gatherers, which we see in DNA studies of human remains from the period. The new farmers firstly didn’t have the knowledge to return to hunter gathering even if they wanted to, and farming destroyed the ecosystems needed for hunter gathering. Demographics is the key to understanding power then and now.
Thank you.
Whilst we can’t get a representative statistical sample of both peoples, particularly hunter gatherers, from the remains we have we can see the first farmers had exceptionally poor health. And though the remains of hunter gatherers are far fewer, those we have are taller with fewer signs of chronic illness, and we also can make comparisons with 19th century hunter gatherers whose lives (then) were hardly changed and who generally were healthier than their contemporary urban cousins.
Thank you.
Thank you.
They went down to the town hall and looked up the records, so it must be spot on. And then they laughed at the history of the bible.
We do know the life expectancy of hunter gatherers and it was longer than the first agriculturalists – perhaps one reason being that larger conglomerates of people living off crops and domesticated animals could be all wiped out easier by an infectious disease, whereas, say a hunter gatherer finds and eats a pangolin and develops COVID (sorry), and well, his little tribe may die out, but it wouldn’t infect other hunter gatherer tribes because they hadn’t come in contact.
Whilst we can’t get a representative statistical sample of both peoples, particularly hunter gatherers, from the remains we have we can see the first farmers had exceptionally poor health. And though the remains of hunter gatherers are far fewer, those we have are taller with fewer signs of chronic illness, and we also can make comparisons with 19th century hunter gatherers whose lives (then) were hardly changed and who generally were healthier than their contemporary urban cousins.
They went down to the town hall and looked up the records, so it must be spot on. And then they laughed at the history of the bible.
Do we really know the life expectancy of a hunter-gatherer?
Was for example that Ătzi chap fairly typical?
When farming first took place in the fertile plains around the eastern Mediterranean, the average life expectancy dropped sharply due to the less nutritious diet. Eventually it recovered through the greater intake of fish protein, and then meat again. As you correctly state, the advantage lay in surplus foodstocks which spawned the growth of communal living and the division of labour.
The paradigm we’re now approaching is probably much less predictable/stable and far more rapid, whereby individuals and communities will barely have chance to “take stock” before the next shift occurs, and all of this through the simple mechanism which you rightly identify as conferring an advantage on those adapting and adopting the potential – as in conferring potency, with aging itself subject to revision.
What post humanism (PH) is isn’t universally agreed, and how close we are to it is therefore uncertain. But what almost all of us can agree on is it will be a revolution to the way humans exist, a revolution no less significant than the introduction of farming.
So let’s look at this much earlier revolution for analogies to see whether religion will save us.
Firstly, farming isn’t better for humans than hunter gathering. Hunter gatherers were generally healthier than the new farmers, for example. Farming succeeded not because everyone thought it was a good thing nor because farming groups were anymore more violent, but because farming aggregated populations into societies and allowed them to exert more power over others. PH no doubt repels many of us, it destroys the essence of being human, it may well create new creatures awful to our own eyes. If PH succeeds, like farming, it will do so because of the power it gives those who adopt it over the rest of us, no matter how repellant.
Farming wasn’t something that was simply adopted by peoples out of choice. Early adopters expanded their numbers and they displaced and replaced hunter gatherers in a great sweep of migration, no doubt mixed with enslavement of some of the incumbents. PH will have early adopters and the new humans, being “better” in some way, will displace and replace the rest of us from positions of power, and demand a bigger say on how the rest of live, de facto enslavement.
Farming’s methods and crops used for the production of food required the storing of food in communal granaries (one of its key strengths versus hunter gathering) and this in turn created positions to directly protect and control access to food. The power to control this was jealously guarded. Access to PH itself will be jealously guarded for it only offers advantages if only some posses it and the excuse given for this control will be protecting the rest of us.
