I agree with you regarding Sheehan. His success defies all understanding. I checked out Olivia Rodrigo because she won a Grammy or something like that. Very boring. Check out Billy Strings, he’s great.Start with ‘Dust In A Baggy’.
Dom Maguire
2 years ago
Saw them at Rough Trade East. Absolutely brilliant.
Nicholas Rynn
2 years ago
Can you whistle one of their tunes for me please?
Zaph Mann
2 years ago
The article has some good observations and reference points, and I enjoyed it, however… “Wet Leg’s album is not just the year’s most briskly efficient hook machine; it has depth.” … the first point, only if you don’t listen to very much music, the depth? Well I found it predictably shallow. I did playlist the hit last year because it was universally catchy, and my listeners voted it near top of their best of list alongside more challenging stuff…. but I suspected it was a one hit wonder, and that’s really what it was.
Vic Dakin
2 years ago
Electric Six are still going and have had plenty of songs equally as good as whichever one you are referring to. Excellent live, too.
Graham Stull
2 years ago
Okay, I will give them a listen. Thanks for the good review.
Just listened to Chaise Longue, and genuinely impressed by the wit.
I enjoyed it too.
“platinum juggernauts Ed Sheeran and Olivia Rodrigo.”
The success of pub singer Ed Sheeran baffles me, and I’ve never heard of Olivia Rodrigo.
I agree with you regarding Sheehan. His success defies all understanding. I checked out Olivia Rodrigo because she won a Grammy or something like that. Very boring. Check out Billy Strings, he’s great.Start with ‘Dust In A Baggy’.
Saw them at Rough Trade East. Absolutely brilliant.
Can you whistle one of their tunes for me please?
The article has some good observations and reference points, and I enjoyed it, however… “Wet Leg’s album is not just the year’s most briskly efficient hook machine; it has depth.” … the first point, only if you don’t listen to very much music, the depth? Well I found it predictably shallow. I did playlist the hit last year because it was universally catchy, and my listeners voted it near top of their best of list alongside more challenging stuff…. but I suspected it was a one hit wonder, and that’s really what it was.
Electric Six are still going and have had plenty of songs equally as good as whichever one you are referring to. Excellent live, too.
Okay, I will give them a listen. Thanks for the good review.
Wet leg rock.
Made in Middlesex by Alan Tyler is pretty good.
Insufferably precious.