I like the picture. I see the deep communing with the spirit of the occasion in his face, his Manly stance, and the Philacterie/Totem with a camera of modernity on his forehead, the peace sign, the Canadian flag, the aloof reflection in the dark eyeglasses, The rebellious Right wing, back country, chest length beard, shoulder length hair with full mustache, and ear-flap hat with the Camos for the Gadsden effect. He covers a lot of ground.
I assume he is not one of the victimhood ones, but rather ‘strong, self-determining, capable of rational judgement ‘ …
“Rather, they are between those minority groups which embrace a sense of victimhood and those which reject it; between the strong, self-determining subject capable of rational judgement and between the vulnerable subject who demands protection.”
And if Canada is really 30% for the convoy, 30% against, and 40% middle/sheep, as I heard – then the ones against could be said to be :’pro Authority instead of self-determining, not capable of rational judgement as the masks do nothing, the vax is useless, and the lockdowns have almost wrecked the world, yet they demand more and more of them as they wallow in victimhood – and demand to be protected from themselves, from their neighbors, from their countrymen, and from foreigners – so I guess the anti Convoy are the vulnerable – the scared, weak, irrational, victims demanding Trudeau save them from their fear. The picture says it all. I know which side I respect.
The Truckers – I work construction, I know these guys – they are strong, fearless, wise, hard working, productive, Honest, decent – all which the ones against them are not.
I feel that your ideas are just simplifications. I have family in Canada and they are not sheep but they don’t analyse in this crystal-clear, right or wrong fashion. There are many other factors.
If you read the article, the truckers were complaining about management and cameras in the cabs. So instead of a group of political heroes, there could have been just a small strike against their working conditions.
I have been self-employed for many years and I work with self-employed people. If they don’t work, they don’t get paid. I have heard many teachers, government workers, fire officers complain about having to wear masks. They talk about industrial action all the time. The self-employed just wear the masks so that they can work. They follow the rules; maybe you would call them sheep because you read books. I wouldn’t call them sheep – they are just people working for their families.
Trudeau is a horrible thing but your sheep have voted him in to power and they may do so again. (Non-voting sheep have the same effect). Certainly, my family in Quebec think he is wonderful. He will probably survive.
The tension he puts on the country is that he has almost no support in Western Canada outside of the largest cities. This always rankles – but it is much worse when the government is lead by a transparent hypocrite who explicitly has a policy to destroy the oil industry. Like his father he is personally straining Canadian unity. I can’t articulate how deeply people like me despise him and how profoundly frustrating it is that Ontario and Quebec elect him. It is outside of most people’s imagination to envisage Canada breaking apart. But Newfoundland only joined in 1949, the prairie provinces came into being in the early 1900’s and of course Quebec already almost left in the 90’s. Under certain conditions it could happen and Trudeau is definitely a factor.
Chris, when you criticise opinions you inevitably say that there are many factors at play. Of course there are – most (all) thinking people consider them and then form their opinions. You seem to think this is a strange thing – my opinion is that it is normal.
I voted you up, because I think you are right. Canadians get what they voted for. Of course, the system may be rigged, skewed, corrupted, or just be plain fair. After all, Canadians pride themselves in forming such a sensible nation. But in such setting the professional victimhood aka low expectation racism (including is well paid promotors) can thrive. And I believe that is what this article is about. The author got side tracked, and you somehow focussed on the branch line. And doing something because otherwise you cannot earn your money, does not make that act inherently good. People have to put up with a lot of things they would rather not have to, if they had a real choice. I hope there are three more voters to get you out of the red.
“Bourassa climbed the career ladder for years, steadily growing bolder with expanded claims to indigenous heritage and cultural roots. Why? Because Bourassa told a story that people wanted to hear.”
This vile, filthy, disgusting impostor was enabled by the fake news media.
Too good to check? Of course it is, when you are not after facts but pushing a particular point of view. Facts don’t matter.
And she’s far from the only one. Likely she wouldn’t have gotten caught–as in many other cases–if the false claims didn’t get bolder and more outlandish over time.
And hey, before I get slammed for attacking women (I’m not, just one particular woman) please note that I said the same or worse (justifiably) about Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby in another post. Fair play.
Vince B
2 years ago
The Canadian truckers’ protest was a class uprising. It is almost humorous how incapable the establishment is in seeing any discord outside the lens of race and other identity. Of course it simply had to be about race. When all you have is a hammer… But this was another of many compounding situations where the Narrative didn’t meet reality. Trudeau looked smug, authoritarian and creepy. The media looks reactionary.