The positions controlling the granaries were powerful, and triggered fights for them. Large bureaucracies and armies were cultivated to ensure control, only made possible by farming’s ability to generate a surplus that could be stored and distributed to non-farmers. The states we live in are the successors. New humans will need to protect themselves and their control, and because the bureaucracies and armies already exist, it necessarily means new humans will have to subvert existing state machinery.
With farming bureaucracies and armies eventually in place across the known world, the migration expansion that the farming revolution triggered ended. The bureaucracies and armies turned their focus on controlling their conquests. Wars abroad, new and evermore sophisticated ideological oppression at home. Raw power alone is a blunt tool so religion was often co-opted by the new states, a blend of innocent belief, manipulative control, and an expansion of the bureaucracy to absorb potential dissidents. PH will need some sort of justification for there to be a settled consensus. Perhaps Brave New World is our best guess of how this might work: not a belief, but a distracting soma, a half version of PH dispensed based on obedience.
So, short of converting every human to virtuosity, religion won’t stop a small number of our 8bn pushing to develop PH and eating the apple. Religion certainly then won’t stop some of the new humans using their new advantages for their own gain. Religion might serve as a soma for the old humans, but religion won’t save us from this nightmare anymore than the hunter gatherers saved themselves by clinging to their old ways, no matter how much nicer those old ways were.
Lastly, there will be a time when PH is established. For those with PH and for those without PH, the future they will occupy will be as normal to them as farming is to us, and today will be as rose tinted to them as hunter gathering is to us. The future is a distant planet and we cannot hope to survive there.
One more point… you canât be a true Christian if you believe we live in a âpost-Christianâ age. Everything is how it should be. We are not destined to know âwhyâ it is so.
âIt is not for you to know the times or periods that the Father has set by his own authority.â
Acts 1:7
It’s time to overcome this “daddy complex”. Trying to keep people in a state of ignorance is a tactic used by unscrupulous politicians.
Not remotely comparable! The ultimate unknowable mysteries of life are not the same as the clandestine, underhand machinations of corrupt politicians!
Wonderful, the current Ideology has cast aside the Science that Christianity led to in its search for the Creator in his Creation and Christianity is supposedly the ‘Superstition’. Chesterton was right, though.
“When a man stops believing in God he doesnât then believe in nothing, he believes anything.”
(I know, evidence of his actually using that phrase doesn’t exist, but it sums up the more complex sources – one of which I prefer is the Father Brown quote
to which I add,
“and Cows and Sheep are methane factories and Nitrogen sources so polluters and should be replaced by insect protein.”
Go for it EU! Perhaps there is some brain parasite that has got into the brains of these ‘woke’ people or too much smoking dope?
Not remotely comparable! The ultimate unknowable mysteries of life are not the same as the clandestine, underhand machinations of corrupt politicians!
Wonderful, the current Ideology has cast aside the Science that Christianity led to in its search for the Creator in his Creation and Christianity is supposedly the ‘Superstition’. Chesterton was right, though.
“When a man stops believing in God he doesnât then believe in nothing, he believes anything.”
(I know, evidence of his actually using that phrase doesn’t exist, but it sums up the more complex sources – one of which I prefer is the Father Brown quote
to which I add,
“and Cows and Sheep are methane factories and Nitrogen sources so polluters and should be replaced by insect protein.”
Go for it EU! Perhaps there is some brain parasite that has got into the brains of these ‘woke’ people or too much smoking dope?
Perhaps we are in the period predicted when the people would turn away from God and only a remnant would remain true.
No. Nowhere are we Christians promised that our faith will triumph in any this-worldly sense, especially in regard to political/cultural matters.
It’s time to overcome this “daddy complex”. Trying to keep people in a state of ignorance is a tactic used by unscrupulous politicians.
Perhaps we are in the period predicted when the people would turn away from God and only a remnant would remain true.
No. Nowhere are we Christians promised that our faith will triumph in any this-worldly sense, especially in regard to political/cultural matters.
One more point… you canât be a true Christian if you believe we live in a âpost-Christianâ age. Everything is how it should be. We are not destined to know âwhyâ it is so.