The fact is that people such as truckers and others who work in the “real” economy have had to sacrifice a great deal more during the pandemic than people like me, who could Zoom into the office. My work wasn’t interrupted one iota, and in fact, I saved money from not having to commute, send shirts out to the cleaners, or eat lunch at a restaurant. To further demand on-going DefCon 1 pandemic measures as the pandemic recedes – in some false hope of “one death is too much!” – is simply asking too much of those who have already sacrificed so much. I can only imagine how economically devastated so many service workers have been.
These kinds of cross-cultural blue collar protests have been growing throughout the industrialized world, and will grow larger. Once the people stop buying the esablishment’s line that the biggest divider is racism, sexism, xenophobia and other bigotries but in fact class, it becomes a whole new ballgame.
Watch out for more Canadian truckers’-style protests, and watch how desperately the establishment tries to slime them a “white supremacist” and the like.
Penny Adrian
2 years ago
There is no conflict between the desire for freedom and the desire for safety: in fact, freedom is impossible without some degree of safety.
There is however a conflict between a desire for freedom and a desire for lack of accountability. Only small children and those who are extremely disabled lack accountability for their actions.
My concern is that groups of people who’ve suffered historical trauma are all viewed as disabled children who can’t help but flounder helplessly in the face of adversity.
This is an extremely insulting message to send, and it stigmatizes marginalized groups as innately ineffectual.
Those who bravely stand with their fellow protestors in the Freedom Convoy are rejecting the mantle of helplessness and are embracing their power. They are not cowering and begging for mercy, they are demanding the right to live as the free and responsible adults they are.
Those who support the rights of Indigenous people should support their right to participate in this protest.
This is what is happening all over the West – minority groups are seen as helpless victims, therefore they are seen to be incapable of success without grand scale interventions. This is of course not entirely true and so much that has been won will inevitably be lost if we continue down this course.
Indeed. I was shocked a few years ago to hear one of my professors proclaim that it was racist to expect personal responsibility from ‘historically oppressed groups.’
Someone please point out that the Iroquois were allies of His/Her Britannic Majesty, and saw themselves as equal partners in North America.
Appeal to tradition, and treat them like allies, and things will improve.
Chauncey Gardiner
2 years ago
Let me pose this idea:
Evidence of diversity of policy preferences is evidence of a healthy society. It is evidence of sophistication. The alternative involves of cheap-and-easy appeals to crass tribalism.
I like the picture. I see the deep communing with the spirit of the occasion in his face, his Manly stance, and the Philacterie/Totem with a camera of modernity on his forehead, the peace sign, the Canadian flag, the aloof reflection in the dark eyeglasses, The rebellious Right wing, back country, chest length beard, shoulder length hair with full mustache, and ear-flap hat with the Camos for the Gadsden effect. He covers a lot of ground.
I assume he is not one of the victimhood ones, but rather ‘strong, self-determining, capable of rational judgement ‘ …
“Rather, they are between those minority groups which embrace a sense of victimhood and those which reject it; between the strong, self-determining subject capable of rational judgement and between the vulnerable subject who demands protection.”
And if Canada is really 30% for the convoy, 30% against, and 40% middle/sheep, as I heard – then the ones against could be said to be :’pro Authority instead of self-determining, not capable of rational judgement as the masks do nothing, the vax is useless, and the lockdowns have almost wrecked the world, yet they demand more and more of them as they wallow in victimhood – and demand to be protected from themselves, from their neighbors, from their countrymen, and from foreigners – so I guess the anti Convoy are the vulnerable – the scared, weak, irrational, victims demanding Trudeau save them from their fear. The picture says it all. I know which side I respect.
The Truckers – I work construction, I know these guys – they are strong, fearless, wise, hard working, productive, Honest, decent – all which the ones against them are not.
Fear can be addictive. Indeed, some people grow to love their oppressors.
I feel that your ideas are just simplifications. I have family in Canada and they are not sheep but they don’t analyse in this crystal-clear, right or wrong fashion. There are many other factors.
If you read the article, the truckers were complaining about management and cameras in the cabs. So instead of a group of political heroes, there could have been just a small strike against their working conditions.
I have been self-employed for many years and I work with self-employed people. If they don’t work, they don’t get paid. I have heard many teachers, government workers, fire officers complain about having to wear masks. They talk about industrial action all the time. The self-employed just wear the masks so that they can work. They follow the rules; maybe you would call them sheep because you read books. I wouldn’t call them sheep – they are just people working for their families.
Trudeau is a horrible thing but your sheep have voted him in to power and they may do so again. (Non-voting sheep have the same effect). Certainly, my family in Quebec think he is wonderful. He will probably survive.
The tension he puts on the country is that he has almost no support in Western Canada outside of the largest cities. This always rankles – but it is much worse when the government is lead by a transparent hypocrite who explicitly has a policy to destroy the oil industry. Like his father he is personally straining Canadian unity. I can’t articulate how deeply people like me despise him and how profoundly frustrating it is that Ontario and Quebec elect him. It is outside of most people’s imagination to envisage Canada breaking apart. But Newfoundland only joined in 1949, the prairie provinces came into being in the early 1900’s and of course Quebec already almost left in the 90’s. Under certain conditions it could happen and Trudeau is definitely a factor.
Chris, when you criticise opinions you inevitably say that there are many factors at play. Of course there are – most (all) thinking people consider them and then form their opinions. You seem to think this is a strange thing – my opinion is that it is normal.
Thanks for the translation of Grahamstown, unfortunately the Censor vetoed my initial reply.
The Baboons were shot as a punitive measure as one my friends magnificent dogs had been killed by them.! Also population control was necessary.
I voted you up, because I think you are right. Canadians get what they voted for. Of course, the system may be rigged, skewed, corrupted, or just be plain fair. After all, Canadians pride themselves in forming such a sensible nation. But in such setting the professional victimhood aka low expectation racism (including is well paid promotors) can thrive. And I believe that is what this article is about. The author got side tracked, and you somehow focussed on the branch line. And doing something because otherwise you cannot earn your money, does not make that act inherently good. People have to put up with a lot of things they would rather not have to, if they had a real choice. I hope there are three more voters to get you out of the red.
How depressing. But thank you anyway.
“Bourassa climbed the career ladder for years, steadily growing bolder with expanded claims to indigenous heritage and cultural roots. Why? Because Bourassa told a story that people wanted to hear.”
This vile, filthy, disgusting impostor was enabled by the fake news media.
Too good to check? Of course it is, when you are not after facts but pushing a particular point of view. Facts don’t matter.
And she’s far from the only one. Likely she wouldn’t have gotten caught–as in many other cases–if the false claims didn’t get bolder and more outlandish over time.
And hey, before I get slammed for attacking women (I’m not, just one particular woman) please note that I said the same or worse (justifiably) about Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby in another post. Fair play.
The Canadian truckers’ protest was a class uprising. It is almost humorous how incapable the establishment is in seeing any discord outside the lens of race and other identity. Of course it simply had to be about race. When all you have is a hammer… But this was another of many compounding situations where the Narrative didn’t meet reality. Trudeau looked smug, authoritarian and creepy. The media looks reactionary.
The fact is that people such as truckers and others who work in the “real” economy have had to sacrifice a great deal more during the pandemic than people like me, who could Zoom into the office. My work wasn’t interrupted one iota, and in fact, I saved money from not having to commute, send shirts out to the cleaners, or eat lunch at a restaurant. To further demand on-going DefCon 1 pandemic measures as the pandemic recedes – in some false hope of “one death is too much!” – is simply asking too much of those who have already sacrificed so much. I can only imagine how economically devastated so many service workers have been.
These kinds of cross-cultural blue collar protests have been growing throughout the industrialized world, and will grow larger. Once the people stop buying the esablishment’s line that the biggest divider is racism, sexism, xenophobia and other bigotries but in fact class, it becomes a whole new ballgame.
Watch out for more Canadian truckers’-style protests, and watch how desperately the establishment tries to slime them a “white supremacist” and the like.
There is no conflict between the desire for freedom and the desire for safety: in fact, freedom is impossible without some degree of safety.
There is however a conflict between a desire for freedom and a desire for lack of accountability. Only small children and those who are extremely disabled lack accountability for their actions.
My concern is that groups of people who’ve suffered historical trauma are all viewed as disabled children who can’t help but flounder helplessly in the face of adversity.
This is an extremely insulting message to send, and it stigmatizes marginalized groups as innately ineffectual.
Those who bravely stand with their fellow protestors in the Freedom Convoy are rejecting the mantle of helplessness and are embracing their power. They are not cowering and begging for mercy, they are demanding the right to live as the free and responsible adults they are.
Those who support the rights of Indigenous people should support their right to participate in this protest.
Actually it’s precisely the reverse – safety is impossible without freedom.
A hamster wheel maybe.
This is what is happening all over the West – minority groups are seen as helpless victims, therefore they are seen to be incapable of success without grand scale interventions. This is of course not entirely true and so much that has been won will inevitably be lost if we continue down this course.
Indeed. I was shocked a few years ago to hear one of my professors proclaim that it was racist to expect personal responsibility from ‘historically oppressed groups.’
But presumably not surprised?
Someone please point out that the Iroquois were allies of His/Her Britannic Majesty, and saw themselves as equal partners in North America.
Appeal to tradition, and treat them like allies, and things will improve.
Let me pose this idea:
Evidence of diversity of policy preferences is evidence of a healthy society. It is evidence of sophistication. The alternative involves of cheap-and-easy appeals to crass tribalism.
Yeah, we Americans are so zealous about freedom.