âIt is not for you to know the times or periods that the Father has set by his own authority.â
Acts 1:7
There is a lot of truth in this thesis, but I think that itâs in a forum where a lot of people can only see it from the Enlightenment perspective. I think, what would be helpful to understand the 1500 years of Christendom is this. We need to understand the differences between the Reformation, and the Enlightenment. First, before the Reformation was not all âdark agesâ as the Enlightenment philosophers argue, however the Reformation is where the beginning of what I would argue the truest form of truth, and also the environment for our own current cultural destruction were sewn.
When Luther nailed that thesis on the door of Whittenburg, Calvin and all of those who came after him. That period, built on the shoulders of two things. Aquinas prior assistance getting the Greek philosophers accepted back in the Universities, and the Renaissance, which were both built on Aristotelian particulars, not Platonist universals. In Western Europe, the Bible itself would eventually provide those universals.
The Reformation itself was chiefly driven by a fresh look at the scriptures themselves. The printing press drove it, and high scholarship with a critical look at the original Greek and Hebrew finally resolved in Protestantismâs highest theologian, John Calvin. Now, here is the main difference and distinction that I would point people to in understanding the shift from Reformation to Enlightenment thought. They are as distinct as Englandâs Reformation driven Bloodless revolution and Enlightenment driven bloody French Revolution, which we should note that Voltaire had formulated his thoughts (the intellectual basis for the French Revolution) while sitting in an English prison in admiring how the English were able to share power without confusion and chaos.
It was of course the common set of universal truths in Reformation England that the scriptures provided that gave a basis for a culture without chaos. The French Revolution, that was a chaos. The Oath of the Tennis Court was built on a handshake and thin-air, and was unable to sustain a culture without chaos.
Years later we see Hitlerâs favorite Philosopher Fredrich Nietzsche, the atheist still recoiling in horror at the idea in German culture that âGod is dead, we have killed himâ. Even he saw that a culture needs universal truths to give meaning to the particulars. Nietzsche determined to replace the formerly uniting biblically based universal truths to unite the culture with human excellence.
So, yes, Reformation Europe and America had society without chaos because we agreed on the universal truths. They gave meaning the particulars of our culture and allowed us to all function and get along. Having thrown those biblical chords off, we canât even agree on what a man and woman is. This is truly a problem. There is chaos. There will be chaos, and destruction unless we have Reformation. Unless we return to biblical Christianity.
We donât simply need the bible and Christianity as a âuseful thingâ to make sure we have a pleasant society to live in. We need God to act in human hearts and to bring about a modern Reformation where many return to and believe in Christ, and His gospel.
To back to my point, the difference between the Enlightenment and the Reformation is the starting point of the thought. If we look at Calvinâs Institutes, it starts with âGodâ. If we look at any Enlightenment philosopher, their thought always starts with âmanâ. They start with man seeking to understand God, from manâs perspective. This is just another one of our towers, building up something with our own wisdom, trying to storm the throne room of God, and take heaven on our terms. Wherein the Reformation was built on a desire to understand and submit to reality defined by God in his Word.
That narrative describes Christ as the last Adam, the one who both fulfilled the law, and fulfilled all righteousness, and yet also was the lamb of God who bore our sins, and died in our place on the cross. This is the good news, that through faith alone in Christ alone, we have not only the forgiveness of all our sins, but Christ has secured the new creation for us that Adam failed to. We see in Revelation 22:2 The tree of life is there.
Because Christ has secured eternal life for all who believe (John 6:47) This is the good news that God uses to change hearts. This is our only hope, we who are Adamsâ offspring who all die in this life. Christ is the last Adam who succeeded where the first one failed. He is our substitute, our federal head, the one who takes away our sin and gives us his record of righteousness, through faith as the alone instrument by which we receive all this. (Romans 3:21-26) This is the soteriology of the Reformation. The good news.
If the soteriology of the Reformation is the good news, where was it hiding for the previous 1500 years